I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 52: Great move


Shenzhen has only two seasons a year, winter and summer. There is no autumn, and spring is just a formality. As soon as winter is over and the south wind comes, the weather becomes hot and humid in an instant.

The windows of the Ye family were closed and there was no ventilation, so Ye Dingguo went to open the window.

When Ye Dingguo just started his business, he proposed to Bai Yunlian. At that time, Bai Yunlian was not optimistic about Ye Dingguo, so she hesitated and did not agree.

Later, Ye Dingguo's business grew bigger and bigger, and he no longer mentioned marriage. Bai Yunlian began to feel anxious, but she had to save face, so if he didn't mention it, she couldn't bring it up herself.

It was not until Bai Lu was about to take the college entrance examination that she had to swallow her pride and talk to Ye Dingguo about getting married and moving her household registration.

Ye Dingguo favored Bai Lu at that time. He was born with a preference for the strong, so he agreed immediately. Unfortunately, things did not go as he wished in the end.

Nowadays, Ye Dingguo's whole mentality has changed.

He has a stronger daughter and a more beautiful and virtuous young female companion...

So, when he heard Bai Yunlian say that she wanted to change Bai Lu's surname, he only hesitated for a moment and said, "It doesn't matter what a girl's surname is. There is no point in changing her surname..."

This directly buried Bai Yunlian's desire to get married.

Extremely disappointed Bai Yunlian took the opportunity to ask to go back to work at Irene. Ye Dingguo couldn't refuse her repeatedly, so he agreed to make the arrangements.

A few days later, Bai Yunlian went to the Irene branch and was in charge of administrative work.

Gan Xiaofeng went to Song Rongji Shenzhen branch to attend a meeting. Manager Cai Zhiming, who came last year, has now become a veteran, but he still insisted on selling turmeric at 1.2 yuan per pound.

Manager Cai drank his coffee and said, "This is what the head office meant. You made a lot of money from us last year. You can't expect to take advantage of us every year, right?"

As he said this, he turned around and chatted with his colleagues: "This espresso tastes really bad. When can the headquarters provide us with a coffee machine? We have submitted the process sheet two or three times, but they still haven't approved it!"

This was the third time that Manager Cai complained about the poor taste of espresso in front of Gan Xiaofeng and asked for a coffee machine. Gan Xiaofeng immediately applied for a sum of money from Ye Zhao when she returned to the company, and then asked someone to bring a coffee machine back from Gangcheng.

When Zhaohua received this coffee machine worth nearly a thousand yuan, everyone in the office gathered around to look at it. They thought it was strange, but no one knew how to use it.

Gan Xiaofeng and Aqin delivered the coffee machine to Song Rongji. Manager Cai said that their company had already purchased it, and he was eager to use the coffee machine.

After he reminded and hinted so many times, the girls in Zhaohua finally got the point.

Cai Mingzhi knew that Gan Xiaofeng just wanted to raise the price, but he just wanted to keep the other party hanging. He was not in a hurry to go to the meeting, but enthusiastically showed everyone how to grind coffee.

Gan Xiaofeng said awkwardly: "I forgot to ask them to buy coffee beans from Hong Kong City. We ran around here but couldn't find any coffee beans!"

"It's okay, I have some. I may not like what you buy." Cai Mingzhi took out a small can of coffee beans from the drawer of his office. It turned out that this fox had already prepared it.

Cai Mingzhi began to demonstrate how to grind coffee, with a proud look on his face: "What comes out directly from the grind is espresso, and then you can add some drinking water or milk according to your personal taste. If you add milk, it's latte, and if you don't add milk, it's Americano. In this weather, add some ice, and it's iced Americano."

Gan Xiaofeng was completely confused. She didn't want to understand. There was only one thing on her mind: could the price be negotiated this time

"Manager Gan, come here, I'll give you the first cup to try."

Gan Xiaofeng took the teacup and took it. "Just give me a little bit, just a little bit. I heard it's very bitter."

She took a sip and it tasted even worse than Chinese medicine! The bitter taste gave her a headache!

Looking at Gan Xiaofeng's exaggerated expression that was hard to describe, Cai Mingzhi and his colleagues from Hong Kong laughed happily!

After Manager Cai had ground coffee for himself and his colleagues, they were finally able to start the meeting.

Manager Cai, who had received the coffee machine, finally agreed to the price after being persuaded by Gan Xiaofeng and Aqin: "I talked to the leader for a long time, and he agreed to add 0.1 cent..."

Gan Xiaofeng said disappointedly: "I'm afraid that won't work. Last year, ginger farmers lost a lot of money due to the ginger plague..."

