I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 69: Port City


Song Rongji is not a listed company. Its equity structure is very simple. Song Xiaoping's uncle Chen Yuncheng holds 10% of the shares, and the Song family holds 90% of the shares, all of which are held by Song Xiaoping.

Last year, Zhong spent 20 million to buy 10% of Song Rongji's shares from Song Xiaoping, and then used this 10% stake to make a performance bet with Song Xiaoping. Because Song Rongji successfully completed the agreed performance in the end, Zhong later paid another 20 million and still took away 10% of the shares.

Therefore, the current situation of Song Rongji is that the Song family holds 80% of the shares, Chen Yuncheng of the Chen family holds 10% of the shares, and Zhong Liming of the Zhong family holds 10%.

This year, a company completely replicated Zhong's tactics last year and used the same method to gamble with Song Xiaoping again.

Now Song Xiaoping has gone into hiding and cannot be found. Mrs. Song is helpless and is so angry that she wants to die.

She went to the old man of the Song family for help and cried. She had to tell the old man about this matter. Song Rongji was not ruined by her, but by Song Xiaoping, the unfilial son of the Song family. She could not bear this eternal sin.

Old Master Song was in poor health and had been recuperating at home. After hearing the news, he couldn't even eat lunch. Song Rongji was a century-old brand passed down from his ancestors, and it took a lot of effort to develop it under his hands. Who would have thought that his family would fall into decline before he died!

His youngest son Song Xiaoliang sat beside him and sneered, "I told you a long time ago that we can't let Big Brother hold all the shares on our behalf. We learned such a big lesson last year, but you just didn't listen to me. You thought Big Brother would learn his lesson from last year, you see..."

Old Master Song had a head full of white hair. He sat on the sofa, leaning on a cane. "Don't talk about hindsight. Where is Ah Ping now? Find him quickly!"

Song Tai said: "We can't find it in Hong Kong, it may be in Macau. We have sent people to Macau to look for it."

Song Xiaoliang: "It must be in Macau! Sister-in-law, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you should keep a close eye on Big Brother. Keeping a close eye on him is much more important than being a good Song Rongji."

In response to Song Xiaoliang's sarcasm, Song Tai was angry and said, "Aliang, you shouldn't just fight at this time! You have a good relationship with Zhong Limin, go and ask him if it's them who are behind this again."

"I asked, it wasn't the Zhong family. Zhong Limin was also curious about who did this to us."

Old Master Song asked, "Is there nothing we can do now?"

Mrs. Song: "Master, there is a way. We just need to find another company to help Song Rongji boost its performance. But the money cannot be paid from Song Rongji's public account, otherwise it will be easy to find out that the performance is fake. Now we don't know how much performance we need to boost. Only A Ping knows this, so we have to find him."

Song Xiaoliang shook his head. "Sister-in-law, don't think about taking advantage of Dad's pocket. We can't put more money in it at this time. If they dare to make a performance bet with us, they must be confident and capable of comprehensively supervising our various business revenues and strictly preventing fraud. Moreover, if this year's capital crocodile copied the plan that Zhong used to deal with us last year, then it is obvious that the performance requirements will be clearly written in the bet agreement. The performance of Song Rongji Ginger Candy must reach a certain level to be considered to have achieved the performance target. Obviously, there is no Xishan Xiaohuangjiang this year. No matter how much money you have, you can't achieve the performance target."

It was Xishan Xiaohuangjiang again. Ye Zhao must have been bought by the capital party that was causing trouble this year, otherwise she would not refuse to make money! This is not in line with common sense!

All Mrs. Song could do at this time was to quickly pass on the blame, "Speaking of which, it's still Zhong Limin's fault! The Zhong family wanted to swallow up our Song Rongji, so they used all means to release the ginger plague in Xishan Town. Look, this year's flood has fished out all the ginger plague from last year!"

Song Xiaoliang held onto his elder brother who was not present and said, "That's still elder brother's fault. He didn't covet the 20 million and gamble with others, so nothing would have happened. At most, he would have earned less this year, but would he have lost his family business? Now, for 20 million, he has lost hundreds of millions!"

Mrs. Song was silent. She also regretted not helping Song Xiaoping overcome the difficulties.

Old Master Song paused on his cane and said, "Hurry up and find Ah Ping! Invite your uncle to come and help us think of a solution."

Song Xiaoliang shook his head: "In the past few years, my uncle has been very dissatisfied with us. I called him but he didn't answer. I can't get him to do anything."

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the door. Mrs. Song got up to open it. Sister Zhen whispered outside, "A Ping is back and has drunk a lot of wine."


