I Miss You

Chapter 47: In the first year of Fanwai, Qingshan Road 1



In Baizhou, where the spring rain is continuous, after nearly half a month of continuous rain, the sky finally cleared up.

On Saturday morning, Qingcheng got off the bus with a large handful of reeds. She was here for the first time, so she was very unfamiliar.

Walking along the road, I only felt that the huge street trees on both sides were covered with green shades, and the leaves of each tree seemed to be full of rainwater, green and green.

Qingcheng walked very carefully with the reeds in her arms. This reed was bought by her grandmother in the early winter of last year. The flowers were dense and graceful like beards. They were inserted into the ancient pottery vase on the ground. Elegant and wild. Just as Guqin teacher just moved, grandma ordered her to bring it.

Teacher Mingming said that Taoyuan Community was nearby, but she seemed to have been gone for a long time and still couldn't find it.

"Taoyuan District, where is the Taoyuan District..." She thought anxiously at a traffic light intersection.

At this moment, a voice came from beside her.

"Go back fifty meters, and the road on the right is not far from Taoyuan Community."

Qingcheng just thought the sound was really nice. She turned her head and glanced at it, and saw a tall, thin boy riding on the car. He had a high nose, bright eyes, straight eyebrows, and he seemed to be wearing a dance suit. A class of black clothes and black pants, there seems to be a word on the back of the clothes.

Qingcheng wanted to say "thank you", but a gust of wind just happened to blow, blowing a lot of Dihua. Some tidbits just ran into her mouth, causing her to choke three or four times and her face to turn red. When he looked at the man again, he had already left on his bike, Qingcheng squinted and saw that the back of his clothes turned out to be a big word for "play".


At dusk, the thick shade on both sides of Qingshan Road blocked the setting sun, and the afterglow smeared on the grass on both sides of the road through the gap between the branches, and a few irises were bright purple.

Supper pushed the car and came out of the gate of the theater. The rear tire is broken and needs to be repaired.

He bowed his head and walked behind the two girls.

"We haven't seen each other since we went to different secondary schools."

"you do not say."

"Mumu, I almost forgot to ask, why are you here?"

"My guqin teacher just moved to this neighborhood."


The name reminded Super vaguely of one thing, and he looked up.

The girl named "Mumu" is taller than the girl next to her, wearing a goose-yellow spring shirt and white sneakers on the afterglow...

"I remember that when I was in elementary school, there were your performances at the annual June 1st and New Year's Day cultural performances. I especially love listening to you play "Liu Shui", and you played the strings very casually. That's it..." Tall, thin and thin The girl said, and demonstrated it with her hands.

"Haha, Zhang Qian, don't make trouble, it's called rolling."

"Oh, I can't remember what you told me. And that qin, the very old one, are you still practicing? And calligraphy?"

"They're still practicing."

"You're amazing, I feel so tired just dancing, are you planning to cultivate eighteen martial arts?"

"When I meet my first love in the future, I can show it off. If he wants to dance the sword, I can give him the music; if he wants to recite poetry, I can help him write it on the spot." Her voice was sweet, but not greasy , delicately and softly, "Alas, my family has worked so hard to make me educated in art and become an elegant woman, but I only think about romantic affairs. It's really not doing my job properly, I'm too ashamed."

The girl named Zhang Qian was amused by her and laughed.

Although Supo also knew that she was joking, she couldn't help but think: girls' imaginations are so rich.

He passed them just in time, and turned to the right not far away.

Before he could walk a few steps, he vaguely heard Zhang Qian say, "Mumu, he is from the drama school. He was just behind us, did he look handsome?"

"I didn't notice."

"Then look at it, ah, he turned back!"

"… "

At that moment, the eyes met.

Soon, Supper turned around and continued walking.


Qingcheng walked out of the Taoyuan community with a qin that was about half her height, and it started raining not long after walking. She has classes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Today, she came to tune the strings. She brought an umbrella in her bag, but now she is out of hand.

Fortunately, it wasn't raining much, so she decided to run to the station quickly. But after just two steps, I was so tired that I was gasping for breath. As soon as he looked up, he saw the boy again - he was still wearing black clothes and black pants, but this time he was holding a big black umbrella.

This is the third time she has seen him: the first time, he helped her guide the way; the second time, Qianqian asked her to look at the handsome guy, but she met his eyes.

