I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 33: make a deal


Back to last night, Ye Zhao hurriedly ran to Ni Meng's house in slippers, wanting to discuss with the other party to get back the passbook that was used as collateral.

Ni Meng was not at home at the time, so Zeng Xiaoling and her mother were having dinner in the living room.

Xiaoling's mother looked at Ye Zhao, who looked anxious, and came out to greet him: "He's out, he may not be back so soon, is there anything urgent?"

"Can you come back tonight?"

"Then I can come back."

Ye Zhao decided to wait for Ni Meng at their home.

Zeng Xiaoling brought her a bag of figs and asked her why she didn't come to take the exam this afternoon. The physics teacher's face turned black.

The teacher was upset and she couldn't do anything about it. Ye Zhao ate the figs, which were sour and sweet and delicious. "This thing is really addictive."

"I have more. I'll get it for you."

Zeng Xiaoling is a nice person when you're serious about getting along with her. She's loyal and lovable when she's not thinking straight.

She was afraid that Ye Zhao would be bored, so she turned on the TV in the living room. "Aren't you going to evening self-study?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I'm not going."

"I really envy you. You are free to go to school when you want to, and be absent when you want to. Your grades are OK, and the teacher can only frown when he wants to get angry, not scold him in person. Such a life is so meaningful, I envy you so much."

Ye Zhao envied her instead. Zeng Xiaoling was the happiest among these girls.

Li Ruixiang also grew up in an ordinary family. Her parents' family was harmonious, but her family conditions were average. Li Ruixiang had to rely on herself to work hard for a future. Although Zeng Xiuqun was a local, her family was wealthy and had many rental houses, but her mother was somewhat biased towards boys...

Only Zeng Xiaoling won without any effort.

"You are so lucky. You are spoiled by your parents and coaxed by your three brothers. You can be careless in class and no one will scold you for doing poorly on the test. This is an enviable and happy life."

Zeng Xiaoling was not angry when she was accused of not using her brain in class. "You are too mean. If it were before, I would definitely have scolded you."

Ye Zhao smiled innocently: "I am telling the truth."

The two chatted for a while, and Zeng Xiaoling went to evening self-study.

Ye Zhao was waiting in the living room. Xiaoling's mother called everywhere to help her look for someone. She couldn't find the person on the phone, so she had to go out to look for him. An hour and a half later, Ni Meng was finally found by his wife.

As soon as Ni Meng came in, he slapped his thigh and said, "Oh, I didn't know you were looking for me. Why didn't you call in advance?"

Ye Zhao stood up when he saw Ni Meng coming back: "Uncle Wang, you are finally back. I was also caught off guard..."

"What happened? Sit down quickly." Ni Meng pressed the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray and put it out.

"I left you my passbook as collateral before, but the factory has a new policy, so all the deposits have to be returned now."

Ni Meng was speechless. Although he had said before that he would lend her money even without collateral, that was just a polite remark. But he did say so. Ni Meng was a little embarrassed to refuse and smiled awkwardly: "Oh my, what's wrong with this..."

Ye Zhao knew that it was impossible to take the passbook away for nothing, so she said, "Uncle Wang, I'll exchange something for you as collateral."

The little girl is still reliable and she doesn't really mean to cheat.

While Ni Meng was rinsing the cup and brewing Kung Fu tea, he asked, "What do you want to use as collateral?"

“Xishan small yellow ginger.”

Ni Meng had never paid attention to this stuff before, so he didn't quite understand: "What ginger?"

"You know Song Rong Ji ginger candy, right?"

"I know. It's expensive. What's the matter?"

Ye Zhao thought that everyone in this area would know about Xishan small yellow ginger, but who would have thought that the old man Ni Meng didn't know anything about it. She had to explain slowly: "The raw material for Song Rongji ginger candy is Xishan small yellow ginger. There is a problem with the production of this stuff this year. Now ginger is hard to find in the market. I have 100,000 kilograms of small yellow ginger in my warehouse, and the value must be much higher than 40,000. I now want to use this batch of ginger to replace the passbook as collateral."

