I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 41: Backtalk


The sea breeze in early December is gentle and refreshing, mixed with a faint smell of the sea. Under the shadow of clouds without the sun, it is the most suitable weather for playing at the beach.

While the other three were surfing, Ye Zhao and Zeng Xiang rented a small fishing boat to go fishing.

It was called fishing, but the main thing was watching the boatman casting the net to catch fish. Then Ye Zhao struck all kinds of cute, cool and funny poses and asked Zeng Xiang to take pictures of her, right up to her face. Brother Xiang learned it by himself and took the pictures of her very beautifully.

Finally, Ye Zhao asked the boatman to take a photo of the two of them. She looked petite and he looked majestic but not strong.

The boatman collected three or four nets. Maybe because they were near the sea, the amount of seafood caught was not too much. There were four or five flower crabs, a bag of miscellaneous fish, and more than half a pound of mud shrimp. Ye Zhao thought it was enough for them to have a full meal.

They bought all the seafood caught by the boatman, and then walked to the restaurant on the other side of the valley and paid the boss to process it.

The Shan'ao Restaurant is in a hidden location, with a lobby on one side and a private room on the other. It's quite spacious, but there aren't many customers. If the proprietress hadn't gone out to the beach to promote the restaurant and solicit customers, there would probably be even fewer customers.

But this valley faces the sea on the other side, and with the gentle sea breeze and pleasant scenery, it is really a good place.

The proprietress showed them the menu: stir-fried crab with ginger and scallion, blanched mud shrimp, casserole with pickled cabbage and mixed fish, stir-fried seasonal vegetables with pork scraps, and steamed shrimp with soy sauce. Xiaotian, a big eater who is still growing up, felt that the dishes were not enough, so he ordered a portion of salt and pepper mantis shrimp and a geoduck in three different ways.

After ordering the food, Ye Zhao went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom and passed the parking lot, she saw a black car parked in front of her. The car model looked familiar, and when she looked at the license plate, she realized it was her father's.

Ye Zhao couldn't help but slow down her pace and hid behind a clump of big red flower bushes. She saw her father get out of the driver's seat. There was no driver today, and Ye Dingguo was driving the car himself.

A pair of high heels stretched out from the passenger seat first, and the person who got down was—Gao Yueyue!

And her father came over and took Gao Yueyue's hand!

!!!!!!!!!!!! A string of exclamation marks crossed Ye Zhao’s heart!

No wonder Gao Yueyue said a bunch of weird things to her that day that she couldn’t understand. It turned out that she wanted to be her mother

Ye Zhao's three views were instantly turned upside down! Old cows really like to eat young grass. Don't tell her that Ye Dingguo and Gao Yueyue are in love, she doesn't believe it.

Ye Dingguo lived a decent life in the original novel, so does he have no chance

Or is it that in recent months, Bai Yunlian's image in Ye Dingguo's heart has been greatly damaged, and she can no longer return to her original "warm home"

Ye Zhao's first reaction was to take a photo as evidence, but unfortunately the camera was not with him.

She ran back to the restaurant like an arrow, took out her camera from her backpack, turned around and ran out again.

Ye Dingguo and Gao Yueyue did not go towards the lobby, they went to the box on the other side.

Ye Zhao followed behind them and took four or five photos in a row. In one of the photos, Ye Dingguo hugged Gao Yueyue's waist very intimately. In one photo, he even captured their profiles!

Student Ye Zhao has a talent for being a paparazzi. After completing his task with ease, he was about to turn around and leave, but when he turned around, he saw Zeng Xiang right behind him.

"Shh!" She put her index finger on her lips, pulled Zeng Xiang back, crouched down and walked back silently.

After leaving the private room, Ye Zhao let go of his hand and whispered, "My dad! Him and Gao Yueyue."

Zeng Xiang knew she had taken the photo, "What are you going to do with it?"

"What can I do? The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. Even if we call the police, they can't do anything to them. But let Gao Yueyue deal with Bai Yunlian and defeat magic with magic," Ye Zhao smiled in a mood of watching the fun, "It should be quite interesting."

