I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 100: Truth 2


There were only Ye Zhao and Su Yingmin and his wife in the conference room. After listening to Ho Wai-king's account of what happened that year, Ye Zhao asked them what role they played in it.

Ho Wai King sneered and said, "What role are you playing? The role of the good guy! The role of cleaning up their messes! We were just too soft-hearted back then."

Ye Zhao asked: "So, what roles have you played as the good guy? Tell me about it."

He Huiqiong counted on her fingers, "Your mother was pregnant, and we kept it a secret for her. After Jin Jingzhi committed suicide, your father was afraid that the team would know and be held responsible, so he begged us to help bury Jin Jingzhi on the island, and we agreed. And you..."

Ye Zhao said calmly: "What else do you have for me?"

Ho Wai-king: "Your father was afraid that Guo Xuyan's parents would come to the house. Her parents are high-ranking officials. Your father was afraid that her parents would find out about your existence. He was afraid of being held responsible, so he told everyone that your mother was Jin Jingzhi. It was impossible for Jin Jingzhi's family to come to look for her, so all these years, they just got by like this."

Ye Zhao said sarcastically: "So in this whole thing, you two are pure white rabbits, right?"

Ye Zhao's words were full of irony. He Huiqiong was speechless for a moment, "…"

Su Yingmin was still his usual hypocritical self. He said calmly, "We are also doing this for our friends. We should avoid as much trouble as possible. It's not easy for everyone."

Ho Wai-king added: "We can live up to our conscience."

"Really? You just said that my mom is a lesbian. She seduced my dad on purpose to attract Jin Jingzhi's attention. It would have been fine if she had seduced him. But why did she seduce him into bed and ended up getting him pregnant, putting herself in trouble? This doesn't make sense."

Ho Wai-king sneered, "Then why don't you ask your mother, Kuo Hsu-yan? If you ask me, how would I know?"

"You drugged them, didn't you?"

The smile froze on her face and He Huiqiang was stunned.

Ye Zhao continued, "At that time, Uncle Su and my dad both liked Guo Xuyan, and you liked Uncle Su, so you wanted to bring Guo Xuyan and my dad together. When Guo Xuyan went to drink with my dad, you secretly put drugs in the wine."

Su Yingmin was stunned. How did Ye Zhao know so much? Only the couple knew these things.

He smiled awkwardly, licked his lips, and asked Ye Zhao: "Who told you that?"

Ho Wai-king directly denied it: "You are talking nonsense."

"When you two were arguing, someone heard you! You accused each other, Uncle Su said Aunt He was a vicious woman with no conscience! Aunt He called Uncle Su a shameless hypocrite. Isn't that right?"

This is the scene where they often curse at each other when they quarreled. Over the years, as the children have grown up, although they still dislike each other, they rarely have big quarrels.

Su Yingmin asked again: "Who did you hear that from?"

Ye Zhao ignored Su Yingmin and said to He Huiqiong: "Aunt He, should I thank you?"

He Huiqiong looked at Ye Zhao warily, and for a moment she couldn't figure out the real intention behind Ye Zhao's words.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"I was able to be born thanks to your help. You drugged them and made Guo Xuyan pregnant unexpectedly, and then gave Ye Dingguo bad advice to replace the abortion drug with the pregnancy-preserving drug. Without you, there would be no me. You are simply my reborn parent." Ye Zhao smiled and said the most ironic words in the calmest language.

He Huiqiong smiled and said, "That was your father's own idea. I just helped to buy the medicine and boil it."

"Then as my mother's good friend, you let my father deceive my mother."

“Abortion is harmful to the body.”

"Giving birth to a child won't hurt your body?"

"What do you mean? Without me, there would be you?! Is there any meaning in you saying this to Aunt He now?"

"Abortion is harmful to the body! Without you, there would be no me! So, you admit it."

Ho Wai-king, who was tricked into this, immediately realized the trap and asked, "What should I admit?"

"Give Guo Xuyan and Ye Dingguo the medicine, and then..."

"I don't admit this. It was my idea to use the pregnancy-preserving medicine, but I meant well. I saved your life."

Ye Zhao nodded in agreement: "Yes, the result of you putting the drug there is just me, right? No one will hold you responsible, so you don't have to be so nervous."

Ho Wai-king still did not let down her guard: "Then what's the point of you telling me this."

Ye Zhao: "Of course it is meaningful. I want to know who didn't want me back then!"

