I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 35: Knock it down


In the conference room, the ceiling fan was whirring, and the person sitting at the top had a heavy expression on his face.

Bai Yunlian and Sister Zhong had sullen faces, their minds racing, trying to think of ways to save themselves. The more they thought, the more confused their minds became, like a rope that couldn't be untied, trapping them.

As for the people in the cafeteria, Aunt Qin didn't say a word, but her mouth was dry with nervousness, fearing that Ye Zhao would be counterattacked. Gao Yueyue was also secretly thinking about how to assist.

Only the spectators are the happiest! Their eyes are rolling around and their brain waves are communicating silently.

Ye Zhao ignored the looks from others and calmly continued to question Sister Zhong: "The call was made at 12:13. Who else was in the finance office besides you at this time?"

Sister Zhong swallowed her saliva and dared not speak. Bai Yunping looked down at the door with a guilty conscience, not daring to look Ye Zhao in the eye.

Ye Zhao didn't wait for their response. She said "Oh", "No, Manager Bai was also there at that time. Did you two make the call together?"

Bai Yunping hurriedly clarified: "That's not the case. You misunderstood. Sister Zhong went back to get her bag by herself. I didn't follow her."

Ye Zhao smiled dumbly, his tone full of sarcasm: "Do you have amnesia?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Have you forgotten what you just said? You said that you two have been together since 12 o'clock." Ye Zhao finished, pausing each word and saying, "You and Sister Zhong, the two of you, have been together."

She found a loophole again!

Bai Yunping was so anxious that she was a little incoherent: "No, I... I mean... I'll give you a rough idea. We can't be together every minute, right? She goes back to get her bag, I'll wait for her outside."

"So, your solemn testimony just now is a joke and cannot be trusted, right? So you've abandoned your good partner?"

The spectators were in tears, and they were asked to attend the meeting. They didn't have to say a word, and watched a good show for free! It was an immersive show.

Bai Yunping was so angry that she vomited blood and didn't know how to refute for a moment.

She glanced at Sister Zhong. Sister Zhong wanted to cry but couldn't. She was old and it would be ugly to cry here.

But Sister Zhong felt wronged. She just made a phone call, but everyone questioned her like a thief. What did she do wrong? Did she break the law? She didn't!

But no matter whether she was right or not, even if she didn't take the responsibility for this matter, she would definitely not be able to stay in the factory. It would be better for her to take on all the tasks. Then the Bai sisters would naturally make it up to her.

Sister Zhong lowered her raised hands and tried to explain: "I called myself. Manager Bai was not in. I saw that it was too chaotic outside and I was afraid something might happen, so I called the police. My original intention was good."

"Since you care so much about the country and the people, why didn't you dare admit it after calling the police? What are you feeling guilty about?"

"No, I didn't know about the recent crackdown. It was only after I called the police and found that my boss was furious that I realized the seriousness of the matter. I was scared! I was afraid of getting into trouble."

Ye Zhao stared at her. "In other words, you called entirely for the factory, right? Without any selfish motives?"

"What selfish motives can I have? What good will this do for me?"

Gao Yueyue couldn't help but interrupt: "How can you not have any selfish motives? Aren't you just trying to take this opportunity to drive us away? The man surnamed Yao said in front of so many people that after this incident, he would drive us out and the canteen would have to find a new contractor!"

Lao Yao had no time to hide, how could he be dragged into this? He said, "I said to change the contractor, I was talking about the facts. I thought you misappropriated the deposit, it was a misunderstanding! Why are you making up such a story?"

Gao Yueyue sneered: "Who is talking nonsense? You, Sister Zhong, and that guy, you guys are all in the same group! You just hate me for exposing your bid-rigging plan! Boss! I want to report them, they have picked a fight with us before!"

Ye Dingguo glanced at Gao Yueyue. He remembered that this girl had participated in the Gulf Music Competition and brought honor to the factory and won awards. He just listened coldly without responding.

Today's incident has dragged the Bai family into this matter again. What else can Ye Dingguo do except to be angry at them for not fighting for it? For the sake of the cafeteria's interests, they are too short-sighted. However, short-sightedness has its advantages, and it is easy to control.

