I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 90: Fly ash


Before going to bed, Su Yingmin received a call from Guo Xuyan who was calling from Africa. She was going to Africa to do charity work with a charity organization from Hong Kong.

Su Yingmin asked in surprise: "Can you bear the suffering over there?"

Guo Xuyan was obviously in a much better mood than before. She said, "If I don't go out for a walk, I don't know how happy I am and how unsatisfied I am. The conditions here are too difficult. I've been here recently and I often think about the time when we were sent to the countryside to work."

Ho Wai-king sat by the bed and listened. Su Ying-min advised: "It's all in the past. There's no point in looking back and regretting it."

Guo Xuyan was silent for a while, then said, "It would be nice if I could go back in time."

"Why are you thinking about these things? Stop thinking about them, ah."

"Well, I will try to adjust my condition."

Su Yingmin said earnestly, "Xu Yan, I will take good care of Ye Zhao for you, and you should also take good care of yourself. I heard that there are often plagues in Africa, and your health is not good, so you should come back when it's almost time. If you really don't want to stay in Hong Kong, you can immigrate to a better country, such as Australia or Canada. Aren't there many people immigrating to Hong Kong now? Going abroad will be good for both you and Ye Zhao. What do you think?"

Immigrating to another country, Guo Xuyan hesitated for a moment and said, "Let me think about it."

Su Yingmin asked her: "When will you come back?"

"Maybe by the end of the year, I haven't decided yet. Um... Jingzhi's birthday is in a few days..."

Su Yingmin hurriedly said, "I remember. I will make arrangements. Don't worry. I will go every year."

"Thank you, Su Yingmin. Fortunately, I have your help."

"We have been friends for decades, why are you still being so polite to me?"

After chatting for a while and hanging up the phone, Ho Wai-king asked her husband: "Will she listen to you?"

"Who knows. I hope she can listen to me and immigrate abroad and cut off ties with Ye Zhao from now on. That would be the best outcome."

Ye Zhao established a real estate development company of her own, named Zizhulin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

She had never thought about setting up a development company before, but if she didn't do so, she would not be able to obtain property rights certificates for each household.

Zizhulin publicly issued a design tender, but unfortunately the design drafts received were not satisfactory. In the end, she found the designer introduced by Xiao Baisi and asked him to lead a team to complete it.

The third design communication meeting was held in the company that day. After the previous two meetings, only the main design style was decided. However, through the first two meetings, everyone was familiar with it.

Ye Zhao's developer team has not been formed yet. In addition to Gan Xiaofeng, he has only recruited a boy to run errands.

At the meeting, Ye Zhao roughly explained his ideas. The official registered name would be "Zizhulin Commercial Street" given by the leader, and the commercial promotion name would still be "Zizhulin BoBoPark" which was given in their first design draft.

Ye Zhao said: "Now society is developing very fast. I hope our Zizhulin BoBoPark can be forward-thinking and become a business entity that will not be outdated in ten, twenty or even thirty years."

Designer Lin Dong actually does not have much practical experience in this area, but he has seen many excellent commercial design drafts abroad and has long wanted to find a developer in China who can accept advanced concepts to implement. Unexpectedly, an accidental part-time job helped him realize this dream.

Lin Dong said: "Boss Ye, I just heard you say that you want to build two floors of garage and one floor of commercial space in the basement, right?"

"Yes, the commercial street on the underground first floor should reserve an entrance that may be connected to the subway in the future." Ye Zhao drew three circles on a diagram of the Zizhulin plot, "Reserve three interfaces where I drew the circles."

A designer who attended the meeting said in surprise: "Subway? There won't be a subway here in the future. Shenzhen is not Beijing."

Another person also echoed: "Yes, even if Shenzhen has a subway in the future, it will not be able to reach Zengwuwei."

Ye Zhao smiled. In the future, Zizhulin will be a transportation hub where four subway lines intersect. She had no way to explain it, so she just said, "Just design it according to my ideas."

As the middleman, Xiao Baisi flattered Ye Zhao: "Listen to Ms. Ye. She is forward-thinking and far-sighted. Not everyone has Ms. Ye's brain. It's right to listen to the leader."

Lin Dong said: "There is no problem with the reserved interface. There is a commercial street on the underground floor, and four floors of commercial space on the ground cover the entire Zizhulin land."

