I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 70: Take it


Today is the weekend, and Song Rongji deliberately chose Saturday to conduct the negotiations because he did not want too many employees to be present.

However, with shareholders from all parties bringing their people to participate, Song Rongji's spacious lobby still seemed a little crowded.

Although Mrs. Song was unwilling to accept that Song Rongji was about to escape her control, the fact was before her. She had to accept it as quickly as possible and find a way to resolve the greater crisis that was coming. She quickly pulled Ye Zhao over.

"Xiao Zhao, excuse me, I want to talk to you alone."

Ye Zhao stared at Song Tai. From his eyes, she could see the panic and anxiety in Song Tai's heart. Did he want to ask for urgent help

Ye Zhao did not refuse. She followed Mrs. Song into the office. Secretary Liang invited the others to the conference room.

After closing the door, Mrs. Song was surprised and asked, "You know Luo Shen?"

Ye Zhao didn't want to explain her relationship with Luo Shen, so she just nodded slightly: "Yes."

"I didn't expect you to have such a wide network of contacts." Mrs. Song tried every way to curry favor with the Luo family but failed. She smiled bitterly and said, "So, this is a trap you set for me?"

Ye Zhao held the back of the chair with his hands, shook his head slightly and said, "At this time last year, Song Rongji should have been controlled by Zhong, and I let you change your fate. It's a pity that you didn't make good use of this year. You are not a qualified and trustworthy businessman. What I set is not a trap, but to let Song Rongji return to her true destiny. The only difference is that this time it is not Zhong who controls the fate of Song Rongji, but me and Luo Shen."

Mrs. Song had to nod her head. If she could go back in time, she would never take the initiative to provoke Ye Zhao. She knew very well that this girl should not be provoked. In order to stay away from Ye Zhao, she ended up losing her own business.

Ye Zhao continued, "Your betrayal has inspired my potential. I have to thank you, Mrs. Song. Otherwise, I would have to bend over and provide you with Xishan turmeric and vegetables, struggling for a few cents. You helped me get ashore. I sincerely thank you and your subordinates."

Using the gentlest words and the harshest slap on the face, Mrs. Song was now being slapped on the left side of her face, and she had to offer the right side. She rubbed her forehead, "It's my fault. I apologized to you last time. I know it wasn't sincere enough, but I have no other choice today. I sincerely want to ask you to let me go..."

Ye Zhao was confused by this. "How can I let him go? Song Tai, please don't be like this. I'm not a jackal or a tiger. This is just a normal business war. The most important thing is to be able to lose, let go, and keep your dignity, isn't it?"

Mrs. Song hadn't had a good rest these days, and her eyes were very tired. She smiled bitterly and said, "Who doesn't want dignity? My master is in the office next door, and he will negotiate with you in person later. Xiao Zhao, for the sake of our friendship over the past year, can you leave me a way out and give me a way out?"

"Mrs. Song, if you have something to say, just say it."

Mrs. Song pursed her lips awkwardly. "It's hard to be a woman. Even if your son ruins the family, he is still your own son. But it's different for your daughter-in-law. If she makes any mistakes, they are big mistakes. In fact, if Song Xiaoping didn't sell his shares to you, we could have made it through and overcome the difficulties. But because of his bet, we are completely doomed."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "That's because you two work together perfectly."

This is so ironic, she and Song Xiaoping really work perfectly together.

Mrs. Song sighed, "The Song family will at most scold Song Xiaoping a few times, but if my master knew that I was the one who brought you here, then I would not be able to stay in the Song family any longer."

Ye Zhao understood. Mrs. Song was afraid that Ye Zhao would tell her about her betrayal and bring trouble upon herself. She said, "It's okay if I don't tell you, but I'm not a philanthropist..."

Mrs. Song immediately understood what Ye Zhao meant. She knew that she was powerless to change the situation, so she could only say, "I will not stop the negotiation today."

"Can you still stop it?"