"I thought you would be sad."

"Why should I be sad?" Ye Zhao thought about it and felt that Zeng Xiang must have put himself in her shoes, so he felt that she would be sad.

Zeng Xiang's father had an affair, which must have left a trauma in his childhood. She comforted him, "We are different. You have a mother to protect you, but I don't."

The two returned to the lobby, where the boiled mud shrimp and stir-fried crab with ginger and scallion were already served. Zeng Xiuqun called out to them, "Where have you two been? Come and eat!"

Zeng Xiuqun picked up a large shrimp for Ye Zhao, who frowned and picked it back for her, "Eat it yourself."

"Why? Don't you eat shrimp? Shrimp is so delicious."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I'm too lazy to peel the shrimp and don't want to get my hands dirty."

Zeng Xiaotian, a foodie who can sacrifice a lot for food, shook his head and complained: "Just wash your hands after they get dirty. There will be salt and pepper mantis shrimp later."

Ye Zhao was unmoved: "I'll eat something else."

Zeng Xiuqun said considerately: "It's okay, I'll peel it for you. I love peeling shrimps. Especially mantis shrimps. Others can't peel the whole meat, but I can. I'm really good."

Zeng Xiuqun first peeled two large shrimps for Ye Zhao. Seeing that Zeng Xiang didn't want to eat them, she peeled two for her brother Xiang as well. Zeng Xiang put the shrimps directly into Ye Zhao's bowl and said, "I don't eat shrimps."

The result was that Ye Zhao, who did not peel the shrimps, had his bowl filled with shrimp meat.

The dishes were served quickly. Ye Zhao scooped a bowl of geoduck porridge, blew on the hot steam, and drank it slowly.

Awen's birthday is next week, and he invites everyone to his house. Everyone said it was okay, but Ye Zhao had to go to Xishan Town next weekend, so she was not free: "I may not have time next Saturday, but I will definitely send you a birthday present."

Ah Wen was a little disappointed after hearing this, and his tone was a little depressed, "No need to prepare a special birthday gift."

"Then I won't prepare anything," Xiaotian said with a laugh, and began to imagine staying in a tent that night: "Is that okay? I asked the staff, and they have tents for rent."

Zeng Xiuqun grumbled in opposition: "Can't we just stay in a hotel? You won a lot of prize money, can you please not be so stingy?"

Xiaotian: "It's boring to stay in a hotel at the beach."

"It's boring, it's boring. What's the point of building a seaside hotel?" The brother and sister started arguing.

Xiaotian hurriedly pulled his teammates: "Awen, what do you think?"

Ah Wen picked out the fish bone and said, "I want to go home. My parents have been busy buying land for their company these past two days and they don't get home until late at night."

"Don't you have an excuse not to go back when your parents aren't home?"

"I have to get back to walking the dog."

Xiaotian had no choice but to turn to Ye Zhao, "Sister Xiao Zhao, what about you?"

"Don't call me sister, you are older than me!" Ye Zhao picked up a crab and gave it to Xiu Qun. "I have to go back too. I have something to do tonight."

It was the end of the month, and she had a meeting with the cafeteria staff.

"Then there's no need to ask Brother Xiang. If Sister Xiao Zhao goes back, Brother Xiang will definitely go back too. Oh, that's too boring."

Zeng Xiuqun: "Living in a tent is boring. There is sand everywhere, and the sand is salty."

It was almost six o'clock when Ye Zhao got home. He took a shower first. He had eaten too much at noon, so he only had some white porridge in the evening.

Wait for Aunt Qin and Li Ruixiang to come back and have a meeting downstairs around 8 o'clock.

After Lao Yao was fired, a new leader in charge of the canteen was appointed. So far, he seems to be easy to communicate with and has not deliberately made things difficult for them.

Aunt Qin said, "This new guy is also surnamed Li. Section Chief Li came over yesterday and said that the heads of the workshops had given feedback and wanted to return the issue of meal coupons to the canteen. Director Liang asked him to come and ask for our opinion."

