I Miss You

Chapter 48: Fanwai 1 Years Qingshan Road 2



It was another Tuesday of the week. Because the teacher needed help in tuning the strings, Qingcheng got off the bus with the piano again. Before taking a few steps, she felt that she had no strength all over her body. Because of the cold these days, she was groggy.

As she passed a brightly lit pharmacy, she thought that it might not be good to drink only cold granules, and she should go buy some antibiotics.

She went into the store to get the medicine, and when it was time to pay, she remembered that when she went home to pick up the piano, she left her schoolbag at home, and now she only has a bus card and no money.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore. I'm sorry." She coughed a few times and returned the medicine.

Leaving the pharmacy, she walked forward a short distance in a daze, then put down the piano and stopped to rest. After a short while, a box of medicine suddenly appeared in front of her eyes—the one she hadn't bought just now.

Not a hallucination, she thought.

"You don't look very well, do you want to see a doctor?"

She remembered the voice, and her heart skipped a beat.

When she raised her head, she saw that Su Po was standing in front of her with medicine and water in one hand. I haven't seen him for a week, and seeing him again, she couldn't help but rejoice: "Hi."

Supo was picking throat pills just now, and when she heard her voice and looked over, she had put down the pills and left. The clerk said that the little girl might not bring any money, so he simply bought it together.

"You don't need to see a doctor, just a little dizzy." Qingcheng took it hesitantly, and found that he had even unscrewed the cap of the water bottle for her. After taking the medicine, she put the things back in the bag.

"I'll pay you back another day." Last time, he also bought glutinous rice cakes for her to eat.

"It's just a box of medicine, it doesn't matter if you don't return it."

"That's not good, how can anyone invite people to take medicine..."

He looked at her, and always felt that she had some ideas... He smiled lightly and shook his head, but this time he didn't push again, just reached out to help her with the piano.

"Taoyuan Community, right?" Although it was a question, he had already walked forward.

Qingcheng was a tad slower, and she followed, thinking: Why is he so good... So good, so good that she wanted to give him the fifteen dollars for the medicine in fifteen days. Qingcheng followed behind him. Although his body was still uncomfortable, his heart was warm and sweet, like a candy, melted in his heart by the sun.


On this day, Qingcheng saw a copy of "Chu Ci" in the school library. The book was very old, and the pages were yellowed. She recalled that the Chinese teacher said that the Book of Songs and the Songs of Chu are the two major sources of Chinese poetry. Because of Su Po, she finished reading the Book of Songs, so she borrowed the Songs of Chu on a whim.

In the evening, under the lamp on her desk, she turned to "Mr. Xiang" and "Mrs. Xiang" in "Nine Songs".

You can’t do it, you can’t do it, who will stay in Central Continent…

Yuan Youzhi, Li Youlan, Si Gongzi Xi did not dare to speak...

These words were so beautiful that they could not be put into words, and the love of these gods really touched her. Qingcheng found a flower note from the drawer that she had bought for a long time but had not used, and dignifiedly wrote down her favorite sentences with a pen.

Finally, she put away the flower notes with the verses copied, stuffed it into an envelope, and put it in her schoolbag. The next day, she went to the drama school and asked the doorman to help transfer the letter to Super. When she retracted her hand, she only felt that her hands were covered in fine sweat.

Later, as long as Qingcheng thinks of himself at this time, he feels a kind of ignorant and fearless bravery.


There is a cherry tree next to the theater. Before it blooms, it is submerged among the trees, and it is inconspicuous at all. But this day, Green Orange passed by again, only to find that it seemed to have changed color overnight. Light pink double-petaled flowers adorned the branches half-open, like a shy girl leaning against the door.

She didn't have piano lessons today, but she came over too. Looking at the time, it was about ten minutes before the school ended.

She stood under the tree and wanted to see the flowers, but she didn't really see the flowers. Her anxiety was like a waterfall.

When he was in sight, her heart felt like a sudden tap dance.

I don't know if he has read the letter. If he does, what will he think of her and how will he decide

He looked towards her, she took a deep breath and waved at him.

I saw him smile at her. Although it was a very inconspicuous smile, it made Qingcheng's heart so soft that it seemed to fall into a sponge.

He came over: "Look at the flowers?"

"No, wait for you..." Halfway through speaking, she swallowed the words back, afraid that the moment she said it, her face would turn red again. After being silent for a while, she had to take out the money and hand it over, "Give it back to you. Thank you for buying me medicine."

He didn't say anything and took it.

The two walked to the bus stop together. On the way, he used the money to buy a pink cotton candy bigger than his face for her.

"So early for get out of class today?"

"… Um."

She took the marshmallow and took a light bite. The sweet taste kept lingering on the tip of her tongue, making her reluctant to take another bite, thinking that she should go home and offer it up...


When Supper got home, his mother hadn't come back, and the house was surprisingly quiet.

When he washed the rice and pressed the cooking button, for some reason, he thought of the girl standing under the cherry tree and her crisp "brother".

He thought: If there is one more person like this in the family, it should be very lively.


For a period of time after that, Qingcheng felt that every day seemed to be living in a sweet and dreamy bubble.

So that the bubble receded later, and it took her many years to completely forget this memory.

