I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 40: Discover


Zhaohua Company converted one of the manager's offices into a small meeting room, and Ye Zhao held a meeting with everyone after school at noon.

Huang Dongliang came to the hospital for a follow-up examination that day, and he came specially to attend the meeting.

When Ye Zhao walked in, he saw Huang Dongliang eating persimmons awkwardly, and asked hurriedly: "Brother Liang, is your hand feeling better?"

Huang Dongliang wiped his hands with a tissue and smiled, "Much better now. It may not be as flexible in the future, but it's better than I thought. I originally thought that I would not be able to get it back. Fortunately, I listened to your prompt treatment!"

“You must never be negative about your health. If you are sick or injured, you must seek timely treatment and don’t assume that there is no cure.” Ye Zhao did not give up even when he became a vegetable.

"You have a point," Huang Dongliang looked at the girls and said, "Your company is full of female leaders! That's amazing!"

Ah Qin smiled and said, "We are called Zhaomen Female Generals! We will not hire male employees in the future!"

Huang Dongliang said with a sigh: "If the company gets bigger, you will have to hire drivers? You will have to hire laborers? We men are good at this!"

Ah Qin thought about it and it made sense: "Our office is the only one that doesn't hire male employees."

"When you can't find a partner, you will want male colleagues." Xiaofeng has a long-term vision. When the company grows bigger, it will definitely have to recruit male colleagues. This society is not very fair to women. When women reach a certain age, they have to take care of the family and children. It is difficult for them to focus on work. From the company's perspective, male employees are more cost-effective.

Ye Zhao does not discriminate against men or women. In her opinion, men and women are equal. However, women are a vulnerable group, so it is right for the company to take proper care of female employees in the future.

The meeting officially started. Mu Xin was very rigorous and abided by the rules. She put away all the melon seeds and candies on the table.

Huang Dongliang first reported on his work: "That... that greenhouse technician Xiao Liu is very professional, and he communicates well with several ginger growers... This is the first time I have such a formal meeting, and I am a little nervous."

The girls burst into laughter. Ah Qin said, "Why are you so nervous? We don't eat humans."

Huang Dongliang touched his head in a simple and honest manner: "I just don't know how to speak in an official language."

Xiao Feng said, "No need to use official language, just say whatever you want to say."

Ye Zhao asked: "Have you solved the problem of growing ginger in winter?"

Huang Dongliang coughed and continued, "Ginger planting in winter should not be a big problem. While the temperature is high now, the ginger farmers have already started to cultivate old ginger to sprout. I hope we can plant it sooner."

Ye Zhao: "Then plant it early. The planting area should be as planned before. In addition to supplying Song Rongji, we can also supply several other ginger shops."

Huang Dongliang: "The biggest problem now is that we haven't received the compensation from the ginger farmers yet. Everyone is short of money, and we need to buy a lot of plastic film for this greenhouse..."

Xiao Feng added: "Brother Liang told me the day before yesterday. I consulted about the cost of plastic film yesterday. It will cost about 30,000 to 40,000 yuan."

The cost is not low. Ye Zhao has to use the money to buy the land, and the remaining 100,000 yuan has to be reserved for building a vegetable base. She said, "I will go to Song Rongji to have a meeting later to let them think of a solution for this cost."

Ah Qin had been communicating with Song Rongji about work, so she complained quietly: "Song Rongji's new manager Cai is very difficult to communicate with. His eyes are on the top of his head and he looks down on us mainland girls."

Huang Dongliang was curious: "Why do you look down on me?"

"You think we are unsophisticated. You try to mix English into every sentence you say. You think you are a superior person."

When Ye Zhao was communicating with General Manager Jiang about work, she could probably sense their condescending attitude. That was because Mrs. Song was there. With Mrs. Song’s pressure, she smiled and said, “It’s okay. Things change over time. One day, they will have to raise their heads and talk to us.”

Ah Qin didn't care whether they were blindly confident or not, she said confidently: "Kill them!"

