I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 76: end


The conference room of the Irene Toy Factory was not very large. In addition to the parties involved and their lawyers, there were also outsiders such as Su Yingmin, Director Liang, and Secretary Liu. There were more than a dozen people crowded in the small conference room.

It was so crowded, but not noisy, because everyone was concentrating and listening to Ye Zhao.

After Ye Zhao finished speaking, everyone made eye contact except for those who knew the truth.

Gao Yueyue couldn't stand having her privacy exposed in public like this. She stood up and pointed at Ye Zhao and shouted angrily: "Are you invading my privacy?!"

Ye Zhao opened his hands innocently: "How did I invade your privacy? Tell me."

Gao Yueyue thought back to what Ye Zhao had just said—You don’t think that the set of photos flew into your hands by themselves, do you

Yes! Ye Zhao said it, but it seemed like he said nothing!

Gao Yueyue was speechless for a moment.

Ye Zhao said: "Are you admitting in disguise that you found another man outside? My dad had a heart attack because of you. He was mad at you and died of it, right?!"

Gao Yueyue sat down and calmed down a little. She said, "I don't know what you are talking about! I don't have any other men outside!"

"Bai Yunlian has also seen those photos!" Ye Zhao said and looked at Bai Yunlian. Bai Yunlian lowered her head and did not respond. "Oh, you have formed an alliance and are covering for each other."

Gao Yueyue wasn't sure whether Ye Zhao still had the photos. After Ye Dingguo's death, Bai Yunlian had helped her destroy the photos, but even if the photos were still there, she could give a vague explanation.

"Those photos were taken during the theater rehearsal. I have already explained everything to your father. Don't try to slander me! The baby in my belly is your biological brother. Even if there is no will, I can share the family property with you equally after this child is born!"

Ye Zhao said sarcastically: "If that's the case, why are you so anxious? You can divide the family property equally, but you are still anxious to forge a will and only want one third. Are you a living Bodhisattva?"

Gao Yueyue closed her eyes helplessly: "I didn't forge the will! I will execute your father's wishes just as the will is written! Although I, Gao Yueyue, am a little arrogant, I also have moral integrity!"

Gao Yueyue said that she was a person of good character! This made Ye Zhao laugh!

Ye Zhao said, "You have moral integrity? If you have moral integrity, would you steal my bass in order to win first place in the Bay Area Music Competition, and then perjure yourself and put the blame on Zeng Xiaoling? Do you think no one knows the truth?"

Gao Yueyue was stunned. She really thought that she did this secretly and no one would know.

Just as she was about to argue, Ye Zhao punched her again, "My dad knows about this too! I told him about it a long time ago."

Gao Yueyue: “…”

Ye Zhao continued, "You don't think you are such a pure and beautiful image in front of my dad, do you? To put it bluntly, you are at most a beautiful □□! Maybe in my dad's heart, you are not as good as Bai Yunlian! At least she has been with my dad for more than ten years from scratch! And you? You are just a passerby who sees the fruit is ripe and wants to take advantage of it to pick it."

Gao Yueyue thought she was eloquent, but she didn't even have the chance to defend herself today. As soon as she spoke, she was slapped in the face, which made her mentally collapse. She swallowed, stroked her increasingly tight belly, opened her mouth, wanted to speak but swallowed the words back.

Bai Yunlian just listened without saying a word. Ye Zhao's words seemed to be in her favor, but she knew that if she was a little too proud, she might be slapped in the face.

Ye Zhao stared at Gao Yueyue, as if she was looking at a passerby who stole something, with no emotion in her eyes. She said, "You are a person like me, who has no morals, who is unwilling to work hard and only wants to be someone's mistress and does not abide by professional ethics. You are pregnant with a child whose name you don't know. Do you think my father will leave you one-third of his property? What a beautiful dream!"

Gao Yueyue couldn't keep silent any longer. If she didn't speak, it would seem that everything Ye Zhao said was right. She shouted, "The baby in my belly is Ye Dingguo's! If you have the guts, make him come out and deny it!"

"You bullied my dad into the coffin, didn't you?" Ye Zhao glanced at Secretary Liu and said, "Sister Liu, tell everyone what you heard on the day my dad died!"

