I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 39: Buying land (more)


Although he was very excited, Ye Zhao still suppressed it.

She ate some clay pot pork ribs rice as if nothing had happened, and then went to the east land alone to wait for Lao Kai to come to Liang Po's blue shed.

Granny Liang was having lunch under the shed, and Ye Zhao walked in and greeted her, "Granny is having lunch."

Granny Liang looked up and saw that it was Ye Zhao. She smiled and said, "Oh, these are some leftovers from yesterday. I just mixed them together and it's a meal."

Ye Zhao took a look at Liang Po's bowl and saw rice soaked in water, half a salted fish on the plate on the table, and a small bowl of leftover pumpkin. The food was so shabby and not nutritious at all.

Ye Zhao said: "You earn money and spend it by yourself, can't you eat better?"

Granny Liang didn't care: "Why am I not eating well? This is mackerel, it's very expensive. What do you want from me?"

"I'll wait here for a while and buy some maltose from you." The maltose she exchanged at Liang Po's house last time tasted very authentic, but unfortunately she only ate one piece and gave the rest to Ye Xiaoqin. Ah, what a heartless person...

"How much do you want?" Granny Liang put down her bowl and chopsticks, went into the house and brought out a round plate of maltose, "If you want one or two pieces, I'll give it to you. If you want more, you'll have to pay for it."

Ye Zhao didn't want to take advantage of the old lady: "Give me 50 cents."

Granny Liang gave her half a paper bag of maltose and said, "It's more than 50 cents. I'll give it to you at a discount, pretty girl."

"Thank you, mother-in-law." Ye Zhao gave the money, took the malt sugar, picked up a piece and ate it. It was very sweet and sticky, full of malt aroma.

Granny Liang went back to continue eating: "Who are you waiting for here?"

"Uncle Wait Kai, do you know him? He sells land."

"Lao Kai? How can he sell his land? What do you want from him?"

"My friend wants to buy his land."

Granny Liang frowned and whispered, "Tell your friend not to buy it. Behind his land is a garbage dump, it stinks."

The garbage dump will be moved away soon. Ye Zhao couldn't tell anyone this. She asked with a smile, "Why can't you smell the stench of the garbage dump here?"

"I smelled it when the north wind blew. It was so stinky, like pig manure, that I couldn't even open my eyes!"

What does a bad smell have to do with your eyes? How bad does it have to be to hurt your eyes

Ye Zhao pointed to the open space behind the field and asked Liang Po: "How big is your area?"

Granny Liang said: "I have one acre of land, more than 660 square meters. But I won't sell this land, I want to keep it..."

Ye Zhao smiled: "Leave it to your son?"

Granny Liang sighed and said stubbornly, "What's the point of leaving it to him? He has no conscience."

"Mother-in-law, please be nice to yourself. Collecting scrap should make you quite a bit of money. Don't mistreat yourself when it comes to food. If you don't eat well, your health will be poor. What's the point of leaving a lot of money for your son? Right?" Ye Zhao didn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, but seeing that the old lady was really pitiful and couldn't see clearly, he couldn't help but give her a few more words of advice.

Granny Liang laughed and said, "Cats have their own way of living, dogs have their own way of living. I am not greedy, unlike other families who eat big fish and meat every day. I just like to save them."

Saving money gives you a sense of security.

It is true that everyone has their own way of living. Ye Zhao nodded and smiled, and said nothing more.

Not long after, Lao Kai and Ni Meng came over on bicycles. Ni Meng saw Ye Zhao and stopped his bicycle. He turned around and asked her, "Which friend of yours wants to buy one?"

Ye Zhao pretended to be mysterious: "It's not convenient to say."

No matter how bad the land is, it will cost hundreds of thousands. Who is the friend who can buy such a large piece of land? Ni Meng knew that Ye Zhao had recently cooperated with Song Rongji. Could it be that Song Rongji wanted to buy it

Ni Meng asked, "Song Rongji?"

Ye Zhao didn't want to get involved with Song Rongji in this matter, she denied: "No. Another friend."

The more Ye Zhao denied it, the more Ni Meng didn't believe it. It must be Song Rongji who wanted to buy it.