Xiao Feng smiled and said, "We can't help it. Our economy is worse than others. They are modern metropolises, and we are from the countryside. I heard that the document they use to come to the mainland is called a return home permit, and coming to Shenzhen is called a return home permit."

Huang Dongliang also had contact with people from Song Rongji when he called the police about the ginger epidemic. He said: "The person in charge of Song Rongji who communicated with us about the case was quite good and enthusiastic. It was mainly a personnel issue."

Huang Dongliang's statement was more rational, so Ye Zhao brought the topic back in time: "Let's quickly review what we have to discuss in the meeting with Song Rongji later."

In the afternoon, Ye Zhao, Xiaofeng and Aqin went to Song Rongji branch to discuss the next work. When they got downstairs, they happened to pass by a stationery store. Xiaofeng and the others went in to buy pens, and Ye Zhao went upstairs first.

There is no elevator in this building, so everyone has to walk up the stairs. When Ye Zhao turned the corner of the stairs, he heard someone talking in the corridor above.

A younger voice said, "This is how it is here. Not to mention the old-fashioned dress, the people are poor and mean, and it's hard to get along with them. It's dirty everywhere, and it's hard to breathe. I don't know when I can be transferred back."

"You'll get used to it. It'll be even more uncomfortable if you go back home because of the intrigue. It's better here, where the mountains are high and the emperor is far away and no one cares about you." The voice was mature and a little familiar. Ye Zhao remembered that it was Mr. Jiang from Shijiu Floor.

Mr. Jiang continued, "And if you think of a way... you can still make money. Take today's Zhaohua Company for example. It's newly established and all of them are inexperienced newcomers, all pretty girls in their twenties. If you think of a way to get them involved, they will definitely know how to give you this. The companies here are very eye-catching and know how to give benefits."

"I heard that Boss Zhaohua knows Mrs. Song..."

"Mrs. Song is busy fighting among the people, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to her. Before, Mrs. Song had to ask for help, but there was nothing she could do. Now see if she can still contact Mrs. Song. Do you think a water ghost can really become a city god?"

Ye Zhao quickened his pace and coughed. No one spoke in the corridor.

When she pushed open the fire door, she found Mr. Jiang and a new face smoking in the corridor.

When President Jiang saw Ye Zhao, he hurried forward to greet her: "Hey, Miss Ye, long time no see. Let me introduce you, this is Manager Cai, the new head of Song Rong Ji's Shenzhen branch. This girl is amazing, Zhao Hua's boss, and the hero who saved Song Rong Ji this time."

Just now, Mr. Jiang described her as a water ghost who could not be promoted to the city god, but when they met, he said something else, turning her into a great hero who saved Song Rongji. This double-faced skill is not shallow.

Ye Zhao smiled and said modestly: "What kind of great contributor is he? He is just a water ghost who cannot be promoted to the city god. Mr. Jiang, you really flatter me."

Mr. Jiang laughed awkwardly. It seemed that the little girl heard the rest of his words.

Generally speaking, when you hear someone saying bad things about you, you will definitely pretend not to hear it. There is no such person who would expose others’ words in person with a smile and make them lose face.

Manager Cai shook his head secretly. This girl has low emotional intelligence and is difficult to get along with. She will definitely not go far in business.

In short, he is not optimistic.

Ye Zhao just smiled at Manager Cai, not caring what he was thinking.

After everyone gathered, the three parties held a meeting. Because Ye Zhao on Shijiu Floor used the vegetable base recommended by General Manager Jiang to supply Hong Kong, the work of both parties progressed smoothly. However, after Ye Zhao built his own vegetable base, the other party might not be so easy to communicate with.

The meeting basically determined that Zhaohua would begin to gradually supply some vegetables to Food Floor 9 from late December. After gradually becoming familiar with the situation, it would be able to take over the supply of Food Floor 9 smoothly in January next year.

After that, we held a meeting with Song Rongji Shenzhen Branch about the supply of small yellow ginger, because Song Rongji will have no stock of small yellow ginger next year, so the ginger farmers in Xishan Town are urgently needed to plant and harvest ginger as soon as possible.

