I Miss You

Chapter 4: He doesn't remember me, that's great 1


It was not the first time she had come to the backstage of the Baizhou Grand Theater, but she still felt like a maze.

Its makeup area has two floors, the upper floor is for the corners, everyone has a single room, and there is a sign in front of the door. At the entrance of the stairs on the lower floor is the makeup area for group performances, a large hall, and further away is the work area of the theater.

The upper makeup area is connected to the stage. Qingcheng didn't see her second uncle in the makeup area, so she walked to the stage.

At this moment, the audience hadn't entered the stage, and there were only a few lights on the stage, which seemed a little dim.

The lower stage is the stage area, where various musical instruments are arranged in a certain position, and the upper stage is very empty, just two sets of tables and chairs, with props such as fans and lamps scattered on the top, and a few are placed on the side. The prop box, which is full of colorful silk flowers, also looks like props.

There are staff coming and going.

When she walked to the side curtain, she finally saw her second uncle. Director Xu was listening to someone talking, and when he saw Qingcheng, he raised his head towards her and said, "The audience will enter the arena in a while. There's nothing to do here. You don't have to follow me. You can see for yourself today."

"… it is good."

The staff member who was talking to Director Xu looked back, but only saw the corner of a tooth-colored skirt disappearing around the corner.

Qingcheng wandered back to the backstage again, everyone around was busy, and no one paid attention to her unnecessary idler.

In the hallway, against the wall, were tables covered with costumes, which the costumer was meticulously ironing with an iron. These Kunqu Opera costumes are beautiful and quaint, especially the embroidery on the top. Viewed from the place where Qingcheng stands, the flowers and plants seem to grow three-dimensionally and realistically on the clothes.

It's not that she has never been in contact with Kunqu Opera before, not to mention that her childhood passion was learning Kunqu Opera. Even her little aunt who was married to another province is also a folk music teacher at the Conservatory of Music. Personally, she particularly likes Kunqu Opera. Therefore, when she was a child, she listened to several Kunqu operas with her little aunt, but later, she couldn't understand it, and she didn't think it was good, so she never went to it again.

However, when she knew that the boy who invited her to eat was a learner of Kunqu Opera, she said something against her conscience: I heard Kunqu Opera when I was a child, and Kunqu Opera is very good.

Right now, I suddenly think of this paragraph, it's so simple... As expected, he is young and frivolous, and he can say anything.

After walking around for a while, Qingcheng saw a tall and strong man approaching him. He was carrying a camera in one hand and a large box in the other. Qingcheng recognized him as the royal photographer for all the dramas of the second uncle.

The two looked at each other and smiled, obviously both had an impression of each other, but neither could name each other.

"Uh, are you here to shoot the show?"

The other party replied: "Yes, now let's take some behind-the-scenes footage."

"Shooting an actor?"

"Yes, do you want to follow along?"

Qingcheng thought for a while and asked, "Who will shoot first?"

"It's fine, who do you want to see?" The photographer was very casual.

Qingcheng said sincerely: "The heroine."

"Okay, let's go."

So Qingcheng followed the photographer to the place where the horns made up.

The two walked to the door of the heroine Tong Anzhi. After the photographer knocked twice, there was a sound of "please come in". Although there were only two words, it also made people feel the cadence.

When they entered the door, they heard the voice jokingly: "Brother Hao, when did you recruit a beautiful assistant?"

Gong Hao explained: "It's not an assistant, she is Director Xu's niece."

"It turns out to be Director Xu's niece, I'm rude." Tong Anzhi was facing the mirror before asking the makeup artist to do her makeup, but now he turned to look at Qingcheng formally, the corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled in a perfect arc. , and didn't show his teeth, "Hello, my name is Tong Anzhi. The 'Anzhi' of 'As soon as you come, you will be at peace'."

Qingcheng hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't dare, Xu Qingcheng. The green of the grass, the orange of the orange."

One of them was "disrespectful" and the other "couldn't take it". They looked at each other for two seconds, and both burst out laughing, feeling like they knew each other at first sight.

Tong Anzhi said: "Green oranges, oranges are the most fragrant when they are green. The name has a very deep background, and Xu Daojia is indeed a cultural person."

The makeup artist shook his head amusingly, and said in his heart: Tong Anzhi's style of forcibly flattering is really not contrived at all.

Qingcheng also smiled and said, "My dad is the only exception in the family. If he doesn't like to dance, he likes to win by tricks." In short, it is to make money.