I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 62: Luo family


In Shunfeng Building, only Zhaohua Company in the southeast corner of the third floor was still brightly lit.

The visiting guests had just left, the finance department was doing the accounting, Aqin was calling Liu Yang from the warehouse to confirm the shipping details, and Gan Xiaofenglan and Ye Zhao were in the office discussing the next work arrangements.

Gan Xiaofeng brought in a small basket of longan and distributed it to everyone. "We always give gifts to Party A. This time, Party A sent longan. I just tasted one. It's so sweet."

They were having a meeting while eating longan. Gan Xiaofeng said, "There are a total of nine companies that have placed orders with me. Five of them said they will include us in their supplier list in the future, but they are not sure how many orders they can give us."

Ye Zhao is not in a hurry to expand too many customers. She said: "First, maintain good customer relationships. Our supply capacity is also limited at present, so there is no rush."

Take one step at a time, and proceed slowly and steadily.

Gan Xiaofeng went out and brought in a plate to put on the table to hold the fruit peels. "After the flood recedes tomorrow, how many leafy vegetables should we collect for Dingsheng Fenghua? Minister Xie is very anxious. She wants more, as many as she can get."

"We'll decide on this tomorrow."

Ye Zhao is still waiting for Zeng Xiang's call. If she can successfully take over Sheng Heji, she wants to keep most of the leafy vegetables in Hongbao Village and sell them herself. This will be an opportunity for Sheng Heji to open up the Gangcheng vegetable market again.

Ye Zhao asked Sister Lan: "How is the subsequent vegetable supply arrangement going?"

Sister Lan was very hesitant before coming to Zhaohua, but she really couldn't stay in Qiantang River anymore, and Gan Xiaofeng offered her a high salary, so she came with the attitude of giving it a try. She also made the worst-case scenario plan in her heart: if she couldn't stay in Zhaohua, she would find another job.

Who would have thought that Zhaohua, which was abandoned by Shijiulou, was revived by a flood, and judging by the trend, its performance is going to soar.

She came to the right place.

Sister Lan smiled and said, "I have communicated with the vegetable merchants in other provinces. Once the railway is opened, the goods will be shipped immediately to ensure the subsequent supply."

Ye Zhao nodded: "Order more leafy vegetables this time. I think everyone will rush to buy them when the first batch arrives. Later, when other suppliers arrive, don't buy so much. The price will definitely go down when the goods are full."

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Sister Lan said, a little worriedly: "Xiao Zhao, these are my old suppliers, old relationships, we'll pay after the goods arrive. But I heard from Sister Song that the company is short of funds recently. Will it be impossible to settle the bill after the goods arrive? After all, this is the first time our company has cooperated with them, and it's not good to default on payment."

Sister Lan just rushed over from the warehouse. She was not present during Zhaohua’s internal meeting and did not know the specific funding arrangements.

Ye Zhao had to make the new employee have confidence in Zhao Hua, so she said, "Don't worry, Sister Lan, we won't owe the suppliers money. We are short of funds now because I want to acquire a vegetable company in Gangcheng. If the acquisition is successful, we will immediately use Hongbao Village leafy vegetables to distribute goods in Gangcheng. Leafy vegetables in Shenzhen used to sell for 0.1 or 0.2 yuan at wholesale, which was already a high price, but it is different in Gangcheng. They usually sell vegetables for 2-3 yuan per catty. At this critical juncture, the market price has increased several times. If we deliver a batch of goods, it is estimated that we will earn more than we have in the past six months, and the cash will be recovered quickly. If the acquisition is unsuccessful, there will be no problem of tight funds. Anyway, when the vegetables from other provinces are shipped over, we will have money on hand anyway, so don't worry."

Sister Lan smiled and said, "That's good. It's really fun to work with you guys. We have plans and schedules, and we work together like a team. We never complain. I love the working atmosphere so much."

Gan Xiaofeng peeled longan and said, "Our boss said that when we make enough money, we will build our own house. We have our own piece of land. When the house is built, all employees who have made outstanding contributions in the company will be given a house at cost price. How can we not work hard?"

When Sister Lan heard this, she became interested and asked, "Do our new employees also have a share?"

Gan Xiaofeng helped the boss to fool him, "Work hard and don't change jobs. You will definitely get a share, right, Xiao Zhao?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Of course."