"Go find your biological mother, Guo Xuyan! She was irresponsible. She gave birth to you and then abandoned you. She lived a happy life in Hong Kong alone. She hurt everyone. Jin Jingzhi died, and your father never let her go for so many years. He named the factory after her English name, and you were abandoned in the countryside. Only Guo Xuyan was left with a rich man and lived a decent life!"

As Ho Wai-king's words became increasingly harsh, Su Ying-min could not help but say, "That's enough!"

Every time he talked about Guo Xuyan, Su Yingmin had this attitude. He Huiqiong was furious. "Ye Zhao! Look, there is also your Uncle Su. For so many years, he has been willing to lick your mother's ass. No matter when, I can't say a bad word about Guo Xuyan. If I say something, he will give me a cold look."

Su Yingmin said angrily: "Isn't this all caused by you? If it weren't for you causing trouble..."

"What did you say, Su Yingmin!"

"Ye Zhao already knows that you were the one who put the drugs there. What's the point of you pretending here? She can say it, and you think she has no evidence. You jinx! You've harmed all of us!" Su Yingmin's way of shifting the blame was quite confusing.

He Huiqiong was so angry that she swept the cup on the table to the ground: "Yes! It's me! It's all me! What good thing are you? Ye Zhao's description of you just now was very accurate. You have worn the mask for so long that you can't tell which one is you! Hypocrite! The living Yue Buqun!"

Su Yingmin snorted coldly: "How could I live with you for so long without wearing a mask? Don't you know how stinky you are?!"

"I stink? You're still pretending. Ye Zhao called us here today to settle accounts with us. Do you think you can get away with it by scolding me? Even if I was wrong in the beginning, the rest is your fault."

Su Yingmin knocked on the table and said, "At least I never had any malicious intentions subjectively. I can live up to my conscience."

Ye Zhao watched the couple quarreling as if she was watching a monkey show. Only after they finished quarreling did she say, "There is no subjective malice, does that mean there is objective malice?"

The couple, who had just had a quarrel, looked at each other and said nothing.

Ye Zhao continued, "Aunt He just said that the first part was her fault, and the second part was Uncle Su's fault. Uncle Su, what did you do wrong?"

Su Yingmin sat there angrily and still didn't say anything. After all, they were husband and wife, and their interests were tied together. He Huiqiong didn't really want to drag Su Yingmin into the water. She justified her previous words by saying, "He shouldn't have been soft-hearted and listened to your father and buried Jin Jingzhi on Qiansui Island."

"Is it that simple?"

Ho Wai King's tone softened again: "It's that simple. Xiao Zhao, what's wrong with you today? The division of the family is inevitable even for brothers. We don't need to hurt our relationship because of this, don't you think?"

Ye Zhao still insisted: "Aunt He, you just said that the front part was your fault and the back part was Uncle Su's fault. Where is the intersection of these two mistakes?"

Ho Wai-king was confused to begin with, so she simply played dumb: "I didn't understand, what wrong handover point?"

"When Guo Xuyan and Jin Jingzhi were flirting in the room, who informed Ye Dingguo? Was it you? Was it him? Or were you two working together?"

No matter who it is, it is impossible for them to have subjective goodwill, right

Su Yingmin coughed lightly and remained silent.

Ho Wai-king said, "Neither of us went to tip off the others. Who would have thought that Guo Xuyan and Jin Jingzhi were having sex in the room? It's so shameless and immoral! It was because they started fighting that we rushed over from another room."

"But that's not what you say when you're arguing!"

"What did we say?"

"Let me recall it for you." Ye Zhao stood up and walked across to them, resting his hands on the conference table, and said, "Uncle Su complained that Aunt He didn't protect Guo Xuyan well, causing Ye Dingguo to accidentally hurt Guo, and Aunt He complained that Uncle Su was too slow. Aunt He squatted behind the house for almost half an hour, and her feet were numb. Uncle Su then called my dad over! So Aunt He, your feet were numb and you couldn't stand steadily, so you didn't protect Guo Xuyan, causing Guo to have a premature birth. That was not Aunt He's wish. Isn't that what you guys were arguing about?"

After Ye Zhao said this, Su Yingmin could basically be sure that Zeng Laojiu told her all the information he knew!

There is no point in making excuses at this point.

But Ho Wai-king didn't know that Ye Zhao was looking for Zeng Jiulong. She even tried to defend herself: "Xiao Zhao, you have seen too many dramas!"

