I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 37: Human heart


There is no sun today, it is cloudy, and there is wind at the beach, which is very comfortable.

In the low mangroves, egrets occasionally fly out of the forest and stand on the branches of dead trees.

On the motorcycle, Ye Zhao sat in the front and Zeng Xiang sat behind her, keeping a small distance between them. When he first went to the Luo family in Hong Kong City when he was a child, he was severely criticized for the so-called rules and the so-called gentlemen. Although he was disgusted by rules, some marks were difficult to remove once they were imprinted.

Therefore, he knows how to keep a proper distance from girls.

Before starting the car, he pointed at the various parts on the front of the car and taught her: "Adjust the rearview mirror according to your height, use your left hand to hold the clutch and your right hand to hold the accelerator. Twist it downward to accelerate... Twist it this way, and you don't need to use much force."

Ye Zhao tried, "How to slow down?"

"If you add less gas, you will slow down. Just like riding a bicycle, the most important thing is to keep your body balanced. Once you learn how to start the engine, you will be able to drive!" His voice had a magnetism that did not match his age, and it danced around her eardrums.

Ye Zhao turned his head to look at him. His jawline was perfectly curved. Aunt Qiao had such a strong face, but she gave birth to a handsome boy. Gangchengzi should also be very good-looking.

Zeng Xiang’s explanation was easy to understand. Ye Zhao thought he had a strong comprehension ability and the operation sounded simple, so he was eager to try it.

Zeng Xiang taught her how to turn the key, hold the clutch, and start the engine.


Ignition successful!

Zeng Xiang gently reminded: "Release the clutch!"

The motorcycle slowly moved forward...

“Add some more oil!”

Ye Zhao twisted the wheel too hard, adding too much gas, and the motorcycle suddenly accelerated forward...

The two people bumped into each other, and before they could get angry with each other, Zeng Xiang angrily reminded: "Add less oil!"

As a novice driver on the road, she was a little panicked. Before she could react, Zeng Xiang had already held her hand and turned the accelerator back.

Ye Zhao refused to admit defeat and muttered quietly: "I was distracted just now."

Zeng Xiang didn't argue with her and continued, "Just keep driving forward. Don't be too tense with your hands, relax. You can try to change gears."

They drove back and forth on the coastal path several times. After Ye Zhao became familiar with it, he drove more and more smoothly, and in the later stage Xiangzai could let go completely.

The whole process from learning to becoming proficient takes only twenty minutes.

Ye Zhao was so excited that she thought she was a prodigy! She could do anything she learned! Before she could finish feeling proud, the wheels of the motorcycle rolled over a small pothole on the road, causing the motorcycle to shake violently. Ah, her buttocks...

The boss couldn't help but complain: "Can you please not drive to places with potholes?"

Ye Zhao refused to admit that she was distracted again. She said, "It's exciting! It's fun!"

He had no way to do anything to her, after all, she was the driver now and she was in charge.

While I was practicing, I met Ni Meng, who was standing on the side of the road in the mangrove forest, riding a bicycle and wearing a straw hat.

Ni Meng was waving and shouting something from a distance. Ye Zhao drove his motorcycle over, stopped beside him, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong, Uncle Wang?"

"What are you doing?"

"Brother Xiang is teaching me how to ride a motorcycle."

Ni Meng laughed and nodded to Zeng Xiang as a greeting. Then he took off his straw hat and fanned himself: "Hey, I heard that you sell your small yellow ginger for more than one yuan? You must have made a lot of money."

Ye Zhao smiled modestly and pretended to be poor: "Not much. After deducting the purchase, shipping and warehouse fees, there is not much left in the end."

Ni Meng believed that this was her first time doing business, and she must have been cheated by many people, so it was normal that she didn't make much money.

"Didn't you ask me to help you see if there's any land for sale last time? There's a bamboo shoot plot that's a good deal. Do you want to take a look?"

Ye Zhao became interested when he heard it. "Sure, how big is the area?"

Ni Meng smiled mysteriously: "Not much, not much, just three thousand square meters."

