I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 36: Land


Ye Zhao received a call for help from Huang Dongliang, and Chen Lianfa's men chopped off one of his fingers.

"Where are you? Did you call the police?"

"I escaped! I didn't dare to call the police for fear of retaliation! I fled to Dongshan Town and finally found a phone number. I will hide at my relative's house later."

Huang Dongliang cried in pain, "My hand is still bleeding."

"Stop the bleeding first. Don't move the severed finger. Tell me your address and I'll pick you up. We'll go to a big hospital right away. We should be able to take you back. Aunt Qiao, give me some paper and pen."

Aunt Qiao quickly took out a pen and paper and gave it to Ye Zhao. After Ye Zhao wrote down the address, he felt something was wrong. "Can you ask your relatives to find a car to take you here directly? I'll tell you the address of the hospital and I'll go to the hospital to negotiate first. You can have the surgery as soon as you arrive. It can save time."

"It's hard to find a car in this small place, and there are not many tractors. My broken finger can't be reattached, so I won't go. I'll hide first. You have to find a way to deal with Chen Lianfa and his gang, otherwise I can't do anything here..."

How can a broken finger not be treated? Ye Zhao was determined: "I will find a way to deal with Chen Lianfa! You stay at the address you said and don't leave. I will pick you up now. You listen to me!"

Huang Dongliang compromised.

Ye Zhao called a car to Dongshan Town, and Aunt Qiao helped to make arrangements at the hospital in advance.

Dongshan Town is closer to Shenzhen City. It is a hilly area with more mountains and less arable land. Dongshan has more rivers, a larger arable land area than Xishan, and rich products. However, vegetables are cheap and worthless in this era, so this place is poorer than Xishan.

Huang Dongliang was picked up smoothly. His hair was messy and his face was sallow. In the car, he told Ye Zhao about his experience yesterday.

It turned out that Huang Dongliang got the evidence that Chen Lianfa released the ginger plague, which was discovered by Chen Lianfa afterwards.

"He had someone arrest me and asked me where the evidence was."

"how do you say?"

"I played dumb and said I knew nothing. He didn't believe me and asked me what my relationship was with you and whether you asked me to keep an eye on him. I didn't admit it, so he chopped off my finger."

Ye Zhao didn't expect Huang Dongliang to be such a man of integrity. She sighed sincerely: "Brother Liang, you are too loyal. Next time you encounter something like this, just blame me. First, ensure your own safety, and then we can find a solution."

Huang Dongliang's lips were dry. He licked them and said, "My father is a soldier. I can't do this kind of thing." "Don't worry, I will cover all the medical expenses. Your family wants to build a house, but you don't have money? I will also pay for the house." Now it only costs 10,000 yuan to build a simple two-story building in the town. She still has this money.

Huang Dongliang felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, "I'm not saying this to ask for credit from you!"

"Of course not. I can't let the people who work with me suffer any injustice, loss or bullying, and I will not care at all. And, don't worry, I will definitely put Chen Lianfa in jail." She did what she said.

Huang Dongliang was a little confused: "How can you be so courageous at such a young age? Your mother is not a simple person either. Last time I saw her hiding a knife, she is also a courageous person."

Huang Dongliang always thought that Aunt Qiao was Ye Zhao's mother.

Ye Zhao sent Huang Dongliang to the hospital. Fortunately, the severed finger was still connected to some bones. The doctor said it could be reattached, but it would not be as flexible in the future.

After dealing with Huang Dongliang's matter, I got home at almost 12 o'clock. Zeng Xiang had just returned from outside. He was bruised and his entire cheekbones were bruised.

Ye Zhao came out of the shower and looked at Zeng Xiang's face. "You had a fight? And you lost?"

Zeng Xiang said "hush" to her and glanced at his mother's room, "Boxing. Win."

Ye Zhao didn't understand why he had such a hobby.

She took some ice and applied it to him. "Why do you like boxing?"

Zeng Xiang thought about it and answered seriously: "Excitement! Ventilation! Legal beating!"

