I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 56: Heartbeat


Fortunately, the soup that Gao Yueyue poured on Bai Yunlian's head was not boiling hot, otherwise she would have to go to the hospital!

Bai Yunlian, who had just poured red wine on someone in anger, was a little scared when she found that Gao Yueyue had accidentally poured the wine on Ye Dingguo's head. She was afraid that Ye Dingguo would blame her for everything in the end.

Just when she was feeling timid and confused about how to admit defeat, a pot of soup was poured over her head!

Gao Yueyue also cursed, "Old woman!"

Bai Yunlian was completely crazy! She didn't care how embarrassed, pathetic, or ridiculous she was. She stood up suddenly, stretched out her hand and grabbed Gao Yueyue's hair. The two women pulled each other's hair and instantly fought.

Bai Lu was frightened and cried. She wanted to go over and pull him out but she didn't dare to. "Stop it! Stop it!"

Ye Dingguo, who was sitting aside and had his head drenched in red wine, watched his two women fighting. He didn't want to intervene, but the scene was too ugly, so he had to stop the fight.

As a result, in the chaos, he was somehow pulled to the ground by the two women and fell on his face!

With a thud, his forehead was instantly hit!

Su Yingmin originally wanted to watch the fun and was not afraid of getting into trouble. He just tried to persuade them to make peace but did not really step forward to break up the fight. However, Ye Dingguo was tragically implicated. It would be inappropriate for him to ignore the situation, so he and Secretary Liu hurried forward to rescue the boss first.

Ye Dingguo's forehead was red from the knocks, and he yelled angrily, "Stop it!"

The two women were finally pulled apart with their hair dishevelled. Bai Yunlian even grabbed a handful of the other's hair. Damn her virtue! She cursed, "You're calling me an old woman? What? You won't age? You won't live to be as old as me?"

Bai Lu cried and wiped her mother's face with a towel, "Mom, don't do this!"

Gao Yueyue smoothed her hair with both hands: "I will always be younger than you anyway."

"So you look down on people of our age, then why don't you find an older man?" Bai Yunlian even scolded Ye Dingguo, "Do you have any shame?! Ah? Little girl, seducing other people's men. Do you have any shame?! You seduce your classmate's father!"

Gao Yueyue didn't want to talk about old men with her. She hit back, "I seduced other men? Did I seduce your man? Show me your marriage certificate. Do you have it? How are you different from me without it? You're not as good as me! At least I've been pregnant with Ye Dingguo's child. Can you? Can you get pregnant?"

This hit Bai Yunlian right in the groin. She gritted her teeth and cursed, "Look at your shameless face! When I was with Ye Dingguo, you were still wearing open-crotch pants!"

Gao Yueyue sneered: "Love has nothing to do with age."

"We worked hard together to build a career, but you come here to pick up what's already available. People like you are leeches! Bloodsuckers! If Ye Dingguo was the gatekeeper, would you look up to him? Would you?"

"Having money is a kind of ability. The reason why the old man who guards the gate is because he has no ability! I just love capable men." Gao Yueyue loves money openly.

Secretary Liu wanted to persuade them but didn't dare to, so he just handed the boss a towel. The waiter heard the noise and came in to see what was going on. Secretary Liu quickly closed the door of the private room.

Ye Dingguo wiped his face with a towel: "If I were a doorman, would you still like me? When I started my business, I proposed to you. If you had agreed at that time, would these things have happened today?"

Ye Dingguo snorted coldly. He still had self-knowledge. If he was a pauper, no one would look down on him.

Bai Yunlian hurriedly explained: "I didn't agree at the time because we were not stable enough. Ye Dingguo, if I despised the poor and loved the rich, I would not have been with you in the first place."

Ye Dingguo: "It's not that you don't care about the poor and love the rich, you just don't have a choice."

"She was the one who spilled red wine on you, and she was the one who pulled you down. Why are you blaming me?" Bai Yunlian felt very aggrieved.

Ye Dingguo pointed his finger at her: "You need to figure out who started it first!"

"Why did I do it? Don't you know why I did it? Don't you know? I told you so many times to buy a house but you refused. You bought houses for other women so readily! Ye Dingguo, you have tens of millions of dollars, and it won't cost you much to buy a better house. I have followed you for decades, and my sincerity has gone to waste!"


