I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 84: Apologize


Ye Zhao said that he wanted to call everyone in the marketing department to a meeting. Su Yingmin hesitated for a moment. He didn't understand Ye Zhao's purpose, but he still asked someone to call them.

In addition, Ye Zhao called Sister Hui to come over. When Su Yingmin and Director Lan saw Sister Hui come in, they both thought that Ye Zhao wanted to use Sister Hui to replace Director Lan.

What should I do if my boss wants to replace the head of the marketing department

Director Lan looked at Su Yingmin worriedly.

Su Yingmin was also in a state of confusion. Ye Zhao's temper was even harder to predict than her father's. He was ready to adapt at any time. He could go left or right.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ye Zhao said, "I just looked at the financial data. Compared with the same period last year, our first quarter performance has reduced the number of orders by nearly 40%. In other words, this factory will almost cease to operate without my father."

No one dared to speak. After a long while, a business manager under Director Lan whispered, "The boss has changed. If others don't recognize him, there's nothing we can do."

Ye Zhao sneered, "You mean, the reason is me? My incompetence led to a decrease in the amount of orders, right?"

The meeting room was silent, and Su Yingmin, who was used to smoothing things over, stopped trying.

Ye Zhao: "If I have to take care of all the orders, then why do I pay you to come here? If you feel that you are not capable enough, you can leave immediately. I will never keep incompetent people who just want to eat for free."

Everyone lowered their heads and dared not say a word, for fear that the boss would get angry at them.

"My working style is different from my father's. I have more things to do and I don't have time to take you to the market. If you can't grow up, I will replace the entire team."

When the people in the marketing department heard this, they looked at each other in bewilderment. Did the boss mean to lay them all off

Director Lan explained: "The market is particularly complex this year. New factories have opened in other places, and the competition is much greater."

"Why can't you keep the old customers?"

“The commissions and kickbacks given to customers by those new factories are much higher than what we give, which seriously disrupts the market order…”

"You mean to say that the 10% we gave is not enough?"

Director Lan hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe it's not enough."

“How much did others give?”

“I heard that there are 15% and 20%.”

The appetite is really getting bigger and bigger! Ye Zhao shook his head and said, "In the previous meeting, you said that if we raised it to 10%, we could at least maintain 70 to 80 percent of the old customers. But now, there are only a few old customers left, and 10 percent is not enough. We have to increase it. We are in a low-profit industry. If we give customers 15 or 20 percent commissions, can we still make a profit? Do we still have room to survive?"

Seeing that Ye Zhao was really angry, Su Yingmin did not dare to speak up for Director Lan. He just said, "Director Lan, the market is changing too fast. We need to keep up with the times and think of new ways to retain customers. We cannot increase the rebates to customers anymore. Otherwise, it will put a lot of pressure on other departments. If we can't control costs, we will lose money every minute."

Director Lan saw that Su Yingmin had given in and immediately said, "Yes, yes, I understand."

Ye Zhao rolled his eyes silently in his heart, they are all Su Yingmin's dogs.

Su Yingmin added: "It's useless to just understand, we need to have actual results."

Director Lan: "We will try our best."

Ye Zhao: "I want to put pressure on you today. Divide all the old customers into two groups now."

Director Lan and Su Yingmin looked at each other. He didn't understand Ye Zhao's intention and asked hurriedly, "What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about what I mean, just divide it immediately."

Director Lan and his staff had no choice but to divide the customer list into two groups. They guessed that Ye Zhao wanted to divide the salesmen into two groups to complete the performance tasks, so they could only divide the customers equally. They didn't know who would be in the same group with whom. If they didn't divide them equally, they were afraid that they would be in trouble if they were sent to the disadvantaged group.

The people in the marketing department were busy dividing the customers. Director Lan had even divided all eight salesmen into two groups. Ye Zhaoze was communicating with Sister Hui in a low voice. She briefly told Sister Hui about her ideas, and Sister Hui nodded in agreement.

Su Yingmin observed everyone silently, drinking tea without saying anything.

After the customers were divided, Ye Zhao said, "Let me introduce you. The person sitting next to me is Sister Hui, the account manager of Zhaohua."