Legal beating!

Ye Zhao couldn't help laughing.

She had just finished taking a shower, and her whole body looked pink and tender as if covered with a layer of mist, delicate and tender. Her smile was very beautiful, prettier than anyone else's. Zeng Xiang was fascinated by her.

"What are you thinking about?" She sat in front of him, rubbing the bruises on his face, and it seemed that her breath was spraying on his face.

His heartbeat quickened, and he hastily looked away, coughed, and pretended to be calm, "Go to sleep, I can apply the medicine myself."

"I'm almost dying of sleep. You have so much energy. It would be great if you could give me some of it." Ye Zhao stood up. "I'm going to sleep. Good night, Xiangzi."

He didn't say good night. He just watched her close the door and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

What happened to him? He must have fought too hard just now, and something must have happened to his body. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated for no reason. It was an amazing feeling, and he had to control it. Zeng Xiang got up and took a cold shower.

Ye Zhao thought it over again and again and called Mrs. Song using her cell phone number. Secretary Liang who answered the phone said he would call her back later because Mrs. Song was busy.

At this time, Mrs. Song was talking to Miss Guo on the phone in the office. "The psychologist I introduced to you is absolutely trustworthy. You should go and see him. Don't think that this is not a disease. Insomnia is really painful. I understand... Okay, okay... Then you are busy..."

She saw Secretary Liang come in, hung up the phone in a hurry, and called Ye Zhao back.

Mrs. Song: "Ms. Ye, I was just about to call you when you called me. I would like to bring my team to meet with you this afternoon to discuss the follow-up cooperation in detail. Do you think it is convenient?"

Ye Zhao: "That's convenient. I also have something very important to discuss with you."

When Song Tai heard this, he became nervous, "What's the important thing? Is it related to Xiao Huangjiang?"

Ye Zhao: “It does matter.”

Song Tai: "Is there any accident?"

Ye Zhao said directly: "I want to add a condition."

Mrs. Song was playing with a string of agate bracelets in her hands, and she was a little nervous. Little Huang Jiang had not yet reached Song Rongji's hands. What she was most afraid of now was an unexpected event. "Are you going to regret it?"

Ye Zhao could hear the other party's uneasiness and hurriedly explained: "No, I haven't regretted it. Don't worry, I'm not raising the price. But there is one thing that you must be interested in. Let's work together to complete it. Is that okay with you?"

Ye Zhao was very determined, and Song Tai couldn't say no.

"Let's meet and talk."

"Okay, let's meet and talk."

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Song was still a little nervous, "Is there any accident with Ah Hua?"

"No, Brother Hua is keeping an eye on the Zhong family. Everything is normal over there."

"That's fine."

Mrs. Song handed the mobile phone to Secretary Liang and asked, "Liang Xin, how old are you?"

Secretary Liang was stunned for a moment, and said cautiously: "I am 23 years old, Mrs. Song."

"She is only 18 years old, but her tone, attitude and logic are much better than yours. You need to learn more... This little girl will be amazing in the future."

After sighing, Mrs. Song glanced at the electronic clock on the table. It was not yet 10 o'clock. She instructed, "We will leave for Shenzhen at noon. You prepare the documents and ask the driver to go back and get my return permit for me."

At 2:30 in the afternoon, in the office of Song Rongji Shenzhen Branch, unlike the high-end style of Song Rongji headquarters in Hong Kong City, this small building is very shabby, which matches the surrounding area and the urban construction of Shenzhen.

Ye Zhao arrived five minutes later than the agreed time. Song Tai was communicating with the person in charge about work. When he saw Ye Zhao coming, he hurried over to him and said half-jokingly, "You're late."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I waited downstairs for ten minutes."


"I'm watching your workers unloading the goods." Ye Zhao shook his head and said, "Your management is really lax."

Mrs. Song knew that Song Rongji had accumulated many problems. If she wanted to make a thorough change, she had to put a lot of effort into reform. Before that, she had to get control first.