"Didn't someone pay for it?"

Aqin: "The compensation is only for part of the loss, not the full amount. Our boss said that we can't treat ginger farmers unfairly this year. If we hurt the interests of ginger farmers, that would hurt the foundation. No one will be willing to grow Xishan small yellow ginger in the future, and the price will be even higher."

Cai Mingzhi didn't believe it: "How could no one be willing to grow turmeric? Xishan Town is the richest in the county. Why? Because if they don't grow turmeric in Xishan, won't they be the ones who lose money?"

Gan Xiaofeng: "Xishan small yellow ginger has a low yield and high planting costs. If the purchase price is too low, ginger farmers will not make any money. Just like the cost of plastic film this time, if you spread it out, the cost of each kilogram of small yellow ginger will be at least 0.1 cent higher."

"You guys still insist on 1.5 yuan?"

"Yes, our boss said this is the lowest price."

One of Manager Cai's subordinates said, "According to the contract, you are to supply us with goods at the market price."

Aqin: "There is no small yellow ginger in the market now, so the price we set is the market price."

Cai Mingzhi took a sip of coffee and said leisurely, "1.3 yuan is the highest transaction price I can get. Otherwise, Manager Gan can go back and discuss it with Boss Ye."

Gan Xiaofeng and Aqin looked at each other, and Gan Xiaofeng said, "We have discussed it, this is the boss's bottom price."

Tsai Ming-Chih: “What if we don’t agree?”

Gan Xiaofeng: "Then your factory can only start production when the batch of small yellow ginger comes out in October."

This is a threat! Manager Cai thought that he would not be easily manipulated this time! He said, "Thank you for your coffee machine! If you insist on not lowering the price, your turmeric will rot in the field!"

Gan Xiaofeng was very angry, but she still pretended to be calm and said, "If you don't want it, someone else will."

"You're kidding. 15 tons of 300,000 kilograms of small yellow ginger. Only our Song Rongji can swallow it all in one go."

"We can sell it in the market. You are not the only one who wants Xishan small yellow ginger."

"Then you guys give it a try." Manager Cai saw that Gan Xiaofeng didn't have much confidence. If the ginger farmers were allowed to buy and sell freely, and 300,000 kilograms of small yellow ginger were put on the market, the price might fall below that of previous years. By then, Zhao Hua would still have to beg Song Rongji to buy it.

Just like this coffee machine, it came by itself while I was fishing.

The two sides parted unhappily again.

Gan Xiaofeng was very anxious. This was the first time that Ye Zhao completely let her go and negotiate a trade with the other party. As a result, the price could not be negotiated. That was why she got a salary increase. If things did not go well, it would mean that her boss had given her a salary increase in vain!

She was not in the mood to go back to the office, so she went directly to Yuxin Middle School to wait for Ye Zhao to finish school.

While other employees wait for their boss to finish a meeting, Zhaohua employees wait for their boss to finish school. This is a major feature of their company.

Ye Zhao brought his game console to play Tetris during breaks. Sometimes he was so engrossed in the game that he continued playing during class.

The teachers could only close their eyes to her and pretend not to see her. Occasionally, a teacher would suddenly call on Ye Zhao's name to answer a question. No one knew what was going on in her brain. When she stood up, she might not know the question. The classmates around her would whisper to remind her of the teacher's question, so when she stood up, the answer had already come out of her mouth.

What can a teacher do with such a little genius? He can only pamper him.

As they spoiled him, they found that he had become spoiled! Ye Zhao could be free and undisciplined, but he could not choose any school he wanted to attend in the future.

After the first volunteer survey conversation, the teachers took turns to do ideological work on her.

As the student with the greatest chance of being admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, her application is no longer just her own application, it is a major issue that concerns the honor of all teachers and students in the school.

The head teacher, Ms. Zhou, was the first to do her ideological work.

Teacher Zhou said earnestly, "You know that our Yuxin Middle School has been established for so many years, but we have never had a student admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University. If you are admitted, you will be the first one to make history, the first one! We are the teachers who will bring up the first student admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University! This honor is very important to you, to the teachers, and to the school. Do you understand?"

Ye Zhao nodded: "I understand."

"I'm glad you understand."

"But teacher..."

Teacher Zhou interrupted her, "No buts! No buts! You have the ability to get into Tsinghua University or Peking University, but if you don't, you're wasting your talent, the cultivation of the country, the school, and your teachers, and your parents' expectations of you. I've talked to your father, and he agrees with me. We both hope that you can go to the top institution of higher learning in the country to continue your studies. You're a genius who switched from liberal arts to science, and perhaps you'll achieve great success in a certain scientific field in the future."

