I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 77: Deep Agricultural Cooperation


Ye Zhao didn't drive, she walked back from the factory.

The New Year is coming soon. There are few people on the road and it is chilly. The sun, which was very strong at noon, has disappeared now, leaving only the gloomy sky.

Knowing the whereabouts of Guo Xuyan, she felt mixed emotions. The good news was that the second task would be completed soon, but the bad news was that Guo Xuyan was Xiangge's aunt, and this relationship gave her a headache.

She already knew that Brother Xiang grew up under the care of his aunt during his childhood in Gangcheng, and that Brother Xiang and Guo Xuyan had a deep relationship. As long as Ye Zhao chose to be with Brother Xiang, it would be unlikely for her to completely get rid of Guo Xuyan.

Yes, she wanted to fulfill the original owner's wish and get rid of Guo Xuyan. Although she had not met Guo Xuyan yet, she could feel that he should have the same idea. Guo Xuyan also wanted to get rid of her as his daughter.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have completely ignored his own daughter for so many years.

Ye Zhao sighed deeply. She thought that maybe she shouldn't tell Brother Xiang about her mother's matter for the time being, so that he wouldn't be caught in the middle and feel awkward.

But generally speaking, the joy outweighs the sorrow. As long as her brother Xiang doesn't go astray, she can basically be considered to have settled down in this world.

The air was filled with the aroma of sugar-roasted chestnuts. Someone was pushing a cart selling chestnuts on the roadside. She walked over and bought a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts.

I was eating sugar-roasted chestnuts all the way home. When I reached the small west building, I heard a quarrel before I even entered the yard. Fatty Ying was arguing with her husband. It wasn't really a quarrel, it was just that Fatty Ying had a loud voice.

Fatty Ying's husband Fang Daqiang was a son-in-law who worked in a credit union before. He was an honest man. The couple quarreled because Fang Daqiang bought credit union stocks without telling Fatty Ying. Fatty Ying sat at the door peeling garlic and cursed: "I bought 100 shares for 2,000 yuan! Losing half a year's salary is a small matter, the key is that you deliberately hid it from me and didn't discuss it with me..."

Fang Daqiang stood by the pond in the yard washing pig stomachs, frowning and saying, "I can't buy it even if I discuss it with you. The leader forced me to buy it, and if I don't buy it, I'll leave. What can I do?"

"All the leaders in your company are bad people! They cheated the people out of their money!"

Fang Daqiang explained: "It's not a scam, it's a share, and I can get dividends in the future."

"All the credit unions are gone! They're all closed down, and they're still paying dividends!"

"It didn't go bankrupt. It was more than a dozen credit unions that merged together and formed a joint-stock company. Now it's called Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative. It's different now!"

"What's the difference? Aren't you still losing money?!"

"The loss this year shouldn't be that much." Fang Daqiang's explanation was somewhat forced.

What Fatty Ying is distressed about is not spending money, but being forced to lose money. "If it is really a good thing, everyone will rush to buy it, and it won't be like this now. Forcing employees to buy it is too much! A year's work is in vain, and all the money is thrown away."

Aunt Qiao heard them arguing, came down from upstairs and advised: "It's already been bought, what's the point of arguing."

Fatty Ying stood up and patted the garlic peeling on her body, saying, "Another colleague of his didn't buy it. If you just grit your teeth and insist on not buying it, the boss can't do anything to you. He's just stupid. He didn't even discuss it with his family. How can I not be angry?"

Aunt Qiao: "It's no use getting angry with him now. If you have the ability, go find his leader and quit!"

Obviously, Fatty Ying doesn't have this ability, so she's throwing a tantrum here.

Ye Zhao finally understood. It turned out that Fang Daqiang bought shares of Shenzhen Rural Credit Cooperative Union Company, abbreviated as Shenzhen Rural Credit Cooperative shares.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange would not be established for another year. When the stock exchange was established, Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative would be one of the five old stocks with the stock code 000001.

If you buy now and wait until the stock is listed after the exchange is established at the end of the year, the stock value will skyrocket. As far as she can remember, because the Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative Stock had been split, the initial investors who held the original shares made more than ten times the money in one year.