Mrs. Song had no way of exposing her own family's shortcomings, so she could only smile and say, "Sit in the conference room."

After entering the meeting room, Mrs. Song wanted Secretary Liang to call other people in for the meeting, but Ye Zhao stopped her in time: "Don't worry."

"Oh, then wait a little longer, Liang Xin, you go out first."

Mrs. Song thought Ye Zhao wanted to discuss cooperation with her alone, but Ye Zhao changed the subject and said, "I put up a banner with a contact number on it to sell small yellow ginger a few days ago. You didn't know about this advertisement before you came to my house, right?"

Mrs. Song nodded and said, "I only heard about your advertising after I signed the agreement with you and returned to Hong Kong City."

Ye Zhao walked to the window. This office was near the customs. She pointed to a small building not far away and said, "What a coincidence! My advertisement is in the small building opposite..."

Song Tai's face darkened. The person in charge of the Song Rongji branch didn't notice the advertisement at this position? Impossible. Even if the person in charge didn't notice it, his subordinates would definitely tell him if they found it.

"I suggest you replace all the senior management here."

Mrs. Song glanced outside and whispered, "I'll tell you the truth. Only if I get the little yellow ginger in your hand can I get the management rights of the company. Song Rongji is still under the control of my husband and my second uncle. The people here belong to my second uncle."

"Your second uncle may have an illicit relationship with the Zhong family..." Ye Zhao finally understood why the Song family lost so completely in the original book.

Mrs. Song was surprised: "Do you know about the Zhong family?"

Ye Zhao pulled out a chair and sat down: "This is what I was anxious to discuss with you today."

Something related to the Zhong family? Mrs. Song also sat down and said softly, "You tell me!"

"This time, the Xishan small yellow ginger was infected with ginger plague. It was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. The Zhong family sent people to release the virus."

"How do you know?"

"The people sent by the Zhong family used to be tenants in our yard. I accidentally heard them talking on the phone..." Ye Zhao made up a pretty perfect lie.

Mrs. Song was not surprised at all. She had suspected it a long time ago, "The Zhong family has always been unscrupulous in doing things!"

"Yes! The Zhong family is ruthless. Yesterday afternoon, they cut off one of my friend's fingers!"

Song Tai was surprised and asked, "Is your friend okay?"

"I can't say it's okay. My finger is broken."

Mrs. Song sighed: "I didn't expect the mainland to be so chaotic."

"These past few years have been really chaotic." Ye Zhao picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of tea, then said, "I went to see Mrs. Song today because I hope Song Rongji can call the police with us and arrest the people who helped the Zhong family. He has to pay for my friend's broken finger. As for the Zhong family, they must compensate the ginger farmers for their losses no matter what. I believe you have connections in Xishan Town and even the county. If you call the police together, it will be more efficient than if I go it alone."

Mrs. Song was a little hesitant. Although the Zhong and Song families were fighting overtly and covertly over the gambling incident, the two families had not yet openly torn their faces apart, and she did not want to offend the Zhong family directly.

But in the current situation, if she doesn't agree to cooperate with Ye Zhao, this little girl will definitely use Xiao Huangjiang to control her.

Ye Zhao saw Song Tai's worry and said, "Don't worry, Song Tai, we don't have direct evidence to incriminate the Zhong family, so we called the police only to catch the Zhong family's minions. Whether we can drag the Zhong family into the water in the end depends on whether the Zhong family's minions will give them up."

Song Tai finally dispelled his doubts: "There is no problem for us to cooperate. I can call the police today. Do you have any evidence?"

Mrs. Song was a smart person. She knew that she couldn't take Xiao Huangjiang away unless the matter was resolved. She immediately stood up and said, "I'll call the police right now. Don't worry, the person in charge of purchasing in Xishan is on my side. I'll send someone to keep an eye on it personally."

After calling the police, Huang Dongliang can go back tomorrow and directly contact Song Rongji’s people and the police.

