I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 25: Order


Su Yingmin came back with a newspaper in his hand, "Why are you back? I thought you were gone."

Ye Zhao reacted very quickly. She smiled calmly and said, "Didn't I say I went to find evidence for you?"

"What evidence did you find?"

"You'll know in a moment." Ye Zhao sat down. "Uncle Su, I'll help you find evidence, and you have to help too. Clear out the wrath of the emperor!"

"What do you know about clearing the court? You little kid! Have lunch here today." Su Yingmin walked to the door with a smile and asked Secretary Liu to get another lunch.

Not long after, Secretary Liu brought in two iron boxes of food, including beer duck and bean sprouts. Ye Zhao was hungry, so he ate happily.

"This must be a special meal for the leaders, right? I heard that the workers' meals are tasteless and have no oil."

Su Yingmin said to her: "You are so young, but you know everything. If you really want to manage this factory in the future, you can't be so smart. You have to pretend to be confused. If the water is too clear, there will be no fish. Do you understand?"

Ye Zhao glanced at him. Was he brainwashing her in advance

"When I have money, I will do what I like. Who wants to manage this broken factory?"

"You're quite arrogant."

Ye Zhao smiled and concentrated on eating.

Bai Yunping hurried to the door and before she came in, she caught a glimpse of Ye Zhao. When she saw Ye Zhao, she wanted to hide, but Su Yingmin saw her and called her in.

"what document?"

"Salary Adjustment Schedule."

Su Yingmin put down his chopsticks, took it and looked at it, "Director Zhang and his colleagues got a pretty big raise."

"Their office was rated excellent last time."

"Okay, put it on the table and I'll take a look at it later." As soon as Su Yingmin finished speaking, the radio started playing some noise.


Ye Zhao gave Su Yingmin a look, and the old fox Su Yingmin understood immediately.

There was a female voice on the radio acting coquettishly, and a man said something. Bai Yunping had sharp ears and she immediately recognized whose voice it was.

"What is Feng Zhiyuan doing?"

Bai Yunping thought it was an improper relationship between a man and a woman, and was about to leave, probably wanting to ask someone to stop it, but Su Yingmin stopped her, "Manager Bai, don't get involved!"

"Ms. Su, this is so corrupt! There are children here." She looked at Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao ignored her.

The sound of the radio became clearer and clearer, and Gao Yueyue said, "Go away. I don't want to play with you anymore. I'm still hungry."

Feng Zhiyuan: "I'll treat you to a meal after you finish your broadcast."

Gao Yueyue: "Let's go eat in the cafeteria? No! It's so unpalatable. Didn't they say the cafeteria staff will be replaced? When will they be replaced?"

Feng Zhiyuan: "No matter who you change, you will only hire a chef for a month or so at the beginning, and then it will be the same thing. We don't eat in the cafeteria, we eat out."

Gao Yueyue: "Hey, what does it mean to change the soup but not the medicine?"

Feng Zhiyuan: "It's hard to say. I'll just take you out to eat. Why do you care about this?"

Bai Yunping broke out in a cold sweat as she listened. There was no phone in the radio room, so even if she rushed over, it would be too late.

Gao Yueyue went straight to the point: "I understand. I've heard it all. You arranged several companies to bid for the canteen this time, right? Do you have a share? Brother Feng, don't forget me when you get rich."

Feng Zhiyuan: "Who told you that?"

Gao Yueyue: "Several days ago, some people were talking about it, saying that you secretly sent out a notice to supplement the information and posted it in a corner, just to avoid being seen by others, so that you could arrange people to bid. Isn't that right?"

Feng Zhiyuan was nervous: "Don't spread these words in private. This matter has nothing to do with me. I do whatever the leader tells me to do. I am not the one who gets rich. The leader eats the meat, and I am lucky enough to have a sip of soup."

Gao Yueyue is indeed a smart person. She captured the information accurately: "Who is your boss? Manager Bai or Director Zhang?"

Bai Yunping almost lost her legs when she heard this! She only had one cry in her heart: "It's over! It's over!"

Feng Zhiyuan chuckled twice: "They are all my leaders! Aren't Manager Bai and Director Zhang from the same family? They are all royal relatives, and we are a small country with few people."

Gao Yueyue: "Then your bidding is purely a formality, what's the point? Can't you just outsource it to the boss's relatives? You've created so much trouble, and I was looking forward to this canteen reform. It's all in vain."