Ye Zhao asked: "Do you agree?"

"No, I'm not that stupid. This will cost two more people."

"They change their orders every day. Whatever they want, they can do it. Just let them do it. The leaders will get used to it."

Xiaofeng is in contact with the finance department. She said that she reconciled the accounts on the 1st of this month and transferred the money on the 2nd. The finance department is very efficient now.

Li Ruixiang laughed and said, "After those weird people were fired, the whole factory became normal again."

In November, due to the good business of boutique restaurants and late-night snacks, the turnover increased a lot and the profit soared. The profit was probably about 12,000 yuan, not including the profit of the canteen, which also made a profit of 1,000 to 2,000 yuan.

Aunt Qin was somewhat dissatisfied with the canteen's profits for October and November as they were not distributed as dividends, but was too embarrassed to bring it up. Ye Zhao thought it would be better to distribute the money as she would have a lot of places to spend money in the future.

When hearing about the dividends, Aunt Qin was delighted: "In fact, it's OK to save until the end of the year. If you save more at the end of the year, you can get more at once."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Then we'll divide it at the end of the year."

Aunt Qin was stunned for a moment, knowing that Ye Zhao was joking, and hurriedly said: "Oh, you are teasing me again!"

Li Ruixiang smiled and acted like a spoiled child to her mother: "After dividing the money, why don't you leave me some? Just leave it all for my eldest brother to find a partner."

Aunt Qin couldn't say anything about her daughter in front of Ye Zhao, so she just whispered, "Have you ever lacked food or clothes since you were a child? Why are you comparing yourself with your own brother? Won't the money your father and I have belong to you and your brother in the future?"

Li Ruixiang was easy to coax. She smiled and said, "Mom, I will remember this. You must keep your word."

Ye Zhao asked Xiaofeng to count the money, keep some for emergencies, and divide the rest.

She then asked Li Ruixiang: "Do you know where Gao Yueyue lives?"

Li Ruixiang leaned over to her side and whispered, "She doesn't want to tell me. She's so secretive. I don't know what she's doing."

"Next time you see her, tell her to come to me to get the dividends for the past two months."

"Okay. I'll let her find you."

The land in Zizhulin had not yet been signed and transferred. After school that day at noon, Ye Zhao went to Lao Kai's office in Shunfeng Building to urge him. He knocked on the door but no one answered. Just as he was about to leave, Lao Kai came back on his bicycle.

"Uncle Kai, what have you been busy with recently? I looked for you several times but you were not here. Today is the last day of our contract, and we have to go to transfer the ownership."

Lao Kai said with a bitter face: "I was just looking for you. Come, sit inside."

Lao Kai took out his key to open the door, and after entering the house, he began to make tea: "There is some trouble with the land transfer."

"What trouble?" Ye Zhao's heart skipped a beat. She knew that there must be something wrong since she couldn't find Lao Kai these days.

“The village committee won’t allow the transfer.”


"Because this land is collective land of the village, at the beginning it was said to be divided among various households for contracting, but later there was no such thing as contracting. Everyone in the village bought and sold it freely. I also bought it from someone else..."

Ye Zhao knew this. To put it bluntly, the land of Zizhulin belonged to the collective construction land of the village. If houses were built directly on it, it would only be a house with small property rights. If formal commercial operations were to be carried out, land approval must be obtained from the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the procedures were complicated and difficult.

However, she knew that although small-property houses had some suspicious characteristics, because they involved the interests of too many ordinary people, small-property houses were eventually successfully converted to legal properties in later generations.

This is the underlying logic behind Ye Zhao’s decision to buy this piece of land.

Of course, she still hopes to go through formal channels and obtain land for building a house.

Small property rights are just a safety net. If there is really no other way, they have to build houses with small property rights. But it does not prevent her from being a landlady. The rental rate of houses with small property rights is higher.

Ye Zhao asked why the village did not allow trading

Uncle Kai poured her some tea and continued, "I sold the land to you. It was nothing, but someone from the village committee suggested that we can trade it freely, but we can't sell it to outsiders."

