I Miss You

Chapter 38: I want to kiss you 2


The green orange was a little confused, but under the urging of everyone's eyes, he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

"Is she from the acting department?"

"A little familiar."

"It's a senior from the director department..."

After Qingcheng took the stage, Tong Anzhi smiled at her, and then said, "Since my senior brother called a girl, then I'll call a boy, let's see what the boy's sleeves can be like."

"Okay!" There was a roar from the audience.

Finally, a short, chubby boy with glasses was named. He was very open, and took three steps and two steps directly, and came to the stage in the sound of everyone's goodbye.

Supper taught Xiaosheng's orchid finger. He gave a demonstration first: "One finger is one finger, three fingers are three fingers, and the rotation is just like this, and the fingers should completely obey your command. You can turn it this way, or you can turn it that way. It's completely attached to your heart. You can move it subconsciously, every finger pointing to the point. Like this, you try."

If you say you want to teach, then you really teach seriously.

After watching the play for so long, Qingcheng only felt that it was not easy to be an actor. Only when she moved her hands did she truly realize how difficult it was. Since she was a musical instrument in elementary school, she believed that her fingers were still flexible, but she couldn't do what Super said about her caring hands and heart.

"That's it." Super lightly touched her fingertips and helped her adjust her posture slightly.

Qingcheng once again felt that familiar numbness, and kept digging into his heart from his fingers.

She thought: This is really caring.

The whole teaching process was very short. Although the two sometimes approached each other, they were still very well behaved, but many girls in the audience couldn't help screaming, wishing that the person on the stage would be replaced by themselves.

At the end of Su Po's guidance, when the girls' hearts were still pounding, the chubby boy had already put on the water sleeves given by Tong Anzhi.

In the first blow, he didn't get up; in the second blow, he slammed into his face; in the third blow, he finally managed to pass the test, but when he turned around, he still flashed to his waist.

"Are you okay?" Tong Anzhi asked quickly.

"It's alright... It's alright, hehehe..." Fatty asked with a smile, holding his waist, "Mr. Tong, did I do the right thing?"

"That's right, that last one was really good." Tong Anzhi nodded quickly. For him, it was really good.

"Well, they all said, I'm a flexible fat man." The fat man shouted happily.

The audience laughed and the atmosphere was quite good.

Qingcheng was also amused by the side. Inadvertently, Su Po leaned into her ear and whispered, "Have dinner together after the end?"

Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, not expecting that he would say such personal words to her on stage. Fortunately, everyone's eyes were attracted to the boy at the moment, and no one paid attention to their movements.

"I have to go back to the second uncle's studio first." She spoke at the fastest speed in her life, and then quickly stood away.

Super smiled and returned a "good" mouth. Qingcheng felt her heart beating a little faster.

After the interactive session, Qingcheng and the boy went down. She looked at the time, then glanced at Su Po who was communicating with the host on the stage, explained a few words to Lin Yi, and hurried to the second uncle's side.

Later, on the way back, Lin Yi cautiously asked Su Po in the front seat, "Senior brother, did Director Xu send you a red envelope?"

Super was inexplicable: "What?"

Lin Yi thought hard whether he should give some advice to his senior brother.

After coming out of the second uncle's studio, Qingcheng waited for Super at a nearby bookstore as agreed.

The sun is setting outside the window, and the slanting light is shining. The window seat of the bookstore is especially suitable for waiting for people. As soon as Qingcheng contacted Su Po, she found that Tong Anzhi had also sent her a message.

Tong Anzhi: "I was so nervous about the afternoon speech, but luckily it ended smoothly."

Qingcheng: "Today's speech was great."

Tong Anzhi: "Who do you think is better than Supo?"

Green Orange: "...all are great."

Tong Anzhi: "Today, Boss Su asked you to come to power today. I thought you would favor him."

Qingcheng recalled that when she was on stage before, Super's hand touched her own intentionally or unintentionally. At that time, she really thanked her grandmother for teaching her to "be brave and be calm" since she was a child.

She returned to Tong Anzhi: "I'd actually rather be an audience member."

Tong Anzhi: "Haha, Brother Su is a bit stricter, and he is not as kind as me, so it's hard for you. Speaking of which, the leader wanted to invite me to dinner with Brother Su tonight, but I said I had an appointment with my dear. People eat, but Brother Su also said 'for the same reason'. He is the first person in the group who dares to push the leader of the dinner so nonsense."

Qingcheng originally wanted to find an opportunity to tell Tong Anzhi about her current relationship with Su Po, but after deliberating for a long time, before she could think of what to say, the other party sent a sentence: "I'll drive first, let's talk back."

Qingcheng thought about it for a while, but deleted half of the words and replied, "Okay. Drive carefully."

The setting sun had already set, and there was a large sunset in the sky, which made the whole world turn a rosy color.

Through the glass window, Qingcheng saw Super's car driving over.

After Qingcheng got in the car, Supo handed her a bottle of juice. Qingcheng's head also reverberated with the phrase "I have an appointment with my dear person for dinner".

"Where to eat, you decide." Super said with a smile, "After all, you know the names of all the delicious restaurant owners in this city."

"... I thought you were complimenting me."

"I'm complimenting you."

Boss Su's smile became more pronounced.