Feng Zhiyuan: "There's nothing we can do. The factory used to pay for the canteen. The current reform is ostensibly to improve the food, but in reality it means the factory spends less money and the workers pay more. The senior leaders of the factory are happy to see this happen. They don't care about such trivial matters and turn a blind eye..."

The sound suddenly stopped, perhaps because someone knocked on the door, or perhaps Gao Yueyue saw that her goal had been achieved and turned off the radio.

Bai Yunping's voice trembled, "Feng Zhiyuan is talking nonsense! I have never been in charge of the canteen outsourcing. It was always Director Zhang who was in charge."

She was protecting herself. At this point, she could only sacrifice the rook to save the king.

Su Yingmin pursed his lips and said nothing. Ye Zhao continued to eat her beer duck, completely staying out of the matter. "It would be nice if there was soup."

There was the sound of hurried high-heeled footsteps, and Secretary Liu ran over and said, "Boss Su, the workers are making trouble in the cafeteria."


What happened next was that Zhang Qiang, Bai Yunlian's cousin, stepped down as the office director, Feng Zhiyuan was fired, and Gao Yueyue lost her lucrative job as a radio announcer...

The canteen contract rights were put up for re-tendering, with each worker having one vote to choose the contractor.

After dinner, Ye Zhao rushed back to revise the quotation.

She erased the original price of 40 cents and quoted a new price of 52 cents. The factory contributed 49 cents and the workers paid 1 cent per meal.

With 1 cent to eat, the butt determines the head. She didn't believe that the workers would not choose her plan.

The result was just as she expected. Almost 99% of the votes were cast for Li Zhengxin and Qin Yue'e's team.

In this way, Ye Zhao operated in secret and won the contract for the canteen of Irene Toy Factory.

Her goal has never been the Irene Toy Factory, let alone the cafeteria in the Irene Toy Factory, but she is in urgent need of a large blood bag, and the cafeteria is currently her most suitable blood bank.

Now that most of her funds are tied up in the factory, she has to find a way to go to Xishan first.

If she wanted to cooperate with Song Rongji, she had to go to Xishan early to order enough Xishan small yellow ginger. She had to go to Xishan to roughly estimate how much deposit she would need so that she could come back and find a way to raise money from the blood bank.

Ever since she learned that Su Yingmin burned the group photo of the three female educated youth, Ye Zhao had a lot of doubts in her mind, and she brought up her previous plan to go to the archives again.

The day before going to Xishan happened to be a Thursday, and Ye Zhao went to the archives again.

The archives finally opened, and the staff asked her for a letter of introduction. Without it, she would not be allowed to access the archives.

Ye Zhao didn't understand: "What letter of introduction?"

The staff member said impatiently: "Your letter of introduction from your work unit. Why do you want to check information? Why should you check information? You need an introduction from your work unit to do this."

"I am still a student."

“Students can’t check it.”

What kind of broken rule is this? Ye Zhao thought about it and asked patiently, "Is a letter of introduction from the school okay?"

"That depends on your school's willingness to issue a letter of introduction. You're a student, not an employee, so why would the school issue you a letter of introduction? Let's go, don't delay us from getting off work."

This person has a really bad attitude! It's not even five o'clock yet, and she's already thinking about leaving get off work. If it were a few years later, and there was a service complaint mechanism, Ye Zhao would have complained about her.

This is not an easy matter, she still has to find a way to get a letter of introduction.

After returning from the archives, Ye Zhao told Aunt Qiao that she was going to Xishan and would probably be back in two or three days.

Aunt Qiao was peeling soybeans to make soup. She asked, "Which Xishan? The Xishan with small yellow ginger?"

"Yes, it's not far from Shenzhen. I checked and there are long-distance buses that go directly there and it takes four hours to get there." This is because there are no expressways. Once there are expressways, it will probably take more than an hour to get there.

"It's so far, what are you going to do in Xishan?"

"I'm going to order some turmeric."

Aunt Qiao couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? Are you going to set up a stall to sell ginger?"

"Then do you support me?"

"Are you really setting up a stall? I support you! I support you no matter what you do! This is called being self-reliant. You have a good awareness."

Ye Zhao washed his hands and came out to help peel soybeans: "Last time when I was performing at the Grand Theater, I met Mrs. Song from Song Rongji..."