Song Tai: “…”

"But that's not the point. The point is, don't trip me up when we hand it over later, or I won't be so easy to talk to."

Song Tai hurriedly said: "I promise you, I will never deliberately trip you up."

Ye Zhao nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you, Mrs. Song, you made me what I am today, I thank you. A few months ago, I never thought that I would be the owner of Song Rong Ji one day, thank you for giving me the opportunity."

Before, Ye Zhao’s idea was simply to sell vegetables to save money to buy land and build a house. Of course, now her idea is still to buy land and build a house, but as she makes money faster, the speed at which she can realize her dream will also be greatly accelerated.

Song Tai was so angry that she cried blood, but she had to force a smile and remain polite.

After they finished talking, Ye Zhao went out first. She entered the meeting room and found that there were other shareholders in the meeting room besides themselves.

Ye Zhao had learned about Song Rongji's equity structure before. If she guessed correctly, the older person sitting in the back row should be Song Xiaoping's uncle Chen Yuncheng.

Next to Chen Yuncheng, the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looks gentle but is actually a scoundrel, is Zhong Limin, the next generation head of the Zhong family. He is Zhong Lini's brother. In name, this man is Luo Shen's uncle.

Ye Zhao came in and sat down next to Luo Shen. Zhong Liming kept staring at her. Zhong Liming was also surprised to see Luo Shen today. He didn't expect that this country bumpkin who came back from Shenzhen City would be so impressive at the first move.

He didn't believe that this was Luo Shen's work, and that it must be Old Lady Luo who was supporting him.

Zhong Liming originally came to watch the show and see if he could get any bargains, but now it seems that there is no way to get any bargains.

He just didn't understand, who was the girl next to Luo Shen? According to the introduction, she was also one of the bosses of Qiaozhi Investment? He was a little confused.

Of course, he would soon find out that this person was the biggest behind-the-scenes person who ruined his control over Song Rongji last year.

Not long after Ye Zhao sat down, Old Master Song from the Song family, Song Xiaoping and his wife, and Song Xiaoliang came in together.

The person who presided over the meeting was Mr. Liao. After he introduced the participants, Song Xiaoliang spoke before he could say anything: "Hey, how could you, the Luo family, be so interested in such a small thing as our Song family?"

Although Song Xiaoliang was watching the show at home with an indifferent look, today was a negotiation with the outside world in the presence of a united front. Especially since the old man was also there, he did not dare to act recklessly and instead behaved particularly actively.

Zeng Xiang said calmly: "The Luo family is the Luo family, and Qiaozhi Investment is Qiaozhi Investment. There is no connection between the two."

Zeng Xiang said so, but no one else present believed it except themselves.

Song Xiaoping and his wife sat aside in silence. Song Xiaoping was ashamed, while Mrs. Song wanted to save the last bit of her dignity.

At this time, only Old Master Song rushed forward. He looked at Zeng Xiang and said, "You are Luo Shen, right? Your grandfather and I are old acquaintances and friends for many years. The Luo and Song families are also old friends. Even if Song Rongji is the training ground for the Luo family today, you have also won a great victory. Since the goal has been achieved, can we discuss the result together?"

Zeng Xiang opened his hands slightly, "How else can we discuss this?"

Old Master Song said, "You spent 20 million to buy Song Rongji's shares. Now I want to buy back all your shares at three times the price. In just a few months, you can make 300%. This is a very high return on investment."

In other words, Old Master Song wanted to use 60 million to break the situation and buy back all the shares lost by Song Xiaoping.

This wishful thinking...

Zeng Xiang smiled and said, "I'm afraid that won't work, Grandpa Song."

"60 million is a lot, young man!" 60 million is all the cash that Old Master Song can take out. Song Rongji's business has not been very good in the past two years, and his other industries have lost a lot of money. He also has to make up for his son's losses. Even if he has mountains of gold and silver, he can't withstand such a bad situation.