Lao Kai also stopped and put his bicycle aside. He didn't care who the real buyer was, as long as someone bought it. "When will your friend come?"

"She's not coming. She's busy." Ye Zhao said perfunctorily while eating malt sugar.

"How can we talk if your friend doesn't come?"

Ye Zhao: "I'll just relay it. As long as the price is right, she'll listen to me."

Lao Kai stared at Ye Zhao, feeling that this was unreliable. "The price must be right. The lowest price in the city, 200 yuan per square meter."

Ye Zhao handed them the maltose: "Want some candy?"

Ni Meng took the cigarette handed over by Lao Kai and waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't stick my teeth off! I smoke."

The three of them walked forward. There were a lot of sand and bricks piled on the ground. Ye Zhao asked, "Why are there so many things piled up?"

Lao Kai pointed at a tall building under construction in the distance and said, "See it? That's the Fortune Building! Lend it to them to store the construction materials."

Oh, Fortune Building, the famous unfinished building in the future. Ye Zhao knew it.

She pointed to the garbage dump next to her. "This garbage dump is too close. And that pig farm."

Lao Kai lied with his eyes open: "We are in a good location here. The garbage dump is so close, there is no stench. Ni Meng, do you smell any stench?"

Ni Meng immediately cooperated with him: "There is no odor. I can't smell it. The wind is blowing from here to their side."

At this moment, there was indeed no smell of stench. Ye Zhao smiled and said, "It's not like I've just arrived here, so don't fool me."

Lao Kai said quickly: "I'm not kidding, I'm telling the truth."

Ye Zhao: "I just asked Granny Liang, she said when the north wind blows, it stinks so bad that you can't even open your eyes. The garbage stinks, and the pig manure from the pig farm stinks too..."

Knowing that he couldn't fool Ye Zhao, Ni Meng chose to mute his microphone.

Lao Kai didn't understand Ye Zhao's temperament, so he continued to fool him, "What color is shit? It's golden yellow. From ancient times to the present, shit is gold and treasure. Only when there is shit and feces can there be wealth."

What he said made a lot of sense, and Ye Zhao almost believed it.

She laughed and said, "Then this land is so good, Uncle Kai, wouldn't you have made a lot of money in the past three years?"

Lao Kai was speechless, "Right away, right away, we will make money right away."

As long as the sucker in front of him is willing to buy, he can stop the loss in time.

Lao Kai changed the subject: "This landfill hasn't been storing garbage recently. It's just a garbage transfer station. It will definitely be moved next year. There's also a pig farm. The village holds meetings every day to ask for the pig farm to be moved away. I don't think they can hold out for much longer."

All these words will come true next year, but at this time they are indeed all made up by Lao Kai. Ye Zhao immediately exposed them: "The pig farm is pulling waste water in our cafeteria. I heard that they plan to expand the number of pigs next year, and it is impossible for them to move away in the short term."

Lao Kai: “…”

There was a small mound in the middle of the peeling soil. They walked towards the mound and Ye Zhao asked, "Does this piece of land have a name?"

Lao Kai said hurriedly: "I heard from the older generation that there were many purple bamboos planted here before, so it was called the Purple Bamboo Forest."

Purple Bamboo Forest? That’s a good name.

Ye Zhao climbed up the earthen slope. Three thousand square meters did not seem very large, but it was enough for a panel building and a small square.

Imagine building a building with commercial facilities on the ground floor and residential buildings on the upper floors in a place where there will be four subway lines in the future. Build it with at least seven or eight floors and collect rent from it every day. It would be perfect.

If Ye Zhao looked back at herself 20 years later, she would definitely say, "You are so old-fashioned!" Is this the pattern

But at the moment, Ye Zhao felt that this was completely enough and she was not greedy.

Seeing the Zizhulin plot surrounded by a garbage dump, a pig farm, and a scrap collector, Ye Zhao found a new point of complaint: "Your land is not square, it's a trapezoid."

Ni Meng pointed to the blue shed in the southeast corner and said, "Ask your friend to buy the scrap land of Liang Po as well. It happens to be a perfect square."