Aunt Qiao was surprised: "The famous Song Rongji in Hong Kong?"

"Yes, their family started out by selling ginger candy. They only use Xishan small yellow ginger to make their ginger candy. Other gingers can't produce this taste."

"I know this, I know this. You met Song Tai, and then what?"

"I left her my contact number and she will ask me to buy turmeric this year."



"Why did she buy it from you?"

"There will be problems with the small yellow ginger this year. If she can't buy ginger then, she will definitely come to me."

According to the original book, the boss of Song Rong Ji made a bet with someone else, and the bet was on Song Rong Ji's performance this year. They had expected to meet the performance target by mid-November this year, but unexpectedly, something went wrong with the small yellow ginger they ordered.

Without ginger, there would be no ginger candy. In December, a large number of overseas New Year orders were overdue and could not be delivered, resulting in a large loss of money, which led to the final performance not meeting the target. After losing the bet, the boss of Song Rong Ji lost control of Song Rong Ji and his family fell into poverty.

The winner of the bet was the declining wealthy family, the Zhong family, that is, the family of Luo Shen's stepmother. Because the Zhong family gained control of Song Rongji, the fortune of the entire family turned around. Later, they got involved in commercial real estate, made a fortune, and became the strongest backing of Luo Shen's stepmother.

Ye Zhao had no way to explain the specific reason to Aunt Qiao, so he had to lie to her: "I asked someone to calculate it, and the fortune teller said that I will meet two noble people this year, one with the surname Zeng and the other with the surname Song. I will make a fortune this year."

Aunt Qiao couldn't help laughing: "Isn't my last name Zeng?"

"Yes, so you are my benefactor."

"You make me happy every day. I wish Xiangzi could be like you." Aunt Qiao brought the peeled beans into the kitchen, "We'll have soybean soup tonight. Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Ye Zhao walked into the room.

"Whatever I asked you, you said you liked it."

After returning to the room, Ye Zhao began to pack her things. She only had two thousand yuan left in her hand, and she planned to take it all with her. Fearing that it would be unsafe on the road, she thought about sewing the money into her underwear.

At dinner that night, Aunt Qiao said again: "I've thought about it. There are a lot of bandits in the Xishan area. I'm worried about you going alone."

Zeng Xiang didn't even think twice: "I'll go with her."

"No." Aunt Qiao rejected it outright. "You are a little boy and she is a little girl. You look immature and easy to bully! Do you think you can be the king in Zengwuwei? No one will care about you here, but you can't do that in other places."

"Why not? Just bring your weapons."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "It's okay. I came all the way from Wancheng, even with a burden."

"The place you go by train is different from the place you go by long-distance bus. Nowadays, there are so many car bandits and robberies on the road that are reported in the news every day. Xishan is a particularly exclusive place. I am worried about you going alone, so I will go with you."

Ye Zhao didn't expect Aunt Qiao to be so warm-hearted. She was a little flattered. "That's not good. Aunt Qiao, you come with me. What about Xiangzi... What about Brother Xiang, who is alone at home?"

"He's not a three-year-old kid anymore. Let him go to Fatty Ying's house and eat together."

After Aunt Qiao made the decision, she did not allow the two children to object and made the decision at the dinner table.

So, early the next morning, Aunt Qiao and Ye Zhao boarded a long-distance bus to Xishan.

This time the bus ride was better than the last time because it was morning, not so hot, and there were not many passengers on the bus. Last time Ye Zhao had a burden with her, this time she became the burden herself.

The road here has just been repaired and is quite easy to walk on. Aunt Qiao is holding a small folding fan in her hand and she is fanning herself and Ye Zhao. The scenery on the road is very pleasant.

Looking at the large vegetable field outside, Aunt Qiao said, "This is Dongshan. The soil and water here are good, and the big radishes grown here are delicious. There used to be a saying that goes 'Dongshan radishes, Xishan ginger'. People from these two places were very rich in ancient times. Now, they are backward, especially Dongshan. Xishan still has the famous small yellow ginger, but Dongshan only has vegetables."

Ye Zhao: "They can also sell vegetables."

"Vegetables are different from ginger. Ginger can be stored. If you don't eat vegetables today, they will go bad tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Can't radishes be stored for a long time?"