Zeng Xiang shook his head to refuse.

Ye Zhao said, "We spent 20 million to buy 10% of Song Rongji's shares, so the 80% of Song Rongji's shares in Qiaozhi's hands are worth at least 160 million. Chairman Song, other people's business deals are at most a fraction of the original amount, but your family's business deals directly give us a fraction of the original amount. This negotiation is meaningless."

Old Master Song was unwilling to give up. He said, "Song Rong Ji is our ancestral business. I really can't afford to pay more. Or you can name a price and we'll raise money for mortgage. But no matter what, please return Song Rong Ji to our Song family, okay?"

"No." Zeng Xiang answered without a trace of emotion.

Song Xiaoliang: "You don't even want to name a price?"

Ye Zhao said: "We came here today to discuss the follow-up handover issues, not to discuss the sale of shares. We do not plan to sell any shares of Song Rongji."

Even if Old Master Song took out 200 million, Ye Zhao would not let it go, because in the original novel, the Zhong family developed again after gaining control of Song Rongji. Song Rongji is a very good incubator, and this may be a great opportunity for her to really make it.

"Are you so heartless? Song Rongji is the company I have worked hard for all my life. Now you are setting a trap to seize Song Rongji. What's the difference between you and jackals and tigers!" Old Master Song was furious, but unfortunately the ground where his crutch hit was the office carpet, which did not make any loud sound, and only made his anger disappear invisibly.

Zeng Xiang said: "The so-called trap, last year, the Zhong family's method was really dirty. At that time, my friend Ye Zhao helped you through the difficult times."

Zhong Liming was so angry that his face turned green when he said in front of him that the Zhong family's methods were dirty. After all, he was not his biological nephew. To put it bluntly, in the future, this would still be the biggest competitor of his sister and biological nephew.

But in today's situation, it was not appropriate for Zhong Liming to interrupt, as being scolded would be in vain.

Zeng Xiang continued: "This year, the same method was used again, and you still have no power to fight back. It can be seen that in this business jungle full of wolves and tigers, the management headed by Grandpa Song is no longer suitable for Song Rongji. Song Rongji deserves a better owner."

Ye Zhao took over Zeng Xiang's words and said, "Chairman Song, if you want to make the brand you have worked so hard for flourish, then leave it to us with confidence. We will bring it stronger and better development."

Old Master Song saw Zeng Xiang and Ye Zhao's determination to win, but he still wanted to make a final effort: "Calculate how many shares you can give us for 60 million. Song Rongji is our Song family's company. You can't be so unkind and kick us out. Don't be so ruthless. You have to leave us some."

At this time, Song Tai also said: "Yes, at least leave some for us? We will spend money to buy it."

Old Master Song burst into tears and said, "If you kick me out of Song Rong Ji, I won't be able to face my ancestors even after I die. Just give me 30% is fine. Song Rong in Song Rong Ji is my grandfather's name, but in the future, there won't be a single descendant with the surname Song in Song Rong Ji. If you tell anyone about this, you guys won't have any sense, right?"

Zeng Xiang and Ye Zhao looked at each other. If they had been a little soft-hearted at this moment, they would have easily agreed.

From the perspective of human relations and interests, they can give in, but from the perspective of corporate development, they cannot give in. They cannot let the Song family come in and continue to interfere.

Ye Zhao said: "It has nothing to do with money. For the better development of Song Rongji, we must ruthlessly cut off the rotten forelimbs..."

Old Master Song said angrily, "You said we are rotten forelimbs?"

Song Xiaoliang: "Little girl, don't be so harsh. Why are we rotten?"

Before Ye Zhao could refute, he heard a deep voice from the far corner opposite: "You have already been rotten to pieces!"

The speaker is Chen Yuncheng!

Song Xiaoliang: "Uncle, can you please not add insult to injury at this time?"