Give him a slap!

You can say anything about him, but you can't call him a "dog"!

Ye Dingguo's mind kept replaying the words that Guo Xuyan had said to him with contempt, saying that he was worse than a dog!

Bai Yunlian was stunned by the slap! After being with Ye Dingguo for so many years, this was the first time he hit her! She felt wronged and burst into tears. She collapsed in the chair and cried loudly.

Su Yingmin came over and stood between them. He was gloating in his heart, but on the surface he stopped them with a serious face, saying, "You can quarrel, but don't fight. The children are watching. It will have a bad influence."

Child? Ye Dingguo turned around and stared at Ye Zhao fiercely. The instigator was here. He pointed at his daughter and said, "This is all your fault! How wronged and unwilling are you to celebrate my birthday? Look at the trouble you have caused me!"

Ye Zhao, who was standing aside and watching the show, said innocently, "You are the one who caused this trouble! What's the point of yelling at me? If you don't have such ability, don't learn to have three wives and four concubines! Do you think you are the king of gambling? You don't respect women at all."

Ye Dingguo was so angry that he threw the towel on the table: "When did it become the turn of children to educate me?! When you were born, I should have strangled you to death!"

"Strangle me to death and you will have no descendants!"

"I would rather have no descendants!"

"Not only will you be exterminated, you will also have to go to jail."

"It's better to go to jail than to be pissed off by you!"

The conversation between the father and daughter, one was helpless and furious, the other was calm and composed, the business manager was dumbfounded and could only look at each other.

Today we accidentally ate the melon from our boss’s house. I don’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse. The two of us ate it with gusto, but also felt very nervous.

Ye Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, "If you were really the gatekeeper, if you had loved me since I was a child, perhaps our father-daughter relationship would be a little more peaceful."

This one sentence choked Ye Dingguo so much that he was speechless for a long time.

"This situation now is all your own fault!"

Ye Dingguo was so angry that his hands couldn't control and started shaking!

Yes, if he had kept his daughter with him since she was a child, even if he was a doorman now, his own daughter would always be his own daughter and she would not be prejudiced against him.

He sat in a chair, untied his tie, his lips were purple, and he looked very uncomfortable.

Gao Yueyue squatted down and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine." After a long pause, he sighed heavily, "You guys go first!"

Bai Yunlian was still there hugging her daughter and crying. Su Yingmin had no choice but to act like a good guy and persuade her to focus her attention on her daughter. He didn't say much else.

After that, Su Yingmin sent Bai Yunlian and Bai Lu home. Secretary Liu sent Gao Yueyue to fight, and the two business managers also took the opportunity.

The room was in a mess. The waiter was cleaning up. A foreman came in and asked cautiously, "Will the dishes be served as usual?"

"As usual." Ye Zhao pulled out a chair, sat down again, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of lotus root, and slowly began to eat.

Ye Dingguo rubbed his brows. He had calmed down a little. He had wanted to celebrate his daughter's birthday properly, but ended up with such a big scene! This birthday was really frustrating!

He asked, "Do you hate me so much?"

She is fine, but the original owner must be very cruel. Her own father would rather love other daughters than herself. This is equivalent to being betrayed by relatives. She must be heartbroken.

"When you threw me back to Wancheng and raised Bailu by your side as if she were your own daughter, you should have known what kind of seeds you planted in my heart, what kind of flowers these seeds would grow into, and what kind of fruits they would bear. It was all your own fault as a parent, so you can't blame anyone else."

Ye Dingguo sighed again and admitted his mistake for the first time: "Yes, I was wrong back then. I shouldn't have implicated you with my hatred for your mother."

When the topic turned to her mother, Ye Zhao couldn't help but take the opportunity to ask: "Why did my mother leave you back then? Dad, can you tell me the truth?"

"I can't possibly tell you. If I tell you, I'll be finished."

"What's the meaning?"

Why did her father think that if he told her the truth, he would be finished? Some outrageous thoughts ran through Ye Zhao's mind.

Ye Dingguo didn't want to say more: "Don't keep thinking about digging up old things. There is no point."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know it's meaningless?"