She didn't remember the specific details, but she heard from her teacher in college that in the early 1990s, because there were few stocks and many investors flocked to buy stocks, basically one could make a lot of money by buying stocks with his eyes closed.

Especially in 1991 and 1992, there were long queues outside the stock exchange all night long, and even with dozens of ID cards, one could not buy many shares. At that time, people's enthusiasm for buying and selling stocks was quite crazy.

And these original shares that have not yet been listed are now like golden eggs that have fallen into a cesspool.

Ye Zhao gave the sugar-roasted chestnuts in his hand to Aunt Qiao and advised: "Aunt Fuying, this stock is worth buying. You will make a lot of money in the future."

Can you make a lot of money with this broken stock? Fatty Ying said, "Do you want it? I'll sell it to you!"

Aunt Qiao was peeling sugar-roasted chestnuts and scolded, "You don't even want it yourself, and you're giving it to Xiao Zhao? You're really funny!"

Fatty Ying: "I just said that casually, why take it so seriously?"

Ye Zhao asked curiously: "Can't Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperation's own employees buy this stock?"

Fang Daqiang said, "Of course you can buy it! The government has even put an ad in the newspaper to urge everyone to buy it! They issued 800,000 shares and forced all of us to subscribe. I heard that there are still more than 400,000 shares that cannot be sold."

“What’s the issue price?”

"What's the issue price? Oh. The par value is 20 yuan."

Fatty Ying came over, grabbed a few chestnuts, and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't buy them. Don't be fooled. If you really want them, I'll give you these 100 shares."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "You can keep these 100 shares. Just listen to me. 2,000 yuan is not a lot for you. Maybe 2,000 yuan can turn into 20,000 yuan."

"Two thousand becomes twenty thousand? That's a dream!" Fatty Ying curled her lips and didn't take Ye Zhao's words to heart.

Ye Zhao asked Fang Daqiang again: "Uncle Qiang, if you want to buy the shares of your company, where can you buy them?"

"How much do you want to buy? I'll buy it for you. You can buy it from our leader."

Ye Zhao didn't want to buy from a private person, so she asked, "Didn't they say it was published in the newspaper? Which newspaper? I want to find out first."

"I have some at home." Fang Daqiang put down the pig's stomach in his hand, washed his hands, ran into the house and took out a newspaper. "There is an inquiry phone number in the newspaper. You can also buy it here."

Ye Zhao took the newspaper, thanked her, and went upstairs with Aunt Qiao. Aunt Qiao was eating sugar-roasted chestnuts and asked her softly, "Do you really want to buy it?"

Ye Zhao: "I really want to buy it. This stock can make money in the future. Aunt Qiao, if you believe me, you can buy it too."

Aunt Qiao asked her, "How much do you want to buy? Do you want to buy 2,000 too?"

Of course not only that. If Ye Zhao wants to buy it, it will be in the millions.

Ye Zhao didn't say how much he wanted to buy, but just said, "I need to study it."

Aunt Qiao: "Then I'll buy one for 200."

"Isn't this too little? Buy more."

Auntie Qiao, who was walking in front, opened the door with a smile, "200 is not enough? Will you compensate me if I lose money?"

Ye Zhao said generously: "I will compensate you if you lose money."

"You have inherited your father's fortune now, so you are rich! You are so arrogant! How much should I buy?"

"You can use your pocket money to buy anything." Ye Zhao would not advise others, but it was different for Aunt Qiao. If he could help Aunt Qiao get rich together, why not do it

"Then I'll buy 2,000."

"not enough."

"2000 is not enough?"


Aunt Qiao took out an apron from behind the door and tied it on. She stared at Ye Zhao and said, "Are you so sure? I'll believe you this time."

"Trust me, you'll be right."

"Then I'll buy 20,000. If I lose, I'll just give it to the God of Wealth."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Trust me, you won't lose money. You are buying the original shares."

Aunt Qiao went to cook. Ye Zhao entered the room, but didn't see Brother Xiang. He must have gone to the boxing gym.