Sister Hui hurriedly greeted everyone.

Ye Zhao added, "I temporarily asked Sister Hui to come here today. She has never done foreign trade orders and has no relevant experience, but she is very responsible and has experience in dealing with customers. Today, our salesmen will be divided into two groups, one with Director Lan and the other with Sister Hui. The deadline is 2 months. Whoever wins in performance will be the head of the marketing department in the future. The losing group will be eliminated."

If they lose, everyone will be eliminated? Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Who followed Director Lan, and who followed Sister Hui

Director Lan was nervous. If they drew lots to assign the people, what if several of his strong players who could speak foreign languages were all drawn? Wouldn't that mean he would lose all his advantages

Su Yingmin saw Director Lan's worry, and he immediately wanted to cooperate with Director Lan, "Xiao Zhao, your idea is good, survival of the fittest! Director Lan, divide the people into two groups equally."

Director Lan was about to agree when Ye Zhao said, "We don't need to separate people this time. Voluntariness is the principle. Those who are willing to follow Director Lan can follow Director Lan, and those who are willing to follow Sister Hui can follow Sister Hui."

Voluntariness is the principle, so Director Lan was completely relieved. He was confident that the strong men under him would definitely choose to follow him.

Sister Hui smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself briefly. Although I have never done foreign trade business, I have taught myself English and I think my communication skills are pretty good. I also worked with various big customers in other companies before, so I have experience. Friends who are willing to work hard and follow me can join my group now."

The eight salesmen were whispering to each other. Although Sister Hui was the boss's person, she had never worked in foreign trade or worked in Irene, so her experience was almost zero. In terms of advantages, she definitely had the advantage of following Director Lan.

Who is willing to work hard for a new leader? If they lose, they will be eliminated.

None of the eight people stood up.

Sister Hui asked with a smile: "No one wants to come to my place?"

No one answered.

Su Yingmin seemed to be fair and just: "Not all of you can go to Director Lan. It's not appropriate and fair for nine people to be with one person. If you are all willing to go to Director Lan, then Director Lan will choose four people, and the remaining four will go to Xu Hui's group."

Sister Hui smiled and said, "I won't force it. Those who are willing to follow me will follow me, and those who are not willing to follow don't need to be forced to follow me. A forced melon is not sweet."

Su Yingmin looked at Ye Zhao. He thought that seeing this situation, Ye Zhao might use lotteries to divide the people. Who knew that Ye Zhao also said: "You choose for yourself and be responsible for your own choices. I only have one principle, the winner takes all, and the loser is eliminated."

If they all go to Director Lan's group, it means that these people cannot be kept, so they will all be eliminated and replaced with new blood.

Finally, the only girl among the salespersons stood up and said, "I'll go with Sister Hui."

This salesperson is called Xiao An. She is considered an old employee. She was brought up by Director Lan. She had a conflict with other colleagues before, and Director Lan sided with another person, which made her feel very unbalanced. She had wanted to resign in the first place, but she decided to give it a try and choose to follow Sister Hui.

Other colleagues whispered, "Xiao An, don't be impulsive."

"Xiao An, your job is important. Don't get upset."

Xiao An ignored everything and walked straight towards Sister Hui. Sister Hui stood up to welcome him, and the final situation was 8 to 2.

Very good. This female colleague has good vision. Ye Zhao said, "Then it's settled. We'll compare performance within two months. You will each draw one of the two client lists. In addition to old clients, we must also develop new clients. The final comparison is the total contract value."

Director Lan confidently said yes.

After the meeting, Su Yingmin called Director Lan to his office and asked, "Are you feeling stressed?"

"What's the pressure? 8 to 2, we have a great chance of winning."

Looking at Director Lan's blind confidence, Su Yingmin shook his head and said, "Don't you see that the boss wants to kick all of you out?"

Director Lan was surprised: "Kick them all out?"

Su Yingmin: "That's right, otherwise she wouldn't agree to this grouping, do you understand? She's not stupid, she's smarter than her father, she just lacks experience. The current situation is, either you improve your performance, if you do, can you still think of equity incentives? It's definitely impossible. If you can't improve your performance, you'll all be out. She'll benefit anyway!"