"Radishes take a long time to grow and are not worth much. Xishan small yellow ginger can be sold for a few cents per pound, while radishes are only one or two cents. The price difference is dozens of times."

That's true. Ye Zhao didn't understand these things. She came here just for ginger today, and she only studied small yellow ginger. If the original book hadn't mentioned Xishan small yellow ginger, she wouldn't even know about it.

We arrived at Xishan at around noon. When we came out of the long-distance bus station, opposite was a market selling turmeric. At the outermost part of the market, there were several shops selling Xishan turmeric.

They asked several stores, but they all said that they couldn't make reservations in advance. If they wanted this year's new products, they would have to come and buy them directly in October or November.

When asked why, they ignored me.

Later, they found a small shop in a corner that sold pickled ginger and ginger candy. While buying ginger candy, they asked the shop if they could order this year's new ginger.

"It's not possible to order, just come and buy it at the end of October." This sentence again.

“Can’t I make a reservation in advance even if I pay?”

"Now you can't get goods just by paying. Most of the ginger farmers' goods have been ordered this year. I don't know if I can receive the goods to sell by then. How can I reserve them for you? Right?"

Ye Zhao: "Who has decided on them?"

"At first, it was Brother Fa from Gangcheng who placed the order, and then Song Rongji came as well. They each placed orders for goods from several villages, and basically ordered all the supplies."

Song Rongji also comes to place orders directly

In the original novel, Song Rongji purchased the goods directly from the middleman. In order to cope with this bet, they ordered enough small yellow ginger from the middleman in advance. However, the middleman broke his promise in the end and was unable to supply them with the goods. The small yellow ginger on the market was also bought in advance by people arranged by the Zhong family, the other party in the bet.

Ye Zhao could understand that Brother Fa should be the person arranged by the Zhong family. Then why did Song Rongji go directly to the farmer to place an order this time

Aunt Qiao sighed, "I don't think there's a chance. Song Rongji ordered so much young yellow ginger itself. It's much cheaper if we buy it directly at the first-hand price."

That's not necessarily the case.

Ye Zhao asked the man again, "If both sides are competing to place orders, won't Brother Fa and Song Rongji start a fight?"

"Song Rongji ordered goods from several villages in one night. They ordered enough at once. There is nothing to fight about."

Ye Zhao remembered that the Zhong family had made two preparations in order to gain control of Song Rongji. If Song Rongji purchased through middlemen, they would have already made arrangements with the middlemen, and the middlemen would have cut off the supply to Song Rongji. If Song Rongji purchased from ginger farmers in advance, they would have spread the ginger plague a week before the harvest of small yellow ginger, leaving Song Rongji no time to fight back.

So, she still has a chance.

The key is to find enough supply and harvest it a week before the ripening season.

After walking around the market, a shopkeeper introduced a man to them. The man's name was Huang Dongliang, a ginger dealer who specialized in going to the countryside to collect goods. He had many connections.

In a small courtyard, Huang Dongliang was chopping wood. He looked at Aunt Qiao and Ye Zhao, thinking they were mother and daughter. "Are you from Shenzhen?"

"Yes." Aunt Qiao handed the other party a cigarette that she had bought a long time ago, "Have a smoke, brother!"

"There's no stock. They've all been reserved by people from Gangcheng. We'll all have grain seeds to eat this year." Huang Dongliang threw the axe aside, took the cigarette handed to him by Aunt Qiao and lit it.

Ye Zhao: "Help us find the source of goods, and then you will be the one to collect them. It will be your fee."

Huang Dongliang looked at Ye Zhao, thinking that what the little girl said might not count. He then looked at Aunt Qiao, "Your daughter?"

Aunt Qiao smiled and said, "Listen to my daughter. As long as you help us find the source of goods, we will leave the work to you, and we won't have to eat the seeds. Brother! Is that right?"

Aunt Qiao spoke proudly, while Huang Dongliang smoked a cigarette, "There is another village of goods, but no one has ordered them. Do you want them?"

“Why is there no one ordering goods from their village?”

Huang Dongliang: "I am a honest person, I will tell you the truth, the soil in their village is not that good, the ginger is smaller, but it actually tastes better, you know? I can show you the goods."

Huang Dongliang took out a few small pieces of yellow ginger from the sand pile in the house and said, "Look, this is the ginger from Zhangjia Village. Every time I buy their ginger, I keep it until the end and sell it when it is out of stock in the market. But the quality is not good."