The room was dimly lit, so she turned on the light, found the contact number of the person in charge of Shenzhen Rural Cooperative Medical Care in the newspaper, and called him.

No one answered the phone. I guess it was time to get off work.

She dialed again, and when the line was about to stop ringing, a calm voice finally came from the other end of the line: "Hello!"

Ye Zhao: "Hello! Is this Manager Han?"

The person who answered the phone was a middle-aged man. He said, "It's me. What's up? Who are you?"

Ye Zhao asked: "Can you buy Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperation shares?"

It turned out that they were here to buy stocks. Manager Han was not very enthusiastic when he heard the young female voice: "You can go directly to the securities company counter to buy. I only deal with big customers here."

Ye Zhao didn't know that there were already securities companies in this era. She asked: "How much does it take to be considered a big customer?"

"Don't worry about it. The securities company is closed at this time. You can go buy it during working hours tomorrow. The minimum purchase price is 20 yuan per share, little girl."

Ye Zhao smiled. It seemed that the other party had not yet realized that the person on the other end of the phone was a real big customer.

Ye Zhao asked again: "How many shares can you sell at most?"

How many shares can I sell at most? Damn it, he hasn’t even received a single big client! Manager Han thought the person on the other end of the phone was making fun of him, and angrily said, “Why do you care how many shares I can sell at most?!”

Manager Han hung up the phone immediately because he was angry at being criticized by his boss for the poor stock sales.

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Ye Zhao was speechless. If it were a market economy, such a person would have been eliminated long ago.

She dialed again. The phone rang four or five times before the other end said "Hello" impatiently.

"Manager Han! How did you know I'm not a big customer? Even if I'm not a big customer, you can't hang up on me first! Believe it or not, I'll call and complain about you!"

Manager Han was confused when he heard this: "What complaint? Are you kidding me, little girl? I'm busy. Don't call me again, okay?"

Ye Zhao didn't want to waste time talking to him, so he went straight to the point: "I heard that you still have more than 400,000 shares that have not been sold."

Manager Han was slightly stunned: "You are quite well-informed."

Ye Zhao: "I want to buy 400,000 shares. How do I trade?"

400,000 shares? 8 million?! How is that possible

Although he thought it was impossible, Manager Han didn't dare to be so negligent as before. He asked, "Are you sure you are not kidding me?"

"Why am I teasing you?"

Manager Han still didn't quite believe it. "Are you buying this for yourself or for the company?"

Ye Zhao asked back: "Is there any difference?"

"Companies need to file, but individuals don't."

"Then buy it yourself."

Manager Han couldn't sit still any longer. "Excuse me, where are you? Is it convenient for me to visit you now?"

Ye Zhao didn't expect that the person who she had just despised and was about to be eliminated would have a very positive work attitude when he heard that there was really an order. So she told him Zhao Hua's address.

Manager Han said, "I'm not far from Zengwuwei. I'll go there now. It will take about 20 minutes by bike."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhao went directly to the company to wait for Manager Han to come.

Manager Han stood outside the door of Zhaohua and looked again and again. This simple facade did not look like a company that could come up with 8 million in cash.

When he met Ye Zhaoren, he felt even more that he might have been fooled.

She is really just a pretty girl, how could she...

Manager Han asked incredulously, "Are you sure you want to buy 400,000 shares of our stock?"

Ye Zhao: "I want to ask, if I buy 400,000 shares directly, can I get a discount?"

Manager Han hurriedly shook his head: "No. The par value of each share is 20 yuan, it's fixed, and you can't bargain."

"Why don't you try asking your boss, maybe we can discuss it? Didn't they say they haven't sold any in half a year?"

Manager Han: “…”

He looked at Ye Zhao's equally plain office and said, "Are you sure you want to buy it? Don't let me talk to your boss about it and you don't want to buy it. He will think I am teasing him."

What Manager Han means is, don't make fun of me.

"Manager Han, what do you want me to do to make you believe that I really want to buy it?"

"400,000 shares, 8 million required!"

"I know."

"Can your company afford so much money?"