Ye Zhao handed them a piece of paper and said, "Fourth floor, I have written down the distribution of commercial formats here. You can refer to those abroad. This commercial system must have cinemas, entertainment venues, and supermarkets. The fire protection requirements in China are not strict now, so it is easy to pass them. But we have to consider the future, so please refer to Hong Kong City for fire protection. We should make it more perfect and detailed to avoid having to go back to work and overhaul after the fire protection policy changes in the future."

Everyone was taking notes. Lin Dong said with emotion: "No problem, but everything needs to be planned in advance."

"Yes. Don't airdrop to save money and leave trouble for the future. The underground first floor is a supermarket and various small shops, the first floor is a luxury store, and the second and third floors are clothing, restaurants and leisure areas. They all need to be planned well, because restaurants need smoke exhaust ducts, water supply and drainage, as well as voltage loads. All of these must be planned in advance."

Lin Dong smiled and said, "You think too much, Mr. Ye, it doesn't look like this is your first time developing real estate."

Xiao Baisi: "I've already said it, she is a deity."

Lin Dong: "Really, I'm a little worried. The idea is too good and there's no way to execute it in the end."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't change my mind. I will definitely carry out my idea. Decades later, when you look back, you will sincerely sigh that my idea is amazing!"

Xiao Baisi, the flatterer, immediately organized himself: "Come on, come on, everyone, say in unison, 1, 2, 3..."

"Boss Ye is amazing!"

Ye Zhao couldn't help laughing: "You guys should stop now."

After everyone laughed, the meeting continued.

Lin Dong continued, "The residential buildings above the commercial buildings are enclosed. There are only three buildings, right?"

Ye Zhao: "Above our commercial building is the fifth floor, which is an elevated floor where we can build a sky garden. Above the fifth floor are our three enclosed high-rise buildings."

Xiao Baisi: "Why didn't I understand?"

Lin Dong: "If I put it another way, you will understand. In fact, there are only three high-rise buildings in the entire Zizhulin plot, and we have reserved enough space between the buildings. The commercial areas below the fourth floor of the three high-rise buildings are all connected together. The commercial areas are connected together, and the residential areas are independent. The fifth floor is an elevated empty garden, and the residential areas are above. Do you understand this?"

Xiao Baisi thought about it and seemed to understand, "This design is indeed ahead of its time. It will definitely be sold at a high price!"

Ye Zhao said: "I haven't thought about it yet. I didn't plan to sell it before, but..."

If she doesn't sell the hundreds of houses, there will be a lot of pressure to rent them out in the future, and she will have to set up a special rental company. She needs to think about it again.

Lin Dong: "If we design and build it according to this idea, the cost will be very high. If we don't sell it, how can we make a profit?"

Ye Zhao asked him: "How much will it cost to build? Can you estimate it?"

Lin Dong: "The commercial part needs to use steel structure, which is expensive. There are also three underground floors. Overall, it will cost at least 100 million yuan."

Ideals are full, but reality is a bit skinny. The cash she has is only enough to pay the initial costs.

Gan Xiaofeng was very clear about Ye Zhao's financial situation. After the design team left, she said, "100 million is too scary. I thought it would take 10 or 20 million to build it. How about changing the design? Our money is enough to build an ordinary high-rise building."

"It's okay, I'll find a way."

Ye Zhao had figured that after the Chinese New Year, he could raise some money by selling the Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative shares.

Think about how she was two years ago, she was still trying to raise 10,000 yuan, and now her goal has become 100 million yuan. Generally speaking, it is not a big problem. At most, she can use the land or shares as collateral for mortgage loans. She can always find a way.

As long as Ye Zhao said she could solve it, Gan Xiaofeng believed she could. While she was tidying up the materials on the table, she asked, "It was said before that internal employees of the company can participate in the collective housing construction. Should we set the conditions in advance? Those who meet the conditions can prepare the money in advance."

Ye Zhao stood up, stretched, and said, "Old employees who have grown up with Zhaohua, as well as managers and above who have been employed for a year, are all welcome. You draft a document first, and we will discuss it at the next meeting."

Gan Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Okay. Then we old employees will get a great deal from the company."

"Without you, there would be no Zhaohua today."

Ye Zhao returned to the office. Xiao Baisi hadn't left yet. He went to the bathroom and came back and asked her, "Boss Ye, do you want to have dinner together?"

Ye Zhao said: "Working lunch, should I ask them to give you an extra takeaway?"

"You're too stingy, Boss Ye!" Xiao Baisi came in, pulled out a chair and sat down. "My brother said that you are a legend in their school. You drive a luxury car, disappear every few days, and you get all A's in the final exams. You are eligible for a scholarship, but you are not willing to apply! Hey, are there a lot of boys in your class chasing you? Does my brother still have a chance?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "No chance, I have a boyfriend."