As she spoke, she looked at the clock on the table. It was almost eight o'clock, and there was still no news from Brother Xiang. She was worried that the boss of Sheng Heji was so difficult to communicate with, so there might be no hope today.

Ye Zhao regretted setting a price that was too low for Brother Xiang. Given Brother Xiang's temper, he would not easily compromise unless the price was lowered to less than 1 million.

It is estimated that the two sides are still in a stalemate.

Before Zeng Xiang left, he left her a cell phone number. She hesitated whether to call it. The number should be from someone related to the Luo family. She didn't want to call until the last minute.

Ring ring ring ring ring!

Ye Zhao quickly spat out the fruit shell, wiped his hands with the tissue, and picked up the phone, "Hello!"

Brother Xiang's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Me."

The word "I" was particularly reassuring, but Ye Zhao bit his lip nervously, "How is it? Is there any hope?"

Brother Xiang said mysteriously: "Guess!"

Ye Zhao smiled: "Let me guess, the deal must have been concluded. What's the price?"


Ye Zhao stood up excitedly. Because she was too excited, the clip of the microphone phone cord was pulled off. She hurriedly put it back on, but unfortunately the line was disconnected.

Seeing Ye Zhao's excitement, Gan Xiaofeng also stood up, still eating longan, and asked, "Did the deal come to fruition?"

Ye Zhao: "It's done. Quick, go ask Sister Song how much money we have now."

The phone rang again. It was Brother Xiang who called back. He laughed at her mercilessly on the other end of the phone: "Oh, you are so excited."

"Of course I'm excited at this historic moment. We are a small, nameless mainland company that was established less than a year ago, and we acquired a long-established vegetable store in Hong Kong. How can I not be excited?" Ye Zhao said, not forgetting to flatter him, "Brother Xiang, you are amazing. If I went, I would definitely not be able to negotiate this price."

Zeng Xiang obviously enjoyed being flattered by her. He smiled and said, "How dare I not complete the task you assigned to me?"

Ye Zhao asked: "Did they tell me how to pay and how much the down payment is?"

Zeng Xiang asked back: "How much money do you have?"

Ye Zhao: "The finance lady is still calculating. It doesn't matter. We will definitely be able to get enough. I have already said hello to Ni Meng this afternoon. If it's not enough, we can borrow from him."

As they were talking, Gan Xiaofeng came running back from the finance department next door. "Sister Song said that the payment from various companies today, plus our own money, can make up 570,000 yuan."

Zeng Xiang heard their conversation. In fact, he had paid all the 990,000 yuan for her, but he couldn't say it directly because he didn't want her to feel psychologically burdened. He said, "The down payment is 500,000 yuan, and the balance is 49 in a month. There is also stamp duty for the transfer transaction, which is not much."

Ye Zhao was excited again: "This payment period is so friendly. We don't need to borrow money. We can handle it. Brother Xiang, you are awesome! How did you negotiate this? Did you use force?"

Ye Zhao couldn't help but praise wildly, and the two sisters next to him laughed.

Brother Xiang said arrogantly, "In your eyes, I only have force? I also have brains and strategies. After a simple round of negotiations, in less than half an hour, the boss of Shengheji surrendered completely."

Of course, Boss Sheng succumbed to money.

Qi Lian'an, who was sitting next to Zeng Xiang, listened quietly to his eldest son's phone call. It was the first time he heard the eldest son speak so cocky, lively and energetic. In his impression, Luo Shen's label has always been: taciturn and serious.

In Zhaohua's office in Shunfeng Building, Ye Zhao smiled and said to the other end of the phone, "It will be done in half an hour, so why did you call me so late?"

Zeng Xiang: "I want to talk to you once everything is done. We were busy looking for connections to handle the formalities just now. Boss Sheng and I have already agreed that after midnight tonight, Sheng Heji Company will change its name to Ye."

Ye Zhao once again sighed that Brother Xiang was reliable. She said, "We will prepare 500,000 yuan immediately, but we are in RMB. Are you talking about Hong Kong dollars or RMB?"

At the current exchange rate, 1 RMB can only be exchanged for 0.9 HKD. If it is HKD, then 500,000 HKD will cost 560,000 RMB, which will wipe out all of Zhaohua's wealth.

The boss on the other end of the phone continued to lie, "I'm talking about RMB. I'll pay the down payment of 500,000 for you first. For the remaining 490,000, I'll give you a phone number. You can contact the other party to pay the balance in a month."