Since the death of Old Lady Song, Chen Yuncheng's relationship with the Song family has reached a freezing point. He complained, "How did I add insult to injury? Look at your bad debts over the past few years. How much money has the company used to make up for your family's deficit? Song Rongji doesn't just belong to you, the Song family!"

The two sides argued for a while, and Zeng Xiang said, "How about this, if Song Rongji wants to go public in the future, we can consider giving your Song family priority to subscribe for a portion of the shares."

Ye Zhao: "Of course the subscription price will be based on the market price at that time. It can't be the current price."

Zeng Xiang: "This is the biggest concession we can make."

Song Xiaoliang seemed to have seen an opportunity to make a fortune. "Are you planning to list Song Rongji? Then you must keep your word and let our Song family subscribe first."

"Song Xiaoliang! Are you just greedy for this little advantage?!" Old Master Song was so angry that his hands were shaking.

Song Xiaoliang: "Dad, this is not a small bargain. If we don't have the priority subscription right, then we can only buy Song Rongji shares in the secondary market in the future. The price in the secondary market will definitely be more expensive. What's the point of buying this stock at that time?"

Old Master Song said in a trembling voice: "Is there really no room for negotiation?"

"Dad, stop fantasizing! It's impossible to ask the wolves to show mercy!" The speaker was Song Xiaoping, who had been silent all the time.

Old Master Song was so angry that he wanted to hit Song Xiaoping with his cane, but was stopped by Mrs. Song.

"Master, don't get excited. Go to the office and rest first. I will continue talking to them."

Old Master Song knew that further talks would lead to no results, so he could only slam the door with a harsh word: "The formula! The formula must not be given to them."

"Got it. Ah Liang, take the master to rest."

Mrs. Song was already disheartened: "Don't worry, we will keep our promise and cooperate with the handover. But you just said that if Song Rongji goes public, you will give us priority to buy shares. I also hope that you can keep your promise."

"That depends on how well you cooperate."

Ye Zhao led his team to a meeting with Song Tai to discuss the handover issue. Zeng Xiang came back from the bathroom and met Zhong Limin and Chen Yuncheng sitting on the sofa in the tea room chatting. Zhong Limin saw Zeng Xiang and hurried over, "Luo Shen, come here, uncle wants to talk to you."

Luo Shen stared at him and asked indifferently, "What's the matter?"

Zhong Limin called Luo Shen to an empty office and closed the door. He asked, "What is your relationship with Ye Zhao?"


"What friend?"

"Why do you ask that?"

Zhong Limin asked, "Did she pay for the acquisition of Song Rongji's shares this time?"

"This is our clever trade secret."

"Oh, don't talk about this with your uncle. Can you control this person? I've seen the equity structure of your Qiaozhi. Each of you holds half. This is not good, you know? There must be at least one person who is the major shareholder so that someone can make the final decision in the future." Zhong Liming said earnestly, as if this was really his nephew.

"Uncle, do you have something to say?" Zeng Xiang didn't like calling the Zhong brothers uncle since he was a child, but now he hasn't completely fallen out with the Zhong family, so he can only choose to paralyze the other party and call him uncle obediently.

Hearing Zeng Xiang calling him uncle, Zhong Limin patted his arm with satisfaction and said from the bottom of his heart: "I want to advise you, if Ye Zhao is just an ordinary friend of yours, you should kick her out of the car as soon as possible."

"Why would I kick her out?"

Zhong Limin: "Uncle's plan for the future of Song Rongji is the same as yours. I wanted to list Song Rongji before, but Old Master Song is too old-fashioned and doesn't understand the charm of the capital market, so I never convinced him. I will definitely help you with this matter later. The benefits after listing are too great. You should send Ye off the car now. From now on, you will be the real and only boss of Song Rongji, not controlled by anyone. Do you understand?"

Zeng Xiang shook his head: "Do you know why the Song family was kicked out of Song Rongji?"