Right now, he was walking in her direction, and his eyes seemed to fall on her.

A drop of rain fell on her eyelashes and spread out again. Suddenly, her eyes became hazy. She reached out and rubbed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, he was already standing in front of her. An umbrella covered a quiet little world for her.

"Your name is Mumu?"

Qingcheng felt that he stared at her for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking, so he nodded blankly.

The next second, he took the piano in her arms, hugged it with one hand, and held an umbrella for her.

"To the station?"


"How many cars?"

"Route 214."

The two walked side by side, and out of the corner of her eye, Qingcheng caught a glimpse of two words embroidered on the chest of his clothes: Supo. It should be his name, she thought.

Qingcheng was lucky, as soon as he arrived at the station, the car came.

He helped her carry Qin into the car. Waiting for the car to start, Qingcheng realized with hindsight that she forgot to say thank you to him. She also thought that there was an uncle behind her who was carrying two sacks, and he also helped him into the car.

It was foggy and rainy outside the car window, and the man was still standing at the station, as if waiting for another car, Qingcheng couldn't help but think: He is really...respecting the old and loving the young.

"Super." She whispered the name that made her remember at a glance.


When Supo woke up in the morning, the rain had stopped, and there was a round red sun in the sky.

At five o'clock, he went to a nearby park to practice his voice as usual.

When I came back and passed the vegetable market, I saw the fresh fish that arrived at the fish stall, so I took one with me and went to the vegetable stall to buy some vegetables.

When he got home, he raised the fish first, and then made breakfast.

The clear porridge is made first in the rice cooker after getting up in the morning. It is already cooked at this moment. The side dishes are homemade pickled melon and purchased shrimp skin, and then fry two eggs.

He washed his hands and walked across the living room to his mother's door.

Before knocking on the door, his hand paused, recalling last night—

As soon as he got home, he saw his mother sitting on the sofa in a daze, her eyes fixed on the ground, motionless.

He called out "Mom", but only heard her say indifferently, "I seem to have seen your dad today."

His brows furrowed tightly.

At the age of seven, his father left home without saying a word, and never came back.

He followed his mother and looked forward to it until he entered the drama school. He finally gave up completely, and calmly divided himself into the ranks of children from single-parent families without a father.

"Mom, you are too tired from work, go take a hot bath and rest early."

"No! Son, I really saw him."

He looked at his mother for a while, but said nothing. After a long time, she suddenly burst into tears like a deflated ball.

Supper shook his head slightly, tried to shake off this depressing memory, and knocked on the door.

"Mom, get up."

Hearing movement inside, he went to the kitchen to fry eggs.

During breakfast, my mother didn't say a word. Before going to work, she turned around and glanced at him apologetically and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Super nodded and watched her go downstairs.

Back in the room, he opened the window and sat down at the desk by the window. That small spot was brightly lit by the sun, and the one hundred under the glass plate was particularly dazzling.

He turned his head to look at the small clock on the table, and the place where the week was marked brightly turned to the red "six". He recalled that when he saw her last Saturday, it was almost nine o'clock in the morning.

At this moment, just after eight o'clock, he decisively lifted the glass plate, took out the money from the bottom, looked around again, and picked up the Book of Songs by the bed. The borrowing period for this book has come, and it is time to return it to the school library.

He took the bus card and went out, because his bicycle was stolen the day after it was repaired, so he traveled by bus these days.

After getting off the bus, he was the only one standing on the bus stop. Supper intends to simply wait here. According to his idea, since she is learning the piano nearby, it will definitely arrive at a fixed time, and he can probably wait for her as he wishes.

When he was bored, he casually opened the book. The page with the money in it was turned to naturally. He glanced at it and found that it happened to be the song "Jianjia".

Jianjia is green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.

Seeing this, he suddenly thought that when he saw her that day, wasn't the reed in her hand the same

Just thinking about it, a No. 214 arrived at the station. Several people got off the car one after another, and she was the last one.

As soon as she got out of the car, she started rummaging through her bag, as if she was looking for something, but when her hand slipped, a lot of things fell out of the bag.

He walked over to help her pick it up.

"Yes, is it you?" She was obviously stunned, looking at him in surprise.

Supper was sure she didn't remember him, but it didn't matter. After he picked it up, he put the one hundred yuan in her stationery and handed it over together.