"Downstairs in the lobby."

Just as Song Tai was about to go down, he heard the old man inside shouting sternly: "Call him up!"

Not long after, Song Xiaoping staggered in, his hair was messy and his tie was crookedly pulled to the side. He fell directly on the sofa as soon as he came in, reeking of alcohol.

Mrs. Song was so angry that she hit him: "Song Xiaoping! Why did you sign a gambling agreement with others?! You are crazy!"

"Am I crazy? Seeing my investment fail and owing others 10 million, have you ever thought of helping me? You just let me ask my dad for money! You never thought of helping me solve the problem and overcome the difficulties together!" Song Xiaoping put one hand in front of his forehead, and the couple blamed each other.

Mrs. Song: "What can I do? Can I just use Song Rongji's money to fill your hole? If I really fill the hole, my uncle will make trouble again at the end of the year!"

"Stop arguing!" Old Master Song paused with his cane, "A Ping, take out the gambling agreement. Let's find someone to study it and see if we can find a way to crack it!"

Song Xiaoping shook his head: "It's useless. I asked someone to look at it. The agreement they drafted is impeccable! You can't find any faults in it. As long as Xishan small yellow ginger can't be supplied, it's impossible to achieve that performance. I dared to sign the agreement with them because I saw that the order from a major overseas customer was negotiated and the contract was in progress. Who knew! Who knew that in the end we would lose again because of the small yellow ginger."

Song Xiaoliang was eating the nuts on the table, but said, "Brother, don't blame Xiao Huangjiang! This is clearly a trap set for you to fall into. What big overseas client? I heard that this is a strange company that we are cooperating with for the first time."

Song Xiaoliang stood up and walked around, seeming to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him. He continued, "Let me calculate for you. The capital party that bet against you used 20 million to buy 10% of Song Rongji's shares from you, big brother. Then, it used this 10% of the shares to bet against your performance. If the performance meets the standard, the 10% of the shares will be returned to you. If the performance does not meet the standard, the remaining 70% of the shares in your hand will all belong to him. At the same time, the other party spent 10 million as a deposit and placed a huge order with Song Rongji through so-called major overseas customers, making you think that this wave of performance has already met the standard and you will make a profit. You thought you had let people fall into your trap, but in fact, this was a trap carefully set for you. You were so excited to get in like a fool."

After saying this, he ate another nut.

Song Tai secretly rolled his eyes at him.

Old Master Song asked Song Xiaoping: "Who is the person you are betting with? Who is pulling the strings?"

Song Xiaoping's voice was hoarse. He said, "It was introduced by a friend of mine from the Jockey Club, Lao Gang. I didn't meet the person. It was his subordinates who contacted me."

"Signing a contract without a name?"

"The contract was signed with a company called Qiaozhi Investment. It was a newly registered company. I asked someone to check it out, but couldn't find out who the boss behind it was."

Old Master Song said, "Invite the investors to come out and have a meeting. See if we can have a good talk. We will buy back the shares with our own money. Song Rongji cannot be thrown away in my hands. This is our ancestral business! Do you understand?"

Song Xiaoping sat up and supported his head with his hands: "Let me try."

Song Xiaoliang grabbed another handful of nuts and said, "I want to say this: whether Song Rongji is taken back or not, it has nothing to do with me. As we discussed before, Song Rongji belongs to Big Brother, and other businesses besides Song Rongji belong to me."

Old Master Song was so angry that he yelled, "I'm not even dead yet! Are you thinking about dividing the family? Get out of here!"

It has been three months since the start of the school year. Ye Zhao usually lives in the school dormitory and goes home on weekends.

Shenzhen University adopts the credit system for teaching. At the beginning of the school year, Ye Zhao arranged all courses except professional courses on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If she did not have professional courses on Monday, she might only have classes three days a week.

Now she goes back to Aunt Qiao's house on Thursday night and goes to school on Monday morning. Sometimes she drives, sometimes she takes the bus. Her specific mode of travel depends on her mood.

She is free from Friday to Sunday.

After class that Thursday afternoon, she drove back to the village. She had just parked her car outside the small west building and got out when she heard a bicycle bell behind her. She turned around and found it was Ni Meng.

Ni Meng looked Ye Zhao's car up and down, "Wow, this is amazing! This is a luxury car imported from abroad!"

Ye Zhao said: "It's not mine, it's my father's."

"Isn't what belongs to your father yours? You are an only child!" Ni Meng said, and continued, "The pig farm finally moved away last week. I have asked the owners of the land. Three families are willing to sell, and two are not willing."

Ye Zhao walked in, and she asked, "Why are there two families who are not happy? Is it because of the price?"