Xiaofeng first reported on the progress of the work: "We have invited experts from Shandong to overcome the technical difficulties of off-season planting, and the ginger farmers have already planted the old ginger seeds."

This was the first time Manager Cai had a meeting with Zhaohua's people since he took office. He wanted to establish his authority in this meeting, so there was no smile on his face. He looked very businesslike: "Well, how long will it take to harvest?"

Xiao Feng: "The fastest time will be 4-5 months."

The other person had a dead look on his face, and Ye Zhao gave him a cold look: "That means Song Rongji's ginger candy will have to stop production in the spring until the new batch of small yellow ginger is harvested."

Manager Cai stressed: "The head office is very anxious and must ensure that this batch of Xishan small yellow ginger will not be affected by ginger plague again."

Ye Zhao curled up his lips with a fake smile, "Of course! This time we are growing ginger in greenhouses, so there will definitely be no ginger plague problem. And the last time the ginger plague was caused by people sent by you people from Gangcheng, before that, there had never been ginger plague in Xishan Town's small yellow ginger."

Manager Cai, a native of Hong Kong, kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

"Xiao Feng, please continue."

Xiao Feng was secretly pleased to see her boss openly retorting to Party A's manager, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. She said, "The problem we are facing now is how the ginger farmers will survive the winter. The farmers don't have the money to build greenhouses."

Manager Cai shrugged. "So? Your company has to figure this out on its own."

Ye Zhao nodded: "Our company can advance the money, but Song Rongji also has to pay our part of the advance payment, otherwise this work will be difficult to carry out."

Ask Song Rongji for an advance payment? Dreaming? Manager Cai finally found a way to maintain his dignity and immediately refused: "This is impossible. There is no such item in the contract. I'm sorry, I can't do it."

"We signed a supplier contract. That is to say, you can only purchase Xishan small yellow ginger through us, but if there is no supply on the market, we have no obligation to help you grow ginger, right?" Ye Zhao's implication is that if we don't help ginger farmers grow ginger, you will have no raw materials. You should be more anxious than me!

Manager Cai's tone was a little more tactful: "You can't say that. I understand your difficulties, but if you want to make more money, you must pay the cost, right?"

"That's what I said. We are willing to solve this problem now for the sake of long-term cooperation and to help Mrs. Song overcome difficulties. Otherwise, why would I work so hard? I will wait until October next year to harvest ginger. I don't need to take such a big risk."

"Sorry, I really can't talk to the company about this. There's no sign of Xiao Huang Jiang, but they want an advance payment. This has no precedent in our company." Manager Cai had already made this warning, unless, as President Jiang said, Zhaohua took the initiative to show goodwill and give some benefits.

Sometimes, for the sake of interests, concessions need to be made, and Ye Zhao is not someone who cannot make concessions at all. But it is obvious that Song Rongji's own needs are more urgent than hers, so why should she indulge these people

"Okay, stop the off-season planting plan immediately. For me, it means I will only lose one season's profit, but for you, it means a suspension of production and supply. The market is changing very quickly now. One year is enough time for other brands to occupy your market. How big is the risk? Which is more important? Why don't you weigh it yourself?"

How could Manager Cai give in in front of his subordinates during his first important meeting after taking office? But if he really didn't give in, he would have to beg them to do things for him later.

But the fire had already reached this point, and if he gave in, it would be too embarrassing. Just as he was hesitating, a new employee under him said, "This is the first time I've seen a supplier so sharp. If you don't do it, there will be plenty of people who will do it, and advance payment is impossible."

"I'm sorry, you want to change suppliers in the past three years, but according to the contract, you can't do that." Ye Zhao stood up, "Okay, we'll leave first."

Xiaofeng and Aqin were packing up, and Ye Zhao said, "Aqin, if there is no reply from Manager Cai tomorrow, tell the ginger farmers to pull up all the ginger and save them for planting next year."

Manager Cai was so angry that he didn't know what to do. The next day, he obediently notified Zhao Hua to come to a meeting to discuss the advance payment. He wanted to show his power to Zhao Hua, but he failed and ended up suffering the blow from Zhao Hua instead.