Ye Zhao smiled, "Do I need to verify my capital before buying stocks?"

"That's not necessary."

Ye Zhao saw that Manager Han really didn't believe her, so she pushed the Song Rongji ginger candy on the table to him and said, "Eat the ginger candy!"

Manager Han picked up a ginger candy and started eating it: "Your company looks shabby, but the food you eat is expensive."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "If you like it, I'll give you a box later."

"Send me a box of Song Rongji ginger candy?"

"This stuff costs 18 Hong Kong dollars a box! Converted to RMB, it's 20 yuan a box!"

"We have a lot!"

Manager Han was a little surprised. After saying thank you, he gossiped with Ye Zhao, "I heard that Song Rongji has a new boss."

"You are quite well-informed."

"Oh, a while ago, the Hong Kong and Taiwan TV news were all saying that it was screwed by capital. It was said that it was an old woman named Ye..." Manager Han became interested when he talked about this, and he talked about it in a boastful way, describing vividly the gossip about how Song Rongji was screwed by capital.

Ye Zhao smiled politely and said nothing, listening with great interest to others talking about the news that had long since lost its original appearance.

It turns out that others call her an old woman named Ye.

Someone knocked on the door. Gan Xiaofeng stood at the door and said, "Mr. Liao from Song Rongji called to ask if you want to speak at the company's annual meeting next week?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Let me think about it first. Tell him and I'll call him on the weekend."


After Gan Xiaofeng closed the door, Manager Han asked thoughtfully, "The CEO of Song Rongji invited you to speak at their company's annual meeting?"

Ye Zhao nodded: "Yes."


Ye Zhao smiled slightly: "My last name is Ye."

Manager Han suddenly realized, "Oh my! Oh my! My head! Did you acquire Song Rongji?"

“I guess so.”

Manager Han slapped his head repeatedly: "I'm so sorry! What am I doing? I didn't recognize a great man! You can't blame me. Who would have thought that you are so capable at such a young age! You are so promising at such a young age!"

Ye Zhao smiled: "This is an opportunity given by the times!"

Manager Han had already mastered the skill of flattery at work, and he immediately said, "You have to be able to seize opportunities to become a hero! You see, this time you buy our stocks, it's another great opportunity."

Ye Zhao: "That also depends on whether Manager Han can get us a favorable price to start production."

Manager Han patted his chest and said, "I'll go ask right away. Boss Ye, are you sure you want 400,000 shares?"


"Actually, we still have about 430,000 shares. Do you want to buy them all?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Leave some for others to buy."

"Okay, okay." He wanted to sell 400,000 shares of the company's stock, and then he would become rich.

Ye Zhao took out a note and wrote down his cell phone number: "This is my mobile phone number. If you have any news, you can contact me at any time."

"Okay, okay."

After Manager Han left, Ye Zhao sat in a chair and thought about how to raise 8 million to buy stocks.

Zhaohua and Shengheji did not have enough cash, so she wanted to invest money directly from the inheritance her father left her.

Ye Dingguo left her more than 3 million in cash, and the rest of the funds were in Irene's company account.

She called Su Yingmin and proposed to divide the money in Irene's account.

Su Yingmin was still in the factory. He was very surprised. They had just won the battle for the property, so why were they going to divide the money right away? He asked, "Why do we have to divide the money from the factory? Don't you have enough money? Your father left you so much cash."

Ye Zhao said: "I have an investment recently and I need money urgently."

"How much do you need?"

"Another 5 million."

Su Yingmin was surprised: "What kind of investment requires 5 million?"

Ye Zhao: "It's not convenient for me to talk about this."

Su Yingmin was very disappointed that Ye Zhao had taken so much money from the factory but was unwilling to tell him the truth. He felt that his status in Ye Zhao's heart was too low.

He said, "Xiao Zhao, your father didn't make this money easily. The factory is about to expand its production line, and there will be many places where money will be spent after the New Year. It's not good for you to take 5 million away."