When Lao Kai was collecting land, he went to Granny Liang's house several times, wanting to buy her land and make up a square, but Granny Liang was firm in her attitude and refused to sell it.

With Mrs. Liang's temper, it is impossible for her to change her mind.

But Lao Kai couldn't tell Ye Zhao the truth, so he just said, "Mrs. Liang is old, how many more years can she collect junk? Buy ours, and then buy hers. This piece of land is amazing!"

Damn it! Lao Kai shouted in his heart, it’s unbelievable! This is a fucking scam!

Ye Zhao shook his head in disdain: "No wonder this land has not been sold for three years. The environment is really too bad."

Ni Meng: "Although this location is not good, if you buy it and leave it for ten or eight years, it will definitely not be much worse than other places. If the garbage dump and the pig farm don't move now, they will definitely move in the future. You have good vision. Recommend this land to your friend, and he will definitely make a lot of money in the future."

Lao Kai, who wanted to sell the land immediately, said against his will: "If I wasn't in urgent need of money, I really wanted to hoard it for ten or eight years."

"How much? Give me a suitable price. The price you mentioned before is definitely not suitable."

Lao Kai: "190 yuan per square meter, if it's any lower I'll lose too much. I bought it for 200 yuan and paid the interest for three years."

Ye Zhao laughed. These middle-aged old-timers were so good at lying. "Aunt Kai just said that you bought it for 120 yuan."

Damn it! Lao Kai secretly cursed the loser!

Lao Kai could only helplessly refute: "She doesn't understand, she's just talking nonsense."

Ye Zhao: "Uncle Kai, please give me a real price. Once we have a deal, I can tell my friend about it."

The boss made another concession: "180 yuan per square meter."

Ye Zhao walked down the hillside: "You are not sincere."

Lao Kai followed him and said, "There's no such price in the whole city of Shenzhen. This is inside the Great Wall. Why don't you go somewhere else and ask for the price first?"

Ye Zhao paused and turned back to ask, "Uncle Kai, don't you want to sell the land to me... my friend?"

"of course not!"

Ni Meng acted as a peacemaker and whispered to Lao Kai, "It's good enough that it can be sold, but you are still raising the price. You have to let Xiao Ye make some money in the middle."

Who doesn't want to make some money? Lao Kai gritted his teeth and said, "170 yuan, it can't be any lower. If it's any lower, I'll have to pay the interest."

Ye Zhao is no pushover. She counted on her fingers and said, "I calculated that your annual interest rate is at most 8%, so your cost plus interest is more than 440,000..."

Lao Kai wanted to vomit blood. This girl was amazing. She had calculated everything. She was planning not to let him make a single penny.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "So, at 150 yuan per square meter, you won't lose money, and you can even make a few thousand."

Lao Kai and Ni Meng looked at each other and thought, what a great plan! This little girl is not someone who is easy to get along with.

But Lao Kai had no other choice. He had said he would come to see the land a few days ago, but he probably heard from other places that the land was not good, so he ended up being stood up.

What could he do? If he delayed it any longer, the interest would increase, and he couldn't afford it.

After three years of wasting so much energy, he only earned a few thousand dollars, and he had to pay for Ni Meng's tea. He felt very upset...

Just as he was feeling annoyed, he heard Ye Zhao say, "I haven't done much business, but I know that even if I eat meat, I have to leave some soup for others. 160 yuan, you can make tens of thousands, and everyone will be happy. If you think it's okay, we can sign the agreement today."

Lao Kai was stunned for a moment, and the fireworks in his heart were about to explode from his mouth. He was so excited that he was a little incoherent: "Okay, okay, okay, okay, if you are kind and righteous, I will also be kind and righteous. I will waive your company's management fee for you."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Kai."

Ni Meng never expected that a casual visit today would lead to a big deal. He actually helped sell Lao Kai's old land

"Oh my, this is so rare. Come on, come on, let's go to our house for tea."

After chatting for a while, Lao Kai rode his bike back first. Ye Zhao had made an appointment with him to meet him in the office after school.