Secretary Liu, who was sitting in the back, stood up and whispered, "The boss and Director Gao were arguing in the office that day. The boss said that Director Gao was having an affair outside. The noise was so loud that I and several colleagues in the office heard it. At that time... Sister Bai was also in the boss's office."

This confirmed what Ye Zhao had just said about Ye Dingguo, Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue arguing and confronting each other in a room.

It also indirectly confirmed that Bai Yunlian changed her position for the sake of interests and now temporarily formed an alliance with Gao Yueyue.

Bai Yunlian covered her face with her hands and still said nothing.

Gao Yueyue gritted her teeth, tried to calm down, and said, "Such big talk, does it have anything to do with today's will?"

Ye Zhao smiled, "Didn't you say so? My dad wants to leave his inheritance to him and your child. Then we have to discuss first, is the baby in your belly my dad's? Your other boyfriend is called Gao Fei, right?"

When Gao Yueyue heard Gao Fei's name, her mind buzzed. It seemed that Ye Zhao had already investigated everything clearly.

"Gao Fei said, tell him that the baby in your belly is his! And ask him to wait for you! Is that right?"

Yes! Gao Yueyue was obsessed with Gao Fei, but Gao Fei was a money-worshipping playboy. Without children and money, he could not be tied to her heart. She thought that after getting the inheritance, she and Gao Fei would go far away and live abroad.

But Gao Yueyue couldn't admit it, she immediately refuted: "No! Gao Fei couldn't have told you that! I didn't say that to him either. The baby in my belly is Ye Dingguo's!"

Ye Zhao took out a tape from his bag. "We bought this from Gao Fei at a high price. It's a videotape of you and him in bed. In addition to the fancy things you did in bed, the tape also includes you confessing to Gao Fei that the baby in your belly is his..."

When the second aunt Zheng Qiuxia heard this, she couldn't help but curse: "You're still having sex when you're pregnant?"

Before she could even curse him as shameless, Zheng Qiuxia suddenly remembered her position and quickly shut up.

Gao Yueyue became anxious when she heard this. She was afraid that Ye Zhao would play the videotape in public. Would she still be able to live as a human being then

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me! This is personal privacy!" Gao Yueyue was about to rush over but was stopped by her mother.

Gao Yueyue's mother hugged her and said, "Xiaoyue! Why are you so excited? Don't lose your composure! Don't get angry and hurt yourself! The child is important."

Su Yingmin said: "It's useless even if you rob it, we have backups."

Ye Zhao put the videotape back into his bag and calmly said to the furious Gao Yueyue, "Don't worry, I have a moral bottom line. I won't show this video in public. However, it can be presented as evidence in court and shown to the judge."

Gao Yueyue's mother said: "It's useless to say all this. The judge only looks at the contents of the will."

Lawyer Wang gently retorted: "Of course it is useful. If these circumstantial evidences are accepted, they will be used as a reference by the judge in making the judgment."

Gao Yueyue's mother pretended not to hear the unpleasant words and continued to say to Ye Zhao, "Your father's will is very clear, all the property is divided into three parts, don't be so greedy and want to monopolize it all by yourself."

Ye Zhao smiled coldly and said jokingly, "You stole someone else's things, so they can't take them back, right? Taking them back is greedy? Only a mother like you can raise a daughter like Gao Yueyue! Your daughter is not ashamed of being someone's mistress, but proud of it! Auntie, your values are really interesting!"

Gao Yueyue's mother was speechless, paused for a moment and immediately argued: "They are all unmarried men and women, not mistresses, but boyfriends and girlfriends!"

Ye Zhao didn't want to talk about these meaningless topics with her anymore, so she said, "You just said that my father wants to divide all his property into three parts. How little do you know about my father to forge such a will? Will my father divide his property into three parts?"

"Why not?"

Ye Zhao: "It's not that he can't, but that he won't. My dad hates to break up his assets, especially his shares. When Uncle Su Yingmin wanted to buy shares, my dad was only willing to give out 5% of the shares. Later, he was unwilling to share with anyone who wanted to buy his shares."