Ye Zhao smiled and nodded, sighing sincerely: "You two are such a perfect match! How jealous and hateful are you, He Huiqiong? Su Yingmin, you still wanted to break up Guo Xuyan and Ye Dingguo in the end, what's your mentality? What you can't get, your brother can't get it either, right? There are many ways to break up, but you used the most despicable method. How can you be so dark?"

How could He Huiqiong dare to admit it? In her opinion, no matter how much Ye Zhao hated his parents, he still wanted them to be together. How could she let Ye Zhao know that it was the couple who broke up Ye Dingguo and Guo Xuyan

She said, “We don’t have any.”

Su Yingmin had been secretly observing the layout of the conference room. He asked Ye Zhao, "Are you recording?"

Ye Zhao denied: "There is no recording, no need."

Su Yingmin stood up, walked to a row of low cabinets in front, opened the cabinet door, looked on the left but didn't find it, so he looked on the right.

As a result, he actually found a tape recorder.

He picked up the tape recorder and took a closer look, and found that there was a tape inside, but the tape was not moving, so there should have been no recording just now.

He put the tape recorder on the table, but still felt uneasy, so he pressed the play button.

Only a hoarse middle-aged male voice was heard from inside.

[I was originally enjoying the cool under a tree, and then I saw So Ying-man and Ho Wai-king arguing at the back of the house. Their voices were not loud, so I couldn’t hear them clearly at first. I could vaguely hear them arguing with each other. The man said that the woman didn’t protect Guo Xuyan well, and the woman said that the man was dragging his feet and didn’t come for half an hour. Her legs were numb from squatting, so how could he protect Guo Xuyan...]

Ho Wai-king recognized it as Zeng Laojiu's voice. She wanted to rush over and turn off the recorder, but was stopped by Su Yingmin. There were only three of them in the room. What was the point in turning it off

He wanted to hear what Zeng Laojiu had said to Ye Zhao.

[… Just at this moment, Jin Jingzhi came out from behind the house. She heard what they said and was very angry. Jin Jingzhi was very loud, roaring and crying, asking them why they wanted to hurt her! ]

[Su Yingmin was probably afraid that Jin Jingzhi's voice was too loud and could be heard by others, so he covered her mouth. Ho Wai-king also covered her mouth. Two people against one Jin Jingzhi.]

[It was a few minutes later, but it was hard to say how long exactly, and then Jin Jingzhi stopped moving.]

[So Ying-min and Ho Wai-king were frightened and ran away first. After all, I was familiar with them, so I wanted to go over to see if Jin Jingzhi was okay. But when I went over, I found that she was dead. She had been suffocated to death by them.]

[I was afraid they would frame me, so I quickly hid. After about ten minutes, the two of them came back. They were Su Yingmin and Ho Wai-king. They carried Jin Jingzhi into the house, got a rope, and hung Jin Jingzhi up.]

[For so many years, I have felt guilty about it. ]

After Su Yingmin and He Huiqiong heard this, He Huiqiong's lips turned pale. Su Yingmin was indeed an old fox. He reacted quickly and bit back, "Who is this man? Why did he slander us? Did he kill Jin Jingzhi and frame us?"

Ye Zhao nodded and smiled: "Just as he expected, you framed him."

"If that's not the case, why do you have to send money to Zeng Laojiu twice a year?" Ye Zhao took out a stack of documents from a folder, "Here are the records of your remittances to Zeng Jiulong, as well as your telephone communication records twice a year."

Su Yingmin also tried to argue: "I buy things from him!"

At the same time, Ho Wai-king said, "I owe him money for playing cards."

Ye Zhao laughed sarcastically, "Would you two like to combine your statements and then answer me?"

The couple fell silent again.

"Su Yingmin, how do you feel every time you go to Jin Jing's grave on behalf of Guo Xuyan?"

Su Yingmin avoided answering, "You can't bring me down based on just one person's confession."

Ye Zhao had already expected that this old fox would not admit it easily.

She threatened with a smile, "Yes, I think so too. After all, it's been twenty years. The criminal prosecution period has passed. I can't do anything to you. But you two made me not have a complete family since I was a child. I also want you to try what it feels like to not have a complete family."

Ho Wai-king's face changed: "What do you mean? What do you mean by not having a complete family?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the conference room opened and Guo Xuyan stood at the door, and behind her were Guo's father, Guo's mother and Zeng Xiang.

