I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 60: Flood


The rain outside was gradually easing off. Zengwuwei was close to the seashore, and after the pipes were cleared, the flood receded quickly.

The courtyard of Xiaoxi Building is located on higher ground, so the heavy rain has little impact on them.

Aunt Qiao, who suffered from rheumatic knee pain whenever it rained, took out Huang Daoyi medicated oil from the drawer under the TV cabinet after taking a shower. After dinner, Ye Zhao came over obediently to massage her feet.

The living room had just been replaced with a large color TV bought by Ye Zhao. News about sudden flood disasters was playing on TV. Aunt Qiao asked worriedly, "What about the vegetables in your vegetable farm? Can you harvest them quickly? They must have been flooded."

Ye Zhao gently rubbed both sides of Aunt Qiao's knees: "It's okay, the flood will recede in two days."

"The flood has receded, but the vegetables have gone bad."

"We grow waterlogging-resistant vegetables that are not afraid of being soaked by water."

so coincidental

Aunt Qiao couldn't believe it: "You are lying to me, right?"

Ye Zhao: "Why would I lie to you? Seriously, our fields are full of waterlogged vegetables."

Aunt Qiao couldn't help but sigh: "You are so lucky. So I say, sometimes hard work alone is useless, you also need luck."

"I have the ability too." Ye Zhao acted coquettishly.

Aunt Qiao smiled and said, "Of course, you are the top scorer in the college entrance examination. How can you pass the exam without any ability? If you have luck and ability, then you will be amazing when you combine the two."

After dinner, Zeng Xiang sat next to Ye Zhao and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV. A local channel was playing "Calabash Brothers". Ye Zhao was about to say let's watch this, but Zeng Xiang had already put the remote control on the table.

The two people had similar interests and watched Calabash Brothers with great interest.

Aunt Qiao didn't like watching this. She said, "You are so old, and you still watch cartoons."

Ye Zhao asked her: "Do you have any TV series to watch?"

"I don't follow TV shows. I just watch whatever I want."

Although Aunt Qiao said she disliked the cartoons, she was the one who laughed the loudest while watching them.

Ye Zhao and Zeng Xiang were whispering to each other. Aunt Qiao glanced at them with disdain. Her son was a taciturn person in front of others, but she didn't know why he had so much to say to Ye Zhao.

There was a knock on the door. Gan Xiaofeng and Aqin came upstairs to discuss something with Ye Zhao. Ye Zhao handed the Huang Daoyi medicated oil to Brother Xiang next to him and said, "You rub it for Aunt Qiao."

Aunt Qiao said with a smile, "Oh, what a good day today is. My son is massaging my feet... Be gentle, you little brat. Why are you hitting me so hard? Are you boxing?"

They went into Ye Zhao's room to talk about work.

Ah Qin handed Ye Zhao a piece of paper and said, "I just called these companies. The top three companies all said they will have the goods tomorrow. If you need them suddenly, call us again. Currently, there are two companies that clearly need small green vegetables. The quantity they need is not large. Liu Yang has already gone to the warehouse to arrange the shipment."

Ye Zhao said: "I think all the major companies will be able to hold out tomorrow morning, but starting tomorrow afternoon, that may not be the case."

Aqin was a little worried: "The greens I picked yesterday must be processed tomorrow, otherwise they might go bad. I'll call these companies tomorrow morning."

Ye Zhao comforted him, "Don't worry, even if you can't sell it tomorrow morning, you can still sell it in the afternoon."

Gan Xiaofeng: "I just heard on the radio that the railway was destroyed and it will take time to repair. The vegetables stored in our warehouse will definitely become popular. How do we set the price? We can't sell them at the previous market price, right?"

Vegetables are daily necessities after all, so maliciously raising the price is definitely not okay. Ye Zhao said: "We shouldn't raise the price ourselves, just follow the market price. The market price will rise automatically in the next few days."

Gan Xiaofeng: "Then I'll keep an eye on the price."

Ye Zhao asked Aqin: "Last time you said a vegetable company was about to go bankrupt? What's their situation now?"

When Aqin was doing business before, she knew the details of almost all the top ten vegetable companies.

One of the companies is called Sheng He Ji, which used to be the leading vegetable company in Hong Kong. However, due to poor management, its market share has been gradually eroded. Now it ranks lower than Shijiu Lou, around sixth or seventh.