He can control the people of the Bai family, but he cannot control Su Yingmin.

Things have been a real mess lately.

Aunt Qin finally understood that Ye Zhao was determined to get rid of these people today. She couldn't be a peacemaker at this time, she had to rush forward: "Yes, Sister Zhong and Lao Yao from the Finance Department wanted to take back the deposit for safekeeping, so they had an argument with us. I know you just want to drive us away!"

Gao Yueyue raised her voice and said, "Our winning the championship was an accident. Of course some people want to drive us away!"

Unlike Gao Yueyue and Aunt Qin who were very excited, Ye Zhao's voice was particularly calm. "This incident is not a big deal, but it is a planned conspiracy. The factory suddenly changed its policy and asked the workshop departments to issue meal coupons instead, without consulting the canteen in advance. You only notified us the afternoon before, and encouraged the workers in the workshop to return the meal cards early the next morning, without giving us any time to prepare. You just wanted to catch us off guard, because you know that the deposit is kept with me, and I am a student. I will be in school when the bank opens, so I will definitely be too late to withdraw money from the bank. Once the workers make trouble, you will call the police, and your wish will come true during this crackdown."

Ye Zhao perfectly reproduced the cause of the incident and the "beautiful" outcome that the other party had imagined.

Gao Yueyue echoed, "Our foreman specifically reminded us before we got off work yesterday at noon to remember to return the deposit at noon, and to return it early, for fear that we would not be able to return it if we were late, and asked everyone not to forget. Later I asked the foreman, and he said that the workshop director told him to do so."

Director Liang asked Gao Yueyue: "Which workshop are you from?"

Gao Yueyue: "I'm from workshop three."

The workshop director of the third workshop hurriedly explained: "This is what the superiors told us to do. They said that the deposit might be at risk, so the workers were asked to return it at noon."

Director Liang: "Who arranged this? How come I don't know?"

The director of the third workshop glanced at Lao Yao and whispered, "Chief Yao arranged it."

Several other workshop directors also said that it was Lao Yao who told them.

Seeing himself being dragged into this mess, Lao Yao said with a grim face: "I was kind-hearted. I was also worried that the workers' deposits would not be refunded..."

Gao Yueyue snorted coldly: "You are not kind-hearted, you are not kind-hearted!"

"Can you please speak a little more nicely?" Old Yao had disliked Gao Yueyue for a long time. This woman, relying on her good looks, looked down on others!

Old Yao still refused to admit it: "I have good intentions! I have a good relationship with Boss Qin's family, so there is no need for me to target her!"

Ye Zhao couldn't help but laugh, "This matter really has little to do with you."

Old Yao seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw: "Look, look! Ye Zhao is the one who can see clearly."

Ye Zhao said sarcastically: "You are just a lackey. You just do whatever your superiors tell you to do. You are doing this for a job, right?"

Old Yao: “!”

The people below tried their best to hold back their laughter, but eyes could not lie, and everyone's eyes were full of joy when they exchanged ideas! For no reason, the people in the office asked each department in the workshop to issue meal coupons every day, count the number of people eating, calculate the meal expenses, etc., which added a lot of work to everyone.

"From the perspective of legality and compliance, Sister Zhong was right to call the police. From the perspective of caring for the workers, Old Yao was also right. You all seem to be right on the surface. But in fact, you are harboring evil intentions! Of course, as I said just now, you are all lackeys!" After Ye Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yunping.

Isn't this obvious? Everyone understood. Who else could command the earthquake, Old Yao and Sister Zhong, except Bai Yunping

Old Yao and Sister Zhong didn't dare to say anything anymore. Bai Yunping also held on. As long as the knife didn't hit her head, she would pretend not to hear anything. But she knew that today was a very dangerous day.

After all, this is not a court, and whether she can keep her position depends entirely on the boss's words.