Su Yingmin echoed, "Yes, Old Ye has talked to me many times. He hates the inheritance method of 'equal distribution among all sons' and prefers Western inheritance law. He will only leave the main property to one person, which is conducive to inheritance and expansion of the enterprise. If he makes a will, it is impossible for him to write that all the property will be divided into three parts, especially since he has such an outstanding and proud daughter. He will only leave all the property to his daughter. At least he will not divide the shares into three parts."

Ye Zhao said: "You can just divide the cash and property. I didn't expect you to even let go of the shares. You are too greedy."

When Zheng Qiuxia heard this, she said, "Why don't you divide the cash and property among them? That's not a small amount either."

Ye Zhao did not object.

Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue looked at each other. Seeing that the plan had failed, it would be good if they could divide the cash and real estate. Each of them would have at least several million.

Gao Yueyue coughed and said, "In fact, I never thought about asking for shares from the beginning. Even if they were given to me, I wouldn't know what to do with them."

Su Yingmin continued to bait: "Then give all the shares to Ye Zhao, and divide the cash and real estate into three parts."

Bai Yunlian: "I have no objection."

Gao Yueyue's mother breathed a sigh of relief. This was a good result. She gave her daughter a look, and Gao Yueyue said, "I don't mind either."

Ye Zhao smiled dumbly: "You really take advantage of the situation. You made a fake will and you think you can get millions? If this will is real, would you agree to it? Impossible! You will only agree if it's fake."

Being teased so mercilessly, Bai Yunlian was furious, "What do you want?"

Ye Zhao sneered: "What do I want? Of course I will call the police! Do you think I am just chatting with you guys here? Forging a will, trying to defraud a huge amount of property... How many years? Lawyer Wang... Oh, ten years..."

Bai Yunlian was so scared that she shivered. The sun was shining brightly outside, but the room was very cold, icy cold.

Bai Yunlian, who was once summoned by Ye Zhao to stay in the police station for a few days, will never forget the shame and unbearableness of being in jail.

Ye Zhao: "But you don't have to be nervous. All the evidence I have here points to my second uncle. My second uncle will definitely go to jail. As for you, it depends on the police uncle's ability to solve the case."

Bai Yunlian seemed relieved when she heard this.

But Ye Dingquan in the corner was defeated. He looked at Ye Zhao with a trembling face: "Are you really calling the police?"

"Uncle, you haven't seen clearly what kind of monsters your accomplices are? When I said that all the evidence points to you, Ms. Bai, who was sitting opposite me, breathed a sigh of relief! What can you get in the end by helping them like this? Can you get 100,000? They didn't inherit the estate, so what can they give you? In the end, you got nothing, and Uncle had to go to jail. Ye Xiaozhen, Ye Xiaoqin, Ye Xiaobing and the others couldn't even pass the political review because of Uncle, and they..." Ye Zhao pointed at Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue opposite, "They are at large. As the main culprits, they have not received any punishment. All punishments are borne by our Ye family."

Ye Dingquan asked anxiously: "Why do they... have to bear the responsibility alone?"

Ye Zhao: "Second uncle, why don't we go out and talk."

Bai Yunlian hurriedly said, "No! You can't go out and talk privately."

"Why can't we go out and talk?" Ye Zhao said "Oh" as if she had realized something. She pointed at Bai Yunlian and her second uncle and said, "You two are in the same group, so you are afraid that my second uncle will betray you, right?"

Bai Yunlian argued: "No! What does it have to do with me! It has nothing to do with me, okay?"

"It has nothing to do with you. Why do you stop me and my second uncle from chatting privately? Have you already thought about it? If it works out, you get the money, and if it doesn't, my second uncle will take the blame, right? Anyway, you won't lose anything."

Bai Yunlian looked at Gao Yueyue, and Gao Yueyue said, "What if you guys go out to discuss countermeasures and frame us?"

Ye Dingquan said helplessly: "How did I frame you?"

"Uncle, don't you see? This is the beginning of the end."

Bai Yunlian said angrily: "Don't try to sow discord between us."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Sowing discord? So you admit that you are in the same group, otherwise why would you use the word sowing discord? Do you have common interests? Ms. Bai, you are the mastermind, right?"

