I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 57: I admit defeat


It rained for a week and finally cleared up before July arrived.

Because of the recent surge in vegetable prices, Gan Xiaofeng called the people from Qiantang River to a meeting to discuss the matter, and Ye Zhao sat on the side and listened.

Lao Qian's cousin Afeng is now the main person in charge of Qiantang River. He sat at one end and wanted to smoke, but the girls refused, so he had to put the cigarette back into the cigarette box.

A Feng took a candy from the plate on the table, peeled off the sugar coating, and ate it. He complained, "It's raining and the price goes up. Look at the leafy vegetables, the price has gone up even more. Our two companies have a long-term cooperative relationship, and we are very kind to you."

Ah Qin, who usually disliked Ah Feng, immediately retorted: "It's raining around Shenzhen, not the whole country. Leafy vegetables have been greatly affected, but it doesn't affect vegetables from other areas. It's outrageous that potatoes, onions, taro, pumpkins and other vegetables that are not affected are also increasing in price."

"Ms. Aqin, the price increase is not decided by me, it is a market behavior."

Listening to Afeng's sarcastic tone, Aqin closed the notebook and said, "You are taking advantage of the situation!"

A Feng: "Why does the price go up when it rains? The transportation cost is high. When it rains, there are floods and it's hard to travel..."

"How much of an impact can it have if it's shipped here by train?"

"It's not just us who are raising prices, everyone has. The market price has gone up, so you guys have to raise the price on the ninth floor too, right? It won't affect you."

Gan Xiaofeng said, "How can it have no impact? It's not that Shijiulou will pay us whatever price we quote. Besides, if the transaction price is high, they will buy less goods, the transaction volume will decrease, and our overall profit will decrease."

"There's nothing we can do. Our profits have also dropped. Our purchase costs are also high."

Ah Qin looked at Sister Lan who was in charge of purchasing at Qiantang River and said, "Sister Lan, is your purchase price really that high?"

In fact, the cost of goods imported from other places is not much higher, but Sister Lan couldn't tell the truth, so she just said, "It is indeed a bit higher."

"Look, Sister Lan said it's a little higher, but that doesn't mean it's not much higher."

A Feng and Sister Lan don't usually get along, and they had a quarrel before coming. A Feng heard Sister Lan's words were not good for Qiantang River at all, and he immediately said angrily: "Just treat her words as fart!"

Sister Lan got angry when she heard this, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Did you take kickbacks from Zhao Hua and try to be so cunning?"

Before Sister Lan could get mad, Ah Qin got mad first: "Sister Lan took our kickbacks? You need to figure out who is Party A and who is Party B? You're still taking our kickbacks? Dream on! You're lucky enough that you don't give us kickbacks."

Sister Lan was speechless: "Ah Feng, I know you have a problem with me, but you can't slander me like this!"

Gan Xiaofeng: "Your service attitude at Qiantangjiang has been getting worse and worse recently! I have complained to Shijiulou several times, and I suspect you are doing it on purpose."

Ye Zhao stared at A Feng coldly without saying anything.

After being besieged, A Feng's tone softened a little: "I'm just a bad mouth, but I have a personal grudge with Sister Lan because of some work issues. It has nothing to do with you. But, there's really no way to lower the price. I can't make the decision."

Ye Zhao: "Since you can't make the decision, why are you here to hold a meeting? Let someone who can make the decision hold the meeting."

Ah Feng was frustrated, and after a while he said, "I'll go back and negotiate a price with you guys. It can only be a little less, not much less."

Gan Xiaofeng: "You can transfer it first and take a look. If your service can't keep up and you think the profit is too little, we can change suppliers at any time."

After Afeng and Sister Lan left, Gan Xiaofeng said to Ye Zhao, "Old Qian rarely shows up now. It's Afeng who's causing all the trouble."

Ye Zhao shook his head and said, "This shouldn't be the case. We are Party A, and the profit left to Qiantang River is not small..."