Xiao Baisi said disappointedly, "No way, a strong woman like you, a busy person, is already in love at the age of 20? This shouldn't be the case."

Ye Zhao bluntly retorted: "What do you mean you shouldn't? Do you think strong women should live alone until the end of their lives?"

Xiao Baisi immediately put on a smiling face again: "I'm very curious, who are you dating? Do I know him? Is he a junior fellow student in your department? I heard from my brother that you have a good relationship with a junior fellow student in your department."

Ye Zhao: "My junior and I only talked about academic issues."

"You can handle both business and academics. You're amazing! Let's schedule an interview someday. I'll ask you what's in your head."

Ye Zhao refused directly: "No, please don't flatter me."

Except for the time when he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and had no choice but to be exposed by the media, Ye Zhao did not like being interviewed or reported. Including when Song Rongji went public, only some people in the upper circles of Hong Kong knew who the new boss of Song Rongji was. In general, in news releases issued by Song Rongji, the major shareholder only said that it was Qiaozhi Investment.

It's good to make a fortune quietly, she likes to keep a low profile.

The two were chatting when Qi Lian'an arrived. Xiao Baisi had no choice but to stand up and said, "Then I'll leave first."

"Aren't we having dinner together? I ordered a working meal for you."

"Forget about the work meal. Can you treat me to a nice meal next time?"

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Okay! I'll treat you to a big meal next time."

After Xiao Baisi left, Qi Lianan sat down and handed a document to Ye Zhao, "Boss Ye, this is the company information for buying the old factory land."

Ye Zhao took a look and handed it back to Qi Lianan: "I won't look at these materials, you check them. How is the land in Qiantanjiao? Have you negotiated the price?"

Qi Lianan: "There are several buyers who want to buy it at the same time, and the seller raised the price to 400 million..."

"Four hundred million?"

"Yes. Zhong Limin had no choice but to compromise. The location of the land is indeed good. Now the two sides are negotiating a price guarantee period."

Ye Zhao asked: "How long are the sellers willing to give to keep the price unchanged at 400 million?"

Qi Lianan: “Three months.”

3 months, the time was stuck after the Spring Festival, and the Gulf War happened to break out in the middle...

Ye Zhao nodded and said, "If there are any changes in the situation, please report to me at any time."

After finishing the work, Qi Lian'an returned to Gangcheng and went to Zhong Group to meet Zhong Liming first.

Zhong Liming had just finished talking about business with his subordinates. The Zhong Group had recently run into problems with its funding chain and the bank refused to lend to them, which gave him a headache.

Qi Lianan came over and said, "She agreed."

"Great! This is the only good news I heard today. Did she not see any loopholes?"

"She just glanced at the information. She didn't care who the old factory was sold to."

Zhong Limin smiled and said, "Xu Guangrong and I will gather 80 million yuan right away, and we will transfer the ownership as quickly as possible. After the transfer, we will immediately mortgage the old factory to the bank and get at least 150 million yuan from the bank. Then we will pay 150 million yuan, and you will convince Ye Zhao to let Song Rongji take out 250 million yuan. Together, we will take over Qiantanjiao. After that, we will mortgage Qiantanjiao to the bank and find a way to return the 250 million yuan to Song Rongji and prevent Song Rongji from participating."

What a game of getting something for nothing. It was equivalent to using 80 million as the original capital to acquire two pieces of good land with a total value of over 550 million.

Qi Lianan smiled and said, "Mr. Zhong, you will eat the meat, and I will drink the soup."

Zhong Limin glanced at the time and said, "Let's go. What soup are you drinking? I'll treat you to dinner."

"Oh! You got rich?"

"I recently played futures and made a little money."

"You can, what futures are you playing?"


Zhong Limin also plays futures, so he knows this. "Are you long crude oil?"

"Yes, there was a war between Iraq and Kuwait recently, and crude oil futures soared. I made a little money."

"Since you've made money, I'm going to rip you off. I'll call Xu Guangrong along, too."

"no problem."

Two weeks later, Zhong Limin called Qi Lian'an and asked him, "Have you secured the land for the old factory?"

Qi Lian'an whispered, "I was just about to call you to go through the process, but it got stuck with Mr. Liao. Mr. Liao heard from somewhere that the property of our land can be changed, but he won't sign!"