Qingcheng replied "Thank you" in a complicated mood, and then began to show the way. When she was about to arrive at the store, she briefly said: "The specialty of this store is the old duck pot with medicated food. The old duck is originally a good product for clearing and nourishing. Traditional Chinese medicine is just right to eat in winter."

After listening, Supo said, "My stomach is fine and my kidneys are fine, but it's fine to make up for it."

Green Orange: "… "

Super was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't mean anything else." This is really true.

At this moment, Qingcheng really hoped that there was a hole in the ground where she could bury her head for a while. At this time, Super reached out his hand again, grabbed her hand lightly, and said, "I'm so nervous because of you."

"… "

I don't even remember how to eat the green oranges at the back.

She only remembered that when the two of them were dining, the parasol trees in the courtyard of the restaurant blocked most of the sunlight, and occasionally a few strands leaked out, and they reflected on the ground beside the dining table through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass. Stacked into a kaleidoscope-like pattern of bright glass.

Qingcheng thought: I hadn't noticed that the pattern was actually pretty good before.

Before the start of the "Red Mansion Rematch", each group reported the entries of the selected actors. All the participating actors are hurrying to the last time to practice. In the meantime, Xu Lin had a drama seminar going to the sea market. Probably because he felt that he had been doing Kunqu Opera with his niece, and it really made her "not doing her proper job", so he applied for an extra seat with the organizing committee and brought a green orange.

After Qingcheng arrived in Haishi, just after checking in at the hotel, she received a message from Supo: "Are you there yet?"

Green Orange: "Just arrived at the hotel."

Super: "It's almost six o'clock, don't eat dinner too late."

Qingcheng: "Second uncle saw an acquaintance and was chatting with each other. It may take a while. I'm not hungry yet. By the way, when I was on the road, my second uncle said you and Boss Yan."

Super: "What about me?"

Qingcheng: "Tell me... you are very dedicated."

Supper: "Yeah."

A group of junior brothers passed by in front of Su Po talking and laughing, Lin Yi stopped suddenly, looked at him strangely and asked, "Senior brother laughed so happily, who are you talking to?"

Without raising his head, Su Po waved his hand and said, "Go to practice."

The rest of the people ran obediently, except for the most daring Lin Yi, who quickly leaned over to Super's side to take a peek at his mobile phone, and saw the phrase "special dedication" at a glance.

"Senior brother." Lin Yi shrank his neck to prevent being beaten, but he couldn't help but say, "You are the one who is most often praised, even if Chen Tuan says you are good, you don't have much reaction. What's the situation today?"

Su Po put away the phone, patted Lin Yi's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Aren't you going?"

Lin Yi looked at his smile, suddenly agitated, and ran away: "Let's go!"

Qingcheng was busy in the sea market for a few days, and it was not until the day of the "Red Mansion Rematch" that he returned to Baizhou with his second uncle.

Because it is a rematch, the people who advance are somewhat tough. Actors naturally pay more attention.

Su Po never likes grandstanding, and still chooses Hou Fangyu in "Peach Blossom Fan". And Yan Yan also knows that the tricky method can only be used once, so he no longer chooses Liu Mengmei from "The Peony Pavilion". This time, Shen Jiajue accidentally collided with Yan Yan's play, which is also "The Pickup", and it happened to appear before and after, so in the eyes of experts, it was a match.

Seeing Shen Jiajue stepping down in despair, Su Po knew each other well, so Su Po didn't express comfort, because he didn't need it, he just reached out and patted Shen Jiajue's arm.

Shen Jiajue appreciates it, and doesn't say much: "Come on."


Next on the stage was Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan did not choose Xiaosheng's repertoire, but chose his own house-watching drama "Tiger Bag Bomb? Drunk Beating the Mountain Gate".

To say that this play has nothing to do with Xiaosheng, but it has something to do with "A Dream of Red Mansions". On Baochai's birthday, Mother Jia asked her to order a play, and she ordered this one. She also recommended the song "Parasitic Grass" to Baoyu.

Qingcheng guessed that maybe it was because of this origin and Zhao Nan's sudden increase in attention in the preliminary round that the organizing committee would allow him to use this book to participate in the competition.

Qingcheng had heard this in Zhao Nan's solo show, but this time, she always felt that Zhao Nan on the stage seemed to be Lu Zhishen, instead of playing Lu Zhishen, especially when she sang "Parasitic Grass" . Qingcheng has watched "A Dream of Red Mansions" dozens of times, and is familiar with its lyrics, knowing that it was sung by Lu Zhishen when he bid farewell to his master.

The tears of the heroes are separated from the virtuous family. Thank you for being compassionate, and shaving under the lotus pedestal.

No fate, separated in a blink of an eye. Naked, come and go without worry.

Where to ask, smoke Mino rain Kasa roll single line? Once I am, the mans shoes are broken and the bowl is born!

As soon as the show was over, there was thunderous applause from the audience, and some of the audience really cried.

Not surprisingly, Zhao Nan should also make the cut this time.

Super's draw was the last of the junior group.

He looked at the round clock hanging on the wall, and there was still some time before he came on stage, so he sat alone in front of the dressing table and played silently.

At this moment, the staff in charge of instrumental music suddenly came to him in a hurry.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Zhang, who is in charge of the violin, suffered from gastroenteritis. We have sent him to the hospital emergency room just now. Look, how about the accompaniment you will be playing for a while?"