I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 45: Cabbage


Ever since Lao Kai told Ye Zhao that the Zizhulin land might be expropriated for road construction, Ye Zhao made inquiries from various sources and discovered that what Lao Kai said was true and that Haixi Road really had to be rerouted.

If this comes true, as the system said, many things in this world are quietly changing.

Then she knew that the golden finger of the plot development would gradually become ineffective. She had to rely entirely on her strength and luck to survive here!

Ye Zhao is not a pessimist, but she believes that most of the time luck is more important than strength.

Only with luck can you become rich and powerful. Without luck, you can have a stable and well-off life with your own strength.

It's better than living in the original world.

Teacher Rao was lecturing passionately at the podium, while Ye Zhao was twirling her ballpoint pen with her thoughts flying. The seat to her right was now empty, as Zeng Xiang would not be coming back this semester.

It doesn’t matter. When he comes back, she can help him catch up on the knowledge points he has missed.

During the break, Wu Aimin bought half a bag of sour papayas. She sat in Zeng Xiang's seat and ate happily with Ye Zhao, taking turns to eat one.

Sweet and sour papaya is pickled with white vinegar and sugar. It tastes sweet and sour and is very popular among students.

Ye Zhao had never eaten this before, and didn't know that there was such a specialty snack in Shenzhen, but it almost disappeared in later generations.

In this class now, apart from Xiaotian and Awen, Ye Zhao can only get along well with Wu Aimin.

Wu Aimin is kind, free and easy, and hates evil. She has a boy's haircut, reads romance novels, and doesn't worry about her good grades. She is a very interesting person.

Wu Aimin noticed that Ye Zhao always looked thoughtful, so she asked her, "What's wrong with you today? Are you worried about something?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "It's not a worry, it's a trouble."

"What's there to worry about? You're so lucky now, you have a table all to yourself. I really want to have a table all to myself."


"I share a room with my two younger sisters. I have one bed, one table, one wardrobe... I don't have anything of my own. I have to share everything with my younger sisters. It's annoying." Wu Aimin has two younger sisters, one in junior high school and one in elementary school. The three sisters always quarrel and dislike each other. "At noon, my mother's company has a year-end dinner party, and I have to take my younger sister out to eat. Isn't it annoying?"

Today, Aunt Qiao and Fatty Ying went to Xianhu Lake to pray for Brother Xiang. Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I'm going out to eat at noon too. Let's go together."

"Okay, let's go eat some beef offal." Wu Aimin said, nudging her with her elbow, leaning over and whispering, "Look! Bai Lu and Awen..."

Ye Zhao raised his head and looked to the front left. Bai Lu was turning back to whisper to Awen. Awen had obviously turned to the side, as if he wanted to keep his distance.

"Awen doesn't like Bailu." Wu Aimin hit the nail on the head.

If the plot had developed according to the original novel, Awen and Bailu should have started their sweet love affair by now, but sure enough, this line has also deviated.

If Bai Lu didn't date Awen, it would be difficult for her to meet the original male protagonist Luo Qi. If the male and female protagonists don't meet, does it mean that the plot of this world has completely changed

Or maybe Luo Shen doesn't need her to save him anymore? Who knows

Ye Zhao's thoughts were particularly jumpy today, shuttling back and forth between various things.

She hadn't finished the sour papaya in her mouth when Teacher Zhou called her out and said that the Shenzhen Daily had arranged reporters to interview students with good conduct from various middle schools, and Ye Zhao was named to be interviewed.

Ye Zhao had no interest in being famous in the newspapers. She asked, "Teacher Zhou, can this spot be given to someone else?"

"I can't arrange an interview with you. Please come early this afternoon. The interview will only take 20 minutes to half an hour. Please prepare well."

Teacher Zhou really didn't understand Ye Zhao. She had such good grades, but she had no interest in anything. He asked her which school she wanted to apply to: Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University, or Jiaotong University? If she got into any of them, the teachers' bonuses would double.

But she said she wanted to apply to Shenzhen University. Oh, she almost pissed off all the teachers!

Although there are only a few students in their class who can be admitted to Shenzhen University, it is not necessary for the teacher to discriminate against the only local university. But there are obviously better choices, and it doesn't make sense!

"Others who want to be interviewed don't even have the chance, and you're pushing them away! You can't do that."

Hearing Teacher Zhou's unquestionable tone, Ye Zhao had no choice but to agree.

After school at noon, Ye Zhao and Wu Aimin each rode their bicycles to Wu Aimin's house to wait for her sister to finish school and go out for dinner together.