"Sheng He Ji? Every time I called before, no one answered the phone after office hours. Someone answered the phone today, but their leader was not in, and they will not reply until tomorrow whether they want the green vegetables. I don't think they can hold out for too long, the staff are not in good shape."

"Don't wait for them to call you. Call them tomorrow and see what they are like."


The next day, Ye Zhao got up late. The rain was still falling with no sign of stopping.

On TV, all channels were broadcasting news about the flood. This flood disaster affected a very wide area, and the military and civilians were everywhere doing disaster relief.

Aunt Qiao had just returned from outside. She put her umbrella in the bathroom and said to Ye Zhao who was having breakfast, "All the vegetables in the market have been sold out. Celery is sold at 1 yuan per pound. It's like it's free. Luckily I listened to you and bought vegetables in advance to stock up, otherwise I would have to eat rice with soy sauce."

Ye Zhao asked: "Are there no vegetables in the market so early?"

“Only the chili peppers are left.”

Ye Zhao walked to the company wearing slippers and holding an umbrella. He thought he would see a bustling scene, but when he entered he found it quiet and the entire office was silent.

Gan Xiaofeng was writing documents at her desk, Aqin was sleeping on the table, the door of the finance office was closed, and Liu Yang and Sister Lan were probably in the warehouse.

"Aren't you busy?" Ye Zhao stuck the umbrella into the bucket at the door.

Gan Xiaofeng raised her head and smiled, "I'm done. I worked from about six to nine. All the green vegetables are sold out. Or should I say, they are all snatched up. Those companies know that we still have stock in our warehouse, and they are lining up to order. I made a list of them, but I don't dare to decide who to give it to, who not to give it to, and how much to give. I guess you have your own ideas, right?"

Gan Xiaofeng still understood her. Ye Zhao said, "Give me the list."


Ah Qin was startled awake by the ringing of the phone. She sat up and grabbed the phone: "Hello! Sheng He Ji? The small green vegetables are sold out... Yes, I called your office early in the morning to ask if you wanted any, but no one answered your phone... Yes, we have them all... That won't work, we don't sell on credit... Yes, yes... OK, I'll help you register first..."

Ye Zhao asked: "What happened to Sheng He Ji?"

Ah Qin took a sip of cold water and said, "This company really deserves to be doing worse and worse. At such a critical time, I called every company office and there was someone there, but I could never get through to their office phone. They sold out all the green vegetables before they asked us if we had any more."

Ye Zhao asked: "Will Shengheji order vegetables in the next few days?"

"They wanted to place an order, but they didn't want to pay in cash. They wanted credit. It was the first time we were working together, so who would dare to give them credit? He said he would ask his boss first."

As she spoke, Aqin yawned, "We were very busy today. I made a round of phone calls at around six o'clock, but everyone was not sure whether they wanted the goods. As a result, starting at seven o'clock, our calls never stopped. The greens were sold out in an instant. Those who couldn't buy greens wanted to order other vegetables. It is said that in the entire vegetable market supplying Hong Kong, except for us, there are only a few companies that have stocks, and those that have stocks don't have as much as we do. The second-ranked Dingsheng Fenghua heard that we still have a lot of leafy vegetables to pick, and they want to buy all our vegetables. They will visit our company later to confirm the cooperation."

Ye Zhao: "It's raining so hard, are people from Dingsheng Fenghua coming over?"

"Yes. Party A is easy to get along with and has a very humble attitude. No wonder other companies are up and down, but they are the only ones that never fail and always stay in second place."

Ye Zhao nodded. This is the charm of having resources.

The phone rang again, and Ah Qin answered it: "Oh, yes... Yes, it hasn't been decided yet... Now? It's convenient... OK, OK... Please remember the address, 303 Shunfeng Building, Zengwuwei Square..."

Seeing that Aqin had hung up the phone, Gan Xiaofeng hurriedly asked, "Which company is coming again?"

Aqin said in disbelief, "Xingwangfa, which ranks first in market share, will be here soon."

Big brother and second brother, you are here to snatch the goods!

Gan Xiaofeng said in surprise: "Oh my god, I am a little excited just listening to this."

Aqin swallowed and said, "Don't get excited yet. Let's get excited after we make a decision. Xingwangfa is well-known in the industry for being an exploitative maniac. The prices they give to suppliers are very low, but they have a large demand, so we should be able to make a lot of money through long-term cooperation."