Liu Yang, who spent the most time in the warehouse, whispered, "Ah Feng has a very good relationship with the people on the ninth floor of the restaurant. I don't understand why the people on the ninth floor always like to complain about them."

Ah Qin saw it clearly. She said, "The purpose of Shijiulou is not to complain about them. Shijiulou just wants to open more complaint records for us. It doesn't matter if you are from Zhaohua or a supplier of Zhaohua. It's all Zhaohua's fault. With too many complaint records, they are trying to lower our prices. All businessmen are dishonest!"

Ye Zhao probably understood that too much contact between Shijiulou and Qiantangjiang would be disadvantageous to them. She said, "The warehouse has always relied on people from Qiantangjiang. If we want to maintain this business, we still have to use more of our own employees. You should hire a few more people to keep an eye on it. In the future, try not to let people from Shijiulou have direct contact with Qiantangjiang."

Gan Xiaofeng reminded: "If this is the case, labor costs will increase significantly."

Ye Zhao: "The cost of this expenditure cannot be saved. You should do as I say."

Gan Xiaofeng nodded and agreed.

The continuous rain for the next week reminded Ye Zhao of a once-in-a-century flood disaster mentioned in the book, which would cause vegetable prices to rise and even leafy vegetables to be wiped out. As a result, the residents of Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the book were unable to buy vegetables and were in dire straits for nearly 10 days, relying entirely on the country to urgently allocate vegetables from other places to provide assistance.

In other words, in this flood disaster, Zhaohua will also face the situation of having no vegetables to sell.

This is also the reason why Ye Zhao took time out to attend the meeting even though the college entrance examination is approaching.

Ye Zhao spread his hands, resting them on the table, and said, "I'm worried that there will be a lot of floods this season. We need to make two preparations now."

Ah Qin smiled and said, "Now that the rain has stopped and the sky is clear, there won't be any more floods, right?"

Ye Zhao tapped the table lightly: "Listen to me on this matter, it's better to be prepared. The first thing to prepare is that Liu Yang, you go rent a few more warehouses, starting from mid-July, to store more long-lasting vegetables."

Ye Zhao asked them to discuss on their own how much and which vegetables to store, but they had to store at least enough to supply a week.

"The second preparation is to inform Sister Sun that after this crop of leafy vegetables, all leafy vegetables that are not afraid of being soaked in water will be planted in Hongbao Village. I checked and found that water spinach, spinach and the like are all suitable..."

Gan Xiaofeng worriedly said, "There aren't many leafy vegetables that are not afraid of being soaked in water. What if we can't sell them?"

Other things may be changed by human intervention, but natural disasters are difficult to change. Ye Zhao said, "It's okay. Just do as I say. If there is no flood, we can also dispose of the leafy vegetables that cannot be sold at the market price at a low price."

As a boss, although Ye Zhao is young, she still has great authority. Her subordinates just have to do what she says.

After everyone discussed the next work arrangements, the meeting adjourned. Finally, Ye Zhao asked Gan Xiaofeng to stay alone to discuss something.

Ye Zhao asked her, "What do you think of Sister Lan from Qiantang River?"

Gan Xiaofeng understood what Ye Zhao meant: "You want to poach her?"

"We are in need of someone who knows how to purchase vegetables. Long-term reliance on the Qiantang River is not conducive to our development. We have to give half of every penny we earn to them. We had no choice in the early days. Now that we are growing bigger and have the ability, communication with them is not smooth. This happens to be an opportunity. We need to find a way to eliminate these intermediaries so that our profits can go up."

Gan Xiaofeng nodded: "I think the same as you."

Ye Zhao laughed at her: "If I don't bring it up, you won't bring it up either. If I bring it up, you always think the same as I do."

Gan Xiaofeng smiled sheepishly and said, "I really agree with you. Sister Lan is very reliable and has good character. She has always had conflicts with Afeng. I guess she doesn't want to stay here any longer. I'll try to poach her."