Ye Zhao took it and took a look. It was indeed of poor quality. He broke off a small piece and smelled it. It tasted very authentic.

In order to make this deal, Ye Zhao has been studying turmeric for some time. She thinks this stuff can be used and there is no problem.

“Can the price be cheaper?”

"How much do you want?"

In fact, at the beginning Ye Zhao was just thinking about how much business she could do based on how much money she had. After she had the canteen as a blood bank, she changed her mind and thought about how much business she could do and then find ways to raise money.

Ye Zhao: "I bought all the small yellow ginger in their village. I want as many as I can get."

So generous? Huang Dongliang was obviously much more enthusiastic than when he first received them. He said: "It can be 5 cents cheaper. Goods are expensive this year. Other villages are 80 cents, but Zhangjia Village's 75 cents is fine."

This price is really too expensive!

Aunt Qiao sighed, "It's almost more expensive than meat! Ginger sold outside is only a few cents, and the most expensive is ten cents."

"This is the price of Xishan small yellow ginger. Have you ever tried Song Rongji ginger candy? A small box costs more than ten yuan and is sold all over the world."

Ye Zhao felt that as long as the goods were available and the price was acceptable, since the purchase price was high, the selling price would naturally be high as well.

Aunt Qiao asked again: "Does the 75 cents include your commission?"

“Not included.”

"How is your commission calculated?"

"I charge 1 cent per pound."

Ye Zhao agreed. Aunt Qiao was a little worried. The goods were too expensive. What if they were sold out? This was not a good deal, but she couldn't stop it.

Ye Zhao asked: "What is the approximate output of Zhangjia Village?"

Huang Dongliang looked embarrassed. "The yield of this small yellow ginger is low. There is not much in Zhangjia Village. When the yield is low, it is about 20,000 catties. When the yield is high, it is only more than 30,000 catties."

Song Rongji's shipments at the end of the year account for almost half of the annual total, all of which are New Year goods for overseas customers. Their ginger candy is different from that of other companies, and they consume a lot of ginger. The amount of ginger used in this batch of goods at the end of the year alone is at least 100,000 kilograms.

“Is there any other place to get it?”

"Isn't there enough ginger from Zhangjia Village? That's true. Some other small farmers grow less and we can't buy several thousand kilograms. The main reason is that the output was high last year and we couldn't get a good price. We sold it at the price of ordinary ginger. This year, there are fewer farmers growing small yellow ginger."

"Then help me keep an eye out. We want them even if they are individual farmers. All these farmers will be settled. I will sign the contract, pay the deposit, and then I will have the final say on when to harvest. This needs to be written into the contract."

Huang Dongliang said there was no problem with signing the contract, but he didn't understand why Ye Zhao had to specify a time for the harvest.

"I have special needs, so I just harvest about 10 to 20 days in advance."

"That has to be agreed upon. I'm afraid that some people will be fussy and think that if it's ten or twenty days earlier, the weight will be less, and they will be unhappy."

"Well, let's talk to the farmers first, and then sign the contract after we have reached an agreement."

"That's fine."

Huang Dongliang drove his tractor for collecting goods and took them to the home of a farmer in Zhangjia Village who grew turmeric to discuss cooperation. The turmeric in Zhangjia Village had never been ordered in advance because of its small size, so this was the first time.

The farmers even privately thought that the mother and daughter might not be knowledgeable and were deceived by Huang Dongliang.

For this reason, everyone was very polite to this big enemy customer and actively cooperated in discussing cooperation.

There were no problems with other conditions, except for the possibility of early harvest. After all, their small yellow ginger is small in size, and if it is harvested earlier, it will be even smaller and weigh less.

In the end, Ye Zhao took the initiative to add 1 cent, which made the farmers feel embarrassed, and the deal was finally made.

There were a total of 24 ginger farmers. Ye Zhao wrote 48 agreements by hand until his hands became numb. Finally, he and the farmers signed and put their fingerprints on them. The 2,000 yuan Ye Zhao brought was just enough to pay the deposit, and the deal was settled.

After signing the agreement, it was already dark. Zhang Jun, the ginger grower with the largest ginger planting area in the village, killed chickens and ducks and prepared a big meal and invited them to have dinner together.

Huang Dongliang said that it would be difficult to find a place to have dinner if he went back to town now, so it would be better to eat here.