Guo Xuyan's eyes were red. She stared at Su Yingmin and walked over slowly, saying in disappointment, "Su Yingmin, did you kill Jingzhi?!"

Su Yingmin hurriedly shook his head and said in defense: "No, Xu Yan, listen to me..."


Guo Xuyan slapped Su Yingmin.

She cried, "I didn't expect... I didn't expect you to be such a person... Su Yingmin, I always ask you to go to Jing's grave. If she saw you in heaven... seeing a murderer still living so freely in front of her grave... how sad she would be..."

Su Yingmin was slapped, but he was not angry. He said with a guilty look on his face: "Xu Yan... I'm sorry."

Is this an admission? Ho Wai-king said angrily: "Su Ying-min!"

Guo Xuyan stared at He Huiqiong coldly, wiped away his tears with his hand, and said, "He Huiqiong, you are so ugly!"

You are so ugly! You are so ugly!

These words echoed deep in Ho Hui-king's eardrums, and she smiled awkwardly: "Yes, I'm ugly! Only you and Jin Jing are beautiful? Isn't that right?"

Guo Xuyan said fiercely: "You are not only ugly in appearance, but also ugly in heart! I thought it was Ye Dingguo who drugged me, but it turned out to be you! You have ruined both Jingzhi and me! You ugly woman!"

Ho Wai-king didn't think she was wrong. Even if she was wrong, she wouldn't admit it. "If you hadn't been so cheap and flirted with Ye Dingguo, would I have had the chance to do it? This is all your own fault!"

"Give Jingzhi back to me!" Guo Xuyan tried to grab Ho Wai-king, but Ho Wai-king was stronger than her, and Guo Xuyan was pushed by Ho Wai-king and staggered.

When He Huiqiang was grabbed by Guo Xuyan, she was annoyed and wanted to fight back, but Zeng Xiang and Guo's mother hurried forward to block her.

Su Yingmin grabbed He Huiqiong and said impatiently: "What are you doing!"

Watching this scene, Guo's father stood at the door, feeling uncomfortable and sighing.

Mother Guo pulled her daughter into her arms and cried, "Don't do this, Xu Yan... Oh, what a sin this is!"

Ho Wai-king, who was pulled back by Su Ying-min, wanted to rush over, "Why are you pretending! You shameless vixen!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Yingmin grabbed her and slapped her in the face: "That's enough! Bitch! All this is caused by you!"

"Su Yingmin! You hit me?! It was all my fault? You have no share in it? When you were protecting Jin Jingzhi, you were much more cruel than me! Guo Xuyan likes her but not you, don't you feel bad about that? Su Yingmin!" Ho Wai-king went straight to grab Su Yingmin, and the couple started to wrestle with each other.

Ye Zhao was stunned. It turned out that she was inexperienced. Su Yingmin, who was usually more experienced than anyone else, actually broke off relations with Ho Wai-king for Guo Xuyan.

Guo Xuyan is still charming. She is in her forties, but there are still men who stand up for her and women who are jealous of her.

Ye Zhao raised his hands and watched them fight each other coldly.

She had originally thought of "cheating" So Ying-man and Ho Wai-king, but now it seems that it is of no use.

Women are naturally physically weaker than men, and Ho Wai-king was defeated with her hair disheveled.

Ye Zhao applauded and said, "Su Yingmin, you are very alert. That's right. We have installed cameras here. You may not know what cameras are. Everything that happened here just now was recorded and converted into video data. Just now, Ho Wai-king said that when you covered Jin Jingzhi, you were much more cruel than she was. This means that at that time, you two covered Jin Jingzhi together. This coincides with Zeng Jiulong's testimony."

Su Yingmin was mentally prepared. The moment Ye Zhao attacked him, he knew he couldn't escape. He put his hands on his hips, sneered and said nothing. The worst that could happen was going to jail. What was he afraid of

Ho Wai-king was panting. Su Ying-min had completely disappointed her today. She said, "What's the point of living? I've had enough of living. Call the police!"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "You don't need to remind me. The police dug up Jin Jingzhi's grave on Monday and are currently collecting evidence. I called the police last year before the criminal prosecution period expired. Don't worry, the criminal police will find you soon. No one can escape."

When Guo Xuyan heard that Jin Jingzhi's grave had been dug up, he burst into tears again.

Ye Zhao was a little impatient. Yes, she should feel sorry for Guo Xuyan, but she was allergic to pretentiousness. She instinctively wanted to avoid those who messed up her love life and then dragged down others.

