I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 105: The main text is finished


On the top floor of the Yongnian Building of the Luo Group, the wind was blowing against his face. Luo Shen was sitting on the rooftop wall with a bottle of foreign liquor in his hand, and under the wall, there were two or three empty bottles thrown.

Luo Shen raised his head and drank heavily, his face flushed, and he was mumbling something, but no one could hear what he was saying.

He stood up and stood unsteadily on the edge of the rooftop, with a sixty-story abyss at his feet.

Ye Zhao shouted anxiously: "Brother Xiang! Brother Xiang! What are you doing! Come down quickly!"

She screamed until her throat was broken, but he seemed to be unable to hear her at all.

He turned his head and looked in her direction, as if he was looking at her, but his eyes were never focused on her.

He suddenly opened his arms and fell backwards!

Ye Zhao ran over and shouted heartbreakingly: "Brother Xiang!!!"

But he has already fallen!

Ye Zhao opened his eyes, shuddered, and broke out in a sweat from the frightening dream.

Fortunately, this was just a dream, and she and Zeng Xiang were at home in Zizhulin today, and he was sleeping soundly beside her.

The system voice suddenly sounded: "Congratulations to the host, you have successfully completed the third mission, successfully rescued the villain, and obtained permanent residence in this world."

She understood that on this day in the original book, Luo Shen accidentally fell to his death after drinking...

Fortunately... Fortunately...

Fortunately, she changed him and changed the world around her.

Ye Zhao was dazed. He turned around and hugged the person next to him tightly, humming and rubbing.

Zeng Xiang was very sleepy and would wake up if she moved a little.

He hugged her and rubbed his chin in her hair, "What's wrong, baby."

"I can't sleep."

"Are you hungry? Do you want to have some barbecue?"

Zeng Xiang stroked her back. Seeing that she didn't respond, he thought she was asleep. He was about to pull the quilt to cover her, but she murmured, "Oysters, chicken cartilage, corn..."

He smiled, still the ones he liked back then.

Half an hour later, someone knocked on the door and the property manager brought the barbecue.

The two sat on the balcony, eating barbecue, drinking wine, and chatting about their high school classmates, most of whom have now married and have children.

There were two pairs in their class, one was Zeng Xiang and Ye Zhao, and the other was Shou Hou and Zeng Xiaoling. Who would have thought that Shou Hou would get what he wanted in the end.

Bai Lu stayed in the north. After Bai Yunlian was released from prison, she went to the city where Bai Lu was. The two sides would no longer have any intersection.

This is a good thing.

Two years ago, Irene's factory moved to Dujuan Village, and the women's shoe brand was named "Qianye". She actually started to work on it seriously and with great interest.

She wants to make Chiba the number one domestic women's shoe brand.

The toy factory was gradually replaced by the shoe factory, and now there is no Irene, only Chiba.

As for Irene's old land, after paying additional money to change the land attributes, a new community is being developed.

Although there are some minor troubles every day, everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

The next day, the family of three had breakfast in the restaurant.

I had white porridge for breakfast today, and the side dishes were salted fish, sauerkraut and salted duck eggs.

The richer you are, the more you like to eat simple and plain food.

Zeng Xiang said: "Salted fish is delicious, it tastes like my childhood."

Aunt Qiao drank a mouthful of porridge and said with a smile: "I will fry some more tomorrow. You can take it back to Gangcheng. When you eat it, just ask Ah Hui to fry it again."

Aunt Liu, the nurse, said, "Let me fry it. I know how to fry it."

"You don't have to fry it, Xiangzai likes the food I fry." Aunt Qiao was afraid that someone else would take away her job.

Aunt Liu smiled and said, "Then I'll go buy you some salted fish."

Ye Zhao said: "Buy some sausages by the way. I want to have sausage rice for lunch."

Zeng Xiang: "I want to eat too."

Aunt Qiao was once again afraid that her job would be taken away from her. "We have some made at home, no need to buy them. I'll make them for you at noon."

Not long after breakfast, Fatty Ying and Aunt Yu came up on time to play mahjong. There was a gap of one person between the three, so Ye Zhao filled in and played mahjong with them for 1 yuan for the whole morning.