At first Ye Zhao and Aunt Qiao naively thought that this was a special banquet for them, but when the food was about to be served, they realized that the banquet was mainly for the brother-in-law, and they were invited as a by-product.

When the food was really served, we urged our brother-in-law to come, only to find out that Zhang Jun's brother-in-law was Chen Lianfa, the mistress tenant who was kicked out by Aunt Qiao. This tenant was none other than Brother Fa, who bought small yellow ginger for the Zhong family.

Chen Lianfa beat his wife Zhang Yueli a few days ago. Half of Zhang Yueli's face was swollen. She hid in the house and was embarrassed to come out to see people, so Ye Zhao had not seen her before.

Zhang Yueli's mother and brother and sister-in-law had to politely invite the son-in-law who beat their daughter, hoping that the couple could reconcile and live the rest of their lives in harmony.

After hearing all this, Ye Zhao was furious! She wanted to hit someone, but she didn't dare to. She had to hold down Aunt Qiao who was even more angry than her.

Also, since Chen Lianfa was buying turmeric for the Zhong family, why didn’t he buy the goods from his wife’s family

Moreover, the person who will spread the ginger plague should be arranged by Fa Ge. If he doesn't like her mother's family, he will probably start by taking the batch of small yellow ginger that she has already ordered, right

Ye Zhao was still in a daze when he heard a "slap" sound and Chen Lianfa slapped his wife hard in the face in front of his mother-in-law and brother-in-law. It was simply lawless!

The woman in the room was sobbing quietly, and the dog outside was barking wildly. Ye Zhao and Aunt Qiao didn't say anything. Faced with such a situation, they felt helpless and powerless.

Zhang Yueli's mother muttered softly, "For the sake of the child, please be patient."

Zhang Jun saw his sister being bullied, so he just stood at the door and smoked, trying to get justice for his sister. If they really got divorced, what would happen to his sister's life? What about the two children

The only person who was a little tactful was Zhang Jun's wife, Mrs. Yun, who pulled Chen Lianfa away and took him to the side hall to eat at the table.

Only then did Chen Lianfa see Aunt Qiao.

"Landlady? Why is it you?! Why are you here?"

This was not Zengwuwei, so Aunt Qiao couldn't keep a straight face and just laughed softly, "It's just a coincidence."

Chen Lianfa was also a strange person. He didn't seem to care about Zeng Erqiao's driving them out. He greeted them warmly: "Why did you come to this remote place in the mountains?"

Sister Yun hurriedly introduced: "Do you know each other? This is a customer from Shenzhen who came to buy ginger."

"She was our previous landlord. She collected rent from several houses in Shenzhen. She was very impressive! Right, landlady?" Chen Lianfa said sarcastically.

This made Ye Zhao feel relieved. It seemed that he was a normal person and still had some resentment about being kicked out.

Chen Lianfa sat down next to Aunt Qiao and asked, "How did you start the small yellow ginger business?"

Aunt Qiao is also smart. She deliberately changed the subject: "A relative of mine in the north is in the ginger business. She wants to try to sell small yellow ginger there. She will test the waters this year."

"You are using the ginger from Zhangjia Village to open up the northern market?"

Aunt Qiao: "There is no stock anywhere else, only here. When the harvest comes, we will transport it to the north to sell."

"Then I wish you great fortune." Chen Lianfa smiled frivolously. It was not that he did not care about his mother's business, but he had enough confidence that the ginger from Zhangjia Village was of too poor quality and would definitely be kept until the end.

But this time it doesn't matter whether I stay until the end or not.

Chen Lianfa started booking turmeric from Xishan Town half a month ago, and signed contracts with nearly half of the villages. Somehow the news leaked out, but Song Rongji suddenly showed up without warning and bought up all the turmeric from the remaining villages in one night.

Since then, he gave up placing further orders and began to prepare a second plan to spread the ginger plague before the harvest.

So in Chen Lianfa's opinion, Zeng Erqiao was wasting money, and he would not let go of any piece of turmeric in any village in Xishan Town.

Ye Zhao stared at Chen Lianfa's evil smile and guessed what he was thinking. She sat in the corner, unnoticed and silent.

Chen Lianfa didn't know her and didn't realize there was a little girl there.

Huang Dongliang seized the opportunity to get close to Chen Lianfa and flatter him crazily, hoping that Fa Ge would have the chance to take care of his business in the future.

