I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 83: Knot beam


Ye Zhao had just returned from school that day. As he entered the yard, he heard the sound of mahjong. Aunt Qiao was playing mahjong at Fatty Ying's house.

Ye Zhao walked over and was about to watch, when Aunt Qiao turned around and saw that it was her, and hurriedly said, "There's a guest upstairs looking for you."

"Who is it?"

"Old Mac brought you here. He said he's a leader of some kind. He's been waiting for you for over an hour."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "You're just going to let them stay at home like this?"

Aunt Qiao: "Do they dare to move our house? Even if Old Mai had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to do that."

Fatty Ying said: "Being a foreman, he thinks he is a big boss. With a wallet tied around his waist, he is not afraid of being robbed when he goes out."

As he spoke, several of his fellow card players burst into laughter.

Ye Zhao went upstairs, and Lao Mai just came out of the door. He saw Ye Zhao and said with a smile: "I finally waited for you."

Ye Zhao glanced at him. She had never noticed the wallet hanging around Lao Mai's waist before. It did look funny.

In addition to Lao Mai, there were two other people in the room. One of them was a professional manager with a flat head who was said to be one of the persons in charge of the Xu family in Shenzhen. Lao Mai introduced him as Brother Luo.

They didn't bother to exchange pleasantries and directly stated the reason for their visit. Just as Ye Zhao had expected, they came for the Purple Bamboo Forest.

Luo Ge said, "We have learned before that you hired someone to design the preliminary plan for Zizhulin Commercial Street. Your friend's original intention was to build a building for rent, right?"

Ye Zhao said: "Lao Kai told you that, right?"

“You haven’t developed a property before, right?”

Ye Zhao pulled a stool over and sat opposite them. She didn't chase them away. Instead, she wanted to understand how the other party wanted to cooperate. She said, "I'm not a developer."

"We have extensive experience in commercial real estate development. The biggest weakness of this piece of land is that it has good future planning, but its actual geographical location is relatively remote. If we want to develop it and make it prosperous and big, it will take at least ten to eight years of development cycle, which is not something that ordinary people can do." Brother Luo spoke in a low voice and sounded quite polite.

Ye Zhao smiled and nodded: "What you said makes sense."

“You build buildings to make money, right?”

Ye Zhao just smiled and said nothing.

Luo Ge found that Boss Ye was not as difficult to deal with as Lao Mai said. He said, "Then you can just sell the land to us. You can also make money. And you can make a lot of money."

"How much are you going to pay for my land?"

"I have learned about the prices you paid for these plots of land. Most of them were purchased at more than 100 per square meter, and some were purchased at 400 per square meter. In fact, your cost was very low. Boss Ye, you have a good vision. You bought this piece of land when the market price was the lowest."

Luo Ge talked a lot but didn't mention how much he wanted to pay. Ye Zhao was a little impatient and repeated, "How much do you plan to pay for my land

Luo Ge saw Ye Zhao's impatience, so he said: "I calculated that your cost is about 220 per square meter. I can convince the boss to give you three times the price, that is, 660 per square meter, take it all and pay it in one lump sum."

Old Mac immediately agreed, "This resale will make millions!"

Ye Zhao stared at Lao Mai: "Hey, Brother Mai, that's not what you said that day!"

Old Mai was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Ye Zhao meant, so he asked back: "What did I say?"

"Last year, when you came to ask for the land on behalf of your aunt and uncle, you said that it was at least 800 yuan per square meter, otherwise there was no room for negotiation. Last year, before the planning came out, you thought the pig farm land was worth 800 yuan. Now the new planning is about to be released, and you see that the value of the Zizhulin land is going to increase. You offered me 660 yuan, and you still think the price is too high?"

"But you only gave 450 yuan in the end, didn't you?"

"You care how much I gave in the end."

“Your cost is so low…”

"My low cost is my business, what does it have to do with you? Because my cost is low, I will sell it to you at a price lower than the market price?" What a big dream!

Whatever Lao Mai said, Ye Zhao retorted. It was his boss who was begging to buy someone else's land. He was slapped in the face, but he had to stand by with a smile on his face. He felt extremely uncomfortable.