Ye Zhao took the list written by Gan Xiaofeng and said, "Let's see how to allocate the supply."

Gan Xiaofeng asked: "How should we divide it? Half to each company? If we can take over these two companies, Zhaohua won't have to worry about the future."

Ah Qin clenched her fist and said, "We're going to kick those bastards off Food Nine Floor!"

Ye Zhao picked up the pen and circled the last one that called, Sheng He Ji, "I want to go to Sheng He Ji now."

Ah Qin was puzzled: "Why go to Sheng He Ji?"

"Call Sheng He Ji and ask if their person in charge is there. We can go over and discuss cooperation with them."

Gan Xiaofeng asked: "What about Xingwangfa and Dingshengfenghua?"

"You, Sister Song, and Mu Xin will be in charge of the reception. Keep both families here and let them know that many people are trying to snatch our goods. Aqin and I will go to Shengheji."

Gan Xiaofeng probably understood, "Do you want to cooperate more deeply with Sheng He Ji?"

“This is an opportunity.”

This is their chance to truly penetrate the vegetable market in Gangcheng.

In Mr. Jiang's office on the ninth floor, after listening to Manager Lin's report, Mr. Jiang fell into deep thought.

"Is this all the goods in Qiantang River?"

Manager Lin: "Yes, they don't have much stock. They can still supply some tomorrow, but they will be completely out of stock the day after tomorrow. Now the railway is broken and there are floods all around. It will be difficult to ship goods from other provinces in the next week."

"Where is the Huicheng vegetable base?"

Manager Lin sighed heavily: "The terrain over there is low, and the leafy vegetables have all been soaked. The vegetables they can provide are very limited. Even if the flood recedes tomorrow, there won't be many leafy vegetables to supply in the future."

President Jiang covered his forehead, pinched his eyebrows, and said, "Everyone is out of stock, and the company can't blame us."

Manager Lin: “It’s not like there’s no stock…”

“Who has any more?”


President Jiang, who was originally leaning on the chair, sat up straight instantly: "How is it possible? Zhaohua is just a middleman and a third-party dealer. Didn't Qiantangjiang supply them with goods in the past? How could they still have inventory?"

"It's weird, but after suspending cooperation with us, they not only didn't reduce their business, but rented six or seven large warehouses and filled them with goods before the flood. What's even weirder is that their Hongbao Village vegetable base is now growing flood-resistant leafy vegetables, such as water spinach, spinach, and watercress. When the flood recedes, the loss of these vegetables will not be too great. So they are the only ones who can provide leafy vegetables in the future. Isn't it weird?"

Mr. Jiang bit his back teeth and asked, "Who are they giving these dishes to now?"

Manager Lin said softly, "It is said that all the companies are scrambling for vegetables. President Jiang, should we discuss this with them? Otherwise, other companies will have vegetables, but we won't be able to offer any vegetables. Then we won't be able to explain to the company."

"What are you discussing? Just fax them and ask them to resume supply immediately."

Manager Lin said worriedly, "I'm afraid they won't buy into our plan now."

"According to the contract, they must buy in. In addition, remind them that as our exclusive supplier, Zhaohua's vegetables cannot be provided to others, otherwise it will affect our long-term cooperation."

"OK, I'll do it right away."

After getting off the taxi, Ye Zhao and Aqin walked along a muddy path holding umbrellas before they reached the downstairs of Sheng He Ji. Both of their shoes and trouser legs were wet.

The Sheng Heji office is an old two-story house. The first floor must have been flooded yesterday and was a mess everywhere. Xiao Xu, a buyer from Sheng Heji, took them to the manager's office on the second floor, where the office manager was smoking and talking to two or three workers.

"If the company doesn't transfer the money, there's nothing I can do. A good cook cannot cook without rice, you know? We'll know the result tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so you still have to finish the task at hand." The manager heard the noise outside and hurriedly persuaded the workers who were mumbling and complaining to go back and wait for news.

After listening to Ye Zhao's introduction, the manager of Sheng He Ji said, "My last name is Ye too. I'm sorry that you may have made a wasted trip. We were trying to save the company this morning. The company didn't want to continue struggling. This flood was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Do you understand?"

Aqin was surprised: "Are you planning to stop doing this?"

"Yes. No more."

