I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 65: The Farmer and the Snake


In the Song Rongji meeting room, on one side were two weak women, Ye Zhao and Gan Xiaofeng, and on the other side were Ahua, Manager Fu and the former Manager Cai Mingzhi.

Cai Mingzhi, who had been silent the whole time, raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of smugness on his face. Seeing Zhaohua in trouble was the happiest thing for him.

In response to Ye Zhao's question, Ah Hua made it clear: "We are determined to terminate the contract with your company. We hope to terminate the contract peacefully and part ways amicably."

Gan Xiaofeng was so angry that she clenched her fists. How could they possibly part ways amicably when one party broke its promise and acted like a rogue

Ye Zhao closed his notebook and asked calmly, "How can we terminate the contract peacefully?"

Ah Hua: "I know you will feel wronged, so our company is willing to give you 10,000 yuan as compensation for the termination of the contract..."

Gifting is not compensation!

This is a business worth hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. Gan Xiaofeng said unwillingly: "A mere ten thousand dollars is like giving alms to beggars!"

"Oh! Sending away beggars! That's what you said yourself." The clown Cai Mingzhi gloated.

Gan Xiaofeng ignored Cai Mingzhi and just whispered, "I don't know where the dog is barking!"

Cai Mingzhi is no longer Manager Cai, so he had no right to speak. Manager Fu glared at him, and he immediately understood what was happening and didn't dare to interrupt.

Ye Zhao ignored the clown and said, "According to our contract, the compensation for breach of contract is 1 million. If you are willing to pay 1 million, then of course I am happy to terminate the contract with you peacefully. Otherwise, we can only see each other in court."

Manager Fu lowered his head and said nothing. Ah Hua sneered, "Have you paid anything? Have you invested anything? If you have nothing, why do you claim 1 million?"

"I saved your Song Rong Ji with the little yellow ginger in my hand!"

Apparently, Ah Hua came prepared. He said, "So, you used the little yellow ginger in your hand to force us to sign this unequal treaty. Even if you go to court, the judge will not rule in your favor. Even if you win, the judge will not order you to pay 1 million yuan in compensation. Do you know what 1 million yuan means in the mainland? You are greedy and want to swallow an elephant!"

Ye Zhao shook his head slightly and smiled dumbly: "Greedy snake swallowing elephant? I think the real snake is you, Song Rongji, the venomous snake that bit back after being rescued by the farmer. I should have sold the small yellow ginger to Zhong's at a high price last year to make you completely bankrupt. This year I should not have studied off-season planting to help you tide over the difficulties. Because you are not worth it."

What a farmer and a snake!

Ah Hua was choked. He could not help but laugh: "Farmer and snake? You sell turmeric for money, and a high price at that. Don't make yourself sound so noble."

"What does it mean to be noble? Not charging money? Why don't you sell your ginger candies to consumers for 1 yuan?"

Wrong logic! Ah Hua was unable to refute this wrong logic for a moment. He followed Ye Zhao's meaning and said, "Then please let this poisonous snake of ours go, Ms. Farmer."

Ye Zhao shrugged: "Why? At this time, shouldn't we be peeling the snake skin, taking the snake gall and eating snake soup? You want to tear down the bridge after crossing the river, and kick us away after the task is completed? What are you dreaming about?!"

Gan Xiaofeng echoed, "I find snake soup fishy, it's only suitable for feeding dogs."

Ye Zhao was amused, "Isn't there one right here?"

Cai Mingzhi, who had just been called a dog, was so angry that his eyes widened, but he didn't dare to interrupt, otherwise he would be scolded in vain.

Ah Hua had heard that this Ye guy was not easy to deal with, and it turned out to be true!

He only blamed himself for his poor Mandarin, which limited his performance, and he kept quiet.

Manager Fu saw that the situation had reached an impasse. Although she knew that the company's behavior was unfair, she had to step in to mediate and said, "In fact, the best solution is to part ways amicably."

Gan Xiaofeng said: "Manager Fu, it's not that we can't part ways amicably, the premise is that you fulfill the contract. You can refuse to cooperate, but please pay a penalty of 1 million."

Compensating one million is impossible, Ah Hua said: "Then we'll see you in court. However, I still want to advise you that we have the most professional team of lawyers, and you can't beat us in a lawsuit."