Ye Zhao's move can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Director Lan thought for a moment and said, "If I can attract some old customers back, I should be able to beat Sister Hui. I don't need to do too much performance. She only has two people. Does she have three heads and six arms?"

"She must have come prepared. You can't underestimate her. I asked the finance department to report the information of newly signed contracts to me in real time. What I fear most now is that they sign the contract without filing it, and then throw it all in your face and catch you off guard." Su Yingmin believed that Ye Zhao was capable of doing this. He had previously thought of taking advantage of the chaos while Ye Zhao was still unfamiliar with him to grab some shares. Now it seems that it will be very difficult to realize this dream.

Director Lan asked in confusion, "So powerful? What a pity, Xiao An and I are not as close as we used to be. Otherwise, I could bribe her and maybe get some information in advance."

"I have tried my best. You should try your best on your side." Su Yingmin was prepared. If all else failed, he would decisively abandon Director Lan so that he could continue to lie dormant.

At the Luo's house in Hong Kong City, after Zeng Xiang's bedroom moved back to the second floor, he almost never saw Zhong Lini during school hours.

This may be the advantage of a big house. There is always a way to avoid seeing someone you don’t want to see.

He eats dinner in his grandmother's room every night. It was a rare day when his father was there too, so three generations of grandparents and grandchildren sat together and drank sugar water.

Zeng Xiang's university choice was basically decided. After studying at the University of Hong Kong for two years, he would go to the University of Stanford in the United States for one year. This was what he insisted on, and no one in his family could persuade him otherwise.

Luo Jiaming said: "Come to the company for internship after graduating from college, and start from the lowest level. Sooner or later, the family business will be handed over to you. You must be mentally prepared."

Zeng Xiang neither agreed nor disagreed. He had previously told his father that he wanted to be a policeman in the future, but his father disagreed. Bringing it up now would only lead to more arguments, and he didn't want to ruin his grandmother's good mood today.

After Zeng Xiang finished eating and left, Old Lady Luo understood her grandson's thoughts and said to her son, "Let him do whatever he wants while he's still young. He's capable. Look at Song Rong Ji, which he won by mortgaging six shops. It's about to go public. No one in our family has ever achieved such success at such a young age."

Old Mrs. Luo picked up the towel and wiped the corners of her mouth. She said, "Isn't it good to have a smooth life? Why do you need setbacks? Didn't he suffer any setbacks when he was young?"

Luo Jiaming paused. After all, he was largely responsible for what happened to Luo Shen when he was a child. Old Lady Luo's words seemed to be blaming him.

Old Mrs. Luo continued, "It's because he suffered setbacks when he was young that he matured so precociously. Fortunately, he has changed in the past two years and has become much more cheerful. He has his own path to growth. Whatever he wants, you give him the support he needs. This is the best fatherly love for him."

Luo Jiaming said: "He said before that he wanted to be a policeman."

"Then let him take the job. The police system is also a good training ground for people. He can do both, realizing his dream while learning how to run a business. When you really need him to take over, let him come back."

Luo Jiaming: "Mom, your idea is too idealistic."

"That's because I can let go and see things clearly. You can't see as clearly as I can. The only thing I'm worried about now is Shen'er and that girl. From what I've heard from Xu Yan, that girl probably won't want to live in Hong Kong in the future. She has a good relationship with Zeng Erqiao..."

As she spoke, Old Mrs. Luo sighed. Her grandson's heart was not in the Luo family, which was what she least wanted to see.

"If Shen'er really marries her, they won't have any children with us in the future. Zeng Erqiao won."

Luo Jiaming didn't think as much as the old lady about this. "Mom, you're worrying too much. Luo Shen is still young. Maybe he'll have a new friend in two years."

"You don't understand your son." Old Mrs. Luo stood up and prepared to go out for a walk.

Zeng Xiang returned to his room and Qi Lian'an came. He showed Zeng Xiang the materials related to Song Rongji's listing.

"You can just ask Li Tong to give it to me, why did you make such a trip?"

Qi Lian'an smiled and said, "I don't want to ask others to do my job."