Ye Zhao said with regret: "That's such a pity."

Manager Ye smoked a cigarette and said with emotion: "Once upon a time, Sheng He Ji was the largest vegetable merchant in Hong Kong. Ding Sheng Feng Hua used to be the second largest. We were the first largest. Our boss's surname is Sheng, so we are called Sheng He Ji. They copied our name and called Ding Sheng Feng Hua. Oh, I didn't expect that after so many years, they are still the second largest and we are going to exit the market in disgrace."

Ye Zhao felt that it could still be saved. She said, "I know the history of Sheng He Ji. It would be a pity if it withdrew from the historical stage like this. Can we cooperate and save it?"

Manager Ye stared at Ye Zhao, "How do we cooperate?"

Ye Zhao: "You may have cash flow problems now. We can be responsible for the supply of vegetables, and you are responsible for the shipment, and the profits will be split 50-50."

It is said that it is easy to add flowers to a beautiful woman, but it is difficult to help someone in need. The girl in front of him was helping someone in need, and Manager Ye's eyes lit up instantly.

After listening to Ye Zhao's plan, he felt that this approach was feasible. He said excitedly: "If Sheng He Ji is successfully saved, I would like to thank you on behalf of all the employees of Sheng He Ji."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "You're welcome. I'm not a bodhisattva. I just want to use your resources to enter the vegetable market in Gangcheng. We can achieve a win-win situation through cooperation."

Manager Ye: "Then please go to the next office and wait. I'm going to call the boss now."

Ye Zhao and Xiao Qin were waiting in a small office nearby. The impression given by the entire Shengheji branch was: messy! Chaotic! Disorganized and lacking in order.

Aqin whispered, "It's too messy. It feels unreliable to cooperate with such a company."

"If it weren't such a messed up company, we wouldn't have a chance to get in. Let's negotiate first and talk about it later. We will definitely find a way to intervene later."

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Manager Ye came over, his face no longer showing the joy he had just had.

"I'm sorry, but our boss disagrees."

Ye Zhao asked: "Why?"

"This was the last straw that broke the camel's back, but in our boss's eyes, it was an opportunity. It was an opportunity to completely close down the business."

Ye Zhao understood: "It has been decided, right?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. Our boss is planning to sell the company. Xingwangfa, Dingsheng Fenghua and Shijiulou are all interested. Let's see who he will sell it to. It's unlikely to be sold to Xingwangfa or Dingsheng Fenghua. Xingwangfa is a company started by an old employee of ours, and Dingsheng Fenghua is an old rival that we've fought for decades. It's very likely that he will sell it to Shijiulou."

Ye Zhao and Aqin looked at each other. The cheap food on the 9th floor really made them uncomfortable. "How much did you sell your company to the 9th floor?"

Manager Ye: "I don't know either, maybe more than 1 million."

Ye Zhao didn't have that much money. After buying the land and stockpiling goods, she only had a few tens of thousands in her hands.

She had no money, but she was very brave. She asked, "Can I talk to your boss?"

"You want to buy it?" Manager Ye was surprised. He looked at Ye Zhao. It's not that he looked down on him, but Ye Zhao looked to be less than 20 years old. How could he come up with more than one million

"If the price is right, I'd like to buy it. What assets does your company have that are worth more than a million?"

Manager Ye: "We have seven or eight large trucks and more than ten small trucks. The most important thing is that we have so many customer resources. You should know that most of the supermarkets and markets in Hong Kong were once our customers."

“Why is your market getting smaller and smaller?”

"To be honest, the boss' heart is not here anymore. After deciding to return to China, his whole family started to immigrate. In fact, the most valuable thing about Sheng He Ji is the shop. If you add the shop, you can't buy it without tens of millions."

“Are the shops sold separately?”

Manager Ye didn't believe that Ye Zhao would buy Sheng He Ji. He was an honest man and spoke the truth: "Shops are easy to sell. Even if they can't be sold for the time being, they can be rented out. Companies are hard to sell. The trucks and vans have been used for many years and have depreciated greatly."

Ye Zhao understood, and she asked, "Can I meet with your boss?"

Manager Ye: "Sure, do you have a two-way permit? I can arrange a meeting for you."

Ye Zhao didn't have a two-way permit. She had no relatives or company in Hong Kong, so she couldn't get a two-way permit. "Could you trouble him to come to Shenzhen?"