"Don't talk about this anymore. You just need to study hard and get good grades. Irene will be in your hands in the future!"

Ye Dingguo was unwilling to say anything, and Ye Zhao had no other choice for the time being. She said, "Why did you leave Irene to me? Aren't you going to have a second child?"

"Even if I give birth to a brother or sister for you, I don't know if he will be a dragon or a worm. I'm afraid that when I'm old, he will still be in kindergarten or elementary school. Can I count on him?" Ye Dingguo said what was in his heart. He only recognized smart children. There was nothing he could do. He couldn't change his mind.

The waiter continued to serve the dishes, but Ye Zhao didn't stop talking, spinning the plate and eating the stir-fried beef.

Ye Dingguo also picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Ye Zhao glanced at him and advised: "If you have time, you'd better go for a full body check-up. I feel that your heart is not in good condition."

Ye Dingguo was very confident in his body: "No, I was mad at you today."

"What do you mean you were mad at me? I wasn't the one who poured red wine on you, I wasn't the one who knocked you to the ground, and I wasn't the one who started the quarrel or the fight. These are all your own problems. Don't blame me for it!"

Ye Zhao recounted Ye Dingguo's "tragic experience" tonight. Ye Dingguo, who had just calmed down, was furious again. "Stop talking."

Okay, she won’t say it.

This Wancheng vegetables have a heavy taste, suitable for rice, Ye Zhao asked the waiter: "Give me a bowl of rice."

Ye Dingguo: "Give me a bowl."

The waiter thought that the dishes in this box did not need to be put on.

Ye Zhao ate rice and small fried meat.

She said: "The development and changes in the next decades will be very large. The industry that makes money now may not be popular in the future."

Ye Dingguo was quite surprised: "Do you still understand this?"

"If you believe in me, the land and factory building of the Irene Toys Factory, I suggest you buy it. The land is scarce resources. Those who can grasp it first will first grasp it.

Ye Zhao is a sincere suggestion. After all, she may also inherit Erin. Regardless of the proportion of inheritance, at least she has her assets. She should work hard. If Ye Dingguo listens to her persuasion, she can also contribute to her future asset value -added.

Ye Dingguo agreed with some of Ye Zhao's statements. In the future, Zengwuwei will definitely develop better than Dujuan Village, but whether the land is worth buying is another matter.

Everyone has their own thoughts and limitation.

Ye Dingguo: "From the perspective of development, Zengwuwei is not suitable for us in the future. I have studied a large number of foreign development cases. Once here, the government will definitely force us to relocate these labor -intensive enterprises. Even if I buy the land, only 50 years of property rights.

Ye Zhao drank orange juice and analyzed her dad in detail: "Don't worry about the 50 -year property rights of industrial land. This involves the interests of too many people. In the future, it will definitely make up for the basic land price. Yeah.

"Is this posted? Thinking too beautifully."

He picked up the cup and found that there was no water, knocking on the glass turntable, and letting the waiter pour water.

Ye Dingguo groaned, didn't speak, or Ye Zhao was right.

Ye Zhao: "Now the village committee wants to sell the land cheaply to you. Anyway, you don't need to spend too much money, you can get a large piece of land. Why not?"

"The group of village committees is afraid that we are afraid of moving away, I know."

"The cheapness of the door does not occupy, you are not like a capitalist's behavior."

Ye Dingguo seemed to listen to it, but in his eyes, Ye Zhao was still a child after all. After listening to it, he would go between the execution, and there was a gap. He said: "Your suggestion, I will discuss with Uncle Su."

After eating, Ye Zhao took a hot towel and wiped his hands. Regardless of whether Ye Dingguo didn't listen, she tried her best.

After Ye Zhao left, Ye Dingguo sat in a chair in a daze, and there were two big cakes on the table. A good birthday, in the end, he only sat alone in this box.

The forehead was injured, the hair shirt was wet, and the red wine was sticky.

Two days later, in the office of the village party secretary of Zengwuwei Village Committee, Secretary Wang and Ye Zhao signed the contract for the land of the garbage dump. The transaction price was 65 yuan per square meter, with a total price of 330,000 yuan.

After hearing about it, the owner of the family hotel came to entangle Ye Zhao and asked her to persuade her friend to collect her land.