Ni Meng didn't understand the value of Xishan small yellow ginger. One hundred thousand catties of small yellow ginger sounds like a lot, but if you want to sell it, it must be at wholesale price. It's good if a catty of ginger can be sold for 0.1 cent, and the wholesale price is probably only a few cents per catty. One hundred thousand catties of ginger is not worth ten thousand yuan.

The girl was trying to trick him, but Ni Meng couldn't see through her. "One hundred thousand kilograms of ginger... Oh, that sounds like a lot..."

Fortunately, Ye Zhao was prepared. She took out Boss Liu's phone number and said, "This is Boss Liu, who specializes in the wholesale business of small yellow ginger. Call him and tell him that you have a batch of Xishan small yellow ginger, 1 yuan per pound. Ask him if he will buy it."

One yuan per pound, 100,000 pounds is 100,000 yuan? Is this crazy

Seeing Ni Meng's surprised expression, Ye Zhao didn't explain and directly called Boss Liu for him. Then he handed him the phone. Ni Meng hesitated for a moment before taking the phone.

Ye Zhao reminded: "If he asks you how much you have, just say a few thousand kilograms, don't say more."

After the call was connected, Ni Meng briefly explained the situation, and Boss Liu immediately said that he could accept the goods. He asked him where his address was and they could drive to his door to pick up the goods.

Is it really one yuan per pound? The other party seems to be asking for nothing, so one yuan per pound is still cheap

Ni Meng hung up the phone, but Boss Liu called back to ask what was going on and whether he could sell Xishan small yellow ginger. If he was serious about selling it, he could raise the price.

He was short of experience, so Ni Meng said helplessly, "I'm just teasing you."

"Your mother!" Boss Liu cursed and hung up the phone.

Ni Meng was very smart. He understood immediately, "The money you borrowed from me was used to buy ginger, right? Then you would have made a fortune."

Ye Zhao smiled modestly and said, "What do you mean by making a fortune? A few tens of thousands of dollars is just a small amount for you. Just spend some money."

"Tens of thousands of yuan is not a small sum! The money your uncle lent out was not mine. I borrowed it from others. I just made a little profit from the interest difference. Can I take a look at the batch of ginger you mentioned?"

"The warehouse is outside the customs. If you want to see it, I can take you there now. But I have to go back and get an ID card."

Ni Meng had his own car, so he said, "Come on, take my car."

Ye Zhao went home to get his ID card. Aunt Qiao was watching TV in the living room. Seeing Ye Zhao in a hurry, she looked up and asked, "Where are you going so late?"

"I'm going to the warehouse." Ye Zhao replied to her in the room.

Aunt Qiao was surprised why he went to the warehouse so late, "Have you sold the small yellow ginger?"

Ye Zhao took his ID card and changed his slippers into sneakers. "They haven't been sold yet. I went to check out the goods."

"It's late at night, please be careful. Xiangzi is the same, he goes out to play every night, otherwise I would feel more at ease if he went with you."

Ye Zhao went to the bathroom and came out, "It's okay, I'll go with Uncle Ni Meng."

When Aunt Qiao heard Ye Zhao say that he was going to take Ni Meng to look at the goods, she stood up and asked worriedly, "Why is he going with you to look at the goods? Be careful, this guy is very cunning and can't be trusted."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Now I need him to trust me. It's good enough if he doesn't think I'm cunning. I'm leaving now. I may be back late tonight. Aunt Qiao, you go to bed first."

Zeng Erqiao was still worried, so she sent Ye Zhao down specially. She wanted to let Ni Meng know that there was someone protecting Ye Zhao behind the scenes, so he should not do anything rash.

There weren't many cars on the road, just a little congested when leaving the customs. Ni Meng asked Ye Zhao curiously, "What's your relationship with Qiao Jie? Qiao Jie from the Da Zeng family."

Ye Zhao: "Aunt Qiao? She is the landlord and I am the tenant. But she is very good to me, like her own mother."

Ni Meng smiled and shook his head: "Why would she be nice to others for no reason? You'd better be careful and have a cautious mind."

The two of them were a little amused, and each reminded Ye Zhao to be wary of the other. Ye Zhao asked with a smile: "Why?"

"Does Sister Qiao like you?"