Ye Zhao: "Okay, I'll give you the down payment when you come back. Who should I contact for the balance?"

Zeng Xiang covered the phone and said to Qi Lian An, "Give me your office phone number."

Qi Lian'an hurriedly told Zeng Xiang the office phone number, and Zeng Xiang repeated it to Ye Zhao: "One month later, you can contact him directly to pay the balance."

Ye Zhao: "What's his last name?"

Zeng Xiang thought about it and realized that Ye Zhao would probably get to know Uncle Qi in the future, so he changed Uncle Qi's last name: "His last name is An."

Qi Lian'an rolled his eyes after hearing this. He finally understood that his eldest son liked the girl on the other end of the phone. For this girl, he spent more than 20 million to buy 6 shops in one go.

It seems that there is always a romantic person in every generation of the Luo family.

Before hanging up the phone, Ye Zhao asked her brother Xiang: "Is Manager Ye from Shengheji still with you?"

Zeng Xiang: "What's wrong? I can contact him."

Ye Zhao: "Tell him to come back tonight and have a meeting at Sheng He Ji's office tomorrow morning."

Zeng Xiang: "Okay, got it. Make sure to notify everyone."

Ye Zhao asked again: "When will you come back?"

Zeng Xiang: "It will take five days to complete all the formalities, so I won't be able to go back until next week."

Ye Zhao reminded: "Don't lose my ID card."

"Oh, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Aqin rushed in after hearing the good news, "Are we now the boss of Gangcheng Company? Oh my God! It seems that as long as you dare to think and dare to take risks, any dream can come true!"

Gan Xiaofeng said, "After we finish this, we have to have a drink."

Aqin: "We also need to have a good meal!"

Ye Zhao: "You guys can arrange it. The budget can be a little bit higher."

"thank you boss!"

Sister Song and Mu Xin stood at the door. Sister Song asked, "Do you want to exchange RMB for Hong Kong dollars? It's a bit difficult to exchange 500,000 in one go."

Ye Zhao continued to eat longan: "No need to change. We are talking about RMB transactions."

Sister Song is an experienced financial officer. She was a little bit unconvinced: "People in Hong Kong don't recognize RMB in transactions. Are you sure?"

"Sure!" Although Ye Zhao said it with certainty, she still had a little doubt in her heart. Could it be that Brother Xiang paid the Hong Kong dollars for her and made up for the exchange rate difference

Wait for him to come back and ask him again.

Ye Zhao said: "Sheng He Ji, this old vegetable shop, was once well-known, but now it is in tatters. Ah Qin should have known more about it before. Now that we have taken over this company, we must carry out a thorough reform. If we don't change, it will remain the same and will collapse sooner or later."

Aqin said, "Yes, they have no rules and are lazy. Manager Ye doesn't look like a very strict person. It will be difficult for him to lead the team in the future."

Ye Zhao thought a lot. She had just taken over a company, so it was not appropriate to make radical reforms to avoid causing rebellion among old employees. She said, "The biggest difficulty is that it is extremely inconvenient for us to go to Hong Kong. After we complete the acquisition of Sheng Heji, as the parent company of Sheng Heji, we should be able to apply for two-way permits for employees. The current time is critical. We will temporarily remain unchanged in the face of changes. After we finish selling the Hong Lao batch of vegetables, we will reform Sheng Heji."

Gan Xiaofeng understood Ye Zhao's concerns. "Yes, we should make full use of the advantage of having leafy vegetables. During this period of time, we should first expand Sheng He Ji's business volume. This is just the opportunity to have a full understanding of Sheng He Ji from top to bottom."

As the head of finance, Sister Song's first thought was to cut costs. She ate longan and said, "The wages of workers in Gangcheng are very expensive, dozens of times higher than ours. I suggest that we cut the labor costs in Gangcheng and increase the number of workers here."

Ye Zhao nodded: "Okay, let's find out the details first and then make plans."

Sister Song added, "At least all the Hong Kong workers in the Shenzhen Office can be laid off. Or the Hong Kong people in Shenzhen can be transferred back to Hong Kong to work."

Everyone said that it was right. Manager Ye was paid a salary in Gangcheng, but his work was not as reliable as Liu Yang's.

Ye Zhao had been busy all day and was very tired. She and her colleagues wanted to go home and rest early as they had to continue working early tomorrow morning, so she declined the offer.