Ye Zhao propped up half of his head and began to summarize: "The cause of the incident is nothing more than two points. First, Aunt Qin's acquisition of the canteen contract was beyond their expectations. From the day Aunt Qin obtained the contract, they have been thinking about how to remove this thorn in their eyes and flesh, so they did everything they could to create this deposit refund incident and took the opportunity to make a big deal out of it to vent their anger on the leaders. Regardless of whether the deposit issue is finally resolved, they want to drive the canteen contractor out. The second point is that Xiang Zhuang dances with a sword to target Pei Gong. Or someone mistakenly thought that the deposit was misappropriated by me, and wanted to take this opportunity to settle the hatred of me sending someone to the police station before, and let me stay in the police station for a few days. At this critical moment, it may take more than a few days."

When Ye Zhao mentioned the first reason, everyone already had an idea of it and were not surprised.

But when they heard the second reason, which is the legendary gossip of the boss’s family, the spectators immediately imagined all kinds of dramas of Cinderella being bullied by her stepmother. What everyone liked to see was that Cinderella was not gray, but a fighting wolf!

Ye Dingguo didn't want to let people from the factory eat his melons anymore. He looked at Su Yingmin without saying a word.

Su Yingmin called Director Liang over and whispered a few words to him. Then Director Liang said, "Manager Bai, Section Chief Yao, Manager Chen from the Finance Department, and Sister Zhong, you stay. The others can go back to work first."

Everyone went out one after another. Aunt Qin wanted to pull Ye Zhao to go with her, but Ye Zhao stood still, "I won't leave! Since you called me here, I have to watch the show to the end."

Ye Dingguo glanced at her helplessly, having no idea what to do with her.

The boss is helpless, let alone others.

After all the irrelevant people left, Director Liang called Lao Yao out alone. It was estimated that it was less than ten minutes later that Director Liang came back alone. He whispered a few words to Su Yingmin, and then said, "Lao Yao just told me the truth. He said that Manager Bai told him to do this..."

Ye Dingguo stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, no need to say more."

As soon as Bai Yunping leaves, Su Yingmin will definitely place his own people in the most critical personnel department. At that time, Su Yingmin's influence in this factory will expand even more!

He is the boss, and without his own thugs, he will have to deal with any problems himself in the future.

It makes me upset just thinking about it!

However, his own biological daughter is obviously closer to Su Yingmin and stands on the opposite side of him.

But today's matter must be handled fairly and impartially, otherwise no one can save themselves.

Su Yingmin said nothing. Ye Zhao was simply his lucky star. In the short two or three months since she came, she had almost wiped out all the nepotism of the Bai family in the factory.

The control over finance, administration and finally personnel all changed hands.

It’s really wonderful!

The two CEOs in the conference room had their own thoughts. Ye Dingguo looked at Ye Zhao again. Even if he wanted to keep Bai Yunping, even if he demoted her and reduced her salary, based on his understanding of his daughter, she would not give up.

When Bai Yunping heard that Lao Yao had betrayed her, her heart sank. But when she saw that the boss stopped Director Liang from continuing in time, she was full of hope that the boss would show favoritism and save her. After all, she was considered the boss's confidant and one of his own.

If she left too, there would be no one in this factory who could restrain Su Yingmin.

"Fire all three of them!" Ye Dingguo had to make a difficult decision!

Fired? Bai Yunping refused to accept.

She was so careful this time, but she didn't expect this to be the outcome. She didn't frame Ye Zhao, she just... She just guessed the wrong direction and mistakenly thought that Ye Zhao had misappropriated the deposit...

Bai Yunping had no one to complain to, but she still wanted to make a final struggle: "I have not broken any law, nor have I violated any company regulations! The company can't just fire me like this."

She is not wrong.

Ye Dingguo didn't wait for Ye Zhao to start his attack, and he attacked himself, "Collusion and frame-up! Inciting the masses! What stupid things have you done! Now that I am firing people, do I have to get the consent of your HR department?! You have been a manager for a few days, and you don't know your own weight or who you are, right?"

After Ye Dingguo got angry, he got up and went out.

Bai Yunping's straight back suddenly collapsed. What happened? How could she and her sister be defeated by a little girl

Sister Zhong rubbed her forehead, feeling overwhelmed. She didn't expect Bai Yunping to be expelled as well, but no matter what, she and her sisters had to make up for her loss.