"Huh?" Ye Zhao didn't understand. "What does Aunt Qiao like about me?"

The portrait of the great man hanging on the mud cart fell off, and he wanted to pick it up but it was inconvenient, so Ye Zhao picked it up and handed it to him.

Ni Meng put his head portrait on the hood of the car and continued the previous topic: "Look at you, your family runs such a big factory, you are beautiful and smart, she must have some ulterior motives, she likes you and wants you to be her daughter-in-law."

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhao couldn't help but laugh. "Aunt Qiao didn't know my dad ran a factory before. She rented the house to me at a low price because she felt sorry for me. She is a very nice person, and Xiangzi is also very nice. The whole family is very kind."

"As for her son, hey! He went to Hong Kong City to live with his relatives for a few years and was sent back. His grades are worse than our Xiaoling's. He is good at fighting, but not at anything else. He will not have any future." After stepping on his opponent, Ni Meng did not forget to praise his own son, "My three sons are different. They are all smart, hardworking, filial, and can stand on their own."

Ye Zhao had no impression of Ni Meng's three sons. Oh, no, his youngest son was almost scared to his knees by her that day.

She smiled awkwardly. She didn't want to comment on other people's sons. The only thing in her mind at this moment was Xiangzi's cute appearance. She said, "Xiangzi is very good. He is handsome, responsible, and very reliable."

"You like it?"

"I like it." Ye Zhao answered without hesitation.

"You want to marry him?"

"Huh?" Ye Zhao didn't expect an old man like Ni Meng to be so gossipy. She said, "Uncle Wang, I'm only eighteen years old. I've never been in love, let alone thought about getting married."

"So you want to date him?"

Ye Zhao blinked: "I haven't thought about it. I'm still young."

That's good, it means there is still a chance. Ni Meng smiled and said, "You can fall in love and get married at the age of 18. When your aunt Wang married me, she was only 18 years old. If you think it through one day, I will introduce my sons to you. I have three sons, you can choose whatever you want."

Ye Zhao was looking for help, so he couldn't refuse cruelly, so he just said tactfully: "Then I choose Xiaoling."

"Hey! You have good taste! My daughter is indeed better than my son. What a pity, it's a pity that you are not a man."

While chatting here, they arrived at the warehouse. Ye Zhao had made a phone call before coming, and someone was waiting outside to open the door for them.

A separate warehouse is divided into ten areas, each area holds 10,000 kilograms of ginger. Each area is separated by plastic boards and plastic films to prevent ginger disease from getting mixed in during harvest. In that case, the ginger can only be infected in one area.

Ye Zhao took out a piece of small yellow ginger from the snakeskin bag and handed it to Ni Meng. There was still dirt on the ginger. Ni Meng couldn't believe it. This Xishan small yellow ginger was much smaller than the ginger on the market.

It's so ugly, small and meatless.

"This is it. I sell it for 1 yuan per pound. Why don't you sell it?"

Ye Zhao pursed his lips and smiled: "It deserves a higher price."

Although this was beyond Ni Meng's understanding, Boss Liu's fanatical attitude towards small yellow ginger made him realize that this ginger was indeed valuable.

"All right then. How are you going to use this as collateral?"

"Uncle Wang, I'll sign a document to guarantee the mortgage for you. I can't pledge all the goods to you because I may sell them at any time. I brought you here to let you know that I have the ability to repay the debt. If you don't trust me, you can send someone to guard here. Once I sell all the goods, I will pay you back immediately."

Ye Zhao said this with sincerity. Ni Meng patted the sand off his hands and said, "How could I not trust you? I have always trusted you. Uncle Wang wants to ask you, when do you plan to sell this little yellow ginger?"

Ye Zhao: "I will definitely sell them all before the end of the month. Then I will pay you back with interest."

"It's okay, don't worry, I trust you."

After walking around the warehouse, Ni Meng did not forget to explore the next opportunity for cooperation: "You can put your goods in Zengwuwei's warehouse in the future. Zengwuwei has a lot of warehouses. Come to me and I will introduce you."

Ye Zhao, who was currently seriously short of money and wished he could spend every penny, smiled and said, "It's cheaper outside the customs."