The Wu family is not in Zengwuwei, but in Hehua Village, another block to the north. All along the way, there are buildings under construction rising from the ground. This place really changes every few days. A few days ago, there was still a vegetable garden, but now there are buildings built on it.

The Lotus New Village is full of rows of light green slab-type buildings, which are the housing estates for the staff of municipal units.

After locking the bike in the bike shed, Wu Aimin said, "Go home and wait. My little sister walks very slowly. It will probably take a while for her to get home."

"Which floor is your house on?"

"2nd Floor."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Finally there is a lower floor. The last time I went to Awen's house, it was on the 6th or 7th floor. I was exhausted from climbing the stairs."

Wu Aimin asked her: "Did you go to Awen's birthday party?"

Ye Zhao: “I went.”

"My dad won't let me go."


"Awen's parents are speculating in real estate. Previously, his father wanted to ask my father to help approve the land, but my father was very annoyed by this kind of nepotism, so he didn't agree..."

Ye Zhao was surprised: "Is your father the leader of the Land and Resources Bureau?"

"What leader? My dad is just a clerk who helps the leader prepare materials."

Isn’t this the relationship that lies before us

But then I thought that since Wu Aimin's father was unwilling to help Awen's parents, he would definitely not be willing to help her.

Ye Zhao couldn't help but sigh. Wu Aimin smiled and said, "Why are you sighing? I noticed that you've been in a bad mood recently. Are you having your period? I always feel bad when I have my period."

Ye Zhao said perfunctorily: "Me too."

After going up to the second floor, Wu Aimin opened the door and brought her slippers. Her house was a small two-bedroom, one-living room apartment facing north, with little sunlight. In winter, it was chilly as soon as you entered the house, making you shiver.

The Wu family also has a house full of old furniture, and the sofa is full of holes, but they still can't bear to replace it with a new one.

In this era, dual-income families don't have high salaries. They have to raise three children and support the elderly on both sides. Mr. Wu is probably not a very worldly-wise person. Relying solely on his fixed salary, he must be living a tight life.

"Come into my room and sit down. I'll show you something fun."

Wu Aimin's room is small and crowded. There is a large wardrobe at the entrance, a wooden bed with bunk beds, and a small bookshelf next to the desk opposite, which is filled with all kinds of novels. There are also scattered clothes and unfolded quilts...

In such a small space, the walls are covered with posters of Hong Kong stars, making the room seem even more cramped.

Wu Aimin pulled out a magazine from under the mattress with a mysterious look on her face. Ye Zhao thought he was going to see some explosive news, but it turned out to be "Family Doctor".

Wu Aimin turned one of the pages and said, "Hey, look..."

Ye Zhao saw a whole page of diagrams of the male and female anatomy in the magazine. She was just about to say what was so strange about it, but the next page was an ancient-style illustration of a man and a woman having sex.

Really! Open! The media of this era!

Wu Aimin laughed softly and said, "Isn't it disgusting?"

Ye Zhao couldn't help but complain: "I think you seem to be enjoying it."

"Where is it?!" Wu Aimin was about to say something when she heard the sound of a door opening outside and adults talking. She was so scared that she quickly closed the magazine and stuffed it into the quilt.

It was Wu Aimin's father who came back, and with him came his colleague. The two were talking about work matters. It seemed that there was a problem with land acquisition, which was reported to the media. The higher-ups were angry and asked them to calm down the public opinion.

"Recently, there has been a lot of panic and chaos everywhere. It's all a mess. Some people are taking advantage of the chaos to stir up trouble. We are not responsible for those media reporters. We can only send a letter to the newspaper and ask them to coordinate. There is nothing else we can do."

"It's good to be powerless, we've tried our best anyway. That's how it should be! No matter how many objections we raised before, they were useless. They were no match for a reporter's nonsense!"

"Yeah, it's really annoying, and it's a waste of everyone's time and energy. We might as well spend that energy thinking about how to celebrate the New Year."

"The leaders want to have a good New Year. Who doesn't want to have a good New Year? Other units are all distributing fish and meat, but we are doing nothing..."

Later they started to complain about which unit distributed something during the New Year and which unit gave out year-end bonuses.

Wu Aimin handed Ye Zhao another romance novel. Ye Zhao flipped through it casually, unable to concentrate at all.

She listened to the people outside talking and wondered, are these leaders so afraid of media opinions now? Can she also take this opportunity to create some public opinion

It shouldn't be difficult to find media reporters. Irene Toy Factory must have media that it regularly contacts. Just ask Uncle Su to introduce them and pay them the press fee. The key is to find a good entry point for reporting.