Bai Yunlian: "I've said it a thousand times, it has nothing to do with me. How did I become the mastermind?"

Ye Zhao: "You are not the mastermind, but my second uncle is the mastermind? So my second uncle deserves to bear all the consequences?!"

Ye Dingquan waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, I'm not the mastermind. How can I be the mastermind based on what Bai Yunlian said and what I wrote? I'm not even an accomplice. I'm just a writer at most! They are the masterminds!"

"Second brother! Second brother! What nonsense are you talking about!" Bai Yunlian wanted to interrupt Ye Dingquan, but it was useless. Ye Dingquan's mind was full of what Ye Zhao said, that he would take the responsibility for everything. Why should he take the responsibility for everything!

Gao Yueyue's mother said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? She is trying to trick you!"

Lawyer Wang was stunned. This was a chain of traps, one layer after another. Even after arguing with so many people, the logic was still extremely clear, and in the end, Ye Dingquan was trapped.

He knew that Ye Dingguo was very proud of his daughter. He finally witnessed it today. It was a pity that such a logical genius did not become a lawyer!

Lawyer Wang said, "But, Mr. Ye Dingquan just admitted that you are the mastermind and he is the accomplice."

Bai Yunlian covered her face, Gao Yueyue only felt a headache and stomachache...

Only Gao Yueyue's mother still had the energy to fight. She pointed at the Ye family and said, "Ye Dingquan is your second uncle. He must be helping you to frame us."

Without Ye Zhao saying anything, Zheng Qiuxia was already fully prepared. "What do you mean? You said we framed you? You're just trying to destroy the bridge? I'm telling you, I've left evidence. If our Ye Dingquan goes to jail, none of you will be able to escape! We're all from Wancheng, why are you pretending to be from the city in front of me!"

Gao Yueyue's mother couldn't admit it at this time, so she could only distance herself from the matter: "We didn't conspire with you! This is a trap set up to frame us. Regardless of whether the will is true or false, my grandson will have the right of inheritance after he is born. Whether you have a recording or a videotape, that is an adult matter and has nothing to do with children. Isn't that right, Lawyer Wang?"

Lawyer Wang said: "The unborn child does have the right of inheritance, but Mr. Ye Dingguo and Ms. Gao Yueyue are not married, so after the child is born, a paternity test must be conducted to confirm the father-son relationship before the child can enjoy the right of inheritance."

Su Yingmin said: "Old Ye has been burned to ashes, who are you going to do a paternity test with!"

Gao Yueyue: "You guys have already planned this!"

"That's right. I expected you to do this." Ye Zhao sneered, "So, I asked the doctor to keep a blood sample from my father. As long as you, Gao Yueyue, dare to take the child for a paternity test, I will leave half of my property to your child."

Gao Yueyue swallowed. If her child was Ye Dingguo's biological son, Ye Zhao would never provide her with Ye Dingguo's blood sample for a paternity test.

It is because Ye Zhao knows that the child is not Ye Dingguo's that she is so generous in providing convenience. Her purpose is nothing more than to embarrass Gao Yueyue!

Seeing Gao Yueyue didn't say anything, Ye Zhao said, "You don't dare, right?"

Zheng Qiuxia said: "Of course she doesn't dare! Didn't she admit that the child is from another man?!"

Gao Yueyue still said stubbornly: "Why wouldn't I dare to do that?"

The child hasn’t been born yet, so let’s win the argument first.

Ye Zhao threatened her: "Gangcheng has the latest technology, and embryos can also be used to identify parent-child relationships. I will pay and guarantee that you can go to Gangcheng for identification. Go now, do you dare?"

I dare not. Gao Yueyue couldn't figure out whether Ye Zhao was fooling her or really had such skills. She turned her head away and said in a less high-pitched voice, "Why should I go?"

"Of course you don't want to go, because you don't dare."

Gao Yueyue's mother changed her strategy: "No matter what, you have to give us some compensation. Gao Yueyue has been with Ye Dingguo for more than a year. This youth cannot be wasted, right? And the same goes for Bai Meimei. She has been with your father for more than ten years. You should at least give us some compensation, right?!"