After lunch, Ye Zhao went to the company, and Xiu Qun whispered to her that Xiao Baixiong was waiting for her in the conference room.

"You ask him to come to my office."

After Xiao Baixiong came in and sat down, Ye Zhao asked directly: "Tell me, how do you want to deal with it?"

Xiao Baixiong and Yang Feihe have been having conflicts for nearly half a year. They have different business philosophies and directions, and now they can no longer cooperate.

Xiao Baixiong said: "Neither he nor I can convince each other. I don't want to withdraw my shares, and he doesn't want to either. If it really doesn't work, then we can both withdraw together..."

Ye Zhao frowned and said, "You two both quit and leave the company to me?"

"No, we are all quitting and the company is disbanding. Ye Zhao, we are close classmates. Do you want to go with me or him?"

Ye Zhao cursed directly: "Asshole! I am your appendage? If my parents get divorced, do I have to choose one?"

Xiao Baixiong explained hastily, "That's not what I meant. I definitely didn't mean that. How dare I say that? It should be the other way around. You are our parents. Now that we two brothers have separated, who are you going with, head of the family? We both want to snatch you away. Who are you partial to?"

Ye Zhao rolled his eyes at him and said, "I won't be partial to anyone! Hit each of you with 200 sticks! Throw them out!"

"No! You and I are classmates, and Yang Feihe is just your junior. No matter how you count, he is one level lower, right?"

While they were chatting, Yang Feihe also came. He and Xiao Baixiong sat on the sofa, one facing east and the other facing west. They ignored each other and were sulking with each other.

Ye Zhao quickly signed the document in her hand and handed it to Zeng Xiuquan, then walked among them, with her hands on her hips, as if she were their eldest sister.

Ye Zhao asked: "Is the company's dissolution confirmed? No one is going to give in?"

Fat Goose Network Technology Company, the future Fat Goose Instant Messenger, is going to monopolize Internet instant messaging. If it is dissolved, the trend will change again!

Yang Feihe said: "He doesn't agree to withdraw."

Xiao Baixiong immediately fought back: "Why should I retreat? Why don't you retreat? If you want to retreat, let's retreat together, each of us can set up our own base, and start again with our own abilities."

Yang Feihe adjusted his glasses and said, "The projects currently being run by the company are all my hard work!"

"Look! This is the root cause of our disagreement! Yang Feihe, it's getting harder and harder to communicate with you now. You are the only one who has the final say in everything. You are no longer the person who used to blush whenever he spoke!"

Having a strong opinion and having the final say, aren't these the characteristics of a big boss? Ye Zhao understood it very well.

Yang Feihe retorted: "I am seeking truth from facts. I only target events, not individuals. You are the opposite. Every time I propose an idea or a reform, you oppose it directly without thinking it over. You oppose it just for the sake of opposing it!"

Xiao Baixiong: "You're talking nonsense! Is there something wrong with me? Why would I object if there is no problem? This so-called instant messaging software you are developing is a direct copy. You will be sued sooner or later."

Yang Feihe: "I didn't plagiarize, I improved it. The greatness of human civilization started from plagiarism. Did you invent the words you are saying now? Did you invent the words you are writing now? Aren't they all passed down by our ancestors and we learn from them?"

Xiao Baixiong was confused by Yang Feihe. He frowned and said, "So, you call plagiarism learning? I absolutely don't agree with this!"

Yang Feihe: "I have said that we have improved and localized. The reason why human society progresses is that we learn from each other, then improve, and then develop by leaps and bounds."

Xiao Baixiong suddenly asked: "Have you bought the copyright from them?"

Few people in China have copyright awareness, including Yang Feihe. He said, "What if it doesn't work? We are spending Mr. Ye's money. Can we spend it like this?"

"So let's not do this! There are many things we can do in the communications industry! We can make hardware!"

"Hardware is not our forte. This is going in the wrong direction. My plan is now mature. As long as the number of Chinese Internet users continues to grow, my path is absolutely correct. You can do yours and I will do mine, and we won't interfere with each other. One company, two departments. I have no objection."