She glanced at Ye Zhao secretly, and thought of what Ye Zhao said, "I'll remember you." Sister Zhong regretted it so much! How could she be so stupid to get involved in such a mess!

It may be that the Bai family’s invincible record in the past few years caused her to misunderstand, and nothing will happen this time.

Alas! She sighed heavily.

Ye Zhao looked at them coldly without saying a word. Indeed, the people who wanted to "frame" her this time, whether they asked the workers to return the deposit or called the police when the incident happened, had not broken the law in their actions. Dismissal was the biggest punishment.

This time her father was sensible, and she had no place to display her full fighting strength, which was really rare.

Of course, Ye Zhao has not yet realized that Ye Dingguo was trained by her.

After all, if Ye Dingguo didn't deal with it, Ye Zhao would make trouble in public and would not give up until she got the result. At that time, if she insisted on "inciting workers to return the deposit", she would take advantage of this and make a fuss at the police station. She might not be able to deal with these people according to the law, but if she made a big fuss, it would have a bad impact on the factory.

Ooo ...

Ye Zhao hadn't left the house yet when he was startled by the crying sound coming from the conference room. He turned around and found Bai Yunping lying on the table crying loudly.

She cried so heartbreakingly that everyone else just stood there in a daze, feeling awkward, not knowing whether to leave or not, and not daring to go forward to comfort her.

Ye Zhao didn't understand! She turned and left the meeting room.

Ye Dingguo called Ye Zhao to his office because he had something to ask her.

Ye Zhaocai came in and before he sat down, Ye Dingguo asked, "What have you been busy with recently?"

"Not busy at all." Ye Zhao guessed that Ye Dingguo must have learned from the teacher that she did not take the physics exam.

Ye Zhao’s writing has never been very good. She was able to get the first place in the total score only because of the scores in other subjects.

But this time the zero score is a bit exaggerated. It must be intentional by Lao Zhou.

"I just happened to be feeling unwell during the exam days," she made an excuse.

Ye Dingguo thought she did it on purpose: "Just because you feel uncomfortable, you can miss the exam? You missed the college entrance examination this year, and you plan to do the same for tomorrow's exam?"

"I said I'm not feeling well, but you as a father don't care about your child's discomfort, you only care about his grades. For you, face is more important than anything else." Ye Dingguo was hit by what he said, and had to patiently ask, "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I feel uncomfortable!"

Ye Dingguo: “!”

And he said it wasn't intentional!

"You just want to piss me off, right?"

Ye Zhao: "Do you think I did better in the exam, or did Bai Lu do better?"

This stumped Ye Dingguo. He did pour his fatherly love into Bai Lu, but Ye Zhao was his biological daughter. Knowing that his biological daughter was very outstanding, how could he possibly hope that Bai Yunlian's daughter would do better than his own daughter in the college entrance examination

But, Ye Zhao scored better than Bai Lu, wouldn’t that be a slap in the face

"I can see that you are hesitant. If it were another father, I think he wouldn't hesitate."

Ye Dingguo changed the subject, "People from Song Rongji came to me looking for you. Are you selling small yellow ginger?"

Ye Zhao was unwilling to tell the truth: "My classmate is selling it, I asked for help."

"Which classmate is this? The one who contracted the cafeteria is also your classmate..."

Ye Zhao: "The people who contracted the canteen are your own employees. I'm just working part-time."

"It's good that the deposit issue has been resolved this time. Don't work part-time anymore. Otherwise, I will revoke your classmate's canteen contracting rights. Do you believe it?"

Ye Zhao curled her lips. She really didn't have the time to come often in the future. "Okay, I'll focus on my studies. I'm curious, why did you let the Bai family do whatever they wanted in the factory?"

Ye Dingguo refused to admit it: "When did I allow them to do whatever they wanted?"

"You are using the Bai family's people to contain Uncle Su. Are you on guard against Uncle Su? Why are you so on guard against Uncle Su? Aren't you supposed to be good brothers who fight together?"

Ye Dingguo: "Don't make blind guesses. Human nature is complicated. No matter how powerful the Bai family is, they can't reach the sky."

Ye Zhao continued to question: "Uncle Su can go to heaven? Uncle Su doesn't own much of the shares."