Ye Zhao questioned: "I am not considered an outsider. My household registration is here."

"Your household registration is here? Oh, your father was an educated youth here." Lao Kai remembered, "But it's still different. You have an urban household registration in Shenzhen, right? People in our village still have rural household registration."

Ye Zhao didn't pay attention to whether she had a city or rural hukou. She said, "My hukou is not in any other street in Shenzhen. I'm from Zengwuwei Village."

Lao Kai frowned and said, "That won't work either."

"Why not?"

"Your last name is not Zeng. These lands belong to people with the surname Zeng. If your last name is not Zeng, there is nothing we can do."

Ye Zhao thought it was ridiculous. She didn’t understand: “We are now a socialist new China! Why are you still practicing a clan society?!”

"China has been like this for thousands of years. Otherwise, why would so many overseas Chinese come back to donate money when we build ancestral halls? This is traditional culture."

Ye Zhao stared at Lao Kai and calmed down. "Uncle Kai, who told you that the land cannot be transferred? I'll go confront him."

"Village Committee, it's useless for you to find someone." Lao Kai avoided Ye Zhao's gaze and said, "Drink tea, drink tea."

"So you don't want to fight for it?"

"I tried my best. I've been busy with this for the past two days. You see how exhausted I was. I almost had a fight with them. I was so anxious. No... there's nothing I can do. Fingers can't beat a head!"

Ye Zhao thought of something else: "When we filed the contract, why didn't the village committee reject it directly? Why did they file it for us?"

Lao Kai rolled his eyes and said, "The people in charge don't care about these things. These were all decided by the leaders in the meeting later."

Seeing that Lao Kai avoided her gaze, Ye Zhao felt that something was wrong: "Uncle Kai, what should we do next?"

"Look, if it really doesn't work out, I'll return the deposit to you first. This is the only way. It's not that I don't want to sell it to you, it's force majeure... I can't help it."

Ye Zhao nodded. "Okay, cancel the subscription. How do I cancel it?"

"I'll just return the 20,000 yuan to you, and then we'll go to the village committee to cancel the registration. This is not something I can control. You don't want me to pay five times as much, do you? That's impossible!"

Ye Zhao stood up: "You can withdraw, but not like this. Let's go to the village committee this afternoon. I want an explanation!"

Ye Zhao said as he walked out.

"Hey!" Lao Kai followed, "It's no use going to the village committee to make a scene. No one will pay attention to you."

"Aren't you going to cancel the transaction filing? See you at 3 pm at the village committee!"

Lao Kai looked at Ye Zhao's back as he left, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

Along the way, Ye Zhao was thinking about what was wrong with this matter.

Many images flashed through her mind. She remembered that Awen said his parents were buying land, and the last time Awen’s mother came to apologize, Lao Kai happened to be there and leaked the information about the land sale... Is there any connection between the two

She suddenly remembered the first time Bai Lu and the original male protagonist Luo Qi met in the book.

She called the system: "Give me the original."

The system responded: "Upgrading, do not disturb."

Just when Ye Zhao was about to explode, the system obediently pushed the original e-book to her.

Ye Zhao quickly checked and found that it was true!

Awen's parents were middlemen who resold real estate and land. Later, their company was noticed by the Zhong family and acquired. As a result, Awen's parents became important leaders of Zhong's subsidiaries. Bai Lu met Luo Qi when she followed Awen to attend the Zhong family's business cocktail party.

So, would Awen's parents mistakenly think that Ye Zhao bought the Zizhulin land for Song Rongji? Did they think Song Rongji had some inside information and knew that the land would be very valuable in the future, so they chose to steal it away? It's very likely.

Ye Zhao returned home and lay on the bed thinking about how to get the land back!

Aunt Qiao came to call them after cooking. Ye Zhao's room and Zeng Xiang's room were opposite each other, so Aunt Qiao stood in the middle and said, "You two... it's time to eat."

Ye Zhao lay on the bed, "I have no appetite."

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Aunt Qiao walked in and asked.