Luo Ge heard that Boss Ye thought the price they offered was too low, so he said, "The price is negotiable. How about this, Boss Ye, you name a price and I'll negotiate with the boss. Is that okay with you?"

Ye Zhao thought the other party would come up with other ways of cooperation. She originally wanted to listen attentively and learn at the same time, but it ended up being a waste of time.

She smiled and said, "I don't plan to sell this piece of land in Zizhulin."

"One thousand per square meter, how about it? After all, Zengwuwei is not a very prosperous area, and Zizhulin is even more remote. One thousand per square meter is already much higher than the market price around here. You can't compare this place with the city center, right?" This Brother Luo seemed polite, but there was a kind of condescending contempt in his words.

He believed from the beginning that Ye Zhao just wanted to raise the price to sell. How could the daughter of a local boss whose family ran a factory develop real estate

Ye Zhao stood up and wanted to see the guest off, "Sorry! I really don't plan to sell my land!"

Luo Ge was somewhat frustrated, but still did not give up: "I heard that you are holding the shares on behalf of a friend, so can we meet your friend? Maybe he will have a different idea?!"

The land had already been acquired, so Ye Zhao didn't need to hide the fact that she was holding it on behalf of someone else. She said, "No need to meet. This piece of land is mine now, and I have the final say."

"Why don't you try asking him? Give me an answer later? Is that okay? If the land is not for sale, can we develop it together? We can discuss everything." Luo Ge took out his business card holder and took out a business card. "This is my business card, Boss Ye, you can contact me anytime."

Ye Zhao nodded: "Okay, I understand. Then... I won't send you off!"

Old Mac thought he would gain something today, but who knew this pretty girl was so stubborn. He said, "Think it over carefully. Although we had some friction before, it doesn't affect our cooperation. The price is very high. The money earned is the real money, right?"

Ye Zhao ignored him.

Aunt Qiao just came back from playing mahjong. After she saw the guests leave, she closed the door and asked Ye Zhao, "Do they want to buy Zizhulin?"



"Of course not."

Aunt Qiao put down her keys and wallet and changed her shoes at the door. She advised: "If the price is right, you can sell it. Are you really planning to develop it yourself?"

Ye Zhao nodded: "I do want to develop it myself."

Then Ye Zhao put his arm around Aunt Qiao's shoulders and said, "After the development, we will choose the best apartment. We will live on the top floor and make it a duplex. We will build a big garden on the rooftop and a chess and card room for you. You don't have to go out to play mahjong anymore. Play at home."

When Aunt Qiao heard this, she was extremely happy. From Ye Zhao's description, she knew they would live together forever from then on.

She was afraid that Ye Zhao would go to Hong Kong with Zeng Xiang to live the so-called wealthy life, and then she would be alone here and live out her life there.

"When I get old, I may not have time to play mahjong. I will have to take care of your children."

Ye Zhao said coquettishly: "Aunt Qiao..."

Aunt Qiao patted Ye Zhao's hand gently, "I'm serious. You should get married as soon as you graduate from college, have children early, complete your mission early, and enjoy life early, right? You don't have to worry about the children after they are born. I will pay for the nanny, and you can enjoy your life as you like."

After saying this, Aunt Qiao didn't wait for Ye Zhao to agree. She counted with her fingers and continued, "There are still three years."

Ye Zhao: “…”

The phone rang. Her brother Xiang calculated the time when she would get home from school and called her on time to chat with her for a long time.

Zeng Xiang is preparing for an exam and won't be back this weekend.

A few days later, Luo Ge called Ye Zhao and asked her what she thought. Ye Zhao still refused decisively.

A week later, on Thursday afternoon, Brother Luo and Mr. Bai, who was said to be the general manager of Xiao Xu's commercial real estate, came to see Ye Zhao with a group of four or five people.

This time they also brought design drawings.

Ye Zhao didn't expect that the design draft was already out before the land was acquired. He didn't know whether to say that they were overconfident or overly arrogant.

I thought that with money I could buy everything and do whatever I wanted.

Unlike last time, Mr. Bai proposed a cooperation plan. He said, "Boss Ye, if you are determined not to sell the Zizhulin land, then we can cooperate in another way. We will come up with a plan and develop it. In return, we will give you a certain area of real estate."

