I Miss You

Chapter 40: The young couple is dating


On the first day of the rematch of "A Dream of Red Mansions", Zhao Nan suddenly chose to retire. As soon as Su Po got the news, he met Zhao Nan at the door of the practice room.

When Zhao Nan saw Su Po, he hesitated.

Super glanced at him and nodded politely. Seeing that he was going to talk or not, he was too lazy to wait or ask, so he was ready to go back.

"Can we talk?" Zhao Nan finally stopped him.

Super stopped: "Then go to the practice room."

"it is good."

The practice room is the most unforgettable place for actors. All year round, except for business trips and Chinese New Year, it seems that they come here to report every day. It's full of glass, windows, walls...it's empty and bright.

Zhao Nan walked in and said, "I resigned."

"What?" Supper was sure he heard correctly, but the news was indeed a bit sudden.

"As the saying goes, men are afraid of entering the wrong industry. Just because I grew fat when I was a child, I was in the wrong industry. I always feel that this is unfair, we are also talented players, how can you be successful all the way, and I can only Your face is hidden under thick oil paint? How can you be unrestrained on the stage, and I can only speak rudely? Why are you always the protagonist of the scenery, and I can only be a supporting role that the audience will not pay attention to? "

The three "whys" showed Zhao Nan's unwillingness over the years.

Supper looked at him, silent.

Zhao Nan laughed at himself: "However, I knew right after the first round that my talent is not as good as yours. It has nothing to do with years of practice." Both of them are insiders, and Su Po certainly knows what he is talking about.

For a long time, Zhao Nan's jealousy of Su Po can be fully felt. Zhao Nan seems to be competing with him forever, but he is not a person who can dig into the horns in interpersonal relationships, so he doesn't care if he knows.

"Some things, the longer you drag on, the more you look down on me, and I'm panicking myself. It's better to say it now."

It's not that Su Po really looks down on Zhao Nan, but he just thinks that he is not the same person and can't talk together, so he simply doesn't wear a mask and pretend to be affectionate. But since he put down his face today and came to him openly and honestly, he didn't mind chatting a few more words.

And there are not too many traditional opera actors who have changed careers. Although Su Po feels that Zhao Nan gave up such a good talent and accumulated so many years, it is a pity, but everyone has their own pursuits, and Su Po has nothing to say: " What are you going to do after resigning?"

"After the 'Red House Preliminary Competition', Director Liao Frame found me. He said he had a new movie, and one of the characters was a good fit for me, and asked me if I would consider changing careers. At that time, I thought, maybe I really got into the wrong industry. ." Zhao Nan didn't hide it.

Liao Frame is a well-known director in the film and television industry, and Su Po has also seen the movies he directed, which are not bad.

"Since it's decided, that's fine." Super stood up and walked over, holding out his hand, "I wish you all the best."

Zhao Nan looked at him, smiled, and held his hand: "Thank you, Brother Su."

"Nothing else, I'll go first." Super has never liked to drag things around. Since he's cherished, he can go his separate ways. He let go and walked to the door.

Zhao Nan watched his back disappear behind the door, picked up a long spear in the corner, and played majestically for a while. When it was over, he stroked the barrel of the gun, as if saying a final goodbye to all his youthful frivolity.

After leaving the Queen's Theatre, Supper drove directly to the Baizhou Theatre Academy. After parking the car at the west gate, he wore black sunglasses, leaned against a street tree, and sent a message to Qingcheng.

"I'll be waiting for you by the second plane tree opposite the west gate."

After a while, he received a reply, very simple: "Okay." He smiled and put away his phone, looking up at the iron door opposite. The west gate is not the main gate, so not many students come in and out.

On both sides of the food street, there are thick fat tongs. Even in late autumn, the yellow leaves are still layer upon layer, like gold foil covered with trees. Looking at the scattered students and the road extending in the shade of trees, Super gradually merged it with the Qingshan Road in his memory.

There are times in life when you stand in a place and look at a scene, and you feel as if you have been there before.

Qingcheng went back to school to be busy with school celebrations. Because it was the 60th anniversary of Baixi, the school planned it very grandly. There were three performances for the party alone, and the students in the school had won major awards. All of them will be performed individually during the day as exhibition works. Her one-act drama "Flower Dynasty" is one of them, so she had to take leave with Uncle Xu and go back to school to rehearse.

Originally, "Flower Dynasty" was a work in the first half of this year, and it was easy to revise, but the problem was that an important character in the play went abroad, although the school teacher quickly recommended a student to her, saying that it was a performance Experienced, but the role of this role is second only to the protagonist, plus the time is tight, making Qingcheng a headache.

After Qingcheng came out of the rehearsal room, she took out the vanity mirror from the small bag on her back while walking towards the west gate. She has fair skin, but when she doesn't sleep well and looks tired, it makes people feel a little pale.