Ye Zhao smiled awkwardly. To say that she might achieve great success in a certain subject in the future was a compliment to her. Teacher Zhou might not really be so optimistic about her. He said this mainly to paint a big picture and encourage Ye Zhao to move forward boldly and bring honor to the school teachers.

"Teacher, I'm just good at taking exams. I'm not as smart as you think. I don't have great ambitions or the ability to achieve any kind of success in a certain scientific field. I just like Shenzhen University..." Ye Zhao thought about it and found a nice excuse: "The academic atmosphere there is very good."

Teacher Zhou shook his head repeatedly: "The academic atmosphere is very good? Do you know what kind of school Shenzhen University is? First-rate equipment, second-rate teachers, and third-rate students! I heard that the students of Shenzhen University have no academics in their eyes, only money, and their minds are full of money..."

Isn't this a school tailor-made for Ye Zhao? It is such a school that has cultivated the future richest man, as well as a group of talented people! Who dares to say that students who can make money are third-rate students

The best option for her graduate school senior sister in her original world after graduation was to become a teacher in a high school in Shenzhen with an annual salary of three hundred thousand yuan.

No one is nobler than the other, the richest man or the teacher. The key is the environment and personal choice.

Moreover, Shenzhen University is a full credit system institution, so she can graduate early in four years as long as she completes the corresponding credits. She has too many things to do and doesn't want to spend so much precious time studying for an undergraduate degree that she has already completed.

In her previous life, she was devoted to studying, and obtained a bachelor's and master's degree in the most prestigious university in the country. As a poor student, she lived frugally and worked various part-time jobs during college just to buy a house of her own in Beijing and have a home of her own. In the end, she turned herself into a vegetable. In this life, she would never go back to the same path again.

But these were not excuses she could use to reject the teacher.

Seeing Ye Zhao hesitate and not speak, Teacher Zhou thought she was wavering, and continued to give her strong advice: "Ye Zhao, I can see that you are a person with dreams. You came to us from Wancheng by yourself. If your faith was not strong enough, if you did not have a dream, you would have given up long ago, right?"

Dream? Yes! Of course she has a dream.

Ye Zhao finally found a more plausible reason, "I came here for my dream..."

Finally, she was convinced! Teacher Zhou waited expectantly for her to finish.

"Mr. Zhang Weixian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the person I admire most. He is the tower that points me in the right direction when I soar, and the lighthouse that shows me the way when I sail far away. Studying at Shenzhen University, the university he founded, is my greatest dream in life."

Ye Zhao spoke with an excited look, as if he was reciting a college entrance examination essay...

Teacher Zhou, who was originally full of expectations, was suddenly stunned.

The topic has escalated to this point and Teacher Zhou can't go back!

After one teacher and school leader after another had talks with Ye Zhao to no avail, the baton was finally handed to Principal Jia.

In Principal Jia's office, the old man was cracking walnuts. He glanced at Ye Zhao and said, "I didn't make a mistake! He really has personality!"

Ye Zhao skillfully pulled a stool and sat down, saying, "What should I do? Principal, are you going to try to convince me too?"

Principal Jia: "Anyone who hinders others from pursuing their dreams is a bastard."

Principal Jia put down the nut tongs, picked out the walnut kernels and threw them into the thermos cup. "I just want to remind you that you made a bet with your father and asked me to be a witness. Have you forgotten?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten."

The old fox smiled cunningly and said, "If Bai Lu is admitted to North China University and you are admitted to Shenzhen University, who do you think will win or lose between the two of you?"

"Of course whoever has the higher score wins." This is what she confirmed with the system.

"You think so, but your dad might not think so, right?"

It's true. Her father might really use this as a loophole to act rogue.

Ye Zhao asked back: "What about you? Principal, you are not going to act like a rogue like my dad, are you?"

"Hey! What a rogue! Our school has always been fair. We only recognize universities. Every year, the list of college entrance exams is published, and it is ranked according to the admitted schools."

Ye Zhao: "Then I found the wrong witness."

"If you change your school and apply, won't you win?"

Ye Zhao hissed, "Who just said, 'Anyone who prevents others from pursuing their dreams is a bastard!'"

Principal Jia quickly tried to save face for himself and said seriously, "Speak seriously!"

"Seriously, if I give up my persistence and my dream just to win my dad's nonsense bet, am I still your student?"

Principal Jia: “!”

Ye Zhao: "I won't choose a school for my dad, or for anyone else. I only choose for myself. I just want to be happy and enjoy it!"

Principal Jia raised his hand and shook it. "Interesting! I've taught so many students, but you're the most interesting! You're the most like me!"