Isn't this similar to resettlement housing

Ye Zhao looked at their design drawings with great interest. It was considered innovative in that era, that is, the development of residential buildings on the ground floor. However, the shops downstairs were connected, so it did look like a commercial street.

Ye Zhao asked: "How can we cooperate?"

"After the development, the downstairs will be commercial and the upstairs will be residential. There will be a total of six 24-storey high-rise buildings. I can give you the property rights of one of the residential buildings."

Only give Ye Zhao a house? What about the shop underneath the house

Ye Zhao raised doubts, and President Bai explained: "All commercial properties belong to us. After all, the cost of development is very high. The commercial properties must belong to us. This is the company's principle. A 22-story residential building, excluding the ground floor shops, has a total of 132 households. We designed high-end residential properties, and the 132 households are worth at least tens of millions. You may not be able to make tens of millions by developing it yourself. You can leave it all to us, and you don't have to worry about anything. Just come and get the keys and take possession of the house when the time comes."

Tens of millions, what a huge temptation. It's much better than the initial plan of only making a few million.

Old Mac was chattering non-stop on the side.

Ye Zhao frowned slightly and said, "We can cooperate, but the design draft must be completely changed. This one is too tacky."

As a proud and fashionable man from Hong Kong, Mr. Bai never expected that a country girl from a small fishing village would despise their design draft for being old-fashioned.

"Why is it so tacky?" Mr. Bai's proud glass heart became sharp, because this was designed according to his ideas.

Ye Zhao said: "Boss Bai, don't be angry, it's not that you are unsophisticated, it's that the design ideas are not leading the trend."

"What kind of trend are you trying to set in this rural area?!"

"Since you look down on our rural area of Zengwuwei, why are you rushing to buy land here?"

Mr. Bai: “…”

Mr. Luo tried to smooth things over: "Boss Ye, what did you mean by cooperation when you said we could cooperate?"

Ye Zhao: "I will be responsible for the design and materials, and all costs will be yours. Two floors of retail space is not enough, we need at least four. We will split the residential space equally, and all the commercial space will be mine."

All businesses belong to Ye Zhao, and this is also her bottom line.

"What?" Mr. Bai looked at Ye Zhao in disbelief. This was too much. "First of all, it's impossible to give you all the commercial space, and it's impossible to give you half of the residential space. Giving you one building is already the limit."

President Bai still refused to leave: "If the commercial building is built to four floors, the fourth floor can be given to you. As for the residential building, you can still have one building."

Ye Zhao insisted: "The conditions I just mentioned are absolutely necessary."

Mr. Bai was so angry. He didn't expect that tens of millions of dollars couldn't impress a mainland girl. It was really an eye-opener.

When they called again later, Ye Zhao still had the same attitude.

The last time it was Lao Mai who called and said, "Boss Ye, even if you give me a chance to live, you will just agree to it. You won't lose tens of millions. If you don't agree, they won't give me the materials for the Fortune Building anymore."

Ye Zhao: "It's better if I don't give it to you. You can be out of the misery."

Soft tactics didn't work, so Old Mai tried hard tactics again. "If you really don't agree, they will definitely retaliate against you. Xiao Xu's family has strong connections. If you don't agree, the two six-lane roads next to the Zizhulin plot will be gone."

This is a blatant threat!

Ye Zhao hung up the phone directly.

As a result, the official plan released at the end of the month showed that only one of the two six-lane roads next to the Zizhulin site was retained, and the other one was turned into an ordinary street.

Although it did not affect the overall commercial value of the Zizhulin site in the future, it still annoyed Ye Zhao, and from then on he had a feud with the Xu family.

In the future, if Xiao Xu's family goes bankrupt, she must have left a footprint on it.

Ye Zhao usually goes to the factory on Fridays, and Secretary Liu will summarize all the matters that need her attention for her on that day.

That day she was looking at the first quarter's financial statements in the office. The total amount of contract orders decreased by nearly 40% compared with the same period last year. Although she often disliked her father in the past, it now seems that Ye Dingguo is much more important than Su Yingmin in this factory.

Without Ye Dingguo, there would be no orders, and Su Yingmin's position is basically internal management, so he could be replaced by someone more reliable.