He Huiqiong suddenly got a start and remembered something. She got up from the ground and asked Ye Zhao: "What did you mean by what you just said?"

Ye Zhao asked back: "Which sentence?"

Ho Wai-king: "You just said, let's try out what it's like to not have a complete family. What do you mean?"

Ye Zhao shrugged and said, "It's okay."

Ho Wai-king didn't believe it. She shook her head and said, "Impossible. Did you do something to Yunyun? Yunyun said two days ago that you wanted to take her out to play, and this morning her teacher called and said that she didn't go to school... Is it related to you?"

It is indeed related, but it was just a trick played by Ye Zhao to defraud the couple. Now everything is fine.

Ye Zhao denied: "It has nothing to do with me!"

"No, there must be a connection." He Huiqiong didn't believe it, otherwise Ye Zhao wouldn't have said such things for no reason.

Upon hearing the news of Yunyun's disappearance, Su Yingmin's heart tightened instantly. He asked Ho Huiqiong: "Yunyun is missing, why didn't you tell me?"

Ho Wai-king rolled her eyes at him, not caring that they had just finished a fight. She said anxiously, "How could I know that these things would happen today?"

Su Yingmin looked at Ye Zhao nervously: "Yunyun is innocent, Ye Zhao, you can't implicate innocent people."

Ye Zhao looked at the worried and frightened expressions of Su Yingmin and He Huiqiong. This was a good point. It seemed that the child was the biggest weakness of these two people. She took advantage of the situation, smiled slyly, and said, "Who is innocent?"

Ho Wai-king cried and screamed, "What have you done to our Yun-yun?!"

She wanted to pounce on Ye Zhao and tear him apart, but was pushed to the ground by Zeng Xiang.

Zeng Xiang warned: "Be civilized, lady."

Zeng Xiang's words almost made Ye Zhao laugh.

Su Yingmin was the one who had a clearer mind. He grabbed the car keys on the table and ran out. Ho Wai-king stumbled after him. They wanted to go find the child first.

Seeing Su Yingmin and Ho Wai-king running away in panic, Guo Xuyan finally came to her senses. She questioned Ye Zhao: "You just let them go like this?"

They can't get away. Ye Zhaoke has no control over when the criminal police will arrest them.

Ye Zhao blocked his reply with one sentence: "He is not my enemy, he is yours. If you have the ability, go and catch him yourself."

Guo Xuyan frowned, wanting to say something but stopping himself. Guo's mother tried to appease him, "Don't talk to the child like that. Xiao Zhao, shall we have lunch together?"

Ye Zhao refused directly: "Brother Xiang, please take you to eat. I am busy."

Father Guo sighed heavily, "Why are you still eating? Eating is just a waste of national grain. Get out of here!"

"Grandpa!" Guo's mother hurriedly pulled her old man, "She is feeling very uncomfortable, why are you saying this?"

"It's because of your spoiling him! You evil creature!" Guo's father turned around and left in anger.

Guo's mother was in a dilemma, but she was more afraid that something might happen to her daughter, so she didn't go out with her.

After Guo Xuyan hesitated for several times, he finally asked, "Do you know when we can collect Jin Jingzhi's body?"

Ye Zhao also hopes that Jin Jingzhi can rest in peace under the protection of the person she loves.

She wrote a phone number on a piece of white paper and gave it to Guo Xuyan, saying, "You can't get the money now even if you contact this police officer. Even if you can, you are not Jin Jingzhi's relative, so you are not eligible to get it. You need to talk to her relatives."

Guo Xuyan took the white paper and said, "I understand. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Perhaps being cold to each other is the fate of this mother and daughter.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Zhao was preparing to have a meeting with the design team in Zhao Hua's office. Before leaving, he received a call from Director Liu.

Director Liu's voice was very urgent. She said, "Boss Ye, Boss Su and his wife are in trouble."

Ye Zhao was stunned for half a second and asked, "What happened?"

Are the criminal police so efficient? They arranged for the arrest right after she sent the information

Director Liu said: "I guess the two of them were arguing in the car and didn't notice the large truck coming from the opposite direction. Their car was almost crushed. After they were sent to the hospital, neither of them survived."

It seems that there is no need for the police to solve the case, these two people have been taken away by God!

Ye Zhao stared at a few small water ants fluttering on the glass window. It was about to rain that day.

She likes rainy days.

(End of this chapter)