"You try, if it doesn't work, I'll go find her."

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

"By the way, have you given away the gift you gave to President Jiang last time?"

"It was given away. After Mr. Jiang received it, he hasn't made any more trouble recently, but he must still feel uncomfortable. The gift was a one-time gift. Before, the Huicheng Vegetable Base for Hong Kong should have given him a kickback based on the transaction amount. Now that we have changed the Huicheng Vegetable Base, he can't get the kickback. Otherwise, should we give him a rebate as well?"

Ye Zhao wanted to be more cautious about the rebate issue, after all, the relationship between Zhao Hua and President Jiang was quite delicate.

She said, "Giving gifts on holidays is nothing, but the rebate is a direct bribe. I'm afraid it will become a handle for him to control us. Think about it again."

July in the south is the hottest time of the year. The house is extremely hot and stuffy early in the morning.

The college entrance examination results were announced today, and the system was even more nervous than Ye Zhao. If her score was not as good as Bai Lu's, then all its performance this year would be wasted.

Ye Zhao lay on her side, not wanting to get up yet. She was very calm, "If my grades are really not as good as Bai Lu's, there is still one week left before the one year given by the system. I can find my mother in one week. Do you believe it?"

The system got angry: "How are you going to find it? I told you to find it a long time ago, but you didn't go! I'm so pissed off."

"There are two plans. The first plan is to give Brother Qian Xiang a missing person notice in the Hong Kong newspaper. I think Guo Xuyan should not be so bad that he doesn't have any acquaintances who read the newspaper. The second plan is to threaten Uncle Su with death to tell us my mother's whereabouts."

"Why are you threatening to die?"

Ye Zhao: "I'm on a hunger strike!"

System: "What if both methods don't work?"

Ye Zhao was full of confidence: "It's impossible that both plans won't work. I'm sure of it."

The system argued: "What if?"

What if? Ye Zhao was a little impatient. She made up her mind: "Then I will sleep with Brother Xiang! Then tie him to my belt and not give him the chance to go astray. Does this count as saving the villain?"

The system rolled its eyes silently: "The rescue is fake, but you really want to sleep with Brother Xiang! I can see that."

No, she is pure and only wants to complete the task!

Ye Zhao was puzzled: "How can I fulfill the original owner's third wish?"

System: "Eliminate the hatred in his heart."

The only way to eliminate the hatred in Zeng Xiang's heart is to kill his stepmother and her gang!

Ye Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "Then I can only help him get revenge!"

The system's little sweetheart was nervous again: "I remind you again, you can't break the law."

Ye Zhao yawned and ignored the system. She went out with Brother Xiang last night and came back very late. Now she was still a little sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep.

There was a bang bang sound from the door. Aunt Qiao was knocking on both doors to call them to have breakfast.

Normally, Aunt Qiao wouldn’t knock on the door to wake the children up, but today is different. The college entrance examination results are out, so how can they sleep

After knocking on the door once and seeing that the person didn't wake up, I knocked a second time. Finally, both of them yawned and walked out of the room.

Aunt Qiao asked angrily, "What did you do last night?"

Ye Zhao joked, "Be a thief."

Today's breakfast is barbecued pork rice noodles. There is a fried egg in Xiangzai's bowl and two in Ye Zhao's bowl.

The two eggs mean you need to get 100 points in the exam!

Ye Zhao said: "Aunt Qiao, the full marks for each subject are not all 100. The full marks for Chinese and Mathematics are both 120."

Aunt Qiao hadn't thought of this. She brought out a plate of corn and sweet potatoes from the kitchen and said, "It's okay, two eggs represent full marks, the same! The same! What time will the school announce the results?"

"About ninety."

Ye Zhao didn't want to go to school to wait for the results, but Wu Aimin was very nervous and called her several times to ask her to go, so she had to agree.