"Back to you."

She was slightly stunned when she took it: "Thank you."

Super was about to leave when she stopped him again: "Wait!"

"This is for you." She took out a nicely packaged small cardboard box from her bag.

Super was a little surprised: "What?" He looked at the words on it, which seemed to be in Japanese, and he didn't recognize a single word.

"A kind of snack that my dad brought back from a business trip. It's very beautiful and delicious. I just brought it, and I'll give you a taste." Then, she said three reasons for her thanks, "Just thank you for giving I showed the way, held an umbrella for me, and helped me pick up things."

Saying that, she picked up the small cardboard box and handed it to him. At this time, the fine grass swirled, the birds chirped, and the sun worked hard to penetrate the clouds and leaves, dropping specks of gold on her hands.

Looking at her clear and bright eyes and her delicate white fingers, the corners of Su Po's mouth raised very slightly, and she reached out to take the gift.


On the evening of Tuesday, Qingcheng finished her piano lessons and walked straight to the theater school. Her guqin teacher unconsciously mentioned it several times, saying that in the theater school there is a patch of begonias planted along the lake.

She had been wanting to go in and have a look. Best to meet him again.

Along the hollowed-out fence of the theatre school, a large piece of tuna came out over the wall. Through the huge hollow gap in the wall, Qingcheng looked inside while walking, and found that there was a large sparkling lake not far away. There are lush plants around the lake, and several students are walking around.

When they arrived at the school gate, Qingcheng smiled sweetly at the uncle in the reception room: "Hello, uncle."

The uncle looked very kind. He took off his reading glasses and looked over: "Little girl, what's the matter with you?"

Thinking that Guqin teacher mentioned that outsiders are generally not allowed in theater schools, she had an idea and said, "My mother asked me to come to my brother and give him something."

"Oh, then who is your brother?"

"...It's Supper." In this school, she only knew him.

The uncle was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Qingcheng again, and nodded: "Well, your family is all good-looking."

"Thank you uncle!" Qingcheng's mouth seemed to be covered with honey.

When the uncle listened, he felt very anxious, so he eagerly started to turn the phone: "Wait, I'll call their head teacher to see if they are still there."

"Class teacher?" Qingcheng was dumbfounded, feeling that her own clever lie seemed to be exposed soon. Just when she didn't know what to do, a familiar voice sounded—

"Find me?"

Qingcheng, who was lying on the window sill and was trying to stop the uncle from making a phone call, turned his head and saw Super.

He wore an off-white jersey today. Compared with the black training uniform before, he felt a little more gentle and friendly.

The uncle asked cheerfully, "Supo, do you have a sister?"

"Brother!" She didn't know how much he heard just now, so in order to avoid getting into the gang, she had no choice but to shout.

Then she saw that the person she called brother seemed to laugh, and her face turned red.

Qingcheng followed him to the lake. She was embarrassed to look up all the way, thinking in her heart that others are really nice, not only helping her to lie, but also bringing her over after knowing that she was going to see the lake.

When we got to the lake, we saw the dross begonias blooming densely along both sides of the lake, one after another like pink clouds. Occasionally the breeze blew, and the falling petals of the begonia began to swim freely on the lake. The two walked along the lake, and the heart of the green orange also fluctuated with the floating petals.

"What did you study?"

"Kunqu Opera."

"Is it hard to learn drama?"


Qingcheng is annoyed, saying something bad, saying what to do? It should be a little easier to talk about. She kept thinking about "easy topics", but she blurted out: "Your voice is so nice." After saying this, the flush that had just faded on her face came up again.

"Thank you." Super glanced at her and felt that she seemed to be at one with the begonias around her.

The two walked to the station together. When they passed a small shop selling glutinous rice cakes, Supo stopped to buy two copies and handed one of them to her.

Green Orange is a little surprised.

"I heard your stomach growl."

"… "

After getting in the car, Qingcheng felt that it might be better not to look at the flowers today...

No, it's time to come.

The glutinous rice cake in her hand was fragrant, she picked up the toothpick on the top, carefully pricked one and sent it to her mouth, it was very soft and fragrant.

The car drove all the way, the sunset had already receded, and Zaoyue faintly appeared on the horizon, like a faint hickey.

Tonight, Qingcheng had a dream.

In the dream, there are delicious glutinous rice cakes, Haitang, and him.