Ye Zhao said: "I really want to know, Mr. Hua, where does your confidence come from?"

"Your company is now a competitor of ours and is obviously no longer suitable to be our exclusive supplier."

Ye Zhao countered, "First, there is no restriction in the contract that we cannot get involved in the downstream vegetable industry. Second, Zhaohua is Zhaohua, Shengheji is Shengheji, these are two independent companies, Songrongji and Shijiulou are also two independent companies. Even if Shengheji and Shijiulou are competitors, it should not affect the cooperation between Zhaohua and Songrongji."

Ye Zhao's words made sense, but Ah Hua didn't think so. Lawyers can always find a breakthrough point. "You think it has no impact, but we think it does. We each have our own opinions. We can only wait for the judge to make the decision."

Ye Zhao stood up and prepared to leave. "You are so scared of us. You are really weak. But you are also right. I have a feeling that Song Rongji may not be able to last long. You should find a new employer as soon as possible." Ah Hua: "!!"

It is said that Miss Ye's mouth is blessed. If Mrs. Song heard it, she would be anxious again.

After packing up, Ye Zhao and Gan Xiaofeng went downstairs and took a car back to the company. Manager Fu secretly caught up with them and apologized to them. Ye Zhao did not blame her. This matter had nothing to do with her.

It was a very hot day and there was a stall downstairs selling roasted sweet potatoes. The aroma was so rich that Ye Zhao was hungry, so they bought two sweet potatoes and ate them while walking.

Gan Xiaofeng: "I'm worried that even if they win the lawsuit, the judge won't order them to pay 1 million yuan."

Ye Zhao blew on the hot sweet potato, "It's better than 10,000. Besides, the purpose of a lawsuit is to show our strength. No matter how much the judgment is, we will talk about it after we win."

After returning to the company, Aqin said that Huang Dongliang called and seemed to have something urgent, so he asked Ye Zhao to call him back.

Ye Zhao called Huang Dongliang's home. Huang Dongliang was eating noodles. He said, "There is something very strange. Song Rongji has new developments in Xishan Town."

Ye Zhao had expected that Song Rongji would dare to confront Zhao Hua directly. He was well prepared. She asked, "What's going on?"

"They bought up the turmeric from several villages at once. They didn't place an order, but directly paid the full amount and bought it. Isn't our company the exclusive supplier of Song Rongji? Why do they want to buy the turmeric themselves? Is there any change?" Huang Dongliang had already sensed the signs.

Ye Zhao said truthfully: "Song Rongji wants to terminate the contract with us."

Huang Dongliang almost choked on his noodles after hearing this. He coughed several times before cursing, "How shameless! They are simply destroying bridges after crossing them. They are so heartless. No wonder I called Director Liu of Xishan Town Government yesterday to discuss the follow-up cooperation. He used to be so enthusiastic, but he hesitated yesterday and hung up the phone without saying a word."

Originally, Ye Zhao wanted to build a turmeric planting base in Xishan Town, specializing in growing off-season turmeric. It seems that Song Rongji has intervened. The Xishan Town Government will definitely choose bigger trees, so that they can enjoy the shade under the big trees. She has no hope now.

Huang Dongliang asked again: "Is it impossible for us to cooperate with Song Rongji? Have we completely broken up?"

Ye Zhao said: "They don't want to be controlled by us anymore."

In fact, if Ye Zhao were the boss of Song Rongji, she would definitely find a way to get rid of the control of suppliers, but she would not make things so ugly, at least she would not burn the bridge after crossing it.

Huang Dongliang worriedly asked, "What about the small yellow ginger we ordered before?"

"We will accept the orders placed previously. We can sell them at the Gangcheng Market later." However, the Gangcheng Market has limited consumption, so she said, "Don't place any more orders later."

Huang Dongliang sighed heavily: "Then we won't do the small yellow ginger business anymore?"

Ye Zhao pulled out a chair and sat down. "Yes, the soil in Xiangxi Village, Dongshan Town is also suitable for growing Xishan turmeric. We will not cooperate with the Xishan Town Government. We will directly cooperate with Dongshan Town to build a vegetable base in Xiangxi Village. Part of this base will be used to grow vegetables, and part will be used to grow turmeric."

