I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 7: It's not a threat


Secretary Liu jogged all the way and came in front of Ye Zhao to lead the way.

There is a meeting room as soon as you walk out of the stairs on the second floor. The door of the meeting room is open. At this moment, Su Yingmin is in the meeting room with a group of people arguing about something about the schedule.

Secretary Liu took Ye Zhao to Su Yingmin's office.

The office is not small, but rather simple. There is a new coffee table and two old sofas in front of the desk. There is a pile of old newspapers on the desk, and the bookshelf behind it is filled with various political and economic classics.

Secretary Liu asked her to sit anywhere and then turned on the ceiling fan.

Ye Zhao wore a new dress today, but carried a worn-out bag. She was graceful and elegant, and a little arrogant. The most important thing was that she had just said something to Manager Bai that made Manager Bai surrender to her instantly. It was hard to figure out where she came from.

Workers of this era do not have so much so-called professionalism. Secretary Liu curiously asked Ye Zhao who Mr. Su was related to her

"He is my uncle."

Secretary Liu didn't believe it.

After a few minutes, the secretary brought Ye Zhao a glass of water.

Half an hour later, the secretary brought a small plate of candy.

Another half hour later, the secretary brought a basket of longans.

Putting down the fruit basket, Secretary Liu smiled softly and said, "Xiao Zhao, Manager Bai asked me to tell you that her child is about to finish school at kindergarten, and she has to rush back to pick up the child..."

Going to pick up the child was a good excuse, and Ye Zhao was not unreasonable. It was enough that Bai Yunping had lost face in front of so many people today. She said "Oh" as a response.

Ye Zhao didn't touch anything except the water. She asked Secretary Liu, "How long will Uncle Su take?"

"The factory is currently rushing to ship Christmas goods. I don't know how long Mr. Su will be free."

Ye Zhao was not actually in a hurry, but she wanted to talk to Uncle Su before her father came back. Judging from the current situation, Uncle Su might want to delay until her father came back.

"Sister, can you tell Uncle Su for me that I will wait for another ten minutes? If he is really not available, I will leave first."

Secretary Liu was obviously stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the little girl to speak so strongly...

In the factory, even the boss was very polite to General Manager Su. Based on her understanding of General Manager Su, no one would care about her unless General Manager Su had some leverage over her. She thought she was such a big shot. She had just embarrassed Manager Bai in public, and now she was bullying General Manager Su.

Secretary Liu was thinking about a lot of things, but he still kept a flattering smile on his face and said that he would convey it to her right away.

When she relayed the original words to President Su, he laughed for the first time, then left the executives and turned back to the office to see Ye Zhao.

Su Yingmin is a short and fat man with a kind face. But in fact, he is very strict both internally and externally.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Ye Zhao, he smiled and joked in a friendly manner: "Oh, you have grown up and can threaten Uncle Su."

Secretary Liu was stunned.

"Secretary Liu, go get two bottles of iced Coke."

Secretary Liu responded and went out.

Ye Zhao knew that Su Yingmin was on her side, so she naturally relaxed in front of him. She smiled and said, "Uncle Su, do you want to keep me here and wait for my dad to come back?"

Su Yingmin did not answer directly, "Tsk tsk, you inherited your dad's smart brain! If anyone calls you stupid again, I will hit him on the head."

"Ye Dingguo, he always thinks I'm stupid, Uncle Su, go and hit him on the head."

"Hey, you can't call your dad by his full name." Su Yingmin hadn't seen Ye Zhao for two years. He didn't expect there to be such a big change. She used to be really wooden, but now she looks much more naughty and smart. Girls really change a lot when they grow up.

Ye Zhao muttered slightly and flattered him at the right time: "Uncle Su, I wish you were my dad."

Su Yingmin laughed: "Talk to your father and let you be a daughter to me and your Aunt He."

"He would love it."

Su Yingmin: "You are stupid. You are your father's only daughter. How could he be willing?"

"My second mother said that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather."

Su Yingmin understood Ye Zhao's worries very well. He sighed and advised, "You should also think about it. Your father has been single for so many years. He should have a family. Besides, your Aunt Bai has had a sterilization and is 40 years old. She won't give you a brother or sister. Isn't your father still the only daughter with you?"

It is true that she could not give birth to a younger brother or sister. Unfortunately, the only daughter of the original heroine ended up miserably. Ye Dingguo designated Bai Lu as the heir.