Zeng Xiang said: "Because Song Rongji broke their promise and tore up the contract, and cancelled the exclusive supply rights originally given to Ye Zhao without reason, Ye Zhao set up this trap to drive them out. Uncle, do you want me to be kicked out too?"

Zhong Limin asked doubtfully, "Is this a trap she set?"

"Yes, she has basically arranged every step." Zeng Xiang erased his own credit. He didn't want his uncle to know that he also had this ability. Anyway, in the eyes of the Zhong family and Zhong Lini, he was just a good-looking warrior with brute force.

Zhong Limin was very surprised: "I thought it was a trap set by your Luo family. It seems that this girl is not simple."

"So uncle, I can't even hold on to her, how can I get her out of the car?"

Zhong Limin put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Then you should find a way to get your uncle to join your Qiaozhi group. If she disagrees with you, your uncle can help you. We can be two against one. Which relationship is the most stable? A triangular relationship is the most stable."

In the final analysis, Zhong Limin just wanted to get involved in Qiaozhi Investment so that he could make a huge fortune when Song Rongji goes public.

Zeng Xiang played dumb: "Okay, I'll discuss it with her."

At this time, Ye Zhao brought his team to communicate with Song Tai's people about the subsequent handover issues. Finally, it was decided that General Manager Liao and Qi Lian'an would be in charge, and except for some senior executives, all others would stay.

For other middle management and ordinary employees, everything remains the same.

At the end of the chat, the atmosphere was pretty good. Liang Xin asked people to prepare fruit cakes and drinks, and she brought a piece of Black Forest cake to Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao took it, thanked her, and then asked her in a low voice: "Sister Liang Xin, what are your plans for the future?"

Liang Xin smiled and said, “Although I really want to cooperate with you, I still have to go with Mrs. Song. I can’t abandon my boss when she is in the most difficult time.”

Ye Zhao nodded vigorously. Maybe in the eyes of others, Liang Xin was too loyal. Choosing Mrs. Song at this time would mean burying her own future. But perhaps this kind of loyalty gave the world a little more warmth.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Let's go out and play together when we have a chance in the future."


After finishing the work here, it was already noon. Zeng Xiang came to find Ye Zhao and said, "Let's go. Uncle Qi has arranged lunch."

Ye Zhao shook her head. After being busy all morning, she didn't want to socialize with anyone anymore. She whispered, "I want to eat at the most famous roadside stall in Hong Kong."

"Go to the food street in Fuwan?" In fact, Zeng Xiang only knew the name and he had never been to these places.

Ye Zhao picked up the bag and said with a smile, "Let's go."

So, they let Qi Lian'an lead the team to eat by themselves. After going downstairs, they did not take the Luo family's car, but went out and took a taxi and went straight to Fuwan.

Fuwan is the most famous commercial district in Hong Kong. In addition to major shopping malls, there are also many kinds of snack shops.

They tried everything from shark fin soup, bowl cake, fried fish balls to beef and radish. They went to whichever family had more food and ate everything.

After eating, they went shopping and bought sun hats, sunglasses and water guns to wear at Ocean Park tomorrow.

Ye Zhao also bought gifts for everyone and bought a gold bracelet and a gold ring for Aunt Qiao.

After shopping and having dinner, they returned to the hotel at around eight o'clock. The two lay on the sofa, and Zeng Xiang told her what Zhong Liming had talked to him about.

Ye Zhao recalled that in the book, the Zhong family rose again after Song Rongji went public, raised a large sum of money from the capital market, and then began to invest in commercial real estate. Finally, in the financial crisis, they were defeated by Luo Shen and never recovered.

Ye Zhao sat up and asked Zeng Xiang: "What do you think of the Zhong family?"

Zeng Xiang did not intend to hide his true thoughts from Ye Zhao, "The Zhong family, Zhong Lini, and my cousin, I will not let any of them go."

"Brother Xiang, you can't do anything illegal."

"Don't worry, I won't."