Xiao Baixiong disagreed: "You are the general manager."

Yang Feihe: "So, what you care about is the position of general manager, right?"

Xiao Baixiong: "You will implicate me! If you are sued by a large foreign company for infringement, do I have to bear the responsibility with you?"

Yang Feihe: "Then we can only part ways."

Ye Zhao actually agrees with some of Xiao Baixiong's views, but in the future society, it will be Yang Feihe who will reach the top.

She had to support him.

When Xiao Baixiong was about to object, Ye Zhao said, "Don't say anything. Just listen to me. After you set up your company, I will also inject capital into your company. The scale of the investment will be the same as that of Fat Goose Company."

In order to prevent Xiao Baixiong from interrupting the "dragon vein" of Fat Goose, Ye Zhao decided to invest heavily and give Xiao Baixiong the same investment.

Xiao Baixiong still refused to give up: "Why did I quit and not him? It's easy to change the legal person!"

Xiao Baixiong is a very annoying person who sometimes refuses to give in. Ye Zhao said, "Xiao Baixiong, if you continue to do this, I will take back what I just said and I will not invest a single cent in you."

Xiao Baixiong: “…”

Yang Feihe gave him a way out: "You can take your team with you. I won't stop you. Let's part ways in peace."

Ye Zhao also said: "Just change the company name. Which floor of the Fortune Building do you like? As long as there is an office available, you can pick any one you like."

"I like this level of you."

Ye Zhao said to him unceremoniously: "Then get out!"

Xiao Baixiong waved his finger: "Biased! My God, you are so biased!"

That’s settled.

After the chat, Ye Zhao said: "Xiao Baixiong, you go out first, I want to talk to Yang Feihe."

Xiao Baixiong had no choice but to go out first.

Although Ye Zhao has been very busy in recent years, she has always been paying attention to the development of Pang Goose. She has always been very supportive of all the decisions made by Yang Feihe. Even when Yang Feihe and Qiu Ping broke up, it did not affect their cooperation.

Ye Zhao said: "Actually, what Xiao Baixiong said just now makes a lot of sense."

Yang Feihe said: "But the copyright is very expensive, we can't afford it. I'm also afraid that the other party won't sell it at all."

Ye Zhao understood, and she said, "In order to avoid future disputes, I will send someone to discuss the copyright issue. You just go ahead and do it."

Yang Feihe didn't expect Ye Zhao to take the initiative to solve this big problem. He said happily: "If the copyright issue can be solved, it would be the best. Then I can move forward with great strides."

"We also need to think of a solution to the computer room issue in advance. If you need additional investment from me, just let me know."

Yang Feihe: "There is no problem with the computer room at the moment."

"There is no problem at present, but there will definitely be problems in the future. There are too many potential netizens in China, so we must prepare for the rainy day."

Yang Feihe was encouraged to see Ye Zhao had such confidence in them, "I will go back and make a plan right away."

Half a month later, Xiao Baixiong came to Ye Zhao again. They were going to re-register a company and the documents were ready.

"I've picked a few names, which one do you like?"

Ye Zhao took a quick look and picked the cutest one: "Panda Communications."

"OK, no problem! How much do you want to invest? Five million?"

"One million first."

"Didn't you say that we should treat everyone equally? Fat Goose increased their investment from 5 million to 10 million, but I only got 1 million! Is this appropriate, Boss Ye? But you said that you would give me the same investment scale!" Xiao Baixiong was about to go crazy.

Although Ye Zhao has money now, she has planned every penny of it. How can he easily take 5 million from her? She smiled and said, "You have to give me a plan. As long as your plan is good enough, I can give you 10 million."

Xiao Baixiong got serious: "Okay, you said it! 10 million!"

In the following year, Xiao Baixiong came up with four or five plans and "cheated" out of 10 million yuan from Ye Zhao!

Ye Zhaoming knew that Xiao Baixiong's plan had various flaws, but his courage to take risks and fight was truly commendable, so she resolutely turned a blind eye and gave him a blood transfusion.