Xiangxi Village is the hometown of Huang Dongliang’s wife. It was already a pity that he missed the vegetable base last time. He clapped his thighs and applauded Ye Zhao’s decision, and the gloom just now was swept away.

"I fully support it! If the Xiangxi Village vegetable base can be successfully built, both sides can be taken care of. And the Dongshan Town government is much more cooperative than the Xishan Town. I want to see who can do better in the end."

After finishing the call, Ye Zhao sat on the chair and closed her eyes to rest. As for Shi Jiu Lou and Song Rong Ji, her fists were not strong enough to deal with Song Rong Ji, but she could deal with Shi Jiu Lou.

The lawsuit against Song Rongji needs to be fought slowly, but she wants to avenge Shi Jiulou for instigating the drivers to go on strike immediately.

Otherwise she won't be able to swallow this.

She picked up the phone and called Min Chunlai, saying, "Spend some time collecting information about Shijiulou and find out all the clients they are currently dealing with."

Min Chunlai, who had just made some progress, immediately asked with great interest: "Boss, how are you going to deal with them?"

"You collect the information first, and then we will find a way to poach all their customers. Bring the information to the meeting tomorrow."

Min Chunlai didn't know where he heard this joke, and he imitated the way people in the mainland spoke: "I will ensure that I complete the tasks assigned by the organization."

Ye Zhao was worried, but Sheng Heji had just signed several big clients and Min Chunlai was in a good mood. At this moment, the joys and sorrows of the world were not the same.

After discussing with Min Chunlai, Ye Zhao asked the system to turn out the original work. She wanted to pick out all the content related to Shi Jiu Lou and read it again, commonly known as finding fault. As long as she could find an opening, she would tear Shi Jiu Lou's flesh and blood.

In the original novel, Shijiulou was an important pillar of the Song family after they lost Song Rongji. Later, it gradually declined and eventually closed down. The reason was that it was found that it used banned preservatives on fruits. At that time, the Song family was in a state of collapse, and customers cancelled their cooperation one by one...

Isn’t the issue of Shijiulou using banned preservatives just a loophole

The Song family could be saved because of her little yellow ginger, but could also be ruined because of her help. She was patient enough to slowly wear them down.

Shijiulou is the first target to be cut.

Su Yingmin, who had just returned from a business trip, climbed seven floors to get home. He was fat and was sweating all over in this hot day. He complained to Ho Wai-king and asked to move to a lower floor.

After taking a shower, Ho Wai-king went to work. He ate lunch alone and read some documents in the study.

The phone rang and he picked it up nonchalantly: "Hello!"

"It's me." Guo Xuyan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Su Yingmin was startled and sat up straight. Over the years, the number of calls Guo Xuyan had made to him could be counted on one hand.

He asked, "Why did you think of calling me?"

Guo Xuyan has called several times recently, but it was He Huiqiang who answered the phone the previous times. Every time he heard her voice, Guo Xuyan hung up the phone directly.

Su Yingmin remembered: "Did you call several times? Huiqiong told me that someone has been calling home strangely recently, and she hangs up as soon as she answers the phone. She thought it was a prank."

Guo Xuyan said: "I have nothing to say to her."

Su Yingmin knew that Guo Xuyan was a vengeful person, so he asked, "How are you feeling lately?"

Guo Xuyan did not answer, but directly asked: "Ye Zhao lives in Zeng Erqiao's house, you know that?"

Su Yingmin was mentally prepared that Guo Xuyan would know sooner or later, so he said, "I know about this."

"You know why you didn't tell me?"

"What am I telling you to do? Am I going to make things difficult for you?"

Guo Xuyan on the other end of the phone sighed heavily: "Su Yingmin, find a way to keep Ye Zhao away from Luo Shen."

Su Yingmin: "I tried it, but it didn't work. I asked Xiao Zhao to live in my house, but she didn't want to."

Guo Xuyan: "Where is Ye Dingguo? Doesn't Ye Dingguo care about her?"

Su Yingmin: "It's not that her father doesn't care, it's that he can't. Xiao Zhao is very smart and capable, and she has her own ideas. We can't make decisions for her, do you understand? In this respect, she is very similar to you..."