"You are really calculating. Zengwuwei is convenient. It's in the city, right? Let's go back and draw up a mortgage agreement. If you can't pay the debt when it's due, these small yellow gingers from Xishan will belong to me." Ni Meng joked, "You won't team up with that boss Liu and sell me out, will you?"

Ye Zhao said: "Uncle Wang, if you don't believe it, you can ask a few more experts."

"Just kidding. Hey, it's almost ten o'clock, let's go back quickly."

After returning from outside the Great Wall, Ye Zhao redrafted the mortgage agreement at Ni Meng's house. After both parties signed it, he successfully got his passbook back.

It was a bit foggy outside. Ye Zhao came out of the house. Ni Meng offered to take her home, but Ye Zhao declined: "Don't bother, Uncle Wang. It's not far to walk back. Walking can help clear my head."

There were still a lot of people on the street. Ye Zhao walked a few steps outside and found a familiar figure and a familiar motorcycle waiting on the side of the road.

He's here. Ye Zhao's heart suddenly melted, and he ran over with a smile: "Aunt Qiao asked you to come?"

Zeng Xiangyi was standing beside the car. Seeing her trotting over happily, a smile appeared on his face. He handed her the helmet and said, "I was passing by and happened to see you getting out of Ni Meng's car."

In fact, he had been waiting here for more than an hour.

"Any time. Right now."

"It's too dark at night, let's do it during the day." Ye Zhao had to go to class on Saturday morning, so he thought for a while and said, "You teach me on Saturday afternoon."

"You arrange it. Sit tight."

Ye Zhao put his hands on his shoulders. The muscles on his shoulders were very tight, full of a sense of security.

The October evening breeze was already a little chilly, so Zeng Xiang didn't drive too fast. It was very close to Ni Meng's house, so he took a detour.

As soon as he took a detour, Ye Zhao noticed him and said, "Why did you take a detour? It's closer to go to the left."

“This road is relatively flat.”

As soon as Brother Xiang finished speaking, the motorcycle shook uncooperatively. Ye Zhao: "I think this road is steeper."

"Want to eat?" he asked.

There was a small stall selling fried skewers nearby. Ye Zhao smelled the aroma and asked, "How about some?"

After stopping the car, Ye Zhao got out and ordered fried chicken wings and sausages. The two of them stood on the side of the road, eating skewers and chatting.

Ye Zhao asked him: "Why don't you ask me how the small yellow ginger is selling?"

Zeng Xiang followed suit: "How is the sales of small yellow ginger?"

Ye Zhao smiled: "I have a feeling that I can make a lot of money. When I make money, I will take you and Aunt Qiao to Ocean Park to comfort you."

Zeng Xiang: "My mother doesn't like playing this."

"What does Aunt Qiao like?"


Ye Zhao glanced at Xiangzi, who smiled and said, "It's okay for just the two of us to go."

It’s not impossible to take Xiangzai to the Ocean Park and buy gold for Aunt Qiao, as long as she makes a lot of money.

Zeng Xiang said: "Whether you make money or not, we can go. I will treat you."

Ye Zhao smiled innocently, "I'm not that stingy. I'll treat you if I say so."

The two finished their fried skewers and had some ice cream before going home.

Before reaching the gate of the courtyard, Ye Zhao saw a luxury car with Guangdong and Hong Kong license plates parked nearby. Zeng Xiang also noticed it. They both looked at the car at the same time. Ye Zhao took off his helmet and saw the car door open and a girl got out of the car.

Ye Zhao recognized her at a glance; this was Mrs. Song's secretary.

Finally! I found it.

Ye Zhao handed the helmet back to Zeng Xiang: "Looking for me."

Secretary Liang came forward and said with a smile: "Hello, Miss Ye, do you remember? We met at the Grand Theater."

"Remember. You are Mrs. Song's..."

"Secretary! I'm Mrs. Song's secretary, you can call me Liang Xin. We've been waiting for you for a long time, Mrs. Song is in the car."

Ye Zhao walked forward and Secretary Liang opened the back door for her. Ye Zhao got in the car and Mrs. Song sat in another seat in the back row.