"What's wrong with Lao Liao? The boss agreed, and I, as the chairman, also agreed. But he, a general manager, just barged in. Is he crazy?"

"I'll try to persuade him again, but Mr. Liao has always hated me, so he may not listen to me. Mr. Zhong, why don't you try to persuade him as well?"

"Okay, I understand."

Zhong Liming called Mr. Liao, but Mr. Liao played Tai Chi with him and evaded the question, saying that the fact that the land attributes of the old factory land could be changed was not something he discovered, and Ye Zhao probably already knew about it. If he signed, he would be held responsible.

This matter was delayed for two weeks, which made Zhong Liming anxious. The transfer of ownership takes time, and the mortgage loan also takes time. If it is delayed any further, there will not be enough time.

If the land for the old factory is not purchased by then, Shoal Point will also be ruined.

He went to Song Rongji to look for General Manager Liao twice but didn't meet him. Zhong Liming was so angry that he threatened to remove Liao from his position as general manager.

Finally, on a Friday afternoon, Mr. Liao was blocked in the office by Zhong Liming.

Mr. Liao smiled and played dumb: "Mr. Zhong, why are you so anxious about this?"

"Why shouldn't I be anxious? If the old factory is not sold, Song Rongji won't be able to raise 250 million, which will affect my acquisition of the land in Shoal Point!"

Mr. Liao: "The company can still raise 250 million yuan without selling the land."

Zhong Limin's mind worked quickly, "Song Rongji needs to keep some money for turnover, so it can't use all the funds to buy the land, right?"

As the two were talking, the secretary came in and announced that the boss had arrived and wanted to hold a meeting.

Since Luo Shen hardly participates in the operation and management, the boss of Song Rongji now refers to Ye Zhao.

Zhong Liming felt nervous for a moment. Ye Zhao came here at this time. Could he have heard the news

He looked at Lao Liao: "Did you tell her?"

Mr. Liao hurriedly explained: "Mr. Zhong, I am a veteran of Song Rongji. I am neutral."

"You are neutral as hell."

When he entered the meeting room, Ye Zhao was already sitting in the seat where Zhong Liming usually sat, with a serious expression on his face.

Ye Zhao asked: "Where is Qi Lian'an?"

Because Mrs. Song no longer needed a secretary, Liang Xin returned to work at Song Rong Ji a few months ago. She hurriedly said, "I have informed President Qi that he is on his way back."

"Where did he go during working hours?"

Liang Xin whispered: "At the horse farm."


Ye Zhao didn't even look at Zhong Liming. Zhong Liming was cursing his mother in his heart. It was all Liao's fault for being nosy. It seemed that the land for the old factory was in jeopardy.

A few minutes later, Qi Lian'an came jogging in. It was winter and he was sweating all over.

He came in, pulled out his chair awkwardly, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I have to go to the client to discuss a contract..."

Liang Xin coughed hurriedly to remind him not to lie.

Qi Lianan: “…”

"Going to gamble on horses during work hours? Uncle Qi, is this how you look after our house?"

Qi Lianan: “…”

Ye Zhao threw a document in Qi Lian'an's face: "I asked someone to go to the Lands Department to ask. It costs a little bit per square foot to change the land attributes. But at the meeting that day, you told me that it couldn't be changed? Why?"

Qi Lian'an's face remained calm. "Boss Ye, it's my fault. I thought the land attributes could not be changed."

"What do you think? Who are you? You are a business talent trained by the Luo family. Would you fail in such a small matter?"

Qi Lian An lowered his head and said nothing.

Zhong Limin tried to ease the atmosphere: "I asked someone before, and they said that the attributes cannot be changed. Maybe the person we asked didn't understand clearly."

Ye Zhao sneered: "Really?"

As she spoke, she reached out and took another document handed over by Secretary Liang, "This is the information of the company that you carefully selected to purchase the old factory..."

When Zhong Liming heard this, his face changed. As expected, he had found out everything. This girl from mainland China was indeed cunning!

Ye Zhao: "For overseas companies, there is only one shareholder, Eva Fon, who has the same name as your wife's sister. You won't tell me that this is a coincidence, right? Mr. Zhong!"

Zhong Limin immediately played dumb: "What does it have to do with me? I don't know."

Ye Zhao threw out another document: "This document can prove that Eva Fon, a shareholder of the overseas company, is your sister-in-law. You didn't know about this?"

Zhong Limin: “…”

"You transferred 80 million yuan of land worth at least 200 million yuan to your sister-in-law's company. As the chairman of Song Rongji, what kind of behavior is this?"