Liang Xin was a little surprised. "Mrs. Song has already dealt with the matter at Food 9, and Mr. Jiang has been fired. Are you really not going to meet her?"

Ye Zhao no longer cared about Mr. Jiang or even the food on the 9th floor. She said, "Let's not meet. Mrs. Song is also very busy. Everyone is busy. There is a huge generation gap between us. There is nothing to talk about."

Liang Xin had a good relationship with Ye Zhao. She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll just say you're not in Shenzhen and are out. We'll meet again if we have a chance."

"Just watch and tell me."

Liang Xin: "By the way, let me confirm with you, are you still supplying Xishan small yellow ginger?"

Ye Zhao has always been a man of his word, not of his own. "I am a man of my word. I will do what the contract says."

Liang Xin: "Okay, I'm relieved. When you are free, we will talk again."

After hanging up the phone, Gan Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Mrs. Song came specially to see you, why don't you go?"

Ye Zhao closed the notebook on the table: "I have a lot of things in my head and don't want to deal with her. Everyone, finish your work and leave early. We have to have a meeting with Shengheji's people tomorrow morning. We have to fight in the next few days. After these days, hurry up and recruit people. We are seriously short of staff now."

Ah Qin agreed: "Yeah, when I'm busy, I wish I could split two into two for myself."

After everyone finished the work at hand, they finally got off work.

Ye Zhao and Gan Xiaofeng returned to the Xiaoxi Building holding umbrellas. Aqin and Mu Xin had been living in Irene's dormitory before. Two months ago, the company rented a new apartment as an employee dormitory. The distance was not far, so everyone usually walked to work.

Back in the yard, Aunt Qiao and Fatty Po Ying were standing under the eaves talking to Sister Ai. Ye Zhao walked over and heard Sister Ai saying, "What I mean is that if you want to donate, donate. If you don't want to donate, don't donate. She has a son. We don't have to support her mother, right? The one in our family has to be this good person. It makes me so angry."

Fatty Ying ate some melon seeds and said, "I won't donate. When she was in the hospital, Fugui paid a 50 yuan deposit for her, but he didn't even say thank you."

Aunt Qiao: "Doesn't the village committee have money? Why don't we just let the village committee pay for it?" Aunt Ai ate the melon seeds from Fatty Ying's hand and whispered: "The village committee's money can't be used casually. Granny Liang is not a lonely old woman."

Aunt Qiao saw Ye Zhao coming over and said to her, "Mrs. Liang had an accident yesterday. It was windy and rainy, and the roof collapsed, crushing her waist. Fortunately, the mute found her and sent her to the hospital in time."

Ye Zhao was also curious about why everyone wanted to donate to Granny Liang. She asked, "Isn't this enough for medical expenses? Granny Liang should have saved a lot of money."

Fatty Ying said, "I was just saying that. Her son went to Hong Kong City and didn't come back for so many years. He came back last month and took away all her money. Didn't he see Zeng Laojiu buy a house? Her son also wanted to buy one, so he forced Granny Liang to sell the land. Granny Liang refused to sell it, and gave all the money she had saved for decades to her son."

Sister Ai spat out the melon seed shells and said, "After Granny Liang was hospitalized, the village committee called her son and asked him to come back, but he said he didn't have time to come back. They asked him to transfer money, but he said he didn't have money. What an ungrateful person this is. It's better to have a piece of barbecued pork than a son..."

Ye Zhao didn't know what to say. She held a bag of longans in her hand and shared them with everyone.

When they got home, Aunt Qiao, who was walking behind them, whispered, "This is an opportunity. Let's buy Granny Liang's land."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Aunt Qiao, you have changed. Don't you think highly of the land in Zizhulin?"

Aunt Qiao said, "I don't like it, but it feels weird to have a large piece of land with a missing corner. Besides, Liang Po's location is good. At least it's next to the road. It's convenient to build a house or rent it out."

Ye Zhao opened the umbrella and went to the balcony: "Mrs. Liang doesn't want to sell it."

Aunt Qiao: "Things are different now. We don't even have money to treat illnesses. We'll have to hire someone to take care of us for a while after we're discharged from the hospital. How can we do that without money? I'll ask her for you."

Ye Zhao thought for a moment and said, "I'll go. I'll find time to go tomorrow and visit her. Which hospital is she in?"