Reporting the case went smoothly, but it would take time to arrest the perpetrator. Song Tai repeatedly assured her that he would follow up to the end. A verbal agreement could not give Ye Zhao a sense of security, so she asked Song Tai to write her a written guarantee. After signing and putting her fingerprints on it, they began to talk about the real business.

Four or five people from Song Tai's side worked with Ye Zhao to finalize the follow-up cooperation items one by one. First, Song Rongji obtained the exclusive supply rights of Xishan small yellow ginger raw materials, and then Shi Jiulou obtained the exclusive supply rights of fruits and vegetables to Hong Kong and the mainland.

Xishan small yellow turmeric products are single and the requirements are relatively simple, so we signed the contract very quickly and will supply it at market price in the future. The cooperation period is five years.

Supplying fruits and vegetables to Hong Kong is rather troublesome, so Ye Zhao called Lao Qian over as well. Mr. Jiang, the person in charge of Shijiu Floor, said that the contract with the fruit supplier will expire in one year, and there is no way to terminate the contract with the other party for the time being, so they can only start with the supply of vegetables.

Ye Zhao was not that interested in the fruit supply. After all, the fruit market on the ninth floor was not doing well, with small volumes and low profits. So, she had no objection.

Mr. Jiang is also a powerful character. Seeing that the first step of suppression was successful, he started the second step, requiring that vegetables must be supplied by the vegetable base supplying Hong Kong.

"Last year, there was a poisonous vegetable incident in Hong Kong, which had a huge impact. Now the relevant government departments are paying great attention to the safety of fruits and vegetables. This must be guaranteed."

Ye Zhao just listened without agreeing or objecting. She looked at Lao Qian, who shook his head slightly to indicate that the agreement could not be signed in this way.

During the intermission, Lao Qian secretly told Ye Zhao that if vegetables were to be supplied from vegetable bases in various places, the cost would be much higher. "That Mr. Jiang keeps raising the issue of food safety, obviously wanting us to back down. I have been in this business for so many years, and as long as I control the supply and conduct regular inspections, there has never been a safety problem. They are bullying you because you are a child."

Ye Zhao understood that the previous supplier of Shijiu Lou must have been related to Mr. Jiang, and he was now cutting off someone's source of income, which was like killing his parents.

So Ye Zhao could understand his attitude.

He may understand, but Ye Zhao will not give up on the benefits he deserves.

So after the break, when the meeting resumed, Ye Zhao changed his ambiguous attitude and said, "It takes time to build a vegetable base for Hong Kong. From site selection, renting land, sowing to harvesting, it will take at least three months..."

Mr. Jiang is in his forties. He looks gentle and refined, but he is actually very strong.

In his eyes, Ye Zhao, a girl under 20 years old, definitely did not have enough experience and courage to deal with their huge supply. There might be someone behind the scenes directing the girl, and she looked greedy and wanted to get the big deal at once.

President Jiang interrupted Ye Zhao directly: "Ms. Ye, we don't have time to slowly build a vegetable base for Hong Kong for you, and I don't want to know the difficulties involved. If you want to cooperate with Food 9th Floor, you can consider purchasing from other Hong Kong supply bases first. I know this will increase your costs, but this is all to ensure food safety."

Ye Zhao understood that Mr. Jiang wanted to push his original vegetable supplier to her. She nodded and said, "Mr. Jiang, do you have any recommendations for a vegetable base for Hong Kong? It would be best if it is a supplier you have used before. I would like to know more about the previous standards of Food Floor 9."

When President Jiang heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "It's not convenient for me to recommend you any, but after the meeting, I can ask my colleagues who are familiar with this field to introduce a few to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang. Once the cooperation is finalized, I will find time to visit various bases and select a few suitable vegetable bases for Hong Kong as our suppliers. Do you think it's okay?"

Mr. Jiang finally smiled: "Of course! It would be best if this were the case. I suggest that we have our colleagues accompany you throughout the communication process. We are more familiar with our standards."