Ye Zhao didn't have time to go home, and went straight to school. She looked quite calm on the surface, but she was actually very excited!

She is happier than Lao Kai.

If you can get this, it will be a long-term meal ticket that is more reliable than anything else.

So when she couldn't sleep during class, she would sit there in a daze and start fantasizing about making some money from supplying vegetables to Hong Kong, and then finding a way to get land to build a house. As long as the house was built, she would lie down and live a safe and secure life from then on.

During the break, a classmate came to Ye Zhao and said that Teacher Zhou asked her to go to the office.

Ye Zhao thought that Mr. Zhou was here to brainwash her again, asking her to practice writing more essays or something, but when she arrived at the office, she saw a middle-aged woman wearing a suit skirt, who looked very capable and fashionable, sitting next to Mr. Zhou's desk.

"Mr. Zhou, are you looking for me?"

"Oh, Ye Zhao, come here. This is Awen's mother. She wants to ask you to come here today because she wants to know something from you."

Awen’s mother? She was the one who caused Awen’s depression because of the extreme conflict with her husband.

"What's up?"

Awen's mother, Tan Baozhu, was smiling and looked very elegant. She took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ye Zhao. It was the IOU that Ye Zhao had borrowed money from Awen. Awen said he had lost it, but it turned out to be in his mother's hands.

Ye Zhao held the IOU and looked at the other party, as if asking, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I found this under the table in Awen's room. I don't understand how you students could borrow and lend such a large amount of money to each other? Is this appropriate?" Qin Baozhu looked at Ye Zhao, who turned out to be a beautiful girl. No one knew what method she used to get Awen to lend her so much money.

Ye Zhao hated this kind of parents who bypassed the students and came directly to cause trouble. She asked: "Auntie, have you asked Awen?"

"I didn't. I don't want this to disrupt Awen's preparations for the college entrance exam."

What a selfish mother! Ye Zhao sarcastically said, "So you can come and disrupt other people's daughters' preparations for the college entrance examination?"

Qin Baozhu was blocked and couldn't reply for a while, so Teacher Zhou hurried to help: "Ye Zhao, can you explain what this IOU is about?"

"Isn't it written on it? Awen lent me 2,500 yuan, I paid 100 yuan in interest, and I will pay him back within three months."

Teacher Zhou was puzzled: "Why do you want to borrow so much money?"

"That's my business."

"… "

"Awen is not yet 18 years old, you can't borrow money from him like this." Qin Baozhu spoke in a low voice, but with a stern tone.

This girl didn't know her family background, but she actually borrowed so much money from Awen. It was really wrong. She couldn't figure out where Awen got the money from. If she had paid more attention to her son's hobbies and dynamics, she wouldn't be so ignorant.

"I confirmed with Awen before I borrowed the money. He is over 18 years old. If you don't believe me, you can ask him directly... Oh, you don't dare to ask because you are afraid of disturbing your son's study, so you come to disturb someone else's daughter's study. I just don't know, do you believe what someone else's daughter says?"

Why is this girl so choking! Tan Baozhu waved her hands impatiently: "Forget it, I won't bother with this. I just want to ask you, when will you pay me back?"

Ye Zhao smiled dumbly: "I have already paid him back. On the day I paid him back, he said that the IOU was missing, so..."

“Is there any evidence that the money has been repaid?”

"You have a mouth, can't you ask your son?" Ye Zhao glanced at Lao Zhou and forced himself not to retort.

At that time, Awen wrote her a receipt, but she refused to give it to him. Ye Zhao sincerely suggested, "Auntie, I suggest you communicate more with your son and strengthen the parent-child relationship. You can solve the problem by communicating at home instead of bringing it to school and letting the teacher and Awen's classmates know that Awen is so pitiful. His mother doesn't communicate with him at home."

Tan Baozhu: “…”

Teacher Zhou also said, "Awen's mother, I also suggest that you communicate more with Awen, or should I go and call Awen over now?"

Qin Baozhu thought for a moment and said, "Forget it. I'll go back and ask him."

Ye Zhao: "Teacher Zhou, shall I go back to class?"