Zeng Xiang was not interested in joining in their conversation, so he went for a ride on his motorcycle.

A large truck passed by, raising a cloud of dust.

Ye Zhao covered his mouth and nose, unable to resist saying, "Uncle Wang, you are teasing me. I can't even afford 3000 square meters, let alone 300 square meters. Can you recommend a more practical one?"

Ni Meng knew she couldn't afford it, so this was just an excuse to talk, but now that the topic had been opened, he had to continue the conversation. "Although it's large, it's very cheap. One tenth of the usual price. If you want it, you'd better hurry, because many people are vying for it."

Ye Zhao was curious: "How cheap is it?"

"Do you know how much the first piece of land in Shenzhen was auctioned off last year

Ye Zhao had never paid attention to it. "How much?"

Ni Meng made a “6” gesture and said, “More than 600 yuan per square meter.”

Ye Zhao did a simple calculation and was surprised: "You said the land is sold for 60 yuan per square meter?"

So cheap? Impossible? This is a special zone! Although Zengwuwei is a little far from the city center, it is still within the customs. Most importantly, this is the future CBD!

60 yuan per square meter is the price in the big county town of Wancheng, which is absolutely impossible here.

Ni Meng quickly pulled it back a little: "200 yuan per square meter. The seller is my old classmate, it's definitely a bargain price."

Ye Zhao said with a joking smile: "Didn't you just say it was one-tenth of the usual price? Now yours is one-third of the price, the difference is huge."

A small stone rolled down the slope and was kicked away by Ni Meng: "Hey, why are you arguing with me? Are you going to buy it? You don't want to buy it, and you can't afford it. But you can ask your dad to buy it. Your dad definitely has money."

In fact, 200 yuan per square meter is very cheap, 1/3 of the market price. If there is nothing wrong with the land, it is definitely worth buying. Ye Zhao was a little tempted. She asked: "Where is the land?"

Ni Meng didn't dare to tell Ye Zhao that the land was next to a garbage dump and a scrap shop. If he told him, there would be no chance at all. He said vaguely, "It's definitely a good location. I can only take you there if you really want to buy it."

It definitely doesn't seem like a good position.

After Ye Zhao repaid the borrowed money, she still had more than 500,000 yuan in her hands. Next, she would grow turmeric and purchase vegetables. She also wanted to build her own vegetable base to supply Hong Kong, which would cost money. She couldn't just invest the funds in land now.

The land will be valuable in the future, but without liquidity, it will be difficult for her to double her money in the short term.

Ye Zhao said: "When you and your classmates have bargained the price down to one tenth, come back and find me."

Ni Meng put his straw hat back on his head and said with a smile, "Really one tenth? You're so cruel!"

Ni Meng didn't know that the land he was selling would be the most expensive in Shenzhen in the future, otherwise he would have found a way to buy it himself even at a huge price.

Ye Zhao didn't know that what Ni Meng was selling was the piece of land above the intersection of four subway lines that she had drooled over when she went to Liang Po's place before, otherwise she would definitely find a way, even if it was to borrow money, to get the land first.

The two of us were chatting for a while, you were perfunctory to me and I was perfunctory to you. Then Ni Meng left early because he had something to do.

Ye Zhao practiced riding the motorcycle for another half an hour before she took Xiangzi home.

On the way, they met Aunt Qiao who had just finished playing mahjong. She was holding up the gold bracelet on her wrist and showing it off to Aunt Jiao. Ye Zhao drove over on a motorcycle and took Aunt Qiao with him.

A novice motorcyclist, carrying two people, drove very majestically.

Back at the Little West Building, Fatty Ying saw that the person driving the motorcycle was actually Ye Zhao, and hurriedly came over, saying in surprise: "Xiao Zhao?! When did you learn how to do this? You're so sharp!"

“I just learned it.”

"You've just learned how to carry two people?"

Ye Zhao raised his chin towards Xiangzi and said, "My master is sitting in the back, what should I be afraid of?"