Her thoughts began to wander again.

At noon, they ate beef offal outside. They ordered a large bowl of beef offal, a large bowl of radish, a large bowl of clams, and a bowl of mixed noodles, which they shared among the three of them.

While eating outside, Ye Zhao was thinking about finding the media to report on the Haixi Road diversion.

After eating the beef offal, she went back to school first, rode her bicycle on the road, and couldn't help but turn to the purple bamboo forest to take a look. It was winter and the north wind was blowing. This place really couldn't stay for too long.

The smell is so pungent that it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Just as she was about to leave, someone rode a bicycle towards her from the opposite direction. The man said "Hey" and greeted her.

Ye Zhao took a closer look and realized, isn’t this cinnamon

Guipi propped himself up on one foot, stopped his bike, and asked her, "This place makes you feel anxious, right? It was such a good opportunity back then. You could have made some money by canceling the subscription and selling it. But now it's all lost, right? How are you going to explain this to your friends?"

Ye Zhao listened to Gui Pi's sarcasm and couldn't help but laugh: "That's my business, so Uncle Gui, don't worry about it."

"You don't have to be like this. We are not enemies. Be more positive. I heard that Haixi Road will be rerouted to pass through this side. This is good news for you. At least the government will take your land. The acquisition price is low, but it won't make you lose money. Otherwise, you can just build a one or two-story building. It doesn't matter what you build. The quality doesn't need to be very good. The compensation for a building is high, and you can make some money." Guipi said, looking quite sincere.

Seeing that Ye Zhao looked pretty good, Gui Pi took the opportunity to say, "If you want to build a building, come to me and I'll introduce you to a contractor."

It can be seen that Guipi also wants to attract business.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Lao Kai also said he would introduce me to the engineering team..."

"Then why don't you compare prices between the two companies? One more friend means one more way, right?"

That made sense. Ye Zhao nodded and said, "Okay, let's compare prices then. Uncle Gui, why does Haixi Road need to be rerouted?"

"You don't understand, do you?" Guipi pointed in the direction of the elevated road. "A big boss has enclosed a large piece of land over there. If Haixi Road is not diverted, the land will be divided into two. The big boss must have connections and mobilized energy. Do you know what energy is?"

Guipi said, rubbing his fingers together like counting money. "This is the most powerful thing. Money makes the world go round. Do you understand? It doesn't matter if you don't understand. This change of route will benefit you. The land in Zizhulin has no future. The sooner you get rid of it, the better. Just trust your uncle Gui this time."

Ye Zhao smiled innocently and said he believed him, and continued to ask questions: "Which big boss has bought the land over there?"

"Do you see that building of wealth under construction? Same boss. Rich!"

The boss of Fortune Building? Fortune Building didn’t have the money to pay the construction fee, so the project was left unfinished! It seems that this rich boss also has limited money.

If you are brave enough and lucky enough, you may succeed, but if you are unlucky, you will fail.

The boss of Fortune Building is a man with bad luck. He bought land, mortgaged it to the bank, borrowed a large sum of money from the bank, and built buildings and made other investments. Sometimes he expanded too fast and took too big steps, and it was easy for him to get into trouble accidentally.

After chatting with Guipi for a while, Ye Zhao arrived at school half an hour early. She was well prepared and wanted to have a good meeting with today's reporters.

If it is appropriate, maybe we don't need to ask Uncle Su for help, and can just let today's reporters introduce media resources directly.

She met the reporter who wanted to interview her in the small conference room next to the library.

The reporter was a boy in his twenties, a new employee who had just graduated from college and entered the workplace. He was not very enthusiastic towards Ye Zhao. He acted like he was just doing his job and wanted to finish the interview and leave work early.

"My last name is Xiao Baisi."

"Huh? Xiaobaicai?" Ye Zhao misheard and thought he introduced himself with a local accent.

When Xiao Baisi heard this, he was so angry that he wanted to turn his face away on the spot. The little girl didn't know the rules. This was not originally his interview assignment. A colleague from the education section asked for leave, and his leader stuffed the interview into his hands. It was said that the person being interviewed was a rich second-generation, and her father used his connections to get her a self-flattering publicity interview.

Xiao Baisi didn't say anything. He wrote his name on a piece of white paper. Before he turned it over to show her, Ye Zhao understood it.

"Oh, Xiao Baisi, you mean very talented."