Before the millennium, Ye Zhao almost cleared out his investments in the stock market and transferred all his funds to conservative financial management.

After that, she waited for her opportunity.

The Internet bubble burst two months earlier than expected, and the US stock market plummeted. When everyone was most panicked and confused, she returned to Xiangli's arms as promised.

At the same time, we accurately identified several severely oversold future bull stocks.

After all the arrangements were completed, Ye Zhao turned his attention back to the country.

Two years later, Panda Communications began to emerge. Starting from hardware, it gradually became stronger and bigger, and finally became a dominant force in the ICT industry, dominating the world.

Fat Goose grew day by day and gradually monopolized the Internet instant messaging industry in the next thirty years.

Thirty years later, Panda and Fat Goose have become giant companies with a market value of nearly one trillion US dollars, and their largest shareholders are Ye Zhao.

But Ye Zhao does not participate in the management of the two companies. She just lies down and acts as a boss.

The big guys who were lying low later became concerned about matters at a higher level.

She invested nearly 100 billion yuan to establish a public welfare fund called "Xiaodou Miao". The public welfare fund has extremely wide investments, covering almost every aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Ye Zhao has a unique vision, and the companies she invested in later became industry leaders.

Among all her investments, what she values most is incubating the development of various domestic high-tech enterprises.

Almost all profits of the public welfare fund are invested in the research and development of science and technology.

She knew that in the future the United States and other Western countries would strangle China's high-tech industry, so she invested huge sums of money in communications, chips, and upstream and downstream chip companies early on.

Among the projects she has incubated, she has covered all the high-tech you can think of, whether it is super electric cars, driverless technology, the Internet of Things, or low-orbit affordable satellite launches...

She has contributed her strongest support to China's high-tech development.

This also enabled the country to overtake others in its subsequent development.

Decades later, almost everyone at home and abroad knows how powerful the Xiaodou Miao Fund is, and everyone knows that the boss behind the Xiaodou Miao Fund is a woman.

But few people know who this woman is.

Even the media that knew about it dared not report it because the country wants to protect such patriotic businessmen.

Ye Zhao usually spends most of her time on Zhaohua Industry and Qianye Women's Shoes. In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary successful businessman.

An ordinary landlady who wins without doing anything.

That day, Ye Zhao came down from the Fortune Building and saw Zeng Xiang's motorcycle parked at the door, but no one was there.

I picked up the phone and was about to make a call when someone grabbed my hand from behind.

Zeng Xiang said, "I was just about to go up to find you. How come you came down so punctually?"

Ye Zhao held his hand and said with a smile: "From today on, starting with me, everyone in our company will not work overtime if they can."

"Those workaholics in your company, if you don't work overtime, they will definitely continue to work overtime."

"They are paid overtime, and it would be inappropriate for me to force them not to work overtime. How did your promotion exam go?"

"It went smoothly. There should be no problem."

Ye Zhao said: "Grandma will definitely be very happy if she knows this."

"Whose motorcycle is parked here?!" a young security guard asked loudly standing at the door.

Zeng Xiang said, "Mine, leave immediately."

The young security guard was about to walk over to ask for clarification, but was stopped by another security guard, "Are you crazy? Those are the boss and her husband! The whole building belongs to her, how dare you control where she puts her motorcycle?"

The young security guard was stunned for a moment and swallowed, "The boss is so young, and she's a woman?"

"You are short-sighted! Not only this building, but also the one across the street that is almost 100 stories high is hers."

"That's amazing! What kind of person is he!"

"Do you know the most exclusive residential area in Shenzhen, Zizhulin?"

"Who doesn't know the Purple Bamboo Forest?"

"That's hers, too."

The security guard stared at him, a little unconvinced, "You are fooling me!"

"Who is fooling you? You are so ignorant that you are surprised by what you have seen."

Boom! Boom! Woo woo woo woo!

The motorcycle drove out of the parking lot. Ye Zhao hugged Zeng Xiang's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. During the rush hour, the road was jammed with traffic. Only the motorcycle was nimbly shuttling through the traffic...

(End of this chapter)

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