Teacher Zhou nodded: "Go back and practice writing more... Don't forget."

Ye Zhao smiled awkwardly but politely: "Okay, okay."

After school, Ye Zhao went to Shunfeng Building to find Lao Kai to sign the contract, but Lao Kai was not there, so she had to go home first.

When Auntie Qiao got home and heard that Ye Zhao wanted to buy the land in Zizhulin, she was very opposed to it. Auntie Qiao was sewing buttons on her new clothes. She advised Ye Zhao: "You have to think it over carefully. It will be very difficult to resell this land after you buy it. Look at Lao Kai, he has been holding on to it for three years. People nowadays are very smart. Those who really make money have already packed in. They won't just lie there and wait for you to pick it up."

Ye Zhao nodded: "I know, I won't sell this piece of land after I buy it, I will hoard it."

"Also, it's hard to get land approval now. If you buy a house and want to build a house, you have to find a way to get land approval."

"Ni Meng said he would help me when the time comes."

"He's going to rip you off again."

"It's okay. He can't make much money. If you can really help, you should pay for it."

Aunt Qiao saw that she was determined to buy the property, so she couldn't help but remind her, "You've used all your money to buy the land. Will you need money to run your company later?"

"Now the purchase advance payment is all from old money, mainly because we may need a large sum of money to build a vegetable base for Hong Kong in the future. If the money is not enough, I will borrow it."

"Oh, you are really brave. Brave people can make money."

After sewing one button, Aunt Qiao used scissors to cut the thread and said, "There are still two buttons to be sewn. Can you help me thread them?"

Ye Zhao helped Aunt Qiao thread the thread and was about to go back to his room when he heard someone knocking on the door.

She ran to open the door and saw Awen and his mother standing outside.

It turned out that after Awen knew that his mother went to the school to question Ye Zhao about borrowing money, he was very angry and insisted that his mother come to apologize.

Awen's mother, Qin Baozhu, was holding a bag of fresh oranges, and Ye Zhao didn't know whether to take it or not.

"Who is it?" Aunt Qiao asked from inside the house.

"my classmate!"

Aunt Qiao came out and looked the mother and son up and down. She knew Awen, so why did Awen and his mother suddenly come to her house? Aunt Qiao was a little nervous. Could this be her Xiangzi's rival in love

She didn't invite him to sit inside, but asked directly with a straight face, "What's the matter?"

Tan Baozhu was forced by her son. She said apologetically, "There was a little misunderstanding between their classmates. We came here to apologize."

This mother is really good at passing the buck. How can this be a misunderstanding between their classmates? Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Awen and I have no misunderstanding."

Qin Baozhu smiled awkwardly and said, "There is a misunderstanding with me. I'm sorry for not asking clearly before going to the school to find you."

Aunt Qiao became even more nervous. There was no misunderstanding between Ye Zhao and Awen, but there was a misunderstanding between Ye Zhao and Awen's mother? Awen's mother broke up the couple? Aunt Qiao's face was completely devoid of smiles.

Seeing that Aunt Qiao didn't seem to welcome them, Qin Baozhu hurriedly pushed the oranges over to them and said, "I bought these for you. I was really reckless today. I'm very sorry."

"Why were you so reckless?" Aunt Qiao finally remembered to ask.

Tan Baozhu: "I misunderstood them."

"What did you misunderstand about them?"

"It's about them borrowing money before... I'm sorry."

When Aunt Qiao heard that it was about borrowing money, her tense face immediately relaxed, "Oh, so it's about borrowing money? It's okay, come in and sit down."

Seeing Awen's guilty expression, Ye Zhao didn't want to embarrass them, so he said, "Come in."

As we were talking at the door, someone came downstairs. It was Lao Kai.

When Lao Kai saw Ye Zhao, he hurriedly said, "I just went out to buy something and you came. I've asked someone to draft the contract for the Zizhulin land. Take a look first. If there's no problem, we'll sign it."

Lao Kai handed the contract to Ye Zhao and asked, "Are you going to sign it with me directly, or is it your friend who is going to sign it with me? Before signing the contract, does he want to come and see the land?"