Ye Zhao did not intend to persuade Su Yingmin, because there was no point in persuading him, and she did not come here for this matter today.

"Uncle Su, I want to ask you something. Do you know where my mother is?"

The smile on Su Yingmin's face gradually disappeared, "Why are you suddenly asking about your mother?"

"I want to find her."

Su Yingmin took out a cigarette, felt his trouser pocket and found that he didn't bring a lighter, so he had to put the cigarette behind his ear. He put the candies and longans on the table in front of Ye Zhao, and said slowly, "When your mother gave birth to you, she happened to have the opportunity to return to the city. She was spoiled since she was a child, and she couldn't stay here anymore, so she had to leave you and your father and return to Beijing by herself."

Ye Zhao shook his head: "She didn't go back."

After the original body grew up, she went to Jing City to look for her mother. According to the archive records of that year, her mother never returned to the city.

Su Yingmin was surprised, "How did you know?"

"I only know that my mother didn't return to the city. Where did she go? Why did she disappear for no reason?" Ye Zhao stared at Su Yingmin.

Su Yingmin pinched his nose guiltily, "Well, it's hard to say about this matter."

Secretary Liu just brought in a bottle of Coke. Su Yingmin asked Secretary Liu to get a lighter, and then he opened a bottle of Coke for Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao: "Why is there nothing wrong with telling me about this? Why did you and my dad hide it from me? Why didn't you tell me where my mom went?"

"I didn't mean to hide it from you. Your mother is... How should I put it? I should say that I shouldn't be the one to tell you. When you grow up, you will understand naturally."

No, when the original owner grew up, she still didn't understand. Ye Dingguo didn't want to mention her mother until his death.

Secretary Liu brought in a lighter and Su Yingmin finally lit the cigarette.

"Your father will be here soon, you can ask him yourself." Su Yingmin said, and then he said to Secretary Liu, "When the boss comes back later, you can ask him to come directly to me."

Secretary Liu suddenly realized that the girl in front of him was the boss's biological daughter.

No wonder he's so cool.

Did she just neglect the boss's daughter? Secretary Liu's throat was burning, it seemed not.

Ye Zhao took a sip of Coke and waited for Secretary Liu to leave before he suddenly asked, "Uncle Su, is my mother still alive?"

"What are you talking about?" Su Yingmin was confused. He took a long puff of his cigarette and said, "Your mother..."

Su Yingmin had to lower his voice to explain: "Your mother fled to Hong Kong that year."


Ye Zhao: "Why did she flee to Hong Kong?"

"She followed another man." Su Yingmin was reluctant to say more, "Don't ask so many questions, kid."

“Is that man also an educated youth?”

Su Yingmin rubbed his fat face and hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "No. Not an educated youth. Oh, I don't know either."

"You know that guy, right?"

"Interrogating the prisoner? Little brat, how could I know so much?"

"So, my mom cheated on me?"

Su Yingmin flicked the ash from his cigarette: "You can't say that, and it's not considered cheating."

"How can this not be considered cheating? She gave birth to me, then left me and my dad to run off with another man. If this isn't cheating, what is it? Lying on the railway tracks?"

"Hey, I haven't seen you for two years. How come you have become so sharp-tongued? You should ask your father later. I only know that your mother fled to Hong Kong with a man, and I don't know anything else."

At least we know that the original owner's mother fled to Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government is close, but the border crossing procedures between the two places are complicated, and it is not easy to make a trip. The key is, how to find her without any clues

Asking her father directly would definitely not yield any results. The original owner had tried this before, and every time she asked, it would anger Ye Dingguo and deepen the conflict between father and daughter. She decided to think of other ways to see if she could find any clues.

Finally, Ye Zhao said obediently: "Uncle Su, thank you."

"Why are you so polite?" Su Yingmin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly changed the subject, "Your father said you want to repeat your studies, right? Don't worry, if your father dares not to care, Uncle Su will find another way for you. I know the principal of Yuxin Middle School well."

Ye Zhao did not forget to flatter: "Uncle Su, I wish you were my dad."

"Who said it wasn't true? Uncle Su, it's just a pity that you don't have a daughter. Your father will be here soon, let's go out for dinner together later."

"No, there's a little cousin following me. I'll go back after I finish talking to my dad."

"Where do you live?"

"Not far away, I rented a small house."

Su Yingmin asked Ye Zhao to live in his house, "Your Aunt He likes you the most, why don't you live in our house."