Secretary Liu made Ye Zhao a cup of iced tea. Ye Zhao took a sip and praised, "Mm, it tastes good."

Secretary Liu smiled and said, "Then I will make this tea for you next time."

Ye Zhao put down the teacup and said, "You can just let others do this kind of trivial matter."

Secretary Liu: "Who can I assign this to? I am the only one left."

Ye Zhao was stunned for a moment, and deliberately asked: "Who is doing Gao Yueyue's previous job now?"

Secretary Liu: "We hired someone from outside, but President Su was not happy with him and let him go a while ago. Now the position is vacant..."

Ye Zhao knew that Su Yingmin was going to give the position of office director to his classmate. Secretary Liu couldn't be unaware of this, so she was deliberately trying to provoke Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu has been in the factory for so many years and has always been loyal to Ye Dingguo and Su Yingmin. She has made contributions in defeating Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue.

But it was obvious that Su Yingmin still only regarded her as a secretary and had no intention of making further use of her.

Perhaps it was because Secretary Liu had previously worked as a secretary for both Ye Dingguo and him, and was relatively neutral, and not qualified enough to be Su Yingmin's confidant.

Ye Zhao must drive his own wedge inside the factory so that he can cooperate with Aqin and Mu Xin.

Ye Zhao asked: "Sister Liu, how many years have you been in this position?"

"Five years."

"Always been a secretary?"

"Not at first, but then my boss thought I was more careful and made me his and Mr. Su's secretary."

"Five years as a secretary is long enough. Have you ever thought about moving up a few steps?"

Secretary Liu smiled sheepishly and said, "It's not like I can just leave if I want to."

Ye Zhao stared at Secretary Liu: "First you have to think."

Secretary Liu sensed that the boss might want to give her a chance, so she said, "Yes, of course. Who doesn't want to have room for advancement? I just don't have the chance."

"Okay, I understand."

As he was talking, Su Yingmin came in with a folding fan in his hand. He said, "It's getting hot today. Secretary Liu, have someone clean the fan someday. We'll have to use it in a few days."

Secretary Liu quickly said yes.

Su Yingmin looked at the financial report on Ye Zhao's desk and asked, "Have you finished reading it? The situation is not ideal."

Ye Zhao closed the financial report: "Let's talk about this later. Uncle Su, isn't the position of office director vacant here?"

Su Yingmin was about to say that he already had a candidate, but Ye Zhao didn't give him a chance to speak and continued, "The factory's profitability is not good right now, so don't hire any more people. I think Secretary Liu is very suitable, and you can directly promote Secretary Liu to office director."

Secretary Liu didn't expect the boss to do what he said and with such high efficiency. She was so moved that she wanted to hug the boss's thigh to show her loyalty.

Su Yingmin wanted to refuse, but it was not a good idea to refuse directly in front of Secretary Liu. Although he was a little fat, his brain reacted very quickly. He said, "Xiao Zhao, we need a bridge to communicate with each other. Secretary Liu was an important bridge between me and your father. With the current situation in the factory, it is not appropriate to add more people. I thought it would be better to let Director Liang serve as the office director here. He has worked here before and has experience. He can take care of both factories."

Secretary Liu smiled awkwardly after hearing this. She knew that Su Yingmin would not agree easily. She looked at Ye Zhao expectantly, hoping that Ye Zhao could come back.

Su Yingmin's mind works quickly, but Ye Zhao's works even faster.

Ye Zhao said: "The main factory and the branch factory are too far apart. It is not appropriate for Director Liang to take care of both. If there is any emergency, he will be too busy to deal with it. As for taking care of both, Secretary Liu can take on the job of both office director and secretary. As office director, she can allocate more resources, which will make it easier for her to serve as a bridge of communication between us."

Secretary Liu felt hopeful again.

After Ye Zhao said this, it would be inappropriate for Su Yingmin to object any further. He was also a smart man, and he was afraid that if he continued to insist, Secretary Liu would be pushed to Ye Zhao's side.

In fact, when Ye Zhao chose to take this step, the balance in Secretary Liu's heart had already tilted.

"Let's settle it this way." Ye Zhao said.