Ye Zhao also gave him a fake smile and took out a few photos from his file bag. "These are the photos I took at the warehouse base of our current supplier on the ninth floor of the restaurant. They are about to be developed. This is an onion, this is a potato, this is a peanut..."

Ye Zhao spread the photos on the table. "These goods were shipped from other provinces. There is no Hong Kong supply base logo on the truck. I also asked the workers on site, and they all said that they went to other local markets to purchase them. The purchase source is certainly not the Hong Kong vegetable supply base."

The smile on Mr. Jiang's face gradually disappeared. The girl had just agreed to use the supplier he recommended to buy the goods, but she turned around and slapped him in the face with evidence?! It turned out that she was really reckless and fearless!

Ye Zhao still maintained a decent smile: "Mr. Jiang, for vegetables like this that grow underground, the possibility of excessive pesticides is very low. Of course, we will also strengthen testing. Can we also purchase from other local markets like the current suppliers of Food 9th Floor?"

Can Mr. Jiang say no? In front of the boss, he can't! If he says no, then he has selfish motives.

Ye Zhao continued, "Then, for leafy vegetables, we should follow your advice and purchase them from the vegetable base supplying Hong Kong."

Ye Zhao proposed a compromise plan and produced evidence to prove that her plan was feasible. She also gave up part of the profits and agreed to take some of the goods from the original supplier. She was very polite and decent. If President Jiang continued to make things difficult, it would seem that he was worthy of death.

Mrs. Song, who had hardly interrupted them, just watched them communicate. The young girl used her method of giving a beating first and then a sweet treat to make Mr. Jiang, a veteran in the workplace, surrender!

The more Mrs. Song looked at Ye Zhao, the more she felt that he was a talented person. It was a pity that she didn't have such a person around her.

The two sides talked until 8 o'clock in the evening and finally agreed on the details of the cooperation. Ye Zhao signed the cooperation framework with Shijiu Lou in his personal name. The cooperation officially took effect on January 1, 1989, for a period of 3 years.

There are still two months left for work handover and preparation. Ye Zhao is confident that she will make enough money from here, and then buy land and build a house, and become a freeloader.

Song Rongji finally transported the Xishan turmeric as it wished, and Ye Zhao also received the balance of 330,000 yuan.

That night, the police took action overnight to arrest Chen Lianfa, but Chen Lianfa got the information in advance and escaped.

But he didn't get far and was arrested the next day.

Chen Lianfa only gave out the information about his superior, Liao Qiang, a well-known local tough guy. Liao Qiang was very cautious and did not expose the Zhong family. It is estimated that the Zhong family gave him enough benefits. Later, Liao Qiang paid the compensation for the ginger farmers' small yellow ginger and Huang Dongliang's medical expenses, loss of work wages, and mental compensation.

Both Liao Qiang and Chen Lianfa were sentenced, but that’s a story for later.

A few days later, Aunt Qiao prepared a sumptuous meal, including Ye Zhao's favorite fried crab with crab sauce, garlic-stir-fried prawns, pan-fried stuffed tofu, and the indispensable poached chicken.

Ye Zhao gave Aunt Qiao a heavy gold bracelet, and she helped Aunt Qiao put it on. "I asked Secretary Liang to buy it for you. This style is really beautiful."

Aunt Qiao looked at the gold bracelet on her hand and smiled brightly: "It's too ostentatious to wear it outside. It's not my style. But I like it no matter how I look at it."

"As long as you like it."

While eating, Aunt Qiao raised her bracelet and looked at it from time to time. People nowadays are more simple and seldom wear gold or silver.

Aunt Qiao placed the gold bracelet under Zeng Xiang's eyes and said, "Xiang, does it look good?"

Zeng Xiang had no interest in gold, but he had to give his mother face: "It looks good."

"I'll wear it out when I play mahjong in the afternoon to show off."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Don't tell me I bought it for you."

"I know. I can show off my wealth, but you can't." Aunt Qiao picked up her bowl and prepared to eat. "Why don't you buy one for yourself?"

"How can a girl wear gold?"