Mrs. Song greeted him with a smile, her words and actions were very appropriate, "I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"You guys are indeed a little late." Ye Zhao said with a double meaning.

Mrs. Song didn't know how to explain that her secretary lost her phone card and dialed the wrong number. Fortunately, they still found out Ye Zhao's current address from the school.

"I wonder if it's too late?"

“If the price is right, it’s time.”

Song Tai said happily: "One hundred thousand kilograms of small yellow ginger, are they still there?"

"Here I am."

As long as the goods are there, everything will be fine. Song Tai smiled with relief and asked, "Where is the goods?"

"It's in Deep City."

"Great! I was afraid you might have shipped the goods to the North."

"No. Don't worry, if we reach a transaction agreement today, I can deliver the goods to you tomorrow. However, I will not cover the customs quarantine procedures." The smell of perfume in the car was a bit strong, so Ye Zhao rolled down the window a little.

The quarantine procedures were difficult for Ye Zhao, but a piece of cake for Song Rongji. Song Tai said, "No problem. We can handle the customs clearance procedures ourselves."

Ye Zhao smiled and said nothing. The other party was probably waiting for her to name the price, but Ye Zhao was very reserved at the moment and she wanted the other party to speak first.

As expected, Song Tai couldn't wait for Ye Zhao to speak, so he had to ask, "How much is the price?"

Ye Zhao first gave the other party a warning: "It's not cheap."

Song Tai was mentally prepared. Ye Zhao had been laying an ambush and contacting her for such a long time ago. She was definitely going to seize this opportunity to make a killing from Song Rongji.

"How much is it? Tell me."

Ye Zhao began to use roundabout tactics, "We have received many inquiries in the past two days. Today, two groups of people came to check out the goods, and one of them was also from Hong Kong City."

When Mrs. Song heard that they were from Hong Kong, she probably guessed which family they were from, but she still asked, "Which one?"

Ye Zhao didn't plan to point out that she knew about the Zhong family for the time being, and only said, "The other party didn't want to say it, but he threatened to buy my batch of ginger at any price. I casually gave them a sky-high price of 50 yuan per catty, but he didn't seem surprised. He went back to Hong Kong to discuss it and will give me an answer in two days."

"Fifty yuan per catty?" This is too much. Song Tai didn't expect the little girl to have such a big appetite. One hundred thousand catties is five million. The loss will reach Waipo Bridge.

But using five million to exchange for the control of Song Rongji is definitely worth it. It's just that the company will not easily agree to pay such a large sum of money. Going back to communicate will be a tough battle, and there will be no result unless we wait until the last moment.

Mrs. Song turned the diamond ring on her hand and said with a smile, "The price is too high. I want to ask, how much room is there for negotiation?"

Ye Zhao turned sideways and looked at Mrs. Song. Mrs. Song was in her forties. She wasn't very pretty, but her skin was well maintained. She wore light makeup, and her whole look showed her temperament.

"It depends on how we negotiate. If we are simply buying and selling turmeric, then I have only one principle: the highest bidder wins."

Song Tai heard the hidden meaning in these words, "It's not just buying ginger, what kind of cooperation is this?"

“Long-term, multifaceted cooperation.”

"How do you want to cooperate?"

The following conversation was the real reason why Ye Zhao had been waiting for Song Rongji. She said, "First, we will sign a long-term cooperation agreement. In the next ten years, all the small yellow gingers of Song Rongji will be provided by me."

She wants to do long-term business.

Mrs. Song nodded. This was not a big problem. It didn’t matter who you bought from.

"As long as the quality is guaranteed and the transaction is carried out at market price, this cooperation is negotiable. What about the second one?"

"Second, your company Song Rongji has a fruit and vegetable trading company called Shijiulou, which specializes in supplying fruits and vegetables to major markets in Hong Kong Island. I would like to become the only designated supplier of Shijiulou in the mainland."

Shijiulou is a small fruit and vegetable company under Song Rongji. It is not conspicuous and unimportant in Song Rongji’s business map. Song Tai didn’t even know how Ye Zhao knew about this company.

It is not important to Song Rongji, but it may be a rare platform to make money for Ye Zhao, so why not cooperate with him

Mrs. Song rolled down the car window and Secretary Liang came over immediately.