"The People's Hospital."

Zeng Xiang returned to the Luo family's villa halfway up the mountain. He went to the second floor and talked to his grandmother for a while.

Old Mrs. Luo was a Beijing native who was born in Haicheng. When she was young, she was a lady from a wealthy family. When she was old, she became a traditional and shrewd old lady. She usually didn't care about things, but she held the family's financial power firmly in her hands. Everyone respected and feared her.

A lot of bad things have happened to the Luo family in the past few years. First, her daughter's family died one after another, some had accidents and some fell ill. Then, her youngest son committed suicide by shooting himself for a man abroad. The old lady lost her son at her prime, and she was depressed and fell seriously ill. Her overall physical condition is much worse than before.

Ever since Zeng Xiang returned to Hong Kong City to study, Old Mrs. Luo seemed to have seen hope for her family again, and her health has improved recently.

Old Mrs. Luo heard that her grandson was coming back in the afternoon, and had already asked the kitchen to stew American ginseng chicken soup. She sat on the sofa, watching her grandson drink the soup, and smiled, "American ginseng cools the blood, it's suitable for you young people to drink."

Zeng Xiang asked, "Hasn't your aunt come these past two days?"

Old Mrs. Luo had only one daughter, who had passed away. The aunt Zeng Xiang mentioned was her goddaughter. She smiled and said, "She is organizing an art exhibition recently, and the girl from the Song family is helping her. Hey, she is very good at talking, and she has persuaded your aunt to accept her as her goddaughter. Do you know her?"

Zeng Xiang didn't understand: "What?"

"The daughter of the Song family is quite pretty. What's her name?" Old Mrs. Luo said as she looked at Sister Hong next to her.

Sister Hong is the nanny who has been with Mrs. Luo for many years. She smiled and said, "Song Xinyi is about the same age as the eldest master and is also in Form 7."

Zeng Xiang understood that it was Song Xinyi, the daughter of Song Rongji and Mrs. Song, who wanted to recognize his aunt as her godmother.

Sister Hong smiled and said, "If this is really a godly relationship, then the Song family and we are also godly relatives. Godly relatives of godly relatives."

Old Lady Luo disagreed. She didn't like the Song family. In her eyes, the Song family was just nouveau riche and bumpkins. But she usually wouldn't easily express her likes and dislikes. She just said, "What a fuss. Shen'er, don't just drink the soup, eat some meat."

Zeng Xiang had eaten outside with Uncle Qi, and he said, "I'm not hungry."

Old Mrs. Luo looked at her grandson and asked in a low voice: "Shen'er, I heard that you transferred more than 20 million from your account today?"

Zeng Xiang said "hmm". He knew he couldn't hide this, so he confessed honestly: "I bought six storefronts."

Old Lady Luo didn't feel bad about the two million yuan. This was Luo Shen's own money. He could spend it however he wanted. Besides, buying a house was good. Buying a house was much better than those second-generation rich people who went out to invest recklessly. The old lady smiled and said, "When did you learn how to invest?"

Zeng Xiang smiled innocently and said, "I just paid the tuition."

Old Mrs. Luo nodded. "For so many years, you never even looked at the money the family fund gave you every month. I'm so afraid that you'll be like your useless uncle, without any financial intelligence. It's a good thing for you to learn how to spend money early. I support you. And you didn't spend it recklessly. I heard that the locations of these six storefronts are all good and will definitely appreciate in value in the future. You negotiated it in one afternoon. You're decisive. I like you."

Zeng Xiang smiled and said, "You like everything I do."

Old Mrs. Luo looked at her grandson with loving eyes: "You look like your grandfather, you are good looking."

"Just because I don't look like grandpa, you don't love me anymore?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? You have the blood of our Luo family in your body. No matter what you look like, grandma will love you. If you don't eat meat, just drink more soup. How many days will you stay this time?"

"About four or five days."

The grandfather and grandson talked for a long time before Zeng Xiang came out of his grandmother's room.

As soon as he went up to the third floor, Zeng Xiang found his father Luo Jiaming sitting on the sofa in the small living room reading documents, with his assistant standing next to him.

Hearing the footsteps, the assistant turned around and greeted him, "Young Master!"

Luo Jiaming didn't even raise his head, but just pointed to the sofa beside him, motioning Zeng Xiang to come and sit down.