She took a look in the mirror: "It's in good shape, with fine skin and tender flesh." Then she tried to smile again, "Although I don't look back and smile, there are still two or three charms."

Qingcheng put the small mirror on, and heard someone coughing and laughing beside him.

She looked at it with hindsight, and as a result, she saw the professor of literary creation, she had taken her elective course, and the other party obviously heard her talking to herself. Professor Cai is in his early fifties, with an elegant and amiable appearance, but he is known for his swift and resolute conduct.

Then Qingcheng heard Teacher Cai say, "It's not just two or three charming."

At this moment, Qingcheng was so embarrassed that she wanted to die, but she still said politely and humbly, "Thank you, Teacher Cai, for your compliment."

Teacher Cai said "um" and walked to the side road.

However, Qingcheng couldn't be ashamed for a long time, and a newly received message made her ponder.

When she was about to reach the door of the west gate, she saw Super crossing the road and walking towards her.

"Is there a lot of things? I saw you looking at your phone all the way." Super said and took her hand.

When Qingcheng sees him, he always feels better. She smiled and said, "It's not about the school, it's Zhao Nan. He told me just now that he resigned from your group and will no longer participate in the Honglou casting. Do you know about this?" said At the back, the smile faded. After all, from the perspective of a friend, Qingcheng's impression of Zhao Nan was not bad.



"He has his choice." Supper said without praise or criticism.

"Also..." Qingcheng felt that Su Po didn't seem to want to talk to her more about Zhao Nan.

"Come on, what do you want to eat?" Supper asked.

Qingcheng is actually not very hungry, and only ate lunch at two o'clock. At this moment, a white car stopped beside them.

The window rolled down, and Qingcheng saw Teacher Cai again.

Qingcheng couldn't react for a while. First, she didn't understand why the other party stopped. Second, her previous sense of self-esteem came out again. It was her most humiliating moment in school for nearly four years. She was a year older than her. It was even more embarrassing to be temporarily dragged to perform "Thunderstorm", standing on the stage and forgetting the words for a long time.

As a result, what happened later made Qingcheng feel that the previous ones were nothing at all!

Su Po called out, "Mr. Cai."

"Well, it looks like you." Cai Qi didn't expect to see her husband's favorite student here again, and the girl he was holding was the student he taught last year. Because of the excellent writing of the paper and her good looks, she has an impression of this student.

Although it was an accident, Professor Cai was someone who had seen the world after all, and the expression on his face did not change: "The young couple are dating?"

Su Po thought with a smile, his wife was as straight to the point as always, straight to the point, and didn't say a word of nonsense.


"Does your teacher Lu know?"

"Yes, I mentioned it to the teacher."

Professor Cai nodded and said, "If I know it, I won't introduce people to you blindly." Listening to Cai Qi's tone, it seems that Lu Pingliang is also annoyed by studying Hongniang.

Su Po raised his hand and smoothed Qingcheng's hair on the side, and said, "Mr. Cai is my wife." Then she said to Cai Qi, "Her name is..."

Cai Qi said: "I know, I taught her, her name is Xu Qingcheng." Professor Cai seemed to think of something again, and smiled at Qingcheng and said, "You are not just looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng, you are Xiuwaihuizhong ."

Qingcheng's brain is very good, even if it's almost blind now, but at least he still has a clue—

Before Su Po and Tong Anzhi came to their school to give lectures, Lin Yi mentioned that Su Po's wife was also in their cypress show, but he didn't expect it to be Teacher Cai.

After being surprised, she wished she could return to ten minutes ago, and then tightly hold her nonsense mouth: let you talk nonsense!

Qingcheng bowed his head respectfully: "Thank you, Teacher Cai."

"Don't thank me, I'm telling the truth." Teacher Cai was very sincere, and then said to Su Po, "Then let's go shopping." After speaking, he restarted the car and left.

As soon as the car started, Qingcheng asked, "Mr. Cai is your wife? How could it be so coincidental?"

Super also thought it was a bit strange, but it was a good thing: "This proves that I have a relationship with you, and there is a connection with you."

Qingcheng waved his hand with a tangled face: "You let me slow down."

After the two got into the car, Super took off his sunglasses. When he saw the people around him sometimes frowning and sometimes sighing, he simply leaned over and did what he had been thinking about for a long time.

Super covered his lips, and seeing that she was just stiff and had no objection, he secretly relieved. He raised his hand and squeezed her chin lightly, letting her open her mouth a little, sticking his tongue in to pester her, then backed out to bite her lips, and then twisted her tongue again.

He thought, how could he not fall in love with her at first sight? Obviously like it so much.

Qingcheng just felt dizzy, and his whole body was hot and weak. The last remaining strength was only enough for her to barely grab the clothes on his back to prevent herself from falling completely.