Are you angry

Ye Zhao did not attend the meeting regarding the advance payment because he had to attend a class. So Xiaofeng and Aqin, following Ye Zhao's instructions, resisted tremendous pressure and asked for 300,000 kilograms of small yellow ginger, at an advance payment of 0.30 cents per kilogram.

Later, when Aqin complained about Manager Cai, she also wanted Ye Zhao to go to Song Rongji headquarters to complain about him and get this kind of person out as soon as possible.

Ye Zhao laughed and said, "Then we have been fooled by him, right? He despises the small fishing village and doesn't want to stay here any longer. Even breathing is painful for him. Then let him continue to suffer."

Anyway, she won't take the other person seriously.

The cold front only comes for a few days, and early December in Shenzhen is a good season with just the right temperature and cool weather.

This weekend, all the teachers will go to Guangcheng for training and there will be no make-up classes. Ye Zhao and his friends’ plan to go to the eastern seaside for a trip has finally come true.

After breakfast, they set off early in the morning. Zeng Xiang pushed out the motorcycle and waited in the yard. Ye Zhao was still upstairs and had not come down. Zeng Xiaotian saw that the back seat of the motorcycle was empty, so he rushed over and sat on the motorcycle.

Zeng Xiang said, "Come down!"

Xiaotian was unwilling: "Just squeeze in!"

Zeng Xiuqun rolled her eyes at her brother and said, "That's Sister Xiaozhao's special seat. Be sensible and get off quickly. Let's go take the bus."

Xiaotian sighed, "Once upon a time, this was also my seat."

"you are dreaming."

The brother and sister were arguing with each other when Ye Zhao came downstairs. She was wearing a light blue sportswear, a sun hat, and carrying a bag. She looked like a pretty little beauty.

Zeng Xiuqun sincerely praised: "Sister Xiaozhao, you look so beautiful in this outfit."

Zeng Xiang is also wearing a blue shirt and blue beach pants. Are they couple outfits?!

"When did you buy the couple's outfit?"

Ye Zhao: "What couple outfits? Aunt Qiao and I went to the department store to buy them together."

Zeng Xiuqun whispered to her brother: "My aunt's intentions are obvious to everyone."

Zeng Xiang turned around and threatened: "Can't you come down?"

Under pressure from Mr. Zeng, Xiaotian finally rolled down wisely, "I'm rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling..."

Ye Zhao smiled and sat astride Zeng Xiang, waving to Xiu Qun and saying, "Xiu Qun, let's go together!"

Xiuqun, who had originally planned to take the bus, heard the call and immediately ran over and sat behind Ye Zhao, whispering excitedly: "Let's squeeze in."

Seeing this, Xiaotian was furious: "What are you doing? Hey! Zeng Xiuqun, you traitor, aren't you going to take the bus? You're leaving me behind?"

Zeng Xiuqun was beaming with joy and said, "You and Awen can take the bus. We'll leave first. Byebye!"

Boom boom… Boom…

The motorcycle drove out of Xiaoxi Building, leaving Xiaotian with a trail of exhaust. Xiaotian had no choice but to hold a swimming ring angrily and meet up with Awen to squeeze into the bus.

There are many beaches in the east, but only a few of them have been developed. They are well-known free beaches with many tourists on weekends, and tourists go into the sea like dumplings.

They went east to a less famous but fee-charging Gold Coast. Zeng Xiang, who arrived first, went to buy tickets, while Ye Zhao and Zeng Xiuquan bought coconuts on the roadside.

They held coconuts, wore slippers and sun hats, and stood in the shade of the trees at the gate.

Zeng Xiang handed them the tickets and said, "You go in first. I'll wait for them here."

"Okay, let's go grab a seat."

Ye Zhao and Zeng Xiuqun went to the beach first. The free area was crowded with people, and the paid area was not expensive. As a result, there were only a few tourists, so there was no need to occupy a spot. Nowadays, Chinese people are used to saving money, and they are reluctant to spend money on free things.