Zeng Xiang looked through the information and found that Song Rongji's total share capital was more than 200 million shares, with each share worth 3.3 yuan. That means that after going public, Ye Zhao and Zeng Xiang's net worth would be at least 500 to 600 million.

Moreover, Song Rongji's overall profitability is good, and the possibility of a stock price falling below the IPO price is low. As long as the stock price continues to rise, their net worth will continue to rise.

Seeing that the IPO was about to start, several large institutions and individual bosses wanted to subscribe in advance. There was a list of those who subscribed in advance in the information. Zeng Xiang took a closer look and asked, "Did you go to Shenzhen yesterday?"

"Yes, I showed this list of early subscribers to Ms. Ye, and she kicked Xiao Xu's family off the list."

Zeng Xiang knew about the conflict between Ye Zhao and Xiao Xu's family. Given Ye Zhao's personality, it was impossible for him to let the other party take advantage of him. He asked, "Why did Xiao Xu's family appear on the subscription list?"

"Zhong Limin introduced him. He has been very close to the Xu family recently. They are planning to acquire land together for a project."

Zeng Xiang looked up and asked, "Which project?"

"It would cost hundreds of millions to buy a large plot of land in Shallow Point. They don't have enough money. Zhong Limin wants to wait until Song Rong Ji goes public, and then find a way to transfer funds from Song Rong Ji to buy the land. I also talked about this with Mr. Ye yesterday."

"What did Xiao Zhao say?"

"She told me to turn a blind eye. I will cooperate with Zhong Limin no matter what he wants."

Zeng Xiang nodded: "Then you listen to Mr. Ye."

"I see."

A few days later, Ye Zhao came to Hong Kong for a meeting. The reform of Song Rongji must be carried out before the listing in order to achieve better results in the IPO.

Therefore, she attached great importance to this meeting. This was the first time that Ye Zhao formally participated in a meeting related to Song Rongji’s operations.

As soon as she arrived at the company, she met Mrs. Song first.

Ye Zhao kept his promise and gave the Song family the right of priority subscription. However, the Song family had been in poor financial condition recently and could only barely raise enough funds to subscribe for 10 million shares.

The current 10 million shares account for less than 5% of Song Rongji’s total share capital. For the Song family, the gap is still too big.

Ye Zhao didn't have her own office, so Song Tai followed her to the small conference room to chat.

Mrs. Song said, "How come you, as a boss, don't even have your own office? I heard that my previous office was used by Zhong Limin. You are really generous."

Ye Zhao was not provoked by this. She smiled and said, "I don't work here, so there is no need for my office here. Mr. Zhong is Xiang... Luo Shen's uncle. He is one of us and can be trusted. Mrs. Song, what is the matter with you coming to see me this time?"

"Oh, it's about the shares. You took away 80% of our company's shares for 20 million, and we spent almost 40 million to get less than 5%. Don't say that my master is unbalanced. I feel very uncomfortable in my heart too."

Ye Zhao smiled slightly: "There is no way. Although it sounds very inhumane, this is the reality."

Mrs. Song knew that this was the reality. In the past, the company's senior executives used to be as respectful as possible when they saw her, but today, everyone was only polite on the surface. The fickleness of the world is the norm in the world.

Mrs. Song asked, "I heard that large institutions get extra discounts for buying stocks first. How much discount do you give to other institutions?"

Ye Zhao said truthfully: "The priority to buy shares is to save people from queuing up for the lottery. It doesn't mean there is a discount. The price we give to other institutions is the same as the price we give to your Song family. If you buy the stocks before the IPO, you will make a profit."

Mrs. Song: “Is there really no discount?”

"Really not." Ye Zhao wanted to say that this was not a vegetable market, so how could she bargain? But she held back, with an awkward but polite smile on her face.

After chatting for a while, Mrs. Song saw that it was impossible to convince Ye Zhao, so she had to give up. They had not yet raised the capital for 10 million shares. The old man had money, but he was hesitating. If they missed this wave, the Song family would say goodbye to Song Rongji forever.

Not long after seeing off Mrs. Song, Zhong Liming arrived and everyone started the meeting.