Su Yingmin: "That's fine. I am very optimistic about Secretary Liu. He is a practical person. Okay, Secretary Liu, you go ahead. Xiao Zhao and I have something to discuss."

Secretary Liu agreed calmly on the surface, but in fact he was extremely happy.

After Secretary Liu left, Su Yingmin began to communicate with Ye Zhao about the difficulties they were facing recently.

Ye Zhao did not take the agreement signed between her and Yimeng Group back to the factory for filing, and she did not tell Su Yingmin that Yimeng might bring them a large number of orders.

Ye Zhao asked: "Didn't they recruit new sales staff and raise the standard of customer profit sharing? Why hasn't the situation changed?"

"It cannot be said that there has been no change, but at least the decline has stopped."

“Is the 10% share of the contract value we give higher than the industry standard, or is it the industry standard?”

Su Yingmin said vaguely: "There should be no industry standard for this, it may be slightly higher than the previous standard. The standard for individuals is higher. The standard for those who sign formal contracts will not be that high."

Ye Zhao cursed inwardly that he was an old fox, saying things in a way that no one could find fault with, but he still smiled and said, "Then we can only keep working hard."

Su Yingmin: "The current situation must be changed and reformed."

“How to reform?”

"The management is not motivated enough now. We not only need to increase orders, but also find ways to control costs, including the cost of raw materials and labor. As long as we control costs, even if we don't have as many orders as in previous years, we won't make much less than in previous years."

Ye Zhao stared at Su Yingmin, waiting for him to continue.

Su Yingmin continued: "I have read a lot of information recently. Many large state-owned factories and enterprises are carrying out reforms and using equity to motivate management, and the effect is very good."

“How to motivate?”

“For example, we can take out 20% or 10% of the shares, and as long as the performance meets the standards, we will distribute the corresponding shares to the management. Now that your father is gone, if we do nothing, the profit may be less than half of previous years or even less by the end of the year, and we may even suffer losses in the future. We can set a three-year plan, taking out 10% of the shares every year, and if the profit reaches a certain level for three consecutive years, we can distribute the corresponding shares to the management…” Su Yingmin spoke eloquently, and it was obvious that he came prepared.

Ye Zhao frowned slightly and asked, "If we take out 10% every year, that would be 30% in total?"

Then Ye Zhao's shares would drop from 95% to more than 60%. Su Yingmin really dared to put forward such conditions.

Su Yingmin: "This is done step by step. If the annual performance is up to standard, the money earned in the end will definitely be more than what is paid to the management. This is beneficial to both labor and management. The boss makes money and the management also gets the due compensation. This is what you call a win-win situation! A win-win situation can be achieved."

Ye Zhao had read news about equity incentives before. This was quite prevalent in large enterprises or state-owned enterprises. Some managers of state-owned enterprises even deliberately ruined their performance for their own selfish interests, and then used so-called reforms to cooperate with equity incentive policies. While improving their performance, they embezzled state-owned assets through seemingly legal means.

Isn’t this what Su Yingmin is doing now

First, make Irene's performance worse, and then convince her who knows nothing, and dilute and seize her shares through equity incentives.

What a good calculation.

Ye Zhao did not refuse directly. She said, "Uncle Su, do you remember what you said to Gao Yueyue before?"

"What?" Su Yingmin was a little confused by the question.

"You said, my dad doesn't like to share his shares with anyone, not even you. Less than half a year after my dad passed away, I took out his shares to share with you. He would crawl out of hell and beat me up."

Su Yingmin said disappointedly: "You don't agree?"

"My dad doesn't agree."

Su Yingmin: “…”

"And I have doubts about the ability of these people. My father passed away, and the factory's orders plummeted. Everything is in a mess. If I give them shares, they can immediately turn the tide. This makes me suspect that they are doing it on purpose."

What Ye Zhao meant was that you, Su Yingmin, did it on purpose.

Su Yingmin hurriedly explained: "There is no other way. Only when the management has shares can everyone work together."

"Okay, Uncle Su, now ask Director Lan to call all the people in the marketing department over, and we'll have a meeting right away." She wanted to start with those good-for-nothings in the marketing department, and disintegrate Su Yingmin's power bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)