Ye Zhao said: "Uncle Su, the factory still has 7-8 million in cash. Will it cost that much money to expand the production line next year? If it requires such a large investment, then I have to carefully consider whether it is appropriate to expand the production line."

Su Yingmin didn't expect that the little ancestor she invited back was too opinionated and might be more difficult to deal with than her father.

Ye Zhao: "Ask the finance department to prepare and take out 6 million yuan for dividends. Uncle Su, I hope you and Aunt He can have a good New Year too."

Hearing this unquestionable tone, Su Yingmin: "..."

After hitting him with a stick, Ye Zhao gave him a sweet treat in time, "If the factory doesn't have enough money to expand the production line after the new year, I will find a way to raise funds for investment, Uncle Su, don't worry."

Su Yingmin couldn't help but ask, "What exactly are you going to invest in? Can you tell me?"

Ye Zhao didn't want too many people to know that she bought Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative Stocks. She said, "Don't worry, Uncle Su. I won't spend money recklessly. I won't do anything that I'm not sure of."

Su Yingmin said earnestly: "Xiao Zhao, your father is gone, and I have the responsibility to help him keep an eye on you."

Ye Zhao half-jokingly said, "Uncle Su, just help my dad keep an eye on the factory, you don't have to keep an eye on me."

Su Yingmin was speechless again. This wolf cub was difficult to deal with.

"Come to the factory tomorrow and we'll talk about it."

Ye Zhao had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll find you tomorrow."

No matter what, Ye Zhao was going to get enough money to buy Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative Bank’s shares. No one could stop her from moving towards the door of wealth.

When Ye Zhao came down from Shunfeng Building, she saw Brother Xiang standing at the stairs waiting for her on a motorcycle.

"How did you know I was here?"

Brother Xiang said, "I was passing by and saw the light on in your office. Get in the car."

It was just a short distance, and Ye Zhao didn't want to wear a helmet, so he got on the motorcycle and hugged him, lying on his back like a sloth, and sighed heavily.

He stroked the back of her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Nothing, I just talked too much today and I'm a little tired."

He said with some distress: "Don't fall asleep, we'll be home in 2 minutes."

"Yeah." She hugged his waist and closed her eyes to rest.

When they got home, Aunt Qiao had already prepared dinner. They washed their hands and drank the soup first.

Today we are cooking pork ribs, lotus root and peanut soup. Aunt Qiao sat down and said, "I bought pink lotus root and cooked it in a pressure cooker. How does it taste?"

"Brushed! Look!" Ye Zhao showed Aunt Qiao the silky pink lotus root, which made Aunt Qiao laugh out loud.

Aunt Qiao asked them, "How are you going to spend the New Year? If you, Xiao Zhao, and Xiangzi go to Hong Kong City to celebrate the New Year, then I will definitely go to the temple. If you don't go, then I will stay and accompany you."

Ye Zhao: "Aunt Qiao, you don't have to stay for me, just follow your own plan."

"I can't leave you alone at home. Your dad just left, what's the point of leaving you here alone for the New Year? Right?"

Zeng Xiang asked her softly, "Would you please come with me to Hong Kong City to celebrate the New Year and stay in a hotel?"

Ye Zhao nodded: "Okay, I'll follow your arrangements."

Aunt Qiao was a little worried, so she told him, "Don't go to the Luo family. You'll feel uncomfortable if you go there. Just think of it as a trip to Hong Kong City. Go around and have some delicious food during the New Year."

Ye Zhao nodded in agreement. After finishing the soup, Brother Xiang went to serve them rice.

Aunt Qiao whispered again, "Don't go to his so-called aunt's house either."


"She's not my biological aunt, why would you go there?!"

Ye Zhao heard Aunt Qiao mention Guo Xuyan as "the so-called aunt" every time, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Aunt Qiao, you don't get along with Aunt Xiang?"

Aunt Qiao's expression dimmed, "This woman is not a good person! Xiangzi's father was bewitched by her!"

"Have you seen her?"

"I haven't seen her. I don't even know her name. Everyone calls her Miss Guo, but she won't see me."

Ye Zhao was curious: "Why do you avoid me?"