Guo Xuyan was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice: "Don't compare her with me."

Su Yingmin shook his head slightly: "I'm not comparing her with you. She won the top scorer in the college entrance examination, you know? This child is too good. Ye Dingguo is now completely subdued by this daughter. Xu Yan, you are also alone now. Have you ever thought about what to do when you are old? Do you want to seriously consider recognizing your daughter?"

Guo Xuyan refused outright: "Impossible. When I see her, I will think of Ye Dingguo and the ugly and dirty past..."

Su Yingmin had expected that it would not be easy to convince her, but he still said, "The child is innocent."

Guo Xuyan was very paranoid: "No one is innocent. She has Ye Dingguo's blood in her body, so she is not innocent."

Su Yingmin tried to speak from a neutral standpoint: "You can't blame Ye Dingguo entirely for what happened back then. You were also at fault in this matter."

"Okay, Su Yingmin, let's not argue about the past anymore. I called today because I hope you can keep Ye Zhao away from Luo Shen."

Su Yingmin said helplessly: "How can I ask her to stay away? You think too highly of me. Xiao Zhao is a very thoughtful child, and I can't control her. Besides, Ye Zhao is going to college soon, and Zeng Xiang has been in Hong Kong for many years. After the two children have passed this period of ignorance, they will naturally separate, and there is no need for external forces to hinder them. Believe me."

Guo Xuyan's voice was full of fatigue: "I couldn't sleep these past few days. As soon as I closed my eyes, her face flashed before my eyes. I always felt that she would come to find me."

Su Yingmin sighed. He also felt that with Ye Zhao's tenacity and persistence, she would find Guo Xuyan sooner or later. He advised, "In terms of family affection, Ye Zhao is an ordinary child. She wants to find her mother. That is her natural instinct. If she really finds you one day, please don't hurt her, okay? She has been without a mother since she was a child, and Ye Dingguo is an irresponsible father. It's already very pitiful. It's a miracle that she can grow up so well and not go astray."

Guo Xuyan was a little anxious: "I'm just afraid... I can't control myself. Su Yingmin, please don't let her find me, keep her away from Luo Shen. She is so close to Luo Shen now, it's like a time bomb next to me, it may explode at any time."

Su Yingmin: "Xu Yan, just let it be. The more you try to stop it, the more likely it will backfire. Treat it with a normal attitude. No matter what, it's just a piece of your flesh that fell off your body."

Su Yingmin sighed helplessly. What could he do? He could do nothing except to persuade them to reconcile. But he couldn't hurt Ye Zhao. They all owed this child.

Ye Zhao dragged his tired body back home. Aunt Qiao was not there. She must have gone out to play mahjong.

After changing into slippers and returning to her room, she found that Xiangge's room door was open. She leaned over the door and looked inside. Sure enough, he was sitting on a chair playing games.

Ye Zhao was surprised and asked: "Brother Xiang, when did you come back?"

"Just now." Zeng Xiang saw her come back and put away the game console. He saw the fatigue in her eyes and couldn't help but ask with concern: "What's wrong? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"It's not just last night. I've been extremely busy in the past week. It's really not easy to make money." She pulled out a chair and sat down, leaning back comfortably.

Zeng Xiang advised her: "Just make enough money to spend, don't work so hard."

Ye Zhao laughed: "What do you mean by that? A full man does not know the hunger of a hungry man. Your family has a mine, but mine does not. You don't understand the anxiety of always preparing for a rainy day. I will work hard now, and when I earn enough, I will lie down."

He said generously: "You can use my money in the future."

Ye Zhao smiled: "How can I spend your money? Besides, using other people's money is not as comfortable as using your own."

Xiang Ge felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this. Is he someone else? Thinking carefully, he immediately realized the reality that he was indeed just someone else to her.

He took out a file bag from his backpack and handed it to her, "Sheng He Ji's information, as well as your ID card, private seal and passport."

Ye Zhao took it and said, "Should I give you the 500,000 yuan down payment in cash or deposit it directly in the bank? Should I deposit it in the bank?"

Zeng Xiang was like a big shot who wanted to lend money at high interest rates but couldn't: "Don't you need it? You can pay me back later."