Ni Meng said, "Those two families live on the road, and they are also betting that the garbage dump will be moved. If the garbage dump is really moved, their land will be valuable."

Ye Zhao also understood that this matter could not be forced, so she said: "Forget about those two families, and take the land of the other three families first."

"The three companies willing to sell the land are asking for a higher price."

"What's the price?"

“400 at least!”

“The price has increased so much?”

Ni Meng followed Ye Zhao up the stairs. "Recently, no one wants to sell their land. They all want to build their own houses. Only those who are in a very difficult situation, or like a pig farm, which is remote and next to a garbage dump, are willing to sell it. In fact, four hundred is not expensive. Look at everything. The price has increased this year. Everyone's salary has increased a lot. Don't you think so?"

Ye Zhao did feel this deeply. This era is really changing too fast. Labor prices are rising, prices are rising, and the outside world is changing with each passing day. I took a walk around the port a few days ago. I hadn't noticed it for a few months, and several buildings suddenly appeared in the vegetable fields.

In the past few months, the vegetable base and Sheng Heji have indeed made Ye Zhao a lot of money. Being able to acquire the land is important, and the land price is not so important.

She took out the key and prepared to open the door, making a final effort: "Uncle Wang, try to lower the price a little more. If you lower the price, I'll give you half of it."

Ni Meng got excited when he heard this. "Although there is little room for further negotiation, I can give it another try. I will also continue to negotiate with the other two companies."

"Okay, go and negotiate, and once you're done, sign the contract as soon as possible."

As expected, money is the driving force, and Ni Meng left happily.

Ye Zhao returned home and started packing her things. She had gotten her two-way permit. She was going to Hong Kong City tonight and was going to stay there for a few days. First, to see the Sheng He Ji that she had acquired, second, to negotiate with Song Rong Ji, and third, to go to the Ocean Park with Brother Xiang.

The doorbell rang and Ye Zhao went to open the door. It was Li Ruixiang. She was holding a plastic bag with a bag of money wrapped in newspaper inside. It was the 10,000 Hong Kong dollars that the finance department had just exchanged.

"It's said that 1,000 yuan notes are hard to spend, and many small shops won't accept them. Sister Song has changed them into 100 yuan notes for you."

Sister Song is always very careful in her work. The 100-dollar bill is very practical. Ye Zhao smiled and asked, "Why did you bring it?"

"The finance department was worried that you would be too busy and wouldn't have time to get it later. So I happened to be in the company, so I got it back for you. I was so worried that you would be robbed on the road." Li Ruixiang followed Ye Zhao into her room and sat aside, watching Ye Zhao change clothes and put on makeup with skillful techniques.

"Xiao Zhao, when did you learn how to put on makeup?"

Ye Zhao's college roommate in the original world was a fashion anchor. She learned a lot of makeup skills from her roommate. She laughed and said, "What's that? I just simply drew my eyebrows and eyelashes..."

Being naturally beautiful, you really don’t need to spend too much energy on dressing yourself up.

Li Ruixiang sighed, "In the past, among the three of us, only Gao Yueyue loved to dress up. Now you have learned how to do that too. The two of you dress up so beautifully, but I am the only one who looks so unfashionable and a country girl."

"You are not rustic, you are pure and simple. I will do a makeup for you someday when I have time. I will teach you some techniques."

"Okay, what should I buy?"

"No, I have some here."

Speaking of Gao Yueyue, Li Ruixiang thought of something else. She had been holding it in for a long time, but today she couldn't help herself: "I want to tell you something, but you have to keep it a secret."

"What's up?"

Li Ruixiang: "I was in the mangrove forest that day and saw Yueyue hugging a man. At first I thought I was seeing the wrong person, but then I walked closer and it was really her!"

Ye Zhao was surprised: "Do you know that man?"

"I don't know him. He's a scoundrel, tall and strong. Is she cheating on your father?"

Ye Zhao shook his head: "I don't think it counts, but if my dad knew, he would definitely think it counts. My dad is not a good guy either. He deserves to be cuckolded for dating two girlfriends at the same time."

Li Ruixiang pinched the barb on her finger and said, "Gao Yueyue begged me for a long time not to tell you, but I thought that even if I told you, you wouldn't tell your dad. I couldn't help but want to share some gossip with you."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't have the time or interest to talk to her. Unless she offends me."

"If she wants to offend you, I will definitely stand on your side." Li Ruixiang sighed, "You don't want to take the right path, but take the wrong one."

Ye Zhao took out one thousand Hong Kong dollars and put it in his wallet, and put the rest in the compartment of his travel bag.