Ye Zhao cried and said coquettishly: "My piece of land in the Purple Bamboo Forest was stolen!"

"Who robbed it?"

"I don't know." Ye Zhao didn't want to say anything without confirmation.

Aunt Qiao advised: "It doesn't matter if you can't buy it. You can save money. It's not a good piece of land anyway."

Ye Zhao corrected: "I bought the land for investment, not consumption. If the money is not invested, it is not called saving money, it is called missing a good opportunity."

"What should we do then?"

Ye Zhao said: "I plan to go to the village committee this afternoon and make a scene!"

Aunt Qiao didn't understand, "What does your purchase of land have to do with the village committee?"

"Lao Kai used the village committee to deceive me, so I had no choice but to go to the village committee to make trouble." Ye Zhao told Aunt Qiao in detail what Lao Kai had done.

Aunt Qiao was furious when she heard this, "Isn't this bullying?"

"Yes! They bullied me, a kid, a stranger, and because I am not named Zeng."

Zeng Xiang leaned against the door at some point. He said, "I'll go with you this afternoon. My last name is Zeng."

Having Zeng Xiang by his side does give him courage, but today is Thursday, and Ye Zhao said, "You have classes in the afternoon, so you'd better not go."

Aunt Qiao said to her son, "You go to your class! I'll go with Xiao Zhao. I'm more than capable of dealing with those people from the village committee."

Ye Zhao stared at Aunt Qiao. She almost forgot that Aunt Qiao's uncle was the old branch secretary.

Ye Zhao sat up and said, "Aunt Qiao, can you help me find the village party secretary?"

Aunt Qiao was stunned for a moment: "Looking for the village party secretary?"

“Find someone who can make the final decision directly.”

Aunt Qiao gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll take care of this little thing. Hurry up and have dinner. There's no need to worry about this kind of thing."

Just like that, after lunch, Ye Zhao took a nap. When it was almost three o'clock, she and Aunt Qiao walked towards the village committee together. Halfway there, Aunt Qiao took a detour to find the branch secretary, and Ye Zhao arrived at the village committee office building first.

Zengwuwei Village Committee is a newly built panel building, and all the people there are villagers who occupy the positions and receive salaries. They are very free at work during normal working hours, so there are not many people there.

Lao Kai arrived earlier than Ye Zhao. He, Ni Meng and another person were standing at the gate smoking.

Ni Meng saw Ye Zhao and smiled: "Good things take time."

Several people entered the office, a small office of the village committee, with only two tables and a few chairs.

Lao Kai introduced Xiao Zhao: "This is Gui Pi, a member of the village committee. You can call him Uncle Gui."

Guipi has a slightly bald head and looks younger than Lao Kai. He smiles and makes tea without saying a word.

Seeing that no one was talking, Lao Kai took the initiative to say, "If the deal doesn't go through this time, there's always next time. I'll return the deposit to you, and then we'll cancel the filing."

Ye Zhao didn't say anything.

Guipi glanced at Ye Zhao. Ni Meng had warned him that the girl was difficult to deal with, but now it seemed that she was not that bad. He said softly, "The clerk is not here. If you want to cancel the registration today, I will call someone to come over later."

Ye Zhao opened her red lips slightly, and said firmly: "I won't refund the deposit."

Cassia: "Why not retreat?"

"Which regulation of the village committee states that land cannot be sold to people outside the village? I just asked around in the village, and I found out how many buildings around here were built by outsiders who bought the land. Without outsiders like us, can this place develop?" Ye Zhao's voice was not loud and his tone was gentle, but every word was powerful.

Guipi then understood why Ni Meng was worried.

As the middleman, Ni Meng felt guilty and did not dare to speak for Lao Kai openly. He just lowered his head and smoked.

Seeing that the two did not respond, Lao Kai hurriedly said, "The village committee means that 3,000 square meters is too large, and selling it to outsiders will have a bad impact."

Ye Zhao sneered: "If I am a foreigner, then my father must be a foreigner too. Since the village committee is unwilling to sell the land to foreigners, why do they want my father, a foreigner, to buy the factory building of Irene Toy Factory? The factory building of Irene Toy Factory covers an area of more than 3,000 square meters, right?"