Ye Zhao shook his head: "I'm afraid if I don't pay you back now, I'll spend it again later. I'll feel at ease if I pay you back sooner."

"However is convenient for you, please arrange it." He took out a paper bag from his backpack and handed it to her casually, "This is for you."


Ye Zhao took it and looked at it. It was the latest model of women's watch from Patek Philippe. It was obvious that the watch was worth a lot of money.

"Why did you give me such an expensive gift? I don't want it."

Brother Xiang was afraid that she really wouldn't accept it, so he made up an excuse: "Someone gave it to me. It's a women's gift and I can't wear it. My mom said she doesn't like it. It should be suitable for you. I have a lot of gifts like this. I can't even give them away."

Ye Zhao opened the watch box doubtfully. The dial was emerald green, very fashionable, and she liked it.

He said, "I'll help you put it on." It wasn't a necklace, it was just a watch, there was no need for someone to help put it on, but she still obediently stretched out her hand and let him help her put it on.

She asked: "How did you get the price down to 990,000 yuan with the boss of Sheng He Ji?"

Zeng Xiang said arrogantly, "I negotiated it with my personal charm."

Ye Zhao smiled. She obviously didn't believe it. "You didn't make up the difference yourself, did you?"

"How could I possibly give him the difference? I told him that I had already bought the company, and no one else would dare to buy it except me! He was anxious to return to Canada, and he knew he couldn't afford to waste time with me, so he had to compromise and settle the deal at $990,000."

After putting on the watch, Zeng Xiang reminded her to look at it, but she was still thinking about the previous topic. She laughed and said, "You are blackmailing me! You are a hooligan! Is this how your Luo family's business has grown so big?"

Zeng Xiang reminded her again: "The watch looks good on you."

Ye Zhao then lowered his head and admired it carefully. It was indeed beautiful.

She joked, "Brother Xiang, next time someone gives you such an expensive gift, if you don't like it, I can keep it for you."

Zeng Xiang also laughed: "Are you going to charge a storage fee?"

Ye Zhao's face darkened, "I won't compensate you if you lose it."

"This is for you, you don't need to pay for it."

Ye Zhao thought of another thing: "With Sheng He Ji as my guarantor, I can apply for a two-way permit to go to Hong Kong City, and the Ocean Park I promised you can be arranged. Brother Xiang, let's go for a trip before school starts."

"You go and apply, and when you get to Hong Kong City, I'll arrange the itinerary."

Ye Zhao put the watch box back into the bag. "After going to Hong Kong, I still want to find my mother, but I don't know where to start. I want to find a newspaper to post a missing person notice."

Zeng Xiang was puzzled: "She has abandoned you, why are you still looking for her?"

"I have to find her and see how miserable her life is."

After Ye Zhao finished speaking, she suddenly came to her senses. She had never told Brother Xiang that her mother had abandoned her. Even Aunt Qiao only knew that her mother was missing.

She never told anyone about it, the only exception being that she once wrote in a letter to Luo Shen that she felt a little sad after learning from Uncle Su the truth that she was abandoned by her mother.

"Brother Xiang."


Ye Zhao bit her lip and said, "Did you receive the letter I wrote to Luo Shen?"

Zeng Xiang: “…”

He immediately thought about where he had been exposed.

Ye Zhao stared at him. He didn’t think that she was a vain girl who deliberately wrote a letter to a rich young master, did he

With her careful training, her brother Xiang’s language comprehension ability shouldn’t be so bad, right

She asked, "Aren't you curious why I wrote to Luo Shen?"

Zeng Xiang stared into her dark eyes and said, "You are trying to save Luo Shen."

Huh? That's a pretty good understanding indeed.

Zeng Xiang: "I guess you read the report in the magazine. You think Luo Shen is just like you, abandoned by his family, so you want to cheer him up and hope he can hold on and not get discouraged. You are very kind, I have always known that."

"Brother Xiang, isn't your filter for me too thick?" Ye Zhao sighed sincerely.

Zeng Xiang didn't understand, "Ah? Isn't it?"

"Of course! That's right. Then don't you think I'm vain and write to a rich young master like you on purpose?"