"Impossible. My boss doesn't like this place very much. And now there's a flood, so it's even more impossible for him to come."

These proud future banana peels, Ye Zhao said helplessly: "Then I'll call him."

Manager Ye hurriedly said that he would go and communicate first. Later, Ye Zhao talked on the phone with the boss of Sheng Heji for half an hour. Both sides had a good talk, but the boss of Sheng Heji insisted that Ye Zhao send someone to Gangcheng to talk to him.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhao could only think of Brother Xiang. She called Brother Xiang first, and Zeng Xiang immediately agreed to help her negotiate.

Ye Zhao hurried home, gave Zeng Xiang his ID card and a letter of authorization with his personal seal, and repeatedly instructed him: "Try to negotiate the price to less than 1 million, and pay it in two installments. After signing the agreement, pay a deposit of 200,000 first, and the balance in one month. Also, it is agreed that after signing the agreement, the company will be ours immediately."

"Is that all?"

"that's it."

Seeing Brother Xiang's calm expression, Ye Zhao was a little worried: "Brother Xiang, are you sure it's okay?"

Zeng Xiang repeated the end point she had just mentioned: "Let's negotiate the price to be less than one million, in two installments. I'll fax the contract to you for your review before signing. Try to sign the contract tonight. Starting tomorrow, Sheng He Ji Company will be yours."


"That's fine."

Ye Zhao reminded again: "When communicating with such an old-timer, you must be tactful."

Zeng Xiang put the information in his backpack: "It's useless to be smooth, you have to be strong."


Ye Zhao blinked and thought, Brother Xiang, also known as Luo Shen, is the future capital tycoon and a leader in the business world in the book. Her worries should be unnecessary.

Ye Zhao watched Zeng Xiang take a taxi to the customs, then she walked towards Shunfeng Building. When she arrived downstairs of the company, she met Aqin running down.

"I was just about to go back to look for you, but our office was jammed with people from more than a dozen vegetable companies, like a vegetable market."

"So lively?"

When they returned to the company, some people heard that Boss Zhao Hua was back, and they all rushed to the door, wanting to be the first to talk to Boss Zhao Hua.

Sister Song had a loud voice. She stopped in front and said, "Everyone, don't be anxious. Don't be anxious. Just wait here first, okay?"

These are all future Party A, and we cannot afford to offend them. Ye Zhao said, "As of this time, I will provide vegetables to all the companies that have registered and are present today, so please rest assured."

When the people from the vegetable companies heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how much they were given, at least they could go back and report.

Zhaohua is a kind person.

Ye Zhao entered the office, and Gan Xiaofeng followed him in. She held a fax in her hand and said, "Look at this. It's from Food Floor 9. The tone is very arrogant! Still wanting to be high and mighty and give orders."

Ye Zhao took it, glanced at it, and then threw the fax into the trash can. "Have you replied to them?"

“I replied: Our relationship is currently in a freezing period. According to the agreement, I cannot supply the goods.”

Ye Zhao smiled: "Okay, that's a good answer. I like it."

"He doesn't look like he's asking for help, so who would care?" Gan Xiaofeng handed over a list of all the clients who came today, "Twelve."

Ye Zhao drew a line with a pen: "I will talk to the top three, and you can talk to the rest. Come one by one, take out the goods from the two warehouses and distribute them to all the companies present today. Take this opportunity to make friends."

Gan Xiaofeng: "Are you only going to take out the vegetables from two warehouses? What are you going to do with the rest?"

"I want to choose one of the top three companies to see if there is a possibility of long-term cooperation."

Gan Xiaofeng suggested: "Then choose between the first and second. The market share of the third one is not on the same level as the first two."

Ye Zhao nodded: "Okay, let me take a look. Let's call in the first company that signed in."

The first one to come in was Xingwangfa. The one who came to negotiate today was Manager Bian from the Purchasing Department. He is a rather arrogant person. They have the largest market share and the largest demand, so they have the capital to be arrogant.

When Ye Zhao proposed long-term cooperation, Manager Bian patted the armrest of the chair and said with a smile: "We can cooperate for a long time. You submit your information and enter our supplier system. There will be a price comparison and screening process."

“How long will this process take?”

“It takes anywhere from one month to half a year. If your price is low enough, it will be faster…”

In other words, this is a long-term process of price reduction.