This place has not yet been fully commercialized and there are not many entertainment facilities. The most attractive thing is the large stretch of fine and white sandy beach.

The parasols and chairs on the beach were free, so they took one of them, and then Zeng Xiuquan took out a bunch of food from her bag.

The two of them went to the beach to play in the water for a while. Since neither of them could swim, the two girls' main activity was taking photos.

The point-and-shoot camera that Zeng Xiang had bought before came in handy. After taking pictures of each other, they returned to the tent, lay on the beach chairs, and chatted leisurely while eating.

Zeng Xiuqun brought her brother's telescope, and she took it out to look around. "Hey, look, seagulls, they can see clearly."

"Hey, look, foreigners! Over there on the beach!" Zeng Xiuqun said as if she had seen something strange, "Foreigners are not whiter than us. They are just red. Have you noticed?"

Ye Zhao's former mentor had done some research on this and often told her about the white race deception theory. She said, "White people and yellow races are classified by Westerners. Their skin is the color of pork. In real comparison, they may not be as white as us."

"Yes, as long as I don't stay in the sun, I can stay very white. Look at you, you stay in the sun every day, but you don't get tanned. You are really much whiter than those Caucasians."

Ye Zhao smiled: "It doesn't matter, skin color can't define anything."

Zeng Xiuqun looked at the villa not far away with a telescope. She exclaimed again, "Isn't this that someone? Why is she here too?"

"Who is it?"

"That beautiful lady who lived in our yard for a while, the one who sang very well." Zeng Xiuqun couldn't remember her name for a moment, so she handed the telescope to Ye Zhao, "Look for yourself."

Ye Zhao raised the telescope and looked towards the villa. He saw a girl standing on a balcony closest to the beach. It was Gao Yueyue.

"did you see it?"

"I see, Gao Yueyue."

"Yes, Gao Yueyue! Is that a hotel over there? Is she here for vacation?" Although no one else could hear her, Zeng Xiuqun lowered her voice and asked, "Does she have a rich boyfriend?"

"Who knows." Ye Zhao returned the telescope to Zeng Xiuquan.

Zeng Xiuquan opened a bag of shrimp crackers and was eating when an old local lady came over and asked them if they wanted to eat seafood. She said that they could go there for lunch at her newly opened restaurant, which was located in a nearby valley. The food was cheap and fresh.

Ye Zhao asked how to get there, and the old lady pointed to a valley not far away and explained to her in detail how to get there.

After a while, the three boys finally arrived.

Zeng Xiaotian's arrival immediately made the scene lively. He asked, "Shall we stay here tonight? Let's rent a few tents and live by the sea?"

Zeng Xiuqun: "Who wants to live in a tent? Why not stay in a hotel?"

Zeng Xiuqun pointed to the villas next to him and said, "Those buildings are hotels. Brother, you have saved so much money, why don't you invite me to live there? Gao Yueyue lives over there."

"Who is it?" Zeng Xiaotian said, and then he remembered, "Oh, her?! The one who competed with me in singing! Why stay in a hotel when we come to the beach? It's more fun to stay in a tent. Is it Brother Xiang?"

Zeng Xiang looked at the sea in the distance and ignored him. Xiao Tian had no choice but to turn to Awen, who gave him face: "Living in a tent is fun."

Zeng Xiuqun wanted to pull Ye Zhao to stand on her side again. Ye Zhao lay on the chair and squinted his eyes slightly: "Brother Xiang and I are going home tonight."

The brother and sister rarely united in their stance and rolled their eyes together.

As a seaside person who can't swim, Zeng Xiaotian rushed into the sea first holding a swimming ring.

Zeng Xiuquan, who had just said she wouldn't go into the water, also went into the sea with Awen.

Zeng Xiang was wearing sunglasses and lying on a beach chair next to Ye Zhao. After a while, he said, "I just saw your father's car drive in. I saw his car last time at the toy factory and I remember his license plate number."

Ye Zhao's first reaction was: "Bai Lu and the others are here too?"

Zeng Xiang: “I didn’t see it.”

(End of this chapter)