Because of the past in the garbage dump, her land is a corner that is raised, about 600 square meters, the area is not large, and the price is killed for more than 130 yuan.

Ye Zhao didn't want to buy it. Jiao Yan came to entangle every day, and she didn't cut the price, just to force you to buy it.

Every time I came while Aunt Qiao was away, Ye Zhao was annoying.

At more than three pm that day that day, Aunt Qiao played mahjong. Ye Zhaohe Zengxiang played chess in the room. Jiao Xun was holding a pocket of a pocket to come to the door and wanted to persuade Ye Zhao to buy her land.

Ye Zhao came in and asked Jiao Yan to come in: "Jiao Yi, how can you not understand people, my friend doesn't want it."

Aunt Jiao came in and put the carambolas on the table. "Please help me put in a few nice words. We need this money to build a house. If we don't build it now, the building materials will become more and more expensive."

"My friend doesn't need it, then I can't help it. Otherwise, do you try other people?"

If others are willing to buy, Jiao Yan will not stare at Ye Zhao like this. She said: "I have more than 600 square meters there, I will calculate it according to 600 square meters. The total price is 780,000, and I only count you 77,000. Other places, there are really no such cheap land prices. The current land in the village sells more than one thousand in good areas.

It was windy outside and it seemed like it was going to rain, so Ye Zhao closed the living room windows.

"Can sell more than seven or eight hundred thousand land, everyone is rushing to ask, you can't sell it for one hundred or three, why? Because the location is different. The location is the most important."

Jiao Yan: "I know."

"You know it, you are actually similar to the garbage dump. The garbage dump does not move away. There is no role in your place. The garbage dump is only sold for 65, you sell 130, it is doubled, how can my friend buy it?" Is it? "

"Different, my land is clean and clean, and the garbage is not stacked. If you rent it to others or yourself ..."

"Ah, Jiao, don't say it, I have listened to the cocoon in my ears."

Aunt Jiao gritted her teeth, took Ye Zhao's hand and said, "120 yuan per square meter, okay? It really can't be any lower. My land is no different from Zeng Laojiu's. You also bought it from him for 120, right? Just be kind and help Aunt Jiao. I will definitely thank you in the future."

Ye Zhao looked at Aunt Jiao's anxious expression, put his hands on his hips, and smiled helplessly. If the protruding piece of land really didn't work, he could make some money by selling it in the future, so he just took it.

"I will answer you in two days. I will ask my friends first, okay?"

When Jiao Yan saw hope, he said, "Trouble you, Xiao Zhao, if it is really, Jiao Yan invites you to drink tea. We are just anxious money, otherwise, I really can't bear to sell it."

After Jiao Jiao left, Ye Zhao took a few stars downstairs to find Gan Xiaofeng. Their bank accounts were divided into business accounts and investment accounts. The money in the business account will transfer 80%of them to the investment account after calculating the account.

Ye Zhao asked how much money does it cost to invest in the investment account.

Gan Xiaofeng was packing the closet. She just paid off with the finances on Friday. "Last week, 330,000 village committees were paid. In the second quarter, the revenue of vegetables and cafeterias did not count the general account. At present, only 70,000 funds for investment accounts are less than 70,000."

Ye Zhao stood at the door and watched Gan Xiaofeng folding clothes. She ordered: "Tell the finance department to quickly settle the accounts for April and May. I need some funds recently."

Gan Xiaofeng laughed: "We make a lot of money and spend more."

Ye Zhao corrected: "It's investment, not spending."

"I don't know when this investment can be visible. I am a little scared. You smashed all the money on the skin, built a house, could not build it, could not sell it, and made money." Gan Xiaofeng was worried, and she didn't understand how Ye Zhao always loved to buy this invisible land.

Ye Zhao promised: "This is the last piece of land I bought, and I won't buy it in the future."

That was enough, she thought.

Ye Zhao has been going to the company less frequently recently as the college entrance examination is approaching, so Gan Xiaofeng briefly reported her work to her.

"Song Rongji's new manager's surname is a woman. It is quite good to communicate, and she will not deliberately embarrass. After he heard that we gave them a coffee machine to their office before, and gave us a microwave oven for us.