Zhong Limin had a gloomy face and an unpleasant look on his face.

Ye Zhao glanced at Qi Lian An, who seemed to want to say something but hesitated several times. However, Zhong Liming had seen a lot of things, and he felt more sorry that the duck in his mouth flew away than he was afraid.

Ye Zhao put away his sharp words and said calmly: "Zhong Limin, I have reason to suspect that you and Qi Lian'an conspired to use your power to transfer benefits and embezzle company assets."

The executives watched in silence, not daring to say a word.

Zhong Limin shrugged. Now that things had come to this, they were going to have a falling out. He said fearlessly, "You didn't sell the land, and you didn't sign the contract. How can this be considered profit transfer? How can this be considered asset embezzlement? The prerequisite for convicting us of a crime is that we have already caused you losses and it has become an established fact. That's a crime."

"So, you admit that you attempted to commit a crime? Attempted crime is also a crime."

Zhong Limin was speechless for a moment. He paused and immediately said, "When did I admit it?"

"Okay, then call the police. See you at the ICAC!"

In front of so many people, this mainland girl didn't give him any face at all. Zhong Limin was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "I am Luo Shen's uncle! Ask Luo Shen if he agrees to call the police!"

The Luo family even settled the kidnapping case privately back then. Is it worth calling the police for such a trivial matter today

No one at the meeting dared to speak. Mr. Liao reminded quietly, "That... Mr. Ye, if this matter gets out of hand, it might affect the company's stock price."

"You mean not to call the police? Then tell me, how should we deal with this?"

Mr. Liao, I don’t have any suggestions.

"Call the police!" Ye Zhao looked at Liang Xin.

Zhong Limin slammed the table and shouted, "How dare you! I am the chairman of this company, I have the highest authority!"

"Okay, let's hold a shareholders' meeting. I want to remove you as the chairman." Ye Zhao looked at Qi Lian'an and said, "I will take back your position as vice president today."

Qi Lianan stood up and said, "I resign! I resign!"

"We fired you, not you!"

The two sides were in a stalemate, and Zhong Limin called Luo Shen. No one knew what he said to Luo Shen, but the final result was that they did not call the police, and Zhong Limin and Qi Lian'an resigned and left.

Until the last moment, Zhong Limin still didn't give up. "Let's not talk about the old factory. What about Shoal Point? You guys agreed to buy shares in the early stage."

Ye Zhao sneered, "Boss Zhong, you don't think I'm a fool, do you? Can I get the money back if I invest it?"

"As long as you invest money, I will definitely let you take it back. Do I dare to mess with the Luo family?"

"I put money in, and after the deal is done, you want me to take it back?" Ye Zhao laughed, "You really think I'm a fool."

Zhong Limin: “…”

That night, in a high-end club, the lights in the box were dim, and Qi Lian'an and Zhong Liming were slumped on the sofa.

Zhong Limin complained, "It's all that Old Liao's fault! He's the one who caused all this trouble! I'll find a chance to deal with him later. Xiao Qi, you'll be with me from now on. I can still afford to pay you a salary."

Qi Lian'an rubbed his face and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhong. I want to take a break for a month or two. In the next two months, I will stay at home and play with stocks and futures. I have doubled my money in futures this month, which is better than working."

Xu Guangrong sighed, "We can't get the land for Song Rongji's old factory, so what about Qiantanjiao? Where can we raise 400 million yuan?"

Zhong Limin asked Xu Guangrong: "How much money can you raise?"

Xu Guangrong: "We were caught off guard by this wave. All the money had been invested. Even if we borrowed from others, 100 million would be a stretch."

Zhong Limin said: "I can barely borrow 50 million from others."

Qi Lianan picked up his suit jacket and stood up dejectedly: "Bosses, I'm really sorry that I can't help you. I'll go back first."

After walking a few steps, Zhong Limin called him: "Xiao Qi, is the crude oil futures price rising steadily now?"

Qi Lianan: "It depends on whether the United States attacks Iraq. If it does, the price will definitely go up! 100% increase!"

Zhong Limin looked back at Xu Guangrong and said, "Let's take a chance. Do you dare? I will pledge my shares in Song Rongji, and the two of us can pool together 200 million yuan. We can use 800 million yuan with a 4x leverage. As long as the stock price rises by 25%, we will have enough money."

Similarly, if the stock price drops by 25%, the 200 million they borrowed will be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)