Aunt Qiao chewed a piece of corn and told her son, "Xiangzi, go with Xiaozhao."

"Yeah." Zeng Xiang responded, and a fried egg fell into his bowl. Ye Zhao couldn't eat two eggs, so he picked one for him.

The ceiling fan above his head was turning slowly and the wind was not strong enough, so Zeng Xiang stood up and turned up the gear.

There were people swearing outside the house, and no one knew who was arguing with whom. Aunt Qiao curiously ran to the balcony to look, and after watching for a while, she came back and said, "Aunt Jiao and her sister-in-law are arguing again about building a house."

"Why?" Ye Zhao knew that the two families had quarreled several times, but she was busy before and didn't ask about it.

"Aunt Jiao's family wants to take over the land of their old house. Logically, both brothers should have a share. Now they are bullying her eldest brother and his wife because they have no sons but only daughters. They say that the old man promised before he died that it would only be given to their family. They are so shameless. The old lady also favors boys over girls, so she pretends to be confused and doesn't care."

Ye Zhao hated this kind of family that favored boys over girls the most. It was simply a remnant of feudalism! Unfortunately, she had no ability to intervene.

Aunt Qiao reminded Ye Zhao: "You bought the land from Aunt Jiao's family, you must complete the formalities. Both she and her husband like to play tricks, so don't let anything happen later."

"All the formalities are complete, don't worry."

As she was talking, the phone rang and Aunt Qiao went to answer it, "Hello! It's Ye Zhao's family... Oh, it's not me... Are you looking for her? Wait a minute!"

Without waiting for Aunt Qiao to greet him, Ye Zhao stood up and walked over. He didn't know who called so early.

"Hello! Ye Zhao?" It was the voice of her homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhou.

Ye Zhao hurriedly asked, "Good morning, Teacher Zhou. What's the matter? Are the results out?"

"Ye Zhao! Congratulations! Congratulations! You are the first in the city! The first in the city! The top scorer in the college entrance examination!" Teacher Zhou suppressed his excitement and almost cried with excitement. The mock exams had never been ranked in the whole city before, and the most they had been ranked was the whole district. He never thought that he could teach a top scorer in the college entrance examination in Shenzhen!

Ahhh! She succeeded! Ye Zhao secretly shouted "Yeah" in her heart!

"Wow! Wow!" The system screamed before Ye Zhao did. "Congratulations to the host for completing the first mission. Congratulations on being granted a three-year survival period in this world."

Compared with the college entrance examination results, Ye Zhao was more concerned about successfully completing the task this time and defeating Bai Lu! The stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Teacher Zhou didn't hear Ye Zhao's response, guessing that she must be very happy, he continued: "I am so happy, Ye Zhao, you are Teacher Zhou's pride! Just now I received a congratulatory call from a friend in the Education Bureau. Oh, don't mention how proud you are of me!"

Ye Zhao said politely: "Thank you, Teacher Zhou!"

"I have a lot to talk about. Let's talk later. Don't forget to come to school at 9:30."

"You've already told me the results, why should I go?"

Ye Zhao said helplessly: "Okay."

When Aunt Qiao heard Ye Zhao telling the person on the other end of the phone about the results, she came over immediately.

But seeing that there was no joy on Ye Zhao's face, Aunt Qiao thought, oh no, it looks like he failed the exam!

She asked cautiously, "Not ideal?"

Seeing Aunt Qiao's worried look, Ye Zhao blinked and deliberately kept his mouth shut.

Aunt Qiao put her arm around her and said, "It doesn't matter if it's not ideal. It doesn't matter whether you go to college or not. You can still make money if you don't. Even if you don't make money, I can still support you."

"Ah? You're supporting me?"

"Oh, can't I support you? I will support you, I will support you, don't be sad." Aunt Qiao's heart was broken.