Xiao Baisi said with a fake smile: "Can I interview you now?"

Ye Zhao sat across from him contentedly, and said with a calm smile, "Sure, what's the topic of this interview?"

Isn't this a question you ask even though you already know the answer? Don't you know the topic your father has arranged

Xiao Baisi ignored him and went straight into the interview: "It is said that Student Ye was a liberal arts student?"


"A liberal arts student won the gold medal in the L3 comprehensive science competition. How do you feel about that?"

What nonsense is this? Ye Zhao said, "I don't have any feelings."

Xiao Baisi: “…”

This rich second generation is so arrogant. He spent money to do interviews and appear in the news, but he doesn't even cooperate. What is he so arrogant about

Xiao Baisi suppressed his anger, glanced at the interview outline, and continued to ask: "I heard that you won the championship in the Gulf Music Competition. How do you balance study and entertainment?"

Ye Zhao said truthfully: "No need for balance."

Her time was spent on making money. But she couldn't go into detail.

Xiao Baisi was speechless again. Was he kidding

He wanted to get up and leave, but thinking about the fact that his year-end bonus had not been paid yet, he held back. Xiao Baisi looked at the outline again and asked expressionlessly, "I heard that your father is a very successful entrepreneur. Did he give you a lot of inspiration in your life?"

This time Ye Zhao thought about it seriously and nodded: "Yes, he gave me a lot of inspiration... The biggest inspiration is that I must never become a person like him."


Xiao Baisi understood that the father and daughter were torturing him! The remuneration for today's interview was given to the leader, why did he have to suffer this

"Do you have a press release? Just give me a press release and I'll send it to you."

He couldn't continue with this interview.

Directly give the press release? That’s a good way!

Ye Zhao took out the envelope that had been prepared long ago from his bag, placed it on the table, and gently handed it to him.

So the draft had been prepared long ago? Xiao Baisi grabbed the envelope and felt something was wrong. He opened it and saw two brand new 100-yuan notes inside.

Ye Zhao explained: "The cost of publishing the manuscript."

"Is that how you rich people treat us reporters?"

Ye Zhao was stunned: "Less?"

Do media red envelopes need to be so big in this era

Fortunately, she was prepared, and Ye Zhao handed her another envelope.

Xiao Baisi took the envelope and saw that there were still two hundred yuan in it. This was like slapping someone in the face with money. He was so angry that he thought, couldn't the money be secretly put in the press release

"I'm asking you about the press release." Xiao Baisi said as he casually clipped both envelopes into his notebook.

Seeing that the other party accepted it, Ye Zhao felt relieved. She said, "I'll write it later. But I want it to be published in the social news section, is that okay?"

"You can only post this in the education section."

Ye Zhao asked quietly, "Don't you know anyone on the social news page?"

"It has nothing to do with this. Your interview can only be published in the educational version. Otherwise, you can take it back..." Xiao Baisi said as he opened his notebook and was about to return the envelope to her.

Ye Zhao quickly held down his notebook, "It's not an interview about me, it has nothing to do with education, it's a report on a social event."

Xiao Baisi was confused, "What social event?"

"Discussion on the Rerouting of Haixi Road."

Xiao Baisi looked Ye Zhao up and down. Did he interview the wrong person? He asked, "Are you Ye Zhao, the daughter of Ye Dingguo?"

"Yes, I am! What does it have to do with my dad?" Ye Zhao suddenly understood, "My dad paid you to interview me?"

Ye Dingguo's brain was really crazy! Was he so lacking in affirmation? Did he have to ask Ye Zhao to brag about how awesome his father was? And by the way, let others know how amazing his daughter was

Xiao Baisi also understood that the interviewee was not aware of the situation, no wonder he was so uncooperative.

Considering that Ye Zhao's contribution was equivalent to two or three months' salary, he asked, "What's the matter with the Haixi Road diversion? Why did you issue a press release about this?"

"I told you the truth, will you still help me post it?"

"I'm a social news reporter. I can really help you."

Ye Zhao stared at the other person and asked in confusion: "Aren't you the educational version?"

"Don't worry about that. To be on the social news page, the prerequisite is that there must be breaking news..." Xiao Baisi thought about the 400 yuan he had received and subconsciously lowered his standards: "Even if there is no breaking news, it's okay if there is news worth watching."

Ye Zhao asked softly, "Isn't collusion between officials and businessmen considered a breaking news?"

Xiao Baisi's eyes lit up! He was even more excited than seeing the RMB in the envelope. He said, "Of course it counts. Do you have any evidence?"