Secretary Liu returned to the office and excitedly shared information: "Hey, do you know who the girl who was so arrogant today is?"

"Who is it?"

"Boss's daughter!"

"Fuck! The boss has a daughter?"

"It is said that she does not agree with the boss's remarriage, and President Su is caught in the middle to mediate. It's hard to please him!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately became gossipy and gathered around.

"No wonder, Manager Bai was completely subdued by her just now!"

"Then can Sister Bai still become a regular employee?"

"How can children win over their parents in this matter? Those who are supposed to get married must get married."

Only Secretary Liu shook his head: "I think our boss's daughter is not ordinary. Sister Bai, a good wife and mother, can't beat her."

"Can someone who can seduce the boss be just an ordinary good wife and mother?"

"Oh, yes."

"The arm cannot twist the thigh. The child has been making a fuss for two days. After a while, Sister Bai still has to be the boss lady."

When Ye Zhao came back from the bathroom and walked outside Uncle Su's office, he heard Ye Dingguo's voice.

Ye Dingguo was talking to Su Yingmin excitedly. Ye Zhao thought the two adults were arguing about her schooling, but Uncle Su's excited voice came from inside the room: "You are also responsible for her death! You should be nicer to Xiao Zhao."

"That was all an accident! Don't say anything more."

His death? Whose death

Ye Zhao’s first reaction was that this was referring to the original owner’s mother.

Could it be that the original owner had the same experience as her, with her mother killed by her father? It was just that her father committed suicide out of guilt, while the original owner's father was still alive and well.

Did the original owner's mother escape to Hong Kong, or was she killed? Or did she die in an accident while escaping to Hong Kong

There was a few more arguments inside, and then footsteps were heard hurriedly coming towards the door. Ye Zhao did not dodge, but clenched his fists and faced them head-on.

The door opened and it was Ye Dingguo who opened it. When Ye Dingguo saw his daughter, he was stunned and his face instantly turned ugly.

In Su Yingmin's office, there were only Ye Dingguo and his daughter Ye Zhao, sitting opposite each other, and the atmosphere was weird.

Ye Dingguo had a stern face and a determined look in his eyes, but he was actually very panicked. He was wondering if his daughter had heard anything just now.

Ye Zhao has convinced himself to stay calm and sober.

She drank Coke with a straw, looking relaxed, and took the initiative to start a conversation, "I used to like Aunt Bai..."

Ye Dingguo was relieved about this topic and asked, "Then why don't you like it now?"

"My mother gave me a dream..."

Ye Dingguo's tension, which had just been loosened, immediately tightened again. "What did you say?"

"I don't know why it is a dream. Can a living person send dreams?" Ye Zhao muttered to himself with an innocent expression on his face.

Ye Dingguo pretended to be calm, picked up the water cup on the table and took a sip, "What did your mother say to you in your dream?"

"She asked me to tell you that she doesn't like you marrying someone else, and she wants you to wait for her... She was floating on the water, as if she was swimming, and I couldn't see her face clearly..."


The cup fell to the ground, and the tea soaked Ye Dingguo's clothes. He quickly stood up...

Ye Zhao looked coldly at Ye Dingguo, whose hands were shaking slightly, and said with emotion: "My mother said that she will come back to find you. Dad, you still love my mother, right?"

Ye Dingguo licked his dry lips, nodded first, then immediately shook his head, "Okay, stop talking."

"Dad, don't remarry. Wait for my mom." Ye Zhao said this with such sincerity and pitiful emotion.

"say no more!"

She insisted on saying it, and she insisted on angering Ye Dingguo, "My mother said it's too cold outside, and she wants to come back."

"Are you crazy?" Ye Dingguo was so angry that he swept the longan on the table to the ground.

It seems that Ye Dingguo has gone crazy.

When she was in the orphanage, in order to protect herself, Ye Zhao was best at acting. She was addicted to acting and her eyes were misty with tears. "Dad, my mom will come back to find you."

Ye Dingguo covered his chest with his hands, his lips were black and blue, and his hands were shaking more and more violently. It seemed that his heart was not in good condition.

People in the office next door heard the noise of cups breaking and ran over.

The first one to rush in was Bai Yunlian, "Old Ye, Old Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Yunlian and Secretary Liu helped Ye Dingguo sit down. Ye Dingguo breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm fine."

Bai Yunlian looked at Ye Zhao and complained in a low voice: "Xiao Zhao, you can't make your father angry like this."