As the market rumors say, he is indeed an exploitative maniac.

Ye Zhao thought for a moment and said, "Let's forget about the long-term cooperation."

Manager Bian had been waiting here for so long, but in the end, Ye Zhao only said "Forget it". His face suddenly darkened, "What do you mean?"

In this market, he is always the one who refuses others, and no one dares to refuse him.

"I mean, it's too much trouble. Let's just do a one-time deal." Ye Zhao wrote down the quantity on a sticky note, pasted it on the quotation, and handed it to the other party. "This is the amount of goods we can provide to your company this time. You can give it to my colleague."

Manager Bian took the note and looked at it: "Is that all?"

Then he looked at the price on the quotation sheet and asked, “Is the price so high?”

"We treat everyone equally. Except for those who can cooperate with us for a long time, we will give this quantity. As for the price, this is the latest market price. We don't add a penny more."

If it were any other time, this piece of sticky note would have been thrown into the trash can long ago. Manager Bian would have been so angry that smoke would come out of his nose. But today was a seller's market, so he had to put away his arrogance and said, "Give us your company's information, and I'll ask my colleagues to quickly add you to the supplier list. Is that good enough?"

Ye Zhao smiled politely: "Manager Bian, I'm sorry, maybe our temperaments are not compatible and we are not suitable for long-term cooperation. Do you want this product or not? Consider it as soon as possible. If you don't want it, I will give it to another company."

The salesperson who came in with Manager Bian said hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes."

It is better to have goods than to have no goods. At least we can deal with Xingwangfa’s important customers.

Manager Bian was not satisfied: "Don't you still have leafy vegetables?"

Ye Zhao: "The quantity of our leafy vegetables is also very limited, and we can only give them to long-term customers. I'm sorry, Manager Bian."

Manager Bian was so angry that he couldn't vent his anger, so he had to go out with a dark face.

After Manager Bian left, a plump middle-aged woman came in with a soldier. The woman spoke pure Mandarin, pointed at the door and said with a smile: "I see that Mr. Bian is very angry. How did you do it? Oh, I've been wanting to see him get humiliated for a long time!"

Aqin, who led the people in, hurriedly introduced: "This is Minister Xie from Dingsheng Fenghua."

Ye Zhao stood up to greet him, and Minister Xie said very straightforwardly: "Whatever the conditions, we will agree to all of them, even if Xingwangfa disagrees."

“A supplier contract that follows market price and long-term cooperation!”

Minister Xie didn't sit down either. She patted the table lightly and said, "Sister, no problem. I can make it for anyone. Right? But you have to give me all your goods this time."

How refreshing! Ye Zhao also likes this kind of party A.

She smiled and pointed outside: "I just promised everyone that I would leave some for them."

"You can leave some, your idea is consistent with ours. Why can Dingsheng Fenghua stand firm in the vegetable market in Gangcheng? Because we always leave a way for our competitors and partners. We won't be like Xingwangfa, who drives down the price of suppliers."

Ye Zhao and Minister Xie hit it off immediately, and the two sides had a very pleasant chat. As they were chatting, Mu Xin knocked on the door and whispered a few words to Aqin. Aqin hurried over and whispered to Ye Zhao, "Boss Jiang is here, he's outside."

"You ask him to wait."

Aqin was about to go out, but Mu Xin failed to stop President Jiang, who rushed directly into the office.

Minister Xie glanced at General Manager Jiang. She had met General Manager Jiang several times. Relying on the support of Song Rongji, Shijiulou has always been arrogant in the industry. At the last association's spring dinner, General Manager Jiang publicly mocked Dingsheng Fenghua for being the eternal runner-up. Minister Xie has long disliked him.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, what's the matter? Get in line, I'm still talking to Boss Ye."

Mr. Jiang met Manager Bian downstairs. Manager Bian told him that Zhaohua was selecting new business partners and even looked down on Xingwangfa, the leading company. He was very arrogant. How could he not be anxious at this critical juncture

"Thank you, Minister. Zhaohua is our supplier for Food Floor 9. I have the priority to negotiate."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Boss Jiang, there is no such thing as priority negotiation rights in our contract. And what is our relationship now? Oh, the relationship is in a freezing period, for a period of one month. During this period, Zhaohua is not a supplier of Food 9th Floor."

(End of this chapter)