"If you are vain, you should leave your address and your name. You left nothing and only wrote a letter to encourage me. Is there such a stupid and vain person?" Zeng Xiang reached out and touched her hair, smiling indulgently.

Ye Zhao muttered softly, "If I knew Luo Shen was you, I wouldn't have written it. It's too embarrassing."

Zeng Xiang deliberately said: "It's not embarrassing, my friend, Xiaodao."

Ye Zhao tapped her toes on the ground in embarrassment, and she covered her ears, "Stop! Don't say anything."

Okay, he won’t say it for now, “Why did you name yourself Xiaodao?”

"I just picked it randomly, from the radical of the character '昭'."

He understood, and seeing the fatigue in her eyes, he urged her: "Go and have a rest, my dear friend Xiaodao..."

"Help!" Ye Zhao covered his ears, "Brother Xiang, if you call me dear friend again, I will break up with you!"

The boss couldn't help laughing, and finally compromised: "Go to bed."

Compared with a week ago, the second floor of Sheng Heji Shenzhen Office is now bright and clean, and much more pleasing to the eye.

As soon as Ye Zhao arrived, Manager Ye kept asking him when he could be transferred back to Gangcheng.

Ye Zhao: "You can go back, but you will be responsible for the business and can only get the salary and commission of a salesperson. Can you accept that?"

Manager Ye was somewhat resistant in his heart: "The base salary of the salesperson is too low. The company only has two salespeople, and one of them resigned yesterday. I have elderly parents and young children to take care of. I can't support it, boss."

Ye Zhao: "Not only you, but the other two people here will also have to be transferred back to Hong Kong City to run business, and their base salaries will also have to be reduced."

"What? Other departments are increasing their salaries, so why should the sales staff have their salaries reduced?"

"I will raise the commission rate. From now on, Sheng He Ji's salesmen will have a low base salary and high commissions. As long as you can get the order, you will definitely earn more than before."

In other words, if you can attract business, you will receive corresponding high rewards. This incentive salary system is conducive to expanding business volume.

"Brother Ye, I think you may not be suitable for this kind of daily management, but you have no problem running business. The Xu family, a wealthy family in Hong Kong, is so rich now, but Boss Xu is just an ordinary salesman, isn't he?"

Manager Ye was tempted by Ye Zhao's trick, "I go back to manage the business? Then Min Chunlai and I will be on the same level, or will he manage me?"

Ye Zhao didn't want to waste time, so she said simply, "He takes care of you."

Manager Ye was inevitably a little disappointed again, but this was also expected. This time Min Chunlai did perform better than him.

Someone downstairs said, "Jianping, what are you doing standing at the stairs?"

Manager Ye turned around and found that Min Chunlai had come to the meeting with the finance department.

Before the meeting, Ye Zhao and Min Chunlai chatted alone for a while. Ye Zhao asked him, "How are you organizing the customer information of Shijiulou?"

Min Chunlai: "As you instructed, everything has been sorted and brought here. I can arrange for someone to go to the market tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Ye Zhao said: "Don't be in a hurry, we need to fight a coordinated battle."

Min Chunlai didn't expect that the boss really had a plan. This was much more responsible than the previous boss who was only responsible for setting the price for mahjong games. He asked hurriedly, "How can we cooperate?"

"During the last strike, wasn't there a driver who finally compromised and came back to work? I heard you think highly of him."

"Yes, Xiao Chu is a good person."

"What's his relationship with the drivers who jumped ship to eat on the ninth floor?"

"They should be fine. Xiao Chu is honest, but his family is in financial difficulty. But he is smart and gets along well with everyone."

"That's perfect. I'll give you a camera and you'll give him a job."

"What kind of work?"

After Ye Zhao told Min Chun about his plan, Min Chun suddenly realized, "I think it's possible."

Three days later in the morning, Song Taichen came running back and saw Song Xiaoping standing at the door with one hand on his waist, angrily. As soon as she entered the door, he threw a newspaper at her!

"Look at what's going on?!"

"What are you doing?" Song Tai rolled his eyes at Song Xiaoping, picked up the newspaper and took a look. He was stunned by the headline, "The Secret of the Man-Eating Fruit on the Ninth Floor". "Who published it?!"

(End of this chapter)