This was the first time that the new boss participated in a meeting of Song Rongji. Almost no one among the middle and senior management of Song Rongji had ever seen Ye Zhao, so everyone was inevitably a little nervous. There were many versions of the legend about Ye Zhao in the company, and none of them was normal. They almost said that Ye Zhao had three heads and six arms.

When everyone saw the girl sitting at the top, who was gentle and pretty, with bright eyes and a kind look, and even her voice was so pleasant, soft and firm, the mood of everyone in the conference room became better.

After listening to the reform plan proposed by General Manager Liao, in addition to internal reforms, the major events are mainly divided into two directions. One is to continue to develop overseas markets, which can be regarded as increasing revenue; the other is to move the factory to Shenzhen, which can be regarded as saving money.

This is the reporting plan that their management has discussed several rounds internally and finally finalized.

Zhong Limin said: "I participated in the discussion last time, and I have no objection. Especially moving the factory to Shenzhen is very important to us. After the factory is moved, the land of the factory is so large and in the city center, the development value is too great. I think this factory land is worth at least several hundred million yuan, so although our stock issue price is only 3.3 yuan, it will definitely soar after listing."

Ye Zhao also believed that the stock price could soar. She said, "I have no objection to the factory moving inland, but the policy in Shenzhen has changed this year. Now if we build a factory in Shenzhen, we can only rent a factory building, and it is difficult to get land. So why don't we move the factory directly to the production base of small yellow ginger."

Mr. Liao asked: "Xishan Town?"

"Yes, if we want to build a factory, we can do it in one step and build it directly in Xishan Town. The cost in Xishan will definitely be lower than that in Shenzhen, and should be less than one-tenth of that in Gangcheng."

“But the traffic over there…”

Ye Zhao: "There is no big problem with transportation. Currently there are provincial roads, and there will be national roads and expressways in the future. We now transport vegetables from Dongshan Town next to Xishan Town every day, and it only takes two or three hours."

After a discussion, everyone basically agreed with Ye Zhao's ideas.

Zhong Liming doesn’t care where the factory is moved. As long as it is moved and the original factory is vacated, he will find a way to change the properties of the land and then use it to develop commercial real estate. This is what he values most.

After discussing the factory relocation issue, Ye Zhao continued, "It is right to continue to develop overseas markets at present, but at the same time, we must also start to think in reverse. China has such a large population, and it will be a huge consumer market in the future. Although the current consumption level in the mainland is still relatively low, the living standard will definitely increase significantly in the next few years. We should plan the domestic market in advance, let the domestic people know Song Rongji, recognize Song Rongji, and 'give Song Rongji as a gift'. Put this slogan on CCTV, and then put this as an advantage in the prospectus..."

Zhong Limin immediately clapped his hands and responded, "That's fine. It will be very helpful in driving up the stock price."

Everyone just watched their beautiful boss talking and laughing, and quickly set some major directions. It seemed that Song Rongji was about to take a big step forward.

After the meeting, Zhong Liming called Ye Zhao to his office and said he would introduce her to a powerful person.

After going to the office and listening to the other party's introduction, Ye Zhao realized that the gentle man in his forties opposite him was Xu Guangrong, the head of the Xiao Xu family.

Xu Guangrong came to ask for the purchase of shares. He said, "Look at my name, I have a connection with Song Rongji."

Ye Zhao smiled slightly and said nothing.

Xu Guangrong probably learned about the inside story these days, and he quickly apologized: "Before, they were blind and didn't recognize you. They didn't know it was you, they thought you were... I'm so disrespectful, so disrespectful!"

Ye Zhao said with a fake smile: "You thought I was the daughter of a local boss, right? That's right, I am the daughter of a local boss."

Xu Guangrong apologized repeatedly: "Ms. Ye, I'm so sorry. I'll call them over to apologize to you."

Zhong Limin also chimed in: "It's just a misunderstanding."

Ye Zhao really wanted to say that if an apology was useful, why would she need the police? She said, "I am a petty person who holds grudges. If you can change the originally planned road near the Zizhulin land for me, I can consider letting you subscribe in advance. Otherwise, there is no need to talk."

(End of this chapter)