"When did I get angry with my dad? My dad is just missing my mom so much that he feels bad."

Bai Yunlian was speechless. What are you thinking about, your mother? Forget it. Her image as a good wife cannot be lost. She endured it.

He is quite patient. Ye Zhao did not forget to attack again, "My father just admitted that he still loves my mother."

Looking at Ye Zhao's smug face, Bai Yunlian was so angry that her face turned pale. The little girl wanted to humiliate her in front of so many people? This was simply too much.

"You are an illegitimate daughter, what are you showing off for! What are you showing off for!" Bai Yunlian is usually very tolerant, but Ye Zhao stole the household registration booklet, which resulted in her and Ye Dingguo not getting married. She has been enduring it these past few days. If a tiger doesn't show its might, do you think she is a sick cat

Secretary Liu, who was sweeping up the glass shards, and the people watching at the door fell silent. No one dared even to whisper, but their slightly opened mouths indicated that the melon was quite delicious.

Compared to Bai Yunlian's excitement, Ye Zhao seemed quite calm. She asked back, "Who is the illegitimate daughter?"

"Your father has never been married! He has already done his best by recognizing you and raising you up! You are still young and you don't learn your lesson, but you are threatening us."

"Really? My dad has never been married to my mom?" Ye Zhao took out a red household registration booklet from her backpack and turned to the page for the head of household. She pointed to a line of small words on it and said, "You haven't seen my dad's household registration booklet, have you? Do you recognize the word 'divorced'?"

"This!" Bai Yunlian's face turned pale and blue, full of surprise and shock. She looked at Ye Dingguo, "Old Ye, didn't you say..."

Ye Dingguo roared impatiently: "Shut the fuck up!"

Although the melon was delicious, the boss's rage scared those who were watching at the door, so they quickly hid away for fear of getting into trouble.

Bai Yunlian felt aggrieved and had tears in her eyes. She wanted to get up and leave, but she was unwilling to do so as she was afraid that the little bitch would continue to instigate her.

Ye Zhao slowly put away the household registration booklet, as if she was completely out of the matter. She leaned back on the sofa and watched coldly.

Ye Dingguo waved to the people around him and said, "You go back first."

"Old Ye!" Bai Yunlian didn't want to leave. They had agreed on the way that she would teach this damn girl a lesson and send her back to Wancheng. What was going on now

"Don't make me say it a second time!"

Ye Dingguo had never spoken to Bai Yunlian so loudly outside. Bai Yunlian glanced at Secretary Liu who was picking longans and felt ashamed. She did not dare to really contradict Ye Dingguo, so she had to do her best to suppress her anger. She softened her tone and said, "I'll go back and prepare dinner for you."

After Bai Yunlian left, Secretary Liu was the only outsider left. She felt like a thorn in her side. She quickly picked up the longans and sneaked out without making a sound.

Ye Dingguo had calmed down. He frowned and glanced at his daughter. He was unsure what she meant by what she said just now. Was it really just a dream, or was she warning him not to remarry, otherwise...

Ye Zhao pulled the fruit basket on the table over, picked a longan, peeled it, and put the crystal clear flesh into his mouth. This was an old variety of longan, especially sweet and refreshing, with a special osmanthus fragrance. Perhaps because of the large core and little flesh, this variety became extinct in later generations.

Ring ring ring ring!!!!

The factory bell rang, and outside came the bustling noise.

Ye Dingguo's emotions had stabilized. He said, "If you really want to repeat your studies here, it's not impossible, but you have to agree to one condition of mine."

Ye Zhao glanced at Ye Dingguo, spit the fruit core into the trash can, and waited for him to continue.

"Just study hard. I don't expect you to save face for me, but don't interfere in adults' affairs anymore. Also, return the household registration booklet to dad."

Ye Zhao shrugged with a half-smile, "It seems that our conversation just now was in vain? You are not waiting for my mom? Aren't you afraid that my mom... will come to find you in the middle of the night."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Dingguo's head buzzed, and he couldn't help but scold: "What on earth do you want to say?"

Ye Zhao looked at Ye Dingguo's guilty expression and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Don't act innocent. I must read the book. If you don't help me, someone else will. I told you that you want to marry Aunt Bai, but my mother doesn't agree. It's not that I don't agree. You can think about it yourself."

Ye Zhao just looked like he would not listen to any advice. Ye Dingguo, who had just calmed down, became so angry that his lips turned purple again.

(End of this chapter)