Ye Zhao was quite relieved. It is estimated that Song Tai finally slowly let Song Rongji go to the right track.

Gan Xiaofeng continued: "That little Cai, the former Manager Cai, is now responsible for miscellaneous, and it can be pulled down. I listened to Aliang that he owed the company's money, could not resign, and wanted to leave."

You deserve it!

Ye Zhao: "The Hongbao Village vegetable base has supplied several batches of vegetables, right? Is there any feedback from Food 9th Floor recently?"

"The vegetables in Hongbao Village are really good. Sister Sun is powerful. I want to find faults in the ninth floor of the food, but they can't find it. I don't think it is to give us the trouble for us.

"Okay, you guys can think of something to give him. Don't give him something in the name of the company, but in your personal name, and give him something that's a little valuable."

Gan Xiaofeng said: "Then let's think first."

It was raining outside. When I returned home, Ye Zhao washed two pastries and cut into pieces, like a pentagram, and she went in to eat with Xiangge.

Their chess was not finished yet. Zeng Xiang took his gloves in the room and practiced boxing in a sandbag.

When it rained, the windows were closed. Because it was too sultry, he took off his shirt and naked on his upper body. Zeng Xiang usually looked thin. In fact, a strong muscle, a drop of sweat dropped like a water droplet from the spring wall ...

Ye Zhao was stunned. No wonder his former roommate loved going to the gym to look at handsome guys. It was really... pleasing to the eye.

Zeng Xiang turned around to see her come in, and hurriedly stopped to ask, "Are you still going to play chess?"

Ye Zhao, who didn't have time to look away, saw the scars on his chest. There were two scars, one horizontal and one vertical. The vertical scar was particularly long and thin, like a cross embroidered on his heart.

Zeng Xiang found that she was staring at her chest, her eyes were burning, and he couldn't help but roll his throat and cough subconsciously.

Ye Zhao glanced away embarrassedly. She put down the fruit plate, took the white towel and handed it to him, and asked in a low voice: "Why are there two scars?"

Zeng Xiang took off his gloves, took the towel, and wiped the sweat before his chest. When this question was brought to Xiaotian to punch, Xiaotian also asked, at the time he did not answer.

"There is one that was left by a six-year-old, and it happens to be in the same location."

It is possible that the upright knife was the wound he suffered when he was a child, and the wound has grown with him.

Ye Zhao was very surprised. Wasn't he in Gangcheng when he was six years old? How could he be hurt so badly under the careful protection of the Luo family in Gangcheng

"Did something happen when you were a kid?"

The rain outside was getting heavier, and the tool shed on the roof was covered with iron sheets. The raindrops fell on the iron sheets, making a noisy and lively sound.

"I was kidnapped and almost killed by my stepmother and cousin." That experience was once his nightmare, like a demon hovering in his heart, haunting him for many years.

Six years old!

The plot that could only be seen in this TV series was so bland from Xiang Ge's mouth, and Ye Zhao's heart was shocked.

Even though he said it very calmly, she could still feel the hatred in his eyes when he said this, which he had not let go of until now.

She knew that he was also a man who would never let go of his grudges, and she was a little afraid that he would eventually go astray.

Ye Zhao was still worried about him. As a result, Bking asked very narcissisticly: "Do you want to touch it?"


He saw it, just like she touched his hand before, and now she must be trying to touch his chest.

"If you want to touch ... just touch it." Xiang Ge's face of raising his face, and he raised her chest on her face.

Ye Zhao couldn't help but smiled, and she covered her face halfway. "You want to let me touch it yourself.

But she still reached out her hand and gently touched his scar with her fingers. It is said that a man’s scar is a milestone in his life. Her brother Xiang is a very manly person at heart.

He suddenly clasped her hand and posted it on his heart. The heartbeat "嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ..." jumping, rhythmic, powerful, that was a man's heartbeat.

"If I had been killed when I was a child, I wouldn't have met you."

The rain outside the window was even bigger, but they were filled with sunlight at this time.

The revenge should be reported, but she must not let her Xiang Xiang go.

Ye Zhao shyly pulled back his hand, pursed his lips and pretended nothing to happen. She asked: "Eat the pasta?"


“A little bit!”

(End of this chapter)