"Call and ask how many mainland suppliers Shijiulou has now, whether they have signed contracts, and when the contracts expire."

Secretary Liang was a little embarrassed: "It's too late today, I'm afraid I can't ask."

Ye Zhao couldn't help but look at the secretary a little more. This was the first time she met a secretary who said it couldn't be done. She was too realistic.

Mrs. Song seemed to be accustomed to the fact that Secretary Liang couldn't do it. She said, "Call Ah Hua and tell him that I asked him to check it. He can do it."

"Okay, I'll call Brother Hua now." Secretary Liang took out a mobile phone from his bag.

Song Tai said to Ye Zhao: "I can also agree to your second condition. As long as your company meets our requirements, everything will be easy."

This time it was Ye Zhao's turn to be embarrassed. She really had no experience in this area: "I don't have a company. It seems a bit troublesome to set up one, and it won't be approved so quickly. Can't you cooperate with me first?"

Mrs. Song looked at the little girl's unfamiliar yet sincere eyes. This girl dared to think and do, and dared to come to her for cooperation without anything. There was hope for her future.

Facing a newbie in the business world, Mrs. Song not only did not despise her, but instead gave her some advice: "A long-term partner must have a company. Customs and quarantine procedures all require the company to go through the process. Even if our company signs a contract with you personally, you still have to borrow a company shell to use first. You can change it later when you have established your own company."

Ye Zhao's little brain was able to draw inferences from one instance to another. After Mrs. Song's guidance, she immediately had an idea and knew what to do next.

"I'll find a way to set up a company."

Song Tai smiled and said, "I believe you can do it. Any other requests?"

Ye Zhao: “No more.”

She just wants to do a long-term, profitable business, not just a one-time deal.

After saying so much, but still not getting to the point, Mrs. Song smiled and said, "Then what is the price of this small yellow ginger..."

Ye Zhao said straightforwardly: "Mr. Song, name a price."

It’s hard for Mrs. Song to make an offer. How much should the price be reduced from the high price of fifty yuan

If the reduction is too small, it will be difficult to explain to the company. If the reduction is too large, the girl will definitely not agree. This is too difficult.

She could only probe the water a little at a time: "In the past, we bought small yellow ginger from the ginger shop, and the price was about 1 yuan."

Ye Zhao shook his head: "The ordering price has increased a lot this year. If you add up the transportation, storage, labor and other expenses, the cost is far more than 1 yuan."

"I know. I'm not saying this is the price. This year is special, so the price will definitely be much higher." Song Tai hesitated for a moment, then tried again underwater, "I'll give you 3 yuan, three times the price, do you think that's okay?"

Ye Zhao pursed his lips and shook his head again: "Although I put forward two conditions and want to cooperate with Song Rongji for a long time, I still have to make some money from this batch of goods, otherwise I won't even have the start-up capital. This is the truth."

Mrs. Song nodded to show her understanding: "How much do you want?"

"Three yuan is too low, I can't make any money. Fifty yuan is too high. It's too much pressure for you. For me, it may not be money that I make, but murder." After this round of bargaining, everyone had a rough idea in their hearts. Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Six yuan and sixty cents! For good luck, everything will go smoothly."

Mrs. Song nodded and smiled. Although the price of 660,000 RMB was slightly higher than she expected, it was still within her acceptable range. Everyone was happy. She extended her hand and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

“It’s been a pleasure working with you.”

"Then let's make it a deal! I'll bring the agreement to you to sign tomorrow, okay?"


After agreeing on a meeting time and place for tomorrow, Ye Zhao got out of Mrs. Song's car and walked towards Zeng Xiang. She said quietly and proudly, "Please go to Ocean Park. You choose the time."

So, the next morning, Ye Zhao went to prepare for the business of buying and selling turmeric. She withdrew the money from her passbook and took it to school to give it to Zeng Xiang, asking him to help deliver it to Aunt Qin in the cafeteria after school.

At the same time, she asked Zeng Xiang to deliver it a little later. She wanted to see which evildoer couldn't help but come out to wander around this time.


(End of this chapter)