Ye Zhao whispered, "I have a guest. Give me the contract. Come in and sit down first. We'll talk later."

Aunt Qiao politely invited Awen and his mother into the house, and enthusiastically poured them tea and served them fruits and snacks. Qin Baozhu had come to apologize on behalf of her son, and was planning to take a look around and leave, saying that you're welcome.

Aunt Qiao brought out a plate of Song Rongji dim sum, "This is the Hong Kong-style dim sum that Song Rongji sent us, you can have a taste."

Tan Baozhu was surprised: "Did Song Rongji send it to you?"

"Yes, we sent too much and couldn't finish it all." Aunt Qiao didn't explain the relationship between Ye Zhao and Song Rongji. "Did you watch their last competition? It was so exciting, but it's a pity that Awen didn't go on stage."

Ye Zhao hurriedly pulled Aunt Qiao's clothes, for she was afraid that Aunt Qiao would irritate Awen.

Aunt Qiao had no idea that Awen had depression tendencies. She ignored Ye Zhao and continued, "The four of them have such a good relationship. Even if Awen didn't go on stage, it was an honor they won together, which is rare. At this age, no one wants to fight for credit."

The implication of this statement is that your son did not appear on the stage but still shared the honor. My child is kind. Qin Baozhu smiled awkwardly and did not know how to respond.

Ah Wen's face was burning. He was shy and felt a little embarrassed by Aunt Qiao's words: "I didn't perform on stage, but they still gave me a share of the prize money."

Ye Zhao tried to comfort him, "Who said you didn't go on stage? We had your keyboard in our performance, and you missed the chance that day for the sake of collective honor. This matter has been settled, so don't dwell on it anymore."

Aunt Qiao felt from the bottom of her heart that the children had a good relationship and there was nothing wrong with that: "Yes, yes, yes, I won't worry about it anymore."

Tan Baozhu also tactfully backed down: "No matter what, this time it's my fault."

After chatting for a while, Qin Baozhu asked curiously: "What is your relationship with Song Rongji?"

Lao Kai, who was sitting nearby, interrupted and said, "She has a good relationship with Song Rongji. I have a piece of land..."

"Uncle Kai..." Ye Zhao stopped him in time.

Lao Kai heard from Ni Meng that Song Rongji was going to buy the land in Zizhulin. Wasn't that right? Of course it was. Otherwise, how could the girl afford it? It seemed that Song Rongji wanted to keep a low profile? Since the buyer wanted to keep a low profile, then he would keep a low profile.

Lao Kai took a sip of tea awkwardly, "Qiaojie, your tea is good, Longjing, right?"

"Is it delicious? I bought it on the street, it's not expensive."

The topic was just laughed off, and Qin Baozhu smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

They didn't sit for long before they said goodbye and Aunt Qiao saw them out.

Ye Zhao and Lao Kai sat in the living room to discuss the contract. There were no problems with the area, land boundaries, price and payment method. Lao Kai also promised to help her with the land approval in the future. Although it was called help, it was actually a business deal. There were many places where land approval would cost money.

Because the land was originally registered in the name of Lao Kai's son, he had to wait for his son to return from a business trip next week, then pay the full amount, and go to the village committee together to handle the transfer procedures.

The two parties first signed a letter of intent. Ye Zhao planned to give a deposit of 10,000 yuan, but Lao Kai was afraid that Ye Zhao would go back on his word, so he demanded 20,000 yuan.

Ye Zhao said: "I can give you 20,000, but if you regret not selling it, then you have to pay 5 times the deposit as liquidated damages. Write it in the agreement and take it to the village committee for filing."

How could Lao Kai regret not selling the product? He smiled and said, "You only need to pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan, and I will compensate you five times if you regret it. It's totally fine."

Ye Zhao didn't have enough cash on hand, so she collected some from the canteen's cash flow, and Aunt Qiao also helped her collect some, and the total amount was 20,000 yuan for Lao Kai.

After signing the agreement, both parties felt at ease and waited to go to the village committee to complete the household transfer and then apply for land approval when they wanted to build a house.

(End of this chapter)