Although Zeng Xiang's relationship with his father was indifferent, it was not tense. He sat on the sofa obediently and said nothing.

Luo Jiaming finished reading the document in his hand, signed his name, put the pen in the folder, and handed it to the assistant. After the assistant left, he asked, "You spent 23.99 million to buy 6 shops today?"

"Yes." He couldn't hide the fact that he spent money from Old Lady Luo, and he certainly couldn't hide it from the head of the Luo family.

Luo Jiaming: "24 million is not a small amount of money. Why didn't you discuss such a large investment with me?"

Zeng Xiang said calmly: "I spend my own money."

Luo Jiaming was slightly speechless. "Dad is not against your investment. I am just against you acting on your own. You will suffer in the business world if you do what you want."

"I bought it according to the market valuation, so I didn't suffer any loss."

"How is it not a loss? You don't have to pay the full amount for a shop. If you discuss it with me, I will ask someone to teach you how to get a mortgage loan from the bank." The richer a person is, the less likely he is to use his own money. If he can use the bank's money, he will use the bank's.

Zeng Xiang had not thought about mortgage. First, he was young and the mortgage might not be in his name. He did not want to worry about it too much. Second, mortgage took time. He had promised Ye Zhao that he would get everything done tonight. If he went through the mortgage process, it would take at least a month to complete the transaction. Another point was that the mortgage interest rate was quite high now, and the income from financial management might not be able to cover the mortgage interest.

But he didn't want to argue with his father, so he made up an excuse: "The seller is in a hurry to go abroad and has no time to apply for a mortgage."

Luo Jiaming sighed. He didn't want to ruin his relationship with his son because of this matter. "Since it's already been bought, forget it. If there are any important investments in the future, you must discuss it with me."

Zeng Xiang didn't reply. He didn't object but didn't agree either. Keeping silent was a strategy. In the future he could go left or right.

"Who are you going to let take care of these shops next?"

"Uncle Qi will take care of it."

Luo Jiaming wanted to say something else, but seeing that Zeng Xiang didn't seem to have much patience, he held back and didn't continue.

The next morning, Zeng Xiang got up and went downstairs to have breakfast. Today, because the eldest son was at home, the breakfast was very rich.

There were Zeng Xiang’s favorite glutinous rice chicken and bonito and salted chicken porridge, as well as milkshakes, toast, vegetable and fruit salads, etc. on the table.

Luo Jiaming had already sat at the head of the table, eating a simple meal of milk and bread. When he heard Zeng Xiang greet him, he put down the newspaper and said to his son, "Here's your favorite breakfast."

Zeng Xiang opened a hot glutinous rice chicken and started eating.

Soon Mrs. Luo Zhong Lini came downstairs and sat opposite Zeng Xiang, completely ignoring the father and son. While peeling eggs, she instructed the maid, "The young master doesn't want to eat salty food in the morning. Pour him a glass of milk, bake two slices of bread, mix the eggs with these vegetables and fruits, and make a salad, and bring it to his room."

Old Mrs. Luo had set a rule that the eldest son in the family should be called the eldest son, and the second son should be called the second son, and they should be clearly distinguished. Zhong Lini called her son "Young Master", which completely ignored Zeng Xiang's intention.

The maid didn't dare to correct him, she just said, "I'll go heat up the milk."

Luo Jiaming put down the newspaper again and said with a sullen face, "Ask the Second Young Master to come down to eat! You are so old, but you hide in your room every day."

Zhong Lini: "What do you force him to do? He gets scared when he sees strangers."

"What stranger? This is his biological brother!" Luo Jiaming rolled his eyes at Zhong Lini. He knew she did it on purpose, but Zeng Xiang was there, so he couldn't say it directly. He had to get up and go upstairs to call his youngest son to come down for breakfast.

Zhong Lini threw the peeled eggs into the plate, feeling angry but unable to vent. She picked up a knife, cut the boiled eggs into slices, and put them into the glass bowl of vegetable salad. She shouted to the maid, "Ah Qing, bring the mayonnaise."

Zeng Xiang stood up and poured a bowl of dried bonito and salted chicken porridge on the table into the salad bowl. Zhong Lini's face turned green instantly!

Zhong Lini yelled: "What are you doing?"

Zeng Xiang propped one hand on the table and spoke word by word: "Do you think I was still young and didn't know who kidnapped me? I will make you pay the price."

(End of this chapter)