Zeng Xiang also stood up and walked over. He stared at Ye Zhao, his face rosy, and he didn't look sad. Besides, based on his understanding of her, she couldn't fail the exam even with her eyes closed. He was so confident in her.

He asked, "How many points?"

This question stumped Ye Zhao. She shook her head innocently: "Teacher Zhou didn't tell me how many points I got in the exam."

Aunt Qiao was surprised: "I didn't tell you how many points you got? Then how do you know you failed the test?"

"I didn't say I failed the test, I just said I got first place in the city."

"What?!" Aunt Qiao screamed in surprise, "No. 1 in the city?! Oh my! Ye Zhao! You lied to Aunt Qiao! You kid!"

As she said that, she hit Ye Zhao, who then hugged Aunt Qiao and said, "You are the one who said that. When did I ever lie to you?"

Zeng Xiang also smiled. It was impossible for Ye Zhao to fail the exam. He knew how good she was. He was proud of her.

"I can testify that you scared yourself."

Aunt Qiao was as excited as if her own daughter had won the top scorer in the college entrance examination. She said, "I bought some firecrackers. Xiangzi, hurry up and set off the firecrackers. I want everyone to know that a top scorer in the college entrance examination came from my family."

"Goodbye. There are still neighbors who haven't woken up yet..."

"Then we'll fight later." Aunt Qiao looked at Zeng Xiang and said, "Next year is up to you, son."

Zeng Xiang smiled but said nothing. He may have lacked confidence before, but it is different now. His grades have improved by leaps and bounds in the past six months. From the current perspective, it will be no problem for him to get into the University of Hong Kong.

The news spread quickly, and Aunt Qiao’s phone was almost blown up.

Ye Dingguo, Su Yingmin, Principal Jia and others all called.

On the other end of the phone, Ye Dingguo was both happy and angry.

"I told you to choose Tsinghua University but you didn't! I told you to choose Zhongda University but you didn't! Well! The top scorer in the college entrance examination went to Shenzhen University, you are so awesome!"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I can't change my application anyway, so I'll just go to Shenzhen University. I think it's a good choice. Dad, you haven't forgotten the bet we made before, right?"

Ye Dingguo said: "I also asked about Bai Lu's grades. With her score, it's no problem for her to get into North China University. Even if you are amazing, you can only get into Shenzhen University. You lose!"

"I knew you would cheat! Principal Jia had predicted that you would cheat with this."

Ye Dingguo refused to admit it: "I didn't cheat! If you were admitted to Tsinghua University, I would kneel down for you today!"

Forget it! Asking your father to kneel down to you, this kind of thing cannot be tolerated in today's society.

In the end, she was no longer right.

Ye Zhao changed his words: "Do you admit defeat? I don't need you to kneel, I just want to ask you, do you admit defeat?"

Ye Dingguo smiled. He was quite happy to be controlled by his daughter. "I admit defeat, okay? You are awesome! Smoke is coming out of our ancestors' graves. Our Ye family actually produced a top scorer in the college entrance examination! What gift do you want? Tell me. As long as it is achievable, Dad will buy it for you."

Ye Zhaocai was not interested: "I don't need you to give me a gift."

Ye Dingguo’s memory is not long. He said, “You said you wanted a villa in Seaview Bay last time, right? I’ll buy it for you.”

Ye Zhaozhen was not interested, "I don't want it!"

When she has money, she can build it herself.

Ye Dingguo was angry: "You are deliberately arguing with me again, right?"

Ye Zhao thought for a moment and said, "How about you be more generous and buy me the land and factory building of the Ailin Toy Factory!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Dingguo couldn't help but laugh, "She is indeed my daughter. Her appetite is bigger than others. After you suggested this to me last time, I asked Su Yingmin to go and talk to her."

Ye Zhao: "Then take action. Secretary Wang said that we talked about it twice, but nothing happened afterwards."