"Principal, you're not going to persuade me anymore?"

"Can I persuade you? If you are willing to change, I will persuade you. If you are not willing to change, there is no point in my persuading you. It will be a waste of my breath."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Principal, you are a wise person."

Principal Jia laughed, "Hey, you're just trying to flatter me. Let me tell you, whether you go to Shenzhen University or not, if you go to Tsinghua University or Peking University, the students who can get into these two universities are all the smartest and most outstanding students selected from all over the country. It's hard to stand out from this group of people. However, if you go to Shenzhen University with the best grades, you will definitely be a celebrity in Shenzhen University. The school will definitely provide you with all the resources you want. It's like Shenzhen University is in Shenzhen, the only one in the city. The government will give the school everything it wants. It's very rich! Shenzhen University is also a pioneer in the reform of universities across the country. Maybe more than ten years later, when you look back, your choice must be a very smart one."

Ye Zhao clapped his hands in cooperation and continued to flatter him: "Principal, you really see things clearly! I haven't thought about these things before."

Principal Jia didn't believe it: "You are just kidding me! You little rascal! I don't even know you!"

"Really, I didn't think about it that deeply. I just thought about chasing my dream."



“You’re welcome.”

Ye Zhao rode her bicycle out of the school gate and heard someone calling her. She turned around and found Gan Xiaofeng standing at the door of the convenience store.

She stopped her bike and looked at Gan Xiaofeng walking over. "What's wrong? You're here to pick me up from school again. It doesn't look like anything good. Didn't you send the coffee machine?"

Gan Xiaofeng: "It's so refreshing to collect the coffee machine."

"You accepted the gift but didn't do the job?"

"It's a symbolic increase of 10 cents. Now it's 1.3 yuan, and we're determined not to raise the price any more." After Gan Xiaofeng finished speaking, he sighed heavily.

The two walked and talked. Ye Zhao knew that Gan Xiaofeng was under a lot of pressure, so she comforted her: "It's okay, even if it's 1.3 yuan, we won't lose anything. You are already very good."

Seeing that Ye Zhao didn't blame her at all, Gan Xiaofeng felt even more upset. "We can't give them this price. They are making huge profits from selling ginger candy! I heard that Song Rongji ginger candy is 18 yuan a small box. Even if there are other raw materials, their profit is sky-high! In the end, they ask us to suppress the price from ginger farmers. These unscrupulous capitalists!"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Sister Feng, why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

Gan Xiaofeng couldn't help but laugh, "You are different from them. I'm talking about Song Rong Ji. Their other cakes are also very expensive, more expensive than Yuen Wah Kee and Yun Lang."

"Capital is all about profit. The fact that they can sell at such a high price and still have high sales volume shows that their products are delicious and have a market, so they deserve to make money."

"What should we do now? Should we really give them 1.3 yuan? We have been busy for so long and even invited experts from the north to plant in the off-season, but in the end, all our efforts were in vain and we are just making wedding clothes for them! I really can't accept this!"

Ye Zhao had been thinking about this question for a long time. She certainly couldn't be manipulated by a small manager. "Call Lao Qian over. I'll talk to him after school this afternoon."

"Old Qian? What do you want to see him for?"

"Let him help sell turmeric."

Ah? How long will it take to sell 300,000 kilograms of small yellow ginger

Gan Xiaofeng saw that Ye Zhao didn't seem to take it to heart, and she couldn't figure out whether her boss knew everything or didn't care about making such a small amount of money from him.

But she still hurriedly called Lao Qian.

After school in the afternoon, Ye Zhao returned to the office and talked with Lao Qian about selling turmeric.

Lao Qian had heard from Gan Xiaofeng that there were 300,000 small yellow gingers to sell, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Old Qian ate a banana and said, "If it was ginger, I could still think of a way. The price of ginger has also increased recently, and the wholesale price is about 0.2 yuan. But you want to sell this small yellow ginger for more than one yuan per pound, so there is really nothing I can do. People in Hong Kong eat a lot of Xishan small yellow ginger during confinement, so they can afford it. How many of us are willing to spend the money?"

Ye Zhao put down his schoolbag and said, "Just put it up for sale."

"You think it's easy. Three hundred thousand catties? I suggest you talk directly to the ginger merchants who deal in Xishan small yellow ginger. Isn't there no Xishan small yellow ginger on the market now? They are definitely willing to purchase it, but they will only buy a few thousand catties at most. It's impossible for them to buy three hundred thousand catties at once."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Who told you that we were going to sell 300,000 kilograms of Xishan small yellow ginger?"