He is so shameless that he is invincible.

Su Yingmin shook his head and said, "I finally convinced Xiao Zhao that her uncle and aunt should give her some money. As for you, they will not treat you unfairly. The house you live in will be given to you, and each of you will be compensated with several hundred thousand. But you forged a will and asked for a huge sum!"

When Bai Yunlian heard this, the house would be given to her? And hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation? She seemed to see some hope again: "How much?"

Gao Yueyue's mother also heard the hope: "At least 200,000 or 300,000 yuan, less won't do."

Su Yingmin said: "I was talking about before. Xiao Zhao had agreed, but now..."

As he spoke, Su Yingmin looked at Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao gave them a look: "Now?"

Zheng Qiuxia said nervously, "And us, Ye Zhao, I gave you breasts, you should give us some, so that we can have a good New Year when we go back, right?"

"My dad passed away, what good New Year do you want?"

Zheng Qiuxia: “…”

Ye Zhao looked at them coldly and said word by word: "I won't give you a cent. Don't dream! Also, you will have to bear the corresponding legal responsibilities from now on."

The room was very cold, and Ye Zhao's words were like ice cubes, hitting their hearts.

"What do you mean? Why don't you give me a cent again?"

Su Yingmin: "Our original intention was to compensate you so that we could part ways amicably, but your behavior betrays our kindness. So let's not be sentimental and just follow the law."

At the same time, the door to the conference room opened, and Secretary Liu, who had just left, said, "The police are here."

Bai Yunlian was so scared that she trembled. She didn't want to go to the police station again! If she had known this, she should have listened to Bai Lu and didn't do anything. Maybe Ye Zhao would give her some, but it was too late...

Ye Dingquan stood up tremblingly: "I told the truth. Didn't I not call the police? Xiao Zhao..."

"When did I say I wouldn't call the police?"

Zheng Qiuxia said excitedly: "Ye Zhao, you can't hurt your second uncle like this! We are a family!"

"Second mother? I harmed my second uncle? You forged a will and betrayed your family for a little bit of profit. When you did these things, did you ever think that we are a family? You are profit-driven and only have profit in your eyes, so don't blame me for being rude."

Zheng Qiuxia: "Then why did you tell us so much just now? Are you trying to coax us?"

Ye Zhao smiled slightly and said softly, "Yes! Just to coax you to tell the truth? Otherwise? Really talk about feelings with you? Second mother, save your breath, don't you know who you are? I don't hate Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue, because they have no blood relationship with me. And what about you? Don't you think about it, my father passed away, and I have no other relatives except you. Instead of thinking about me, you teamed up with outsiders to cheat me? You betrayed your relatives for a little money, you are the biggest evil in your gang!"

Secretary Liu was so excited that she almost applauded.

Zheng Qiuxia and Ye Dingquan looked at each other, and the couple looked at Bai Yunlian. Bai Yunlian's face was pale at this time. She had experienced this before. At this point, it was useless to ask Ye Zhao for help. Asking would only bring greater humiliation, so she did not ask.

Gao Yueyue held her mother's hand tightly. She was very nervous when she came here, but as they talked, she saw hope. Then her mood was like a roller coaster, up and down under Ye Zhao's control.

She had been having a strong pregnancy reaction recently and hadn't eaten anything at noon. She just felt dizzy and didn't have the energy to continue arguing with Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao stared at her and said, "Actually, whether you cheat or not, and whose child you give birth to, has nothing to do with me. I can turn a blind eye, but the premise is that you don't mess with me!"

Gao Yueyue lowered her head and said nothing. Her mother was the only one who had never been beaten and was still trying to struggle. She cursed, "I didn't give you a penny and yet you called the police? Are you human? My daughter has been with your father for nothing? Capitalists?! You evil capitalists! You exploit the working people! Police comrade, I'm going to call the police too!"

Gao Yueyue’s mother is a smart person. She knows that being rational is useless, so she has no choice but to throw a tantrum!

Several police officers came in, and Gao Yueyue's mother shouted, "Comrade police, my daughter is pregnant, you can't just arrest pregnant women!"