Ye Zhao's words left them speechless.

Ye Zhao: "Is that so, Uncle Wang?"

Ni Meng nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, yes."

Lao Kai was so angry that he secretly kicked Ni Meng, and then he feebly said, "It's different! Ailin Toy Factory is a big enterprise in the village, and it can't be compared."

"Whether they can be compared or not, there are precedents for transferring large areas of land to outsiders. And your rules are not explained, and your village committee members just decided on their own accord."

Lao Kai looked at Guipi, who still had a decent smile on her face. At this moment, he had to be tough. If he didn't, he would be led astray by the girl.

"We can't help it. This is how it is in our small village. We make decisions on our own. We don't agree with your deal."

"Really? Did your village committee decide on this?"

Gui Pi said, "I have no obligation to report to you."

Ye Zhao understood that this Guipi might not just have taken kickbacks from Lao Kai, he might have been bribed by another land buyer.

"Okay, you don't have to tell me. Don't blame me for making a big fuss later. I don't know if you will be able to stand up in the village committee when the time comes."

Guipi's smiling face froze in an instant, and he gave Lao Kai a glare.

Lao Kai quickly took over the topic and advised Ye Zhao: "Oh, there is no need to do this. We should also understand that it is not easy for the village committee. They do this because they are afraid that if the area transferred is too large, someone in the village will cause trouble..."

Lao Kai said as he kicked Ni Meng again. Ni Meng mumbled, "Yes, yes, I'm afraid of causing trouble."

Ye Zhao turned to Lao Kai and said with a smile, "Uncle Kai! Why are you so weird today?"

Lao Kai touched his head and immediately asked, "Why am I weird?"

"You seem happy that the land cannot be sold to me."

"No, why would I be happy? I just ran around here too much these past two days and was convinced by them..."

Ye Zhao shook his head: "The land that had been unsold for three years was finally sold, and you didn't even struggle?"

Ye Zhao smiled silently and said, "Oh, you are not not struggling. You are working with this Gui Pi to force me to cancel the subscription and cancel the filing. Cancelling the subscription is secondary, and canceling the filing is the key point, right? Only after canceling the filing can you sell it to other buyers."

Lao Kai was struck by what he was thinking, and was speechless for a moment: "..."

Gui Pi was accused by Ye Zhao of working with Lao Kai for personal gain. If this were to get out, it would be a disaster. He quickly clarified: "Comrade Xiao Ye, I don't mean to force you. Please don't misinterpret my meaning..."

"Oh, I misunderstood. Can I insist on not canceling my subscription?"

Gui Pi was choked by the little girl, but he didn't dare to say anything harsh, so he could only continue to persuade her gently, "If you don't cancel the order, you will suffer the loss. If the money is not returned, it will still be in Lao Kai's hands, and you can't buy the land. You will lose both the land and the money. Uncle persuades you for your own good. Aren't you buying it for others? There has been no result, and you can't explain it, right?"

"That's my business. If I don't cancel the subscription, you can't cancel the filing. So just let this piece of land rot there. Anyway, I'm not the one who has to pay the interest every month." Ye Zhao said, looking at Lao Kai.

Isn't this infuriating? Isn't this infuriating? Lao Kai was so angry that he looked at Ni Meng again.

Ni Meng secretly rolled his eyes at him and cursed in his heart, what a mess, but he took Lao Kai's money and couldn't save face, so he had to persuade Ye Zhao: "Hey, Ye Zhao, don't be angry, there's no need to go against the money."

"I'm not against the money. I'm against the village committee and Uncle Kai. I have every reason to suspect that you are conspiring to force me to cancel my subscription."

Lao Kai pretended to be pitiful and said, "Why should I force you to cancel the order? It was so hard to sell the land."

Ye Zhao snorted coldly: "You have to ask yourself. Maybe there are other buyers who offer a higher price, so you want to regret it, right?"

(End of this chapter)