Ye Zhao noticed the changes in Xiao Baisi. She knew that some journalists of this era were quite daring and aggressive. Maybe Xiao Baisi was one of them

She said: "I don't have any evidence, but all signs indicate that this must involve some gray and unspeakable transactions."

"Tell me about it." Xiao Baisi opened his notebook and unscrewed the pen.

Ye Zhao told Xiao Baisi in detail what he knew about the rerouting of Haixi Road, especially the part about the owner of Fortune Building enclosing land, "This can't be just a coincidence."

"Make bold assumptions and verify them carefully. Your idea is not wrong." Xiao Baisi nodded and took notes quickly.

Ye Zhao was encouraged and continued, "Haixi Road was originally an auxiliary road parallel to Binhai Avenue and Shencheng Avenue. As an auxiliary road, it should be closer to the main road Shencheng Avenue..."

Xiao Baisi knew the original plan of Haixi Road. He said, "It was originally planned to be close to Shencheng Avenue."

"After the rerouting, Haixi Road is about 2 kilometers away from Shencheng Avenue and only a few hundred meters away from Binhai Avenue. The closest section is only more than 400 meters."

Xiao Baisi nodded: "I understand!"

"What do you know?"

Xiao Baisi looked at his watch. It was still early, so he had to hurry and do a detailed investigation.

Seeing that Xiao Baisi didn't answer, Ye Zhao hurriedly asked cautiously: "I can use the class time to write the manuscript. It will take at most one class period and I can give it to you. Is that okay? Can it be published?"

Xiao Baisi looked at the little girl in front of him who was only in her third year of high school. He was very curious about why she would spend money and effort to do this report: "Why did you issue this press release?"

Ye Zhao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said righteously, "I want to be a good young man who is useful to society and knows what to do and what not to do! I want to expose the ugliness of society!"

She didn't lie, really. She was speaking from the heart. Ye Zhao thought about it and decided that even if it wasn't sincere enough, it certainly wasn't a lie, since she believed it anyway.

As expected, Xiao Baisi was moved by the girl's positive speech. "I will definitely do this special report, don't worry."

Ye Zhao was very excited: "Comrade Xiao Baicai, you are a good person!"

Xiao Baisi smiled helplessly and said, "Let me ask you, how are you going to write without evidence?"

“I have already thought of a title, called ‘Three Questions about Haixi Road’s Route Change’. The first question is why the route was changed, the second question is why the route was changed at this time, and the third question…”

Xiao Baisi stood up and said, "I understand! I'll write the press release!"

As he said this, he opened the envelope in his notebook, took out 100 yuan from it, and handed the rest back to Ye Zhao: "One is enough to report to the leader."

Ye Zhao was stunned. She really met a righteous reporter.

Watching Xiao Baisi leaving, Ye Zhao chased after him, no longer calling him Xiao Baicai, but Brother Xiao all the time, "Brother Xiao, how can I repay you?"

"I'm not doing anything for you, you don't have to repay me!"

But the actual result was indeed doing something for her. Ye Zhao had an idea, "Can I give you a banner?"

Xiao Baisi stopped and looked back at Ye Zhao. This was a good idea. He smiled and said, "If the report gets a good response this time, I'll give you a bigger banner! To suppress the guy across from me!"

Ye Zhao said proudly: "No problem! I'll go prepare the banner! Write it well, Brother Xiao!"

Two days later, the current affairs section of Shenzhen Daily published a full page of in-depth report: "Ten Questions about the Haixi Road Route Change".

Ten questions! Seven more than Ye Zhao expected!

Every question is so sharp and profound!

As soon as the report came out, it not only caused a huge response within the government, but even ordinary people called the relevant departments to inquire about the situation.

The phones of the land planning department and the transportation department were flooded with calls. The leaders held an emergency meeting and announced to the public that there was no plan to divert Haixi Road. The previous plan to divert Haixi Road was only an internal communication but was not passed. All the news about the diversion of Haixi Road were rumors.

Ye Zhao read the "Ten Questions on the Rerouting of Haixi Road" in the newspaper and sincerely admired the sharp writing of Comrade Xiao Baisi!

After putting away the newspaper, she decided to go and order a silk banner immediately, as the New Year was approaching and she wondered if the shop that made silk banners would be open.

Ye Zhao was riding her bicycle past the small square. Lao Kai saw her in his office and hurried to the door and shouted, "Xiao Ye! Xiao Ye! Come on! Come on! I'll show you something!"

(End of this chapter)