When she was almost ready, the phone rang. She went to answer it and Li Ruixiang left first.

The call was from Brother Xiang. He said, "I'm going to pick you up. I've been staying at my aunt's house recently. Do you want to live here with me? My grandma and aunt are traveling in Europe and will be back on a cruise in a few days. Do you want to meet them?"

Ye Zhao didn't want to. Unless it was necessary, she didn't want to spend time and energy to please the old ladies and ladies. She smiled and said, "I don't want to. I want to stay in a hotel."

"Okay, then I'll go book a hotel first and wait for you at the port."

After Ye Zhao drove the car to the port parking lot and parked it, he passed through customs with his two-way permit. As soon as he came out of the hall, he saw Zeng Xiang standing under a pillar playing games.

Ye Zhao tiptoed up behind him and knocked her knees forward. Zeng Xiang reacted quickly and did not resist. He just smiled and turned back to take the travel bag from her hand. He had been waiting here for a long time.

"I just arrived too. Let's go," he said.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "There was a traffic jam on the road, otherwise I would have arrived earlier."

After exiting the port gate, a Rolls-Royce with license plate number 666 was already waiting in front. When the driver saw Zeng Xiang coming out, he opened the door in advance.

The most amazing thing about Ye Zhao is that she never feels awkward no matter whether the scene is big or small. She thanked the driver and got into the car very naturally.

The area bordering Shenzhen and Hong Kong is very remote, until you enter the city where the prosperity of the big city gradually becomes apparent.

The port city of this era has long been among the top international metropolises, with high-rise buildings and the smell of fireworks intertwined. The level of modern prosperity cannot be compared with the small fishing village in Shenzhen, where infrastructure construction is everywhere and everything is dusty.

Along the way, Brother Xiang introduced to her what this place was and what attractions were nearby.

In her original world, Ye Zhao had been to Gangcheng several times. That was when she was in middle school. She followed her school teachers to participate in competitions. She came and went in a hurry every time and had never seriously explored this place.

So, she still feels it is very fresh and this is not just her acting.

Brother Xiang booked a business suite at the Summer Hotel. When he entered the room and looked at the luxurious suite with a living room, Ye Zhao couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Xiang, how expensive is this room? I only brought 10,000 yuan."

Zeng Xiang laughed and said, "You are the big boss of Sheng He Ji, why are you so stingy?"

Ye Zhao put down his small bag and said, "I heard from Manager Ye that the boss of Sheng He Ji was reluctant to order even a pot of tea when he went to play mahjong. This shows that we are low-level bosses of the working people. It's not easy to make money, so we have to be stingy."

"Sheng Heji can't reimburse, but Qiaozhi can!" Zeng Xiang said very generously.

Ye Zhao smiled: "Thank you for your generosity, boss. You are generous and powerful."

"That's your company too, and you have shares in it."

"Yes, I bought the stock using my IQ."

After putting down her things, Ye Zhao found a soup pot on the table. She asked, "What is this?"

"Auntie Feng asked me to bring you some fish maw stewed with chicken soup." Zeng Xiang washed his hands and poured out the soup. He sat aside and watched her drink it.

"This is too much soup. You should drink it too."

"Do you think this soup is suitable for me? Drink it and take a rest. I'll take you out for dinner later."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I was filled up with soup first, so I couldn't eat dinner. The soup cooked by Aunt Feng is really delicious."

Brother Xiang mercilessly exposed: "That's because the material is good."

Ye Zhao smiled: "Young Master Wuqing."

She scooped a mouthful of soup and fed it to him: "Come on! Let's beautify our skin together!"

The young master who was told that it was not appropriate not to drink still opened his mouth obediently.

"Let me tell you about the arrangements for these three days. I have classes tomorrow, so you go to Sheng He Ji. The day after tomorrow, Saturday, we will go to Song Rong Ji Company for negotiations. On Sunday, we will go to Ocean Park for a day."

This itinerary takes both public and private interests into consideration and is perfect.

Ye Zhao gave him an OK sign and asked him, "Your grandma and aunt are coming back this weekend, do you want to go pick them up?"

Zeng Xiang stood up and took out a document from his backpack and put it on the table. "No need. I'm not a driver. The driver will pick it up."

Double-standard Xiangzai didn't realize that he, who was not a driver, came here today to pick up Ye Zhao with great eagerness.

Ye Zhao couldn't help laughing. Zeng Xiang looked at her and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Ye Zhao shook his head: "Nothing."

Zeng Xiang tapped the documents on the table and said, "Uncle Qi asked me to give it to you. You can take a look at it when you have time. I will leave the car for you to use tomorrow."