"Okay, okay, okay. If you like the land so much, I'll buy it and write your name on it, okay?" Ye Dingguo was in a good mood today. If Ye Zhao asked for the moon in the sky, he would probably agree to it.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Write my name, aren't you afraid that I will chase you away?"

"Then be careful of thunder, because thunder strikes unfilial sons."

Ye Zhao said, "Buy the land. You will thank me later!"

Ye Dingguo on the other end of the phone was laughing so hard that his face was broken. He was still laughing even when he was being confronted.

Later, Ye Zhao heard that a large banner was hung at the gate of the Irene Toy Factory that read "Congratulations to the Ye family's daughter for winning the top spot in the Shenzhen City College Entrance Examination."

Yuxin Middle School also hung a banner. The whole campus was filled with joy because Ye Zhao won the top spot in the imperial examination.

Ye Zhao went to school to see the results. She was ranked first, Bai Lu was ranked second, and the difference between the first and second place was nearly 100 points. Awen ranked third...

Wu Aimin was admitted to a junior college, which was completely unexpected. She burst into tears with joy.

Xiaotian and Zeng Xiaoling were both admitted to technical secondary schools. The results of the entire Grade 3 (4) class were better than expected. Teacher Zhou was so proud that her peacock tail stood up.

Zeng Xiang was waiting outside the campus on his motorcycle. The skinny and fat students who failed the exam were not affected at all because they were mentally prepared.

Skinny Monkey teased Ye Zhao: "Hey Ye Zhao! The top scorer in the college entrance examination! I'm curious, are you and Brother Xiang together?"

When the people around heard this, they all quieted down. Wu Aimin hurried over and looked at Ye Zhao with a gossipy look on her face.

Ye Zhao rolled his eyes at the skinny monkey: "What does it have to do with you?"

The skinny monkey said with a playful smile: "Fatty and I made a bet, come on, tell us the result. If we're together, then we're together. Why are you afraid to admit it?"

Fatty: "Skinny Monkey said that if Ye Zhao gets together with Brother Xiang, he will eat shit!"

The classmates got excited when they heard this, and Zeng Xiaoling took the lead in making a noise: "Skinny monkey, eat shit! Skinny monkey, eat shit!"

Skinny Monkey pushed Fatty and said, "Don't confuse right and wrong! I clearly said that they are not together. I'm going to eat shit!"

Wu Aimin complained: "Can you be more civilized? You eat shit all the time. Why don't you try and see what you are doing? It's really annoying."

Zeng Xiaoling touched Ye Zhao's shoulder and said with a smile: "They must be together! Don't you have eyes? You guys!"

Ye Zhao didn't admit it: "Who said we were together? I want to see the skinny monkey eat..."

"Hey!" Skinny Monkey interrupted Ye Zhao directly, "You'll have to eat shit if you lie!"

Ye Zhao rolled his eyes at him again, and the others started laughing.

Fatty was full of curiosity: "Excuse me, how did the top student and the poor student get together?"

Skinny Monkey: "You should ask, how did the academic bully and the school bully get together?"

Someone interrupted: "Be careful, Brother Xiang hears you and beats you up."

Wu Aimin smiled and said, "I know! The law of hormone attraction. I read it in a magazine."

Ye Zhao: "That's enough! Brother Xiang said he will treat us to a KTV dinner this weekend. If you keep doing this, he won't treat us."

When Shouhou heard this, he hurriedly shouted downstairs: "Thank you, Brother Xiang!"

Zeng Xiang looked up and glanced at them, then ignored them.

The next week, Ye Zhao spent it in a bustling atmosphere. He was pushed by the school to accept various media interviews. Shenzhen University even specially arranged a whole page of "Shenzhen Evening News" to follow up on the report "Why the top scorers in the college entrance examination prefer Shenzhen University so much".

It is said that the city party committee leaders read the report and publicly praised the relevant departments for running Shenzhen University well, because only if it is well run will it be attractive and retain talents!