There were many things Ye Dingguo couldn't explain: "It's not as complicated as you think. Don't get involved in adults' affairs."

Ye Zhao really didn't like to communicate with Ye Dingguo and didn't want to say anything. Maybe this factory was his life, and he was afraid that Su Yingmin would eat up his factory. After all, the Bai family only made small profits from the canteen, and Su Yingmin looked down on the canteen.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Before leaving, Ye Zhao grabbed another snake fruit from the table.

Coming out of the office building, the factory was quiet during working hours. Ye Zhao went to the canteen and took a look around. Now Li Ruixiang and a little sister were looking after the canteen, while Xiaofeng was eating in the cafeteria with a rice bowl.

Ye Zhao walked over and asked, "Why are you eating now?"

Xiao Feng said, "There were too many people in the store at noon, and the new girl was not yet experienced and could not handle it. I heard that the people who harmed us were fired from the factory?"

Ye Zhao smiled and nodded: "Yes, you don't have to coax Lao Yao anymore. When someone else takes charge later, he will probably be more cautious."

Xiao Feng was eating and talking about things in the cafeteria. Ye Zhao said to her, "My dad doesn't like me coming here so often. I'll come less often recently. Ask Li Ruixiang if you can live in her house. I'll subsidize the rent. If you come over, it will be convenient for us to communicate about work in the future."

Xiaofeng also thought the factory dormitory was too noisy, so she nodded quickly: "It should be no problem. Ruixiang would love someone to share the rent with her. I wonder if the landlord has any objection?"

"There are only five of us including you. It's fine. The one that was kicked out by Aunt Qiao before had nine people living there, all men, and they were mainly untidy."

"Then I must like cleanliness." Xiao Feng said and thought of something else, "By the way, someone comes to collect the manure to feed the pigs, how much is the fee?"

Ye Zhao didn't want to get involved with such small amounts of money. "You decide for yourselves. After things get stable here, you have to find some time to go to the window and ask what conditions are needed to open a company."

Why are you suddenly starting a company? Xiao Feng asked curiously, "What type of company?"

Ye Zhao thought for a moment and said, "Ask how to register a company that can supply fruits and vegetables to Gangcheng."

Xiaofeng didn't ask any more questions and said yes, she would find time to ask on Monday.

Ye Zhao went to the bank to withdraw 90,000 yuan, and paid back more than 80,000 yuan to Ni Meng including principal and interest.

Ni Meng asked curiously, "Where did you get the money? Aren't your small yellow gingers still in the warehouse?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I've already paid, but they haven't come to pick up the goods yet."

"Oh, why don't you lend it to me for a longer period of time?" Ni Meng was now dissatisfied that Ye Zhao didn't lend it to him long enough. After all, the interest was charged based on the time.

"The interest rate is too high. I can't afford it, Uncle Wang." Ye Zhao said, crying poor. "I didn't make much money from this batch of ginger. I almost lost money."

Ni Meng had long wanted to tell Ye Zhao how pessimistic he was about this business. He advised him earnestly, "It's good enough if you can sell this ginger. It's so ugly. Don't do this kind of business in the future. You can run your canteen well and make a lot of money a year."

Ye Zhao smiled and nodded repeatedly, saying, You are right.

It was still early, so Ye Zhao gathered together the cash he had on hand and the money he had borrowed from his friends before. Ye Zhao sent them directly to school, just after school, in a corner where no one cared.

Ye Zhao returned the money to Awen and Xiaotian in two portions, 2,600 yuan each.

Ah Wen was a little embarrassed: "I don't want this money, use it to buy instruments for our band."

Xiaotian rolled up his sleeves: "Really? Give it to me then."

In the end, I didn’t get the money and I was held down by the back of my hand.

Xiaotian looked at Zeng Xiang innocently, and only heard Zeng Xiang say, "What do you want to do?"

Afraid of the boss's majesty, Xiaotian immediately laughed: "How can I use your money to buy musical instruments? Who is short of money? Really."

After several attempts, Awen had no choice but to accept the money Ye Zhao returned. "I can't even find the IOU you gave me before."