"What do you like? Aunt Qiao will give it to you next time."

"I like the food Aunt Qiao cooks."

Oh, these words touched Aunt Qiao's heart so sweetly.

"Girls are still good at talking. Why didn't I give birth to a daughter? I gave birth to a silent son. But it doesn't matter, I will have a daughter-in-law in the future." Aunt Qiao didn't give Xiangzi time to refute and asked, "When are you going to Ocean Park?"

Ye Zhao said: "I asked, I don't have any relatives in Hong Kong, and it's difficult to get a two-way permit, so we can't go to Ocean Park. We plan to go somewhere else to play."

Aunt Qiao was very happy when she heard this. She had never approved of their going to Hong Kong. "I told you that you couldn't get a two-way permit, but you didn't believe me. Where are you going?"

Ye Zhao said: "Let's go to the beach to play."

Aunt Qiao shook her head. "It's less than a kilometer from here to the sea! Which other beach do you want to go to?"

"There's no beach here, so we plan to go to the eastern beach."

"Just the two of you?"

"No, there are also Xiaotian's brother and sister and Awen."

Aunt Qiao was a little disappointed: "Why call so many people? It's easy to cause conflicts. Can't just the two of you go?"

Ye Zhao disagreed: "It's more fun when there are more people. Right, Brother Xiang."

Zeng Xiang said "hmm" as a response.

In the eyes of the boss, it doesn’t matter whether there are others or not, he doesn’t care about others anyway.

Ye Zhao woke up from a nap and found a stack of money on the table, a total of 2,000 yuan.

Aunt Qiao is such a jerk! The gold bracelet was supposed to be given by Ye Zhao, but she still secretly slipped the money back.

Knock knock knock!

Zeng Xiang knocked on the door outside, "Let's go ride a motorcycle!"

Ni Meng wore a straw hat and rode his broken bicycle around the village.

He was pulled by the person in front of him and had to stop. The person who pulled his car laughed and said, "Why don't you drive your broken car?"

Ni Meng was supporting himself on the ground with one foot, and the person pulling the front of his car was his elementary school classmate Lao Kai.

Ni Meng asked: "What are you doing? Where are you going to chat?"

Lao Kai took out a pack of cigarettes, shook one out for Ni Meng, and lit it for him with a lighter.

"I'm coming back after taking someone to look at the land."

Ni took a puff of his cigarette and asked, "You haven't sold that piece of broken land in Zizhulin yet?"

Lao Kai sighed: "Hey, do you know anyone who can introduce me to you? I'll give you a matchmaker fee."

Lao Kai bought some land from people in the village three years ago, which totaled 3,000 square meters. He wanted to make a fortune by selling it, but ended up losing money.

Ni Meng shook his head repeatedly: "Who would dare to take your broken land? There is a garbage dump, a pig farm, and a rag collector next to it. It's full of evil!"

Lao Kai's eyebrows were knitted into a "川" shape. He complained, "I'm so damn unlucky. When I bought the land, they said that the National Bank Building would be built next to it. Who knew that the site was changed in the end. The National Bank Building didn't exist, but garbage dumps and pig farms were built one after another! What a fool!"

Ni Meng: "You need some luck to make money, you're almost there, don't be unhappy, Lao Kai!"

Lao Kai patted Ni Meng on the shoulder and said, "I'm serious. See if there are any friends who want to buy the land. I'll give you a higher brokerage fee."

Ni Meng said perfunctorily: "Okay, I'll help look for it."

Ni Meng was riding his bicycle southwards. When he passed the coastal path, he saw a man and a woman riding a motorcycle slowly.

He squinted his eyes and saw that this was the kid from the Da Zeng family and Ye Zhao.

Your mother, both of them are stuck together!

He was going to introduce his three sons to Ye Zhao, so how could he let this bastard take advantage of the girl? !

Ni Meng shouted: "Hey! What are you doing?"

He had to find a topic!

"Ye Zhao, are you buying land?"

(End of this chapter)