But cleverness is just cleverness after all. The police comrades had their own ways, and finally all the relevant people were invited to the police station.

Ye Zhao came back after finishing her statement. She went to the police station by the factory bus, so she took the bus back to the factory later.

She went to her father's office to get the power strip, and Secretary Liu said it was in the drawer.

Now Ye Dingguo's office was temporarily given to her. Su Yingmin asked her if she wanted to redecorate it. Ye Zhao only asked to replace the sofa where Ye Dingguo and Gao Yueyue slept before, and keep the rest.

After entering the office, Ye Zhao walked to the desk, opened the drawer and saw the power strip inside. She took out the power strip and saw several fashion magazines at the bottom of the drawer. She thought of taking them home to read.

She took out the magazines and found a piece of paper stuck in one of the magazines. She pulled out the white paper and saw the English word "Kwok" written on it.

This is the English word for the surname "Guo"!

What is Guo Xuyan’s last name

She quickly opened the magazine, flipped through a few pages, and soon saw in an interview note: Aileen Kwok!

Ye Zhao looked at the silhouette of Aileen Kwok in the photo. Although she had only seen two photos of Guo Xuyan, she could confirm that the silhouette was Guo Xuyan!

This is a piece of gold that you have been looking for for a long time, but it is finally found without any effort!

It turns out that the name of Irene Toy Factory was taken from her mother's English name.

Was her father secretly keeping an eye on Guo Xuyan's every move, or had he just discovered Guo Xuyan's whereabouts

Ye Zhao went out and called Secretary Liu to ask about the situation of these magazines.

Secretary Liu said, "The branch is developing a brand of women's shoes recently. The boss wants to see some information about international brands of women's shoes, so I found a few Hong Kong fashion magazines for the boss to refer to. I gave the magazines to the boss that day, and he looked at them for a while, then called the translator to ask him about English."

Ye Zhao took out a piece of white paper, pointed at the word "Kwok" on it and asked, "Is this the word you are asking about?"

"Yes, actually that word is a surname, I think it's Guo."

Ye Zhao nodded. It seemed that her father had suddenly discovered Guo Xuyan's whereabouts, so he needed to confirm it.

Ye Zhao: "Do you remember when he asked this?"

Secretary Liu didn't even need to think back. She said, "It was the day the boss passed away."

Ye Zhao asked in confusion: "After my dad finished reading the magazine, he went to Uncle Su's house?"

"should be!"

After Secretary Liu left, Ye Zhao leaned back in his chair and fell into deep thought.

This can't be just a coincidence.

Her father’s death was probably not caused by Gao Yueyue’s anger. Gao Yueyue didn’t have that much power. It was most likely related to Guo Xuyan’s information.

Uncle Su had known for a long time that her mother was in Hong Kong City, so it was very likely that her father and Uncle Su had a fierce argument.

Because he was too excited, Ye Dingguo finally died suddenly of a heart attack.

In order to distance himself from the matter, Su Yingmin lied and said that Ye Dingguo died at his doorstep.

However, even if this is the case, there is no point in confronting Su Yingmin now, because she does not need to go through Su to find out the whereabouts of Guo Xuyan.

She had just read the magazine report. Also being interviewed along with Guo Xuyan was Mrs. Song’s daughter, Song Xinyi.

With this information, it became much easier for her to find Guo Xuyan.

Ye Zhao picked up the phone and dialed Secretary Liang directly. The call was quickly connected. She smiled and greeted: "Sister Liang Xin, are you busy?"

Liang Xin on the other end of the phone laughed breathlessly: "I'm on vacation, walking the dog."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I heard you panting, maybe the dog is walking you."

Liang Xin laughed: "You are right. Oh, our little ancestor is too good at running. Xiao Zhao, are you looking for trouble?"

Ye Zhao said: "I have something to ask you, do you know Aileen Kwok?"

Liang Xin didn't need to think too much and immediately asked: "Miss Guo? What's wrong?"

Ye Zhao's heart was pounding: "I want to ask for her information."

Liang Xin: "You should ask Mr. Luo directly. Miss Guo is his aunt. He must know more than me."

(End of this chapter)