"Isn't it?" Old Qian looked at Gan Xiaofeng with a puzzled look on his face.

Gan Xiaofeng was also confused. Isn’t it

Ye Zhao said, "I called Huang Dongliang at noon and asked him to dig 1,000 kilograms of fresh Xishan small yellow ginger and transport it to the market tomorrow morning. Old Qian, please help me find someone to sell it. It's 80 cents per kilogram. Those who come to buy small yellow ginger can buy up to 100 kilograms each."

Gan Xiaofeng was surprised and asked, "Xiao Zhao, are you crazy? Aren't you selling at a loss?"

Ye Zhao put his hands on the table and said, "I'm not crazy. I can't do business at a loss. Our contract with Song Rongji stipulates that we trade at the market price. There is no Xishan small yellow ginger in the market now, and there is no market price. We can only argue like this. Then I'll just make up a market price for them."

It was Lao Qian, the old fox, who understood. He said, "I understand! If I put it up for sale at 80 cents tomorrow, it will definitely be sold out. The news will spread quickly among the turmeric business, and then people in the turmeric business will stare at me like mosquitoes. If I get more goods the day after tomorrow, I will put it up for sale at 1 yuan..."

Ye Zhao nodded and smiled: "That's right!"

Gan Xiaofeng also understood, "In other words, we raise the price step by step?"

Ye Zhao: "We must control the supply of goods. There is little supply, but many people are rushing to buy it. Supply cannot meet demand. If we follow the market economy, the price will naturally go up, and then form a market price that is favorable to us."

"Great! Great idea!" Old Qian clapped his hands in approval. "How high do you plan to raise the price to?"

"It depends on your ability."

Lao Qian became interested: "It's fun! Then watch me!"

The next day at noon, Gan Xiaofeng received a call from Manager Cai.

Manager Cai on the other end of the phone said excitedly in unstandard Mandarin: "I heard that Xishan small yellow ginger is available in the market for only 80 cents."

Gan Xiaofeng played dumb: "Impossible. If you just go to the ground and pull it out, even with the dirt, you won't get this much."

"You can ask around, it's 0.80 cents per pound. I think the market price of Xishan small yellow ginger will be updated in the 'Daily Prices' of Shenzhen Daily tomorrow. It must be the ginger farmers who harvest and sell it themselves! We have to strictly follow the contract and sell at the market price."

Gan Xiaofeng: "That's impossible. Our ginger farmers' small yellow ginger will not be at its best harvest time for another week. We can buy it at the market price, but it will be the market price a week later, not now."

"Okay, I'll wait." Manager Cai hung up the phone confidently.

Soon, Aliang, a junior clerk working under Manager Cai, came to deliver information to Zhaohua. Aliang usually got along well with Gan Xiaofeng, and he secretly told Xiaofeng that he could help convince Manager Cai to still purchase the goods at the price of 1.3 yuan.

However, you have to return 20 cents to Manager Cai as a reward afterwards, otherwise Manager Cai will definitely not be willing to help you.

Gan Xiaofeng immediately understood that Aliang was secretly soliciting bribes for Manager Cai.

They get a 20-cent refund for every pound, which means they have a big appetite. Three hundred thousand pounds means 60,000 yuan.

Gan Xiaofeng did not refuse directly, but just said that she could not make the decision on the matter. Two days later, when Aliang called again to ask, Xiaofeng made excuses to refuse.

Ah Liang had no choice but to reply to Manager Cai: "Zhaohua's people won't accept the offer..."

Manager Cai was looking at the daily price list in the newspaper thoughtfully. It contained the latest price of Xishan small yellow ginger. Aliang took a quick look and saw that the market price of small yellow ginger had risen to 1.2 yuan per catty.

"They are playing with fire and getting burned." Manager Cai suddenly woke up. He understood that it was Zhaohua who was manipulating the market price.

Aliang: "What should we do? The orders from the marketing department are all waiting in line for delivery. I'm afraid we can't outlast them. At worst, they won't make any money, but we can't. If we can't deliver the orders on time, we will lose money."

The company previously gave a price range, with the highest limit being 1.5 yuan. Cai Mingzhi originally wanted to lower it to 1.3 yuan so that he could show off his achievements in the company!


Cai Mingzhi crumpled the newspaper into a ball and threw it hard into the corner!

"This price is 1.2 yuan, which is too much..."

Things developed just as Manager Cai expected. Later, he watched the price of small yellow ginger rise from 80 cents, increasing by 20 or 30 cents a day. After a week, the price rose to 2.3 yuan...

He clearly knew that Ye Zhao was raising the price, but he had no ability to fight back and could only watch the price go up.

(End of this chapter)