Xiangzi tried hard to suppress his smug brows, locked his motorcycle and went upstairs. He did not join in the women's gossip.

Fatty Ying gave Ye Zhao a thumbs up: "Great! You are so brave! Qiaojie, you are also brave, you dare to sit like this."

Aunt Qiao turned the gold bracelet in her hand and said, "Why should I be afraid? Oh, my wrist is so tired today."

At noon, Aunt Qiao had already shown off to Fatty Ying, but Fatty Ying didn't dare to confront her in person. She also had a gold bracelet, which her husband bought for her in Gangcheng.

Fatty Ying pretended not to notice Aunt Qiao's boasting, and walked away: "I'm going to take a shit."

"Did my bracelet blind you?" Aunt Qiao saw that the fat woman was running away so fast that she couldn't do anything about it. She could only stand at the stairs and stare at the oil on the ground, cursing, "You dumb woman! You got your bicycle oil on my stairs again."

The mute seemed to be away, and Aunt Qiao had nowhere to show off, so she had to go home.

"What happened to your foot?"

"The stairs in the cafeteria, I accidentally turned a corner."

Ye Zhao hadn't been to the factory for a few days, so Xiao Feng gave a brief report on recent work: "The requirements for registering a company are quite troublesome. You need a formal office space and 10 employees, and the registration approval will take three months."

In other words, they are not able to register a company yet.

Ye Zhao pulled a stool and sat opposite Xiao Feng. "We need an office space. We need to coordinate with the people on the ninth floor of the cafeteria. We need a space for placing orders and shipping goods every day. Let me see. Let's rent one in the village. It won't be difficult to accommodate ten employees. The total number of employees in our cafeteria is more than ten. Just register the information, right?"

Xiao Feng knew that Ye Zhao was really going to register a company, and she was a little excited: "Then I'll go around and see if there's any office space for rent when I have time. How much space do you want to rent?"

Ye Zhao thought for a moment and said, "A space of 70 to 80 square meters should be enough. I will also pay attention to the venue."

"I never thought that we would set up a company." Xiaofeng came from a small place in the northwest. He came all the way to Shenzhen to make a living, of course, not just to make a living.

She was willing to work in the canteen just to have a place to live and an income, and then she planned to look for a better job after the new year. Not to mention the development prospects, but at least a decent place to work.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "When the company is established, I will be the boss and you will be the first employee of our company. When I make the company bigger, you will be the veteran."

Boss Ye started to make promises. Fortunately, her first employee also loved to eat cakes. Gan Xiaofeng was already full of confidence, "We can do it! Look, you have accomplished so many great things in such a short period of time! Maybe in the future, your career can be as big as your father's."

Seeing that Ye Zhao built up his business empire with a piece of yellow ginger, Xiao Feng didn't know how much Ye Zhao earned from selling yellow ginger this time. Even if it wasn't much, as he had established a good relationship with Song Rongji, he would not have to worry about future development.

Ye Zhao smiled and thought that compared with Ye Dingguo, his vision was smaller.

But think about it again, she just wanted to be a small landlord, when did she become so ambitious

Xiaofeng continued to report on her work: "The factory has been relatively peaceful recently. After the meal tickets were issued by the foremen of each workshop, we have a lot of free time. The two girls who used to work at the ticket window, Aunt Qin, said she wanted to quit."

Ye Zhao recruited the two girls himself. They were pretty and reliable. Ye Zhao was reluctant to fire them. "Recommend them to work in the factory. It's not easy to find a job. When we need people here, call them back."

Xiao Feng said, "Rui Xiang went to ask her former foreman, and he said the factory is about to enter the off-season and is not hiring now."

Ye Zhao thought that the cooperation with Song Rongji also needed civilian staff to connect, "Those two girls are both good-looking, well-educated, have good tempers and personalities, and are quite discerning in doing things, so let's keep them for now."

Xiao Feng definitely wanted to keep the person. The girls had developed feelings for each other. She whispered, "Gao Yueyue had been encouraging Aunt Qin to fire the person."