The "cunning and treacherous" Shenzhen University took the opportunity to ask the municipal government for another piece of land facing the sea. Before the new junior schoolgirls even entered the school, they were already famous in Liyuan.

Ye Dingguo was even more exaggerated. In addition to treating all the factory employees to a three-day buffet, he also booked fifty tables in the most expensive hotel to entertain relatives and friends. Ye Zhao was pulled over and received red envelopes until his hands were soft.

On the day of the dinner party, Ye Dingguo was sensible enough to ask Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue to stay away and not show up.

Bai Lu was admitted to North China University, and Ye Dingguo also treated her to a meal, but they were only relatives of the Bai family, so there were only two or three tables of guests. Because the contrast was too stark, Bai Yunlian felt very dissatisfied and indignant.

But no matter how dissatisfied she was, things were different now. Bai Yunlian was eating Ye Dingguo's food and did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, no matter how big her dissatisfaction was.

Gao Yueyue didn't dare to object to Ye Dingguo's banquet for Ye Zhao's college entrance examination, but when she heard Ye Dingguo calling Su Yingmin that day and saying that he wanted to buy the factory land and factory building and put Ye Zhao's name on them, she was very dissatisfied.

When they went to bed at night, they took off their clothes, but did not let Ye Dingguo come up. They just turned around and said, "There is no condom, so let's not do it tonight."

Ye Dingguo was a little overwhelmed at first, so he decided not to do it. He closed his eyes and lay there asking, "Why did you suddenly ask me to wear a condom? Don't you want to have a baby?"

"What's the point of me wanting to have a baby? I see you don't want to."

"There's something else behind your words. Are you unhappy that I bought the land for Ye Zhao?"

"You can buy such a large piece of land for her just like that. She is in college now and will get married in the future. The land and the factory are all hers. Do you still have the final say? Why are you getting more and more confused? Why don't you keep some for yourself? If you really want to give it to her, why don't you give it to her when you are old?"

Ye Dingguo said, "You are short-sighted, aren't you? This little piece of land and factory building is nothing. You can control me with land and factory buildings? You underestimate your man too much."

Gao Yueyue really didn't know how much Ye Dingguo's assets were, so she took the opportunity to ask, "I don't know anything, so of course I'm not very knowledgeable."

Ye Dingguo: "Let's talk about it after you give birth to the child."

Gao Yueyue turned around and asked: "If I give birth to a child, will you marry me?"

Ye Dingguo thinks differently now. He finds that it is better for him not to get married and he has no constraints. He can find any woman he wants. If he gets married, he will only confine himself to a cage.

He said perfunctorily: "Let's talk about it after you give birth to the child."

Gao Yueyue saw through Ye Dingguo's thoughts, "If you don't get married, how can you prove that the child is yours?"

Ye Dingguo: "Are you stupid? After the child is born, you need to bring my ID card and your ID card to get the child's birth certificate..."

"If you don't get married, you don't even have a birth permit."

"Don't worry about such trivial matters."

Gao Yueyue sat up, not hiding her ambition at all: "I have to be frank. If I give birth to a child, you must treat him equally. Whatever Ye Zhao has, my child must have too. If I give birth to a son, you must leave most of your property to him, right? Your son is your root."

Ye Dingguo: "I don't want to move. You have served me well and you have the final say."

Gao Yueyue didn't listen to his nonsense, she lay down and turned over to sleep.

The news of Ye Zhao getting the top score in the college entrance examination caused a lot of excitement for a week, but before we could have a rest here, something went wrong with the vegetable supply to Hong Kong.

That day, she, Brother Xiang, and Zeng Xiuquan and his sister were playing badminton in the yard.

Liu Yang ran over in a hurry, panting and saying, "Boss, something's wrong with our vegetables!"

"What happened?"

"This morning, the amount of methyl parathion residue in this batch of green vegetables seriously exceeded the standard. The people, vehicles and green vegetables were all detained..."

(End of this chapter)