"No, your license plate is too conspicuous. I can just take a taxi tomorrow."

"Then I'll ask Uncle Qi to arrange another car for you."

"Brother Xiang, just let me fight you. I can do it."

Zeng Xiang suddenly realized that he was too nervous and might have added pressure to Ye Zhao. He compromised: "Then you should be careful, there are a lot of pickpockets here."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I know. I will have trouble finding the police."

They went out to have dinner together, and then sent Ye Zhao back to the hotel. Zeng Xiang went back first because he had classes the next day.

The next morning, Ye Zhao took a taxi directly to Sheng Heji headquarters.

Sheng Heji’s headquarters is a shop on the street. The current owner is Luo Shen. Ye Zhao didn’t know this before. She only realized it recently when she saw the landlord lower the rent.

The management and employees of Sheng He Ji were all called in today to welcome the boss. Min Chunlai, the flatterer, even organized a welcoming ceremony with Chinese characteristics. The uneven Cantonese dialect enthusiastically shouted: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome! Welcome, boss, you are so welcome!"

Manager Ye stood aside with his hands on his hips. He really wanted to roll his eyes at Min Chunlai, but when he saw the boss coming, he was the first to greet him and ran faster than anyone else.

Most of Sheng Heji’s employees have never seen the boss. They know that the boss is young, but they did not expect that he is not only young but also beautiful.

Ye Zhao saw that everyone was being dragged into this welcome ceremony, and he felt helpless and amused. "Everyone has worked hard, so go back to your work and go to the finance department to get your red envelopes later."

"Thank you, boss." When everyone heard that there was a red envelope, their originally listless faces instantly became lively.

Min Chunlai took Ye Zhao on a tour of the company, and then held a meeting with the business department. Sheng Heji's business has been expanding very well recently, and basically all the original customers of Shijiulou have been won over by them.

After returning to Hong Kong, Manager Ye led his sales staff to open up new fruit markets, and the results have been good so far.

After the meeting with the business department, he immediately had a meeting with the finance department. Gangcheng wanted to buy two more new trucks, but Sister Song rejected it. Min Chunlai complained to Ye Zhao, saying that Sister Song was too strict with the finance department, which was not conducive to the long-term development of the company.

In fact, what Sister Song meant was what Ye Zhao meant. Ye Zhao didn't like buying cars very much. "Don't worry about trucks. The car rental market should be able to develop quickly in the future. We should try to rent instead of buying. This is more flexible."

Min Chunlai was a little disappointed, but since the boss had spoken, there was nothing he could do.

"Tomorrow you and Manager Ye will come with me to Song Rong Ji."

"What are you going to do at Song Rong Ji?"

Ye Zhao smiled mysteriously: "We got Song Rongji."

"What?!" Min Chunlai didn't understand what it meant to get Song Rongji. It should be said that he understood it, but he felt that it was not what he understood.

After all, Sheng He Ji had only managed to take over Shi Jiu Lou after a huge battle with Ding Sheng Feng Hua. With his boss's strength, how could he have taken over Song Rong Ji quietly

As far as he knew, when his boss bought Sheng He Ji, he had already emptied the family's savings by spending 990,000.

The company Song Rongji is worth at least three or four hundred million!

Ye Zhao looked at Min Chunlai's face full of question marks. She could understand his confusion and couldn't help but say, "Of course I don't have the money. I'm responsible..."

She couldn't say that she was responsible for the trouble. "I am the one in charge of intelligence. A friend of mine and I indirectly control Song Rongji. You and Manager Ye will go to Song Rongji with me tomorrow to negotiate. You are mainly to help me build momentum!"

"No problem!" Min Chunlai was excited. "Are those people from Shijiulou still here? I want to go and show off. He is so ignorant. We are their bosses now!"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Don't worry, we'll be there tomorrow as long as we have enough momentum."

The next morning, Zeng Xiang came to pick up Ye Zhao. When they arrived at Song Rong Ji, Mrs. Song came out to greet them in person. When the elevator door opened, her face froze when she saw Ye Zhao.

Song Tai asked in disbelief: "Are you the representative of Qiaozhi Investment?"

Qi Lianan next to him introduced very calmly and politely: "These two are Mr. Luo Shen and Ms. Ye Zhao, the bosses of our Qiaozhi Investment."

Luo Shen? The eldest son of the Luo family? When did Ye Zhao hook up with the Luo family? With the Luo family involved, what else can they discuss today

Song Tai said subconsciously: "Impossible."

Ye Zhao smiled and nodded: "Mrs. Song, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)