Gao Yueyue is just afraid that a decrease in profits will infringe upon her personal interests. She is a very shrewd person.

The calculation was actually correct. Ye Zhao said, "Talk to these two girls and ask them to go to the kitchen to help wash vegetables and do odd jobs first. After we get things up and running, we can transfer them out. If they can accept it and endure the hardship, then they are exactly what we need. If they can't stand the hardship and choose to leave, it is also a personal choice."

What Ye Zhao said made sense. Xiao Feng put down his trouser legs and said, "I'll go talk to them."

Gan Xiaofeng stood up and put the medicine oil back into the drawer. She hesitated for a moment, and finally said awkwardly, "There's something I don't know how to tell you."

Xiaofeng has always been direct in what she says and does. Could it be her interpersonal relationships that make her hesitate

Ye Zhao asked: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Feng said softly, "Last time we talked about kitchen waste, we agreed on a price of 0.1 yuan per bucket. The pig farm paid Aunt Qin for last month's waste, about fifty yuan a month. It's been four or five days, and I don't think Aunt Qin has put it in the account. There's also a lot of cardboard. The cafeteria and the canteen use a lot of cardboard to store frozen food, dry goods and snacks. Aunt Qin sold them all, but I didn't see her put it in the account."

Aunt Qin is a person who is efficient and fair, but she is not very educated. As she is old, she has some of the habits of middle-aged and elderly women who are greedy for small profits.

This matter doesn't involve much money, but it's very tricky. What would Xiao Feng think if Ye Zhao didn't handle it

If it was handled, it would inevitably cause a rift between her and Aunt Qin. They were not a very strong relative or partnership to begin with, and once this rift was created, it would be difficult to heal.

The canteen has only been in business for more than two months, and there is still a long time to go. Ye Zhao doesn't want to waste too much energy on these little things.

"I'll pretend I don't know about this. As for you, play dumb and ask Aunt Qin directly if she forgot to enter it into the account. If she doesn't enter it into the account every month in the future, you should take the initiative to ask her."

Xiao Feng also agreed with this gentle approach: "It's good this way, so we don't have to tear each other apart."

Ye Zhao thought of the convenience store. The convenience store had a huge cash flow, but computer cash registers were not yet popular in that era. The convenience store sold a lot of different goods, and it was very easy to falsify the amount of goods sold every day.

Ye Zhao reminded: "From now on, the store must conduct an inventory every day, including how much goods were purchased, how much was sold, and how much was recorded. We can no longer be confused like before."

Xiao Feng nodded: "I was thinking about this as well. I've been quite free recently, so I can standardize the store. I'll discuss it with Rui Xiang."

Xiaofeng was more reliable in her work, so Ye Zhao patted her on the shoulder and said, "Sister Xiaofeng, if you do a good job, I will give you a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year."

When Xiaofeng heard that her boss was going to give her a year-end bonus, she felt a little embarrassed: "I just do my job well."

It is a rare achievement to be able to do your own job well.

Ye Zhao hadn't seen Gao Yueyue recently, and even her clothes were not on the clothes drying outside. He couldn't help but ask, "What is Gao Yueyue busy with recently?"

"She has been performing on behalf of the factory several times recently. Last night, she even went to sing at the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Business Association. Your father and Mr. Su were there. I heard that she made Irene proud."

Gao Yueyue will definitely join the circle of wealthy people in the future. With her beauty and intelligence, she can live a good life.

The two continued to chat about work for a while before Ye Zhao went back.

Aunt Qiao was sitting there washing rice and cooking. Ye Zhao was leaning outside the kitchen door. "Aunt Qiao, why did you put the money for the bracelet in my room?"

"You have worked so hard to earn money, so save it quickly and earn the interest. Aunt Qiao is not short of money. But this gold bracelet is still considered as a gift from you to me. It is a token of your filial piety. The money I gave you is a red envelope from an elder to a younger generation, which is two different things." Aunt Qiao warned: "Don't give it back to me, or I will be angry."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I can't take this money. I said I'd give it to you, so I'll give it to you. You can't pass the buck back and forth like this. I've already put it back in your drawer. If you want to give me more, I'll donate it."