"We can do the same as we did with the Song family. We can help the Zhong family first, let them go crazy slowly, and then find an opportunity to send them to their doom."

Zeng Xiang thought so too. He stared at Ye Zhao's evil little face and couldn't help laughing: "We two are really a perfect match."

We two are really a perfect match...

The three words "What a perfect match" echoed back and forth on Ye Zhao's eardrums, and her face turned red. "I'm talking about business."

The room was very quiet, with only the buzzing sound of the central air conditioning blinds. Brother Xiang reached out and touched her hair. He swallowed nervously, "I'm talking about serious matters. Ye Zhao, I like you..."

Ye Zhao, who was not afraid of any scene, was so embarrassed that his face and neck turned red and he didn't even dare to raise his head.

After a long while, she heard no sound and couldn't help but look up, only to see him sitting on the side, staring at her intently.

He suddenly hugged her from behind and held her tightly, "Okay, I know, you don't have to say anything."

Ye Zhao was hugged tightly, her ear pressed against his chest, and she could hear his heartbeat. She said in a somewhat incoherent voice, "Don't you need to say anything?"

"You've touched me, how could you not like me?" BKing said it arrogantly and confidently.

Ye Zhao was speechless!

After a while, she finally thought of fighting back: "You pulled my hand and touched it yourself."

He stroked her ear, "From now on, my whole body is yours, you can touch me however you want."

Ye Zhao couldn't help but cover his face and laugh, saying hypocritically: "Then I'm at a disadvantage, I won't touch it."

"You will suffer if you don't touch it!" Bking continued to speak shamelessly.

What truth is this? Ye Zhao buried her blushing face in his chest and said, "Don't say it anymore."

He smiled and hugged her tightly. Apart from the gentle rubbing, there was no other sound.

Zeng Xiang did not go home at night and stayed in the suite. She slept on the bed and he slept on the sofa. The next morning, after breakfast, they set off for the Ocean Park.

They originally thought that the weather would be good today. When they went out, the sky was clear. They had just played one project at the Ocean Park when the sky began to be covered with dark clouds. It was about to rain heavily but didn't. The two looked up at the dark clouds and sighed. It was not easy for them to come here, so they decided to move on to the next project.

Today, the cruise ship that Old Lady Luo and Guo Xuyan were on arrived early. It wasn't raining when they got off the dock, but as soon as they got on the car, the raindrops started to fall heavily.

After arriving home, Guo Xuyan stayed at the Luo's house to have dinner with old lady Luo.

Dinner was served directly in Old Mrs. Luo's room. Just as we started eating, Sister Hong came in and said that Zhong Liming had arrived.

Old Lady Luo didn't want to see Zhong Limin, so he waited for her to come back. He must have come for no reason. She asked, "What does he want?"

"He said he had something important to tell you, something about the young master."

Zhong Liming is very smart. As long as he talks about something related to the eldest young master, the old lady will definitely meet him.

Guo Xuyan didn't want to see the Zhong family, so she said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Old Mrs. Luo put down the spoon and said, "Let him in."

Soon, Zhong Liming came in with a smile on his face. As soon as he came in, he said a lot of polite words, asking them how their trip was in Europe, what attractions they visited, and whether the weather was cold there.

Old Mrs. Luo didn't want to chat with him. She glanced at Sister Hong, who immediately said, "Uncle, the old lady still wants to eat dinner. Don't you have something important to tell her?"

"Yes, I want to congratulate the old lady. The successor of the Luo family is amazing. At such a young age, he managed to get Song Rongji with one move."

Old Mrs. Luo heard about this as soon as she came back. She didn't want to listen to the flattery because it wasn't sincere. She said, "I thought you had something important to say."

"How can it not be an important matter? I heard from Luo Shen that the Luo family had no involvement in this matter at all. It was all set up by that little girl surnamed Ye. That little girl is from the mainland. She is so resourceful at such a young age. I am a little worried about Luo Shen."

(End of this chapter)