Aunt Qiao lowered her voice, not wanting Zeng Xiang to hear, "This Guo is very scheming. She took care of Xiangzi in the first few years when he went to Hong Kong City, which led to Xiangzi's extremely good feelings for her. She coaxed the old one and controlled the young one. Do you think she is very scheming? And that Feng Ma is her spy, you know that, right? Otherwise, would I have driven her away?"

Ye Zhao was very surprised: "Is Feng Ma her spy?"

"What do you think?"

Therefore, Guo Xuyan already knew that she lived in Brother Xiang's house, and already knew everything about her!

When she heard Zeng Xiang coming out, Aunt Qiao shut up.

Zeng Xiang gave them the bowl. He had just heard some of the things his mother said, "Mom, if it weren't for my aunt, I wouldn't have been able to come back to Zengwuwei. Don't always think so badly of her."

"I won't talk about her anymore, okay? She just went along with the situation and acted like a good person, but you, on the other hand, treated her as a benefactor. It's all your fault that you were still young at that time." The feelings developed in childhood are the most difficult to break.

Zeng Erqiao had never met the woman named Guo, but she always knew that she was extremely hypocritical. This was a woman's intuition.

Zeng Xiang said: "Aunt has no romantic feelings for Dad. I have told you many times..."

Zeng Erqiao ate shredded radish and said, "How do you know there is no such thing? If there is no such thing, why would she stay in your Luo family like this?"

Zeng Xiang: "If she liked my dad, she would have married him long ago, and there would be no chance for that woman named Zhong."

"Will your grandmother let her marry your father? Didn't she adopt her as a goddaughter just to stop her from marrying your father?"

"On the contrary, my aunt accepted my grandmother as her godmother just to avoid marrying my father."

Ye Zhao was puzzled: "If she doesn't like your dad, can't she just leave? Why does she have to recognize your grandma as her godmother?"

"Hey! Xiao Zhao is right!" Zeng Erqiao was very happy to have Ye Zhao as an ally. "Why doesn't she leave? Isn't it just... how do you say that word... something like dragon or phoenix?"

Ye Zhao said for her: "Climb on the dragon and attach yourself to the phoenix!"

Aunt Qiao slapped the table with her fingers, "Yes! It means to associate with the rich and powerful!"

Zeng Xiang explained helplessly: "My aunt came here illegally. She had no other choice."

"Why sneak across the border? I understand! People always want to move up, right? She is your father's mistress!" Zeng Erqiao said angrily!

"Mom, please stop talking." Zeng Xiang thought for a moment and said, "My aunt doesn't like men!"

Ye Zhao and Aunt Qiao looked at each other, and Aunt Qiao asked first: "Does she like girls?"

Zeng Xiang didn't want to discuss his aunt's sexual orientation with others, but if he didn't say it, his mother would always misunderstand him. He didn't want Ye Zhao to misunderstand him as well, so he had to say it.

Zeng Erqiao still didn't understand, "Then why does she keep avoiding me?"

Ye Zhao understood. It was possible that Guo Xuyan had met Zeng Erqiao when she was an educated youth in Zengwuwei, and she was afraid of being recognized.

Ye Zhao said: "Didn't they say she was an illegal immigrant? Maybe she didn't want to come into contact with people from the mainland, fearing that she would be discovered?"

"That makes sense." Zeng Erqiao was still unhappy. "Okay, let's not talk about her anymore. Let's eat."

After dinner and a shower, Zeng Xiang took some nail clippers to Ye Zhao's room to help her cut her nails.

Ye Zhao looked at him with sleepy eyes, "Brother Xiang, you have such a thick filter for your aunt..."

Zeng Xiang didn't understand: "What filter..."

"That's what you think your aunt thinks! If she and I have a conflict in the future, who will you stand for?"

Zeng Xiang said without hesitation: "Of course I support you!"

Ye Zhao fell on the table and smiled: "Why?"

"My aunt is a little paranoid and sometimes her mental state is not very good. If you have a conflict, it is definitely not your problem."

"I thought you would side with the weak?"

"I only help you!"

(End of this chapter)