"You cut your hair so short, isn't it cold?"


"Your male classmates are like this too?"

"Not necessarily, there are also bald ones."

"The bald head looks like a little monk. Do any of your little students play monks?"

"...Yes, reverse string."

"You borrowed "Liao Zhai"?"


"Be careful that fox spirits and female ghosts come to you at night."


"Because you are a scholar."

"What if it's a male fox or a male ghost?"

"Then... Then come back as a woman."

"… "

"This cherry blossom is so beautiful."

"This is the imperial concubine cherry. It is said that there is only one such plant in the entire Baizhou City."

"Is Yang Guifei?"


"Remember when you said you played Tang Minghuang?"

"I have studied "Smell the Bell" and "The Crying Image"."

"I want to hear you sing..."

"It's so sad. It's spring, it's not right."

"Then wait until autumn to sing."

"… "


After school, Su Po was called to the office by the head teacher alone. The classmates have already taken it seriously, because he is so good, as long as there is an opportunity to perform outside the school, the teachers will look for him.

"Mr. Li."

"Do you know why I called you here?"

Supper thought for a while and shook his head.

"Opera actors, one minute on stage and ten years of work off stage, can't be sloppy at all. It doesn't mean that you are talented, you can be lazy, you can be ambitious, and you can be proud. What teachers usually tell you, you still How much do you remember? All this time, I've been waiting for you to take care of yourself, but you didn't." Every word of Teacher Li seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and every word hit Su Po's heart. He already understood what Teacher Li didn't say clearly.

"Before I leave the teacher, my heart is scattered. Okay, I will say these words once, you listen carefully - if you can't take your heart back, you don't have to learn drama, go back to ordinary middle school as soon as possible, study hard, and also You can still take a gamble in the college entrance examination, there is no need to waste time with us. Think about it for yourself."

Teacher Li gave him one last look: "Let's go, go back and think about it." After Su Po left the office, she hesitated for a while, and finally opened the drawer and threw the letter that had been pressed for half a month at her feet. trash can.


In the past two weeks, Qingcheng felt that Supper seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the world.

The sunset on this day is beautiful, but it always hangs in the west, and it always refuses to fall. It was as if he hadn't waited for the person to wait, so he solemnly bid farewell to him, so he had to blushed and waited.

This is the first time in Qingcheng's life that he skipped class and came to the drama school. She knew that he would come home every day, so as long as she stayed at the gate, she could always wait for him.

A group of people came out, from more and more to less and less, and the sunset was only the last bit of afterglow. In the dim light and shadow, the person she was waiting for finally appeared.

"Why are you here? Isn't there no piano lesson today?" Su Po was a little surprised, he didn't seem to have seen her for a long time. After Teacher Li found him, he also felt that he would think of her from time to time recently, and his heart was indeed a little wild, so he did not deliberately seek opportunities to "meet" her, but practiced and studied seriously. And during this period, she didn't seem to find him again.

Qingcheng wanted to speak, but couldn't. Looking at him, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"What's wrong?" He was startled.

"It's alright." She sniffed and forced a smile, "Are you busy lately?"


She walked side by side with him, walking very slowly, he cooperated with her and walked slowly.

Passing by a newly opened wonton shop, Su Po said, "Are you hungry, let's have something to eat together?"

After the two of them sat down, Su Po explained: "The school is rearranging "Bai Luoshan" recently, and I was selected as the male lead, and the role is quite heavy."

So, just busy? She looked at him.

"And..." He thought about the following sentence, "I may not be able to chat with you like before, sorry..." In fact, he didn't know why he wanted to apologize.

Qingcheng listened, her heart seemed to be grabbed by something, and she felt a little pain.

The wontons came up, but she had no appetite at all, so she reluctantly ate one and put down the spoon.

"You mean... can't I come to you later?"

Su Po didn't know how to answer for a while, so he had to start a more relaxed speech: "I heard that the TV series is going to be staged."

He didn't answer her directly, does it mean acquiescence? Qingcheng only felt that his mind was blank.

"What TV show?"

"The Republic of China drama you acted in before."

"I've never acted in a TV show..."

Super was silent for a while, then said apologetically, "I made a mistake, I'm sorry."

In just ten minutes, he said "I'm sorry" to her twice.

Qingcheng lowered his head and thought: How can this be done...

"Super, you are here! Teacher Li is looking for you everywhere." A boy who had just entered the store turned his head and saw Super. He suddenly rushed over and pulled him away.

"What's up?"

"I don't know, I'm in a hurry."

Super glanced at Qingcheng and was pulled away.

Qingcheng sat there for a long time, and when the sunset finally faded away, her eyes dimmed with the light of the sky.


Super never thought that he would see his father again under such circumstances.

A cold corpse lay under a plain white cloth.

"Drunk into the river and drowned."

His mother had fainted, and he could not shed a tear when he faced him. All his memories of his father as a child were of drinking and smashing things. Now all his distress is not worth it for his mother.

After finishing all the formalities calmly, Super found a cemetery on the outskirts of the city and buried him according to his mother's wishes. On the tombstone, Super only had the person's own name engraved.

From then on, he and his mother have nothing to do with this person.

By the time Su Po returned to school, the imperial concubine cherry blossoms had already bloomed.