Brother Awen really has no financial intelligence. Ye Zhao smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't find it. You can just write me a receipt."

Ye Zhao took a pen and paper and asked Awen to write a receipt. Xiaotian put the money in his schoolbag and said that he had the IOU at home and would find it for Ye Zhao when he got home in the evening.

Ah Wen asked stupidly, "Where's Xiang's? Why doesn't Xiang have any?"

Xiaotian kicked Awen and said, "Are you stupid? They live together, they are a family, who is with whom?"

Zeng Xiang reached behind him to grab his bag, and Xiao Tian was so scared that he thought Zeng Xiang was going to hit him, so he quickly dodged to the side and said, "Brother Xiang, I was just kidding."

Ye Zhao was still short of a few hundred cash, so she had to go home to collect it. She smiled and said, "I'll go back and give it to him."

Brother Xiang had already gone ahead. After walking a few steps, he realized that Ye Zhao hadn’t caught up with him, so he turned back and asked, “Are you going back?”

Ye Zhao pointed at Awen who was writing a receipt and said, "I'm waiting for the receipt. You wait for me at the school gate."

Skinny Monkey and Fat Dun were eating ice cream at the store at the school gate. When they heard Zeng Xiang's motorcycle, they hurried inside and hid behind a pillar.

As a result, the motorcycle stopped in front of the store. The two of them were in a dilemma, not knowing whether to leave or not.

These two people accidentally annoyed Zeng Xiang in class a few days ago, but Zeng Xiang did not punish them for the first time. This made the two people nervous every day, fearing that the boss would find an opportunity outside the school to punish them again.

Being punished in school is just a minor offense, but outside of school, there will be no mercy.

The skinny monkey couldn't help but curse the fat guy in a low voice: "It's all your fault. Why are you hiding inside? Get out now!"

Fatty was about to turn back when he saw Ye Zhao running over. Ye Zhao glanced at them, looking at them like monsters, "What are you two doing?"

"Eat ice, eat ice." The two people's voices were as small as mosquitoes, and their attitudes were intimate and ambiguous.

Ye Zhao looked at the two strange people, who were almost stacked on top of each other. Could it be that these two people were...

It shouldn't be done in public. Is it popular in this day and age

Ye Zhao walked into the store and bought two bags of figs. When she came out, she glanced at the two people again. They were huddled together and avoiding her gaze.

Ye Zhao tactfully did not say hello. She tore open the package, stood in front of the motorcycle, and handed Zeng Xiang a few figs. "Ah! Quick, open your mouth, this is delicious!"

Xiangzai, who had experienced ginger candy flying away from his mouth, opened his mouth obediently.

What is this! It's sour and sweet!

“Is it delicious?”

Xiangzi helplessly said "hmm", wanting to vomit but not daring to.

The fat man behind the pillar looked at the scene and couldn't help but sighed softly: "I want someone to feed me too."

The skinny monkey kicked him and said, "Eat your ass! You still want someone to feed you."

"The boss was conquered just like that. Hey, are they in love? Doesn't the teacher care?"

Skinny Monkey swore: "They are not in love, I eat shit!"

Fatty stared at the skinny monkey and said, "I've got it! Let's make a bet!"

"Let's make a bet! I have a very sharp eye!"

Boom... Boom... Beep...

Zeng Xiang drove Ye Zhao away.

When they arrived at the gate of Xiaoxi Building, the motorcycle stopped. Seeing that the car did not drive in, Ye Zhao had to get off.

"You're not going home?"

"I have to go out for something."

"Okay." Ye Zhao didn't ask him where he was going. She took off her helmet and said, "Come back early. I need to pay you back."

"Don't worry." Zeng Xiang drove away on his motorcycle.

When I got home, Aunt Qiao was on the phone. She heard the door open and called out, "Are you back? Ye Zhao! Ye Zhao! Come and answer the phone! Help!"

Ye Zhao was confused and quickly took the microphone.

It was Huang Dongliang who called. He was in trouble and wanted Ye Zhao to save him.

It turned out that Huang Dongliang was retaliated by Chen Lianfa and one of his fingers was chopped off.

(End of this chapter)