Aunt Qiao smiled and said angrily, "You have got hold of me now." The phone rang and Ye Zhao hurried to answer it. It was Huang Dongliang calling, reporting to Ye Zhao on the recent progress of his work.

He reserved the turmeric from several villages with the best soil in the town in advance.

"The fields that were hit by ginger plague cannot be used to grow ginger next season. There is not much arable land left to grow ginger now. But it should be enough to supply Song Rongji alone."

After Song Rongji finishes using this batch of ginger, it will face a situation where there is no ginger available for the whole next year. Ye Zhao hopes to use the greenhouse to grow ginger in advance and supply Song Rongji as early as possible.

Ye Zhao said: "It is said that Shandong has the technology to grow ginger in greenhouses. I have to find a way to recruit people from there to teach you."

Huang Dongliang was very happy when he heard that Ye Zhao was looking for a professional: "We have a good climate here, and the temperature in winter is also high. As long as we can use a greenhouse to withstand the low temperature period around the New Year, it will be easy."

They also talked about the construction of a vegetable base for supplying Hong Kong in Dongshan Town after the New Year. Huang Dongliang said that the town government very much welcomes foreign investment, and all villages hope that the vegetable base for supplying Hong Kong can be established in their own village. In the past few days, the door of his house has been trampled down by many people.

"You don't know how much everyone is looking forward to it. They all want to quickly build a vegetable base for Hong Kong so that everyone can have a higher income in the future."

This touched Ye Zhao a little. She was a selfless person, but she could actually lead the villagers to the road to wealth.

Others who traveled back to Shenzhen City all took the high-tech route, but she ended up falling into a vegetable field.

However, as Mr. Deng said, a cat is a good cat whether it is black or white as long as it can catch mice.

A good path is one that allows you to make money for yourself and help others make money together.

Ye Zhao was determined to ensure the supply of vegetables to Hong Kong.

Finally, Huang Dongliang talked about the issue of ginger farmers in Zhangjia Village asking for their deposits back. Except for two families, no one else was willing to get their deposits back. He asked her if she wanted to hire a lawyer.

Huang Dongliang knew that the law does not punish everyone, so he advised: "It's no use hiring a lawyer. This is how it is here. We can't do anything about the poor."

Ye Zhao also understood that even if the lawyer won the lawsuit, there would be no way to enforce it and force Jiang Nong to cancel the subscription. She asked: "Has Liao Qiang paid them the compensation?"

Huang Dongliang: "It is said that compensation will be paid next month."

Ye Zhao: "Wait until the compensation is paid, then you can go and collect it. If you really can't collect it, then you can only wait until next year and ask them to use small yellow ginger as a deduction. But we have to make it clear that if they don't return the deposit and don't use small yellow ginger as a deduction, we will not collect small yellow ginger from any household in their village in the future."

Huang Dongliang thought that this method was feasible. Under pressure, the people in Zhangjia Village would at least be willing to use small yellow ginger to offset the deposit. He said he would do it.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhao thought about starting a company, so she called Ni Meng again and asked him if he had any good office space to recommend.

Ni Meng had just arrived home, and when Ye Zhao mentioned this, he quickly said, "Yes, it's from my classmate who sells land. His family has an office for rent. How much area do you want? I'll ask for it for you. It's cheaper than if you ask for it yourself. You might ask for 3 yuan per square meter, but I'll ask for 2 yuan at most."

Ye Zhao thought for a moment and said, "How about a 100-square-meter apartment?"

Ni Meng said he would get back to her later.

Ye Zhao was half lying on the sofa and dozing off. The aroma of food wafted from the kitchen, and what Xiao Feng had just said was still flashing through his mind.

Aunt Qin, Li Ruixiang, Gao Yueyue...

Once she makes money, she won't bother with these trivial matters anymore.

Playing mahjong, watching TV and collecting rent, this is her dream life.

(End of this chapter)