It was time for dinner. Zhang Yueli, with swollen eyes from crying, picked up some food for her youngest son. Chen Lianfa ordered, "Come back with me after dinner."

His home is in the next village. Today he drove the car that his boss gave him over here, looking very impressive.

Zhang Yueli muttered softly: "I won't go back until she leaves."

"If you don't go back today, don't go back later. Don't regret it."

"I won't go back until that nosy bitch leaves!" Zhang Yueli had no relatives in Shenzhen and dared not resist. She had had enough.

"Who are you calling a nosy bitch? Are you trying to call me a rooster?" Chen Lianfa was so angry that he threw the bowl and immediately grabbed his wife's hair and pulled it back hard!

Zhang Yueli fell to the ground with a thud. Chen Lianfa stood up and kicked her several times.

Zhang's mother, who was standing nearby, rushed to protect him: "Ah Fa, what are you doing? Stop hitting her! Stop hitting her!"

The old lady cried and shouted for him to stop beating her. She had no other options except protecting him like this.

Zhang Yueli's brother just stood there smoking, looking so cowardly that he didn't know how to persuade her.

Zhang Yueli's youngest son was only eight or nine years old. When he saw his mother being beaten, he rushed over like crazy, grabbed his father's arm and bit it hard!

"Fuck you! Bite me!" Chen Lianfa slapped him directly.

It wouldn't have been a big deal if the slap had hit the wound on his son's neck. It was an abscess from before and hadn't healed yet. The wound opened and blood was flowing out.

When Zhang Yueli saw her son’s neck bleeding and her head buzzing, she rushed into the kitchen to draw a knife, but was stopped by her brother and sister-in-law.

"I'm going to kill him. If I kill him, I won't live anymore. I'll die with my son!"

Ye Zhao pinched her fingers hard, trying to hold back and telling herself not to be impulsive. Aunt Qiao was the same as her!

"He's not a fucking human." A low roar came from the side.

Ye Zhao turned his head and found that Huang Dongliang's eyes were also red with anger.

The three people sitting in the corner looked at each other, and it seemed that they all had an idea in their minds.

The dinner was so unpalatable that they left without eating much. Huang Dongliang drove a tractor to take them back to town.

About an hour later, Chen Lianfa drove towards home, whistling.

Although he didn't take his wife back, he felt comfortable with her family's humble attitude. He believed that in a few days, that bitch would go home with her child.

It was dark at night and the road was narrow and difficult to drive on. He drove slowly. At some point, he noticed that something was wrong with the sound made by the tires. There were pebbles everywhere on the road. Could it be that an iron object had punctured the tire

He stopped the car, and without a flashlight, he tried to check the condition of the tires but couldn't see clearly.

"Damn, is it really leaking?"

This was a hellish place in the countryside, and no one could get any help from him. He had to walk to the town to find someone to tow the truck.

I should have known not to come today!

He locked the car and walked quickly towards the town. Fortunately, there was still moonlight, otherwise he would not be able to walk in the dark.

As he was walking, he passed a small forest and felt something was wrong. There seemed to be a strange sound. He stopped and his heart was pounding. He was about to turn around and ask who it was, but suddenly everything went dark...

He was put in a sack!

Then there was a round of punching and kicking!

Chen Lianfa didn't know who the other party was, but there must be more than one person, because the kicks came from all directions, and each kick was so fierce, as if they wanted to take his life.

Who is this? What on earth did he offend that made him hate him so much

It hurts! My whole body hurts!

He can't take it anymore. If you beat him again, he will die tonight.

He begged desperately, asking the people who beat him to be magnanimous and give him a chance and let him go.

The noise outside suddenly stopped. He didn't dare to move. Suddenly, a voice came from his ear, "If you hit your wife and children again, I'll kill you next time!"

Is this the voice of a little girl? She must be only six or seven years old? Where did this little girl come from? How could it be a little girl? It's clearly an adult's foot.

"Who are you?"

"The boy under the seat of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva."

Are you kidding me? How could there really be ghosts and gods in this world

Chen Lianfa struggled to take the sack off and found that there was no one around.

Not to mention people, there wasn't even a ghost, which frightened him so much that he shuddered.

Chen Lianfa collapsed on the sack, covered in wounds, and could only whisper for help.

(End of this chapter)