I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 91


On the last day of 1990, Ye Zhao went over the design draft of Zizhulin with the design company in the morning. In the afternoon, Manager Zhang from the securities company came to her as promised to discuss the next plan to sell the Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative shares.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has been officially established for one month. During this month, the share price of Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative has increased three or four times, and now the price per share has reached 9.3 yuan.

Ye Zhao told Manager Zhang his plan: "Before the stock price reaches 10 yuan, you must place all orders for 10 yuan. After it exceeds 10 yuan, trade according to the actual market price."

Manager Zhang said with a smile: "You're going to sell it when it goes up to 10 yuan? I see this trend, it may exceed 20 yuan."

Ye Zhao didn’t remember the highest share price of Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative, but she knew it would not rise to 20 yuan, and would plummet in half a year. She just wanted to make some quick money.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Don't be too greedy. My funds have other uses."

Manager Zhang: "But even if you sell it for 10 yuan, you've made 10 times the profit! Earning from 8 million to 80 million is already very impressive. If your story is reported in the newspaper, I guess a lot of people will come to buy stocks again."

Ye Zhao didn't want to be so conspicuous, so she said, "Don't tell anyone about me."

Manager Zhang nodded and said, "I know. We have professional ethics."

After Ye Zhao signed the authorization letter, Manager Zhang left.

Sister Song heard that someone from the securities company had been there, so she ran in and asked Ye Zhao when she could sell the Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative Medical Scheme.

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "It's almost time. You can also wait a month or two. It's during this period anyway."

Selling during this period is almost always considered selling at a high point.

Sister Song was as happy as if she had received an imperial decree. She hurriedly said with a smile, "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll go and tell the old sisters about this later. Those who sold early are so jealous."

When Sister Song said this, Ah Qin happened to pass by and heard it. Ah Qin said, "We are not only envious, we are jealous. It's all Liu Yang's fault. Liu Yang set a bad example. He was the first to sell. If we had kept our stocks until now, we could have made four or five times more. Oh, it makes me angry just thinking about it. Why couldn't I hold on to them?"

Sister Song smiled and said, "So, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. The key is to follow those who understand. You guys, learn from them. Look how obedient we older sisters are. Do you know what our slogan is? We firmly support and implement 'Ye Zhao's Thought'!"

Ah Qin shook her head slightly in surprise and said, "Sister Song! So you are so good at flattering. I am so sorry!"

Sister Song said: "I'm not flattering you, this is a wealth guide!"

Ye Zhao also reminded seriously: "What is 'Ye Zhao Thought'? Although you are joking, please don't say it again in the future."

Sister Song nodded quickly: "Okay, okay."

Ah Qin poked his head in and asked, "Boss, the new year is coming soon. The company's performance is so good, will you issue more stocks?"

Before Ye Zhao could reply, Sister Song patted Aqin on the shoulder and said, "This opportunity is rare and will never come again. Stop daydreaming. Your biggest chance now is to buy the house on Zizhulin Commercial Street at cost price. Go and raise the money quickly."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "Just listen to Sister Song."

Aqin didn't have enough money to buy a house. She stuck out her tongue and said, "I'm not a son, so my parents won't help me. It would be better if I hadn't sold my stocks."

He had another meeting before getting off work. In the evening, Ye Zhao had roast duck rice alone in the small square restaurant.

Aunt Qiao went to Hangzhou for a trip, and Brother Xiang’s school had a New Year event so he couldn’t make it back today. She and Brother Xiang haven’t seen each other for almost a month, so she has to spend the New Year alone this year.

It’s lonely, but not really. When I returned to the Xiaoxi Building, I met Zeng Xiuquan and Li Ruixiang chatting in the yard. Zeng Xiuquan wanted to play cards, and the other girls played cards until almost 12 o'clock.

When she got home and opened the door, she found that the light was on in the room and someone was in the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom door and knocked: "Auntie Qiao? Are you back?"

No one answered. She thought something was wrong. Aunt Qiao probably wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. She asked again, "Brother Xiang, is that you?"

Just as she finished speaking, the bathroom door opened and the inside was filled with mist. She saw Zeng Xiang standing inside with a towel wrapped around him. Just as she was about to speak, he was dragged into the bathroom.

Then her lips were covered, and after a passionate kiss, her brother Xiang whispered in her ear: "Let's take a shower together."

Ye Zhao smiled and pushed him away: "No."

"I want it." After saying that, he bent down and kissed her again, and his hands dishonestly helped her take off her clothes.

The two of them took a bath together, playing and joking. After the bath, he carried her into his room.

In his bed, he blew her hair, kissed her, caressed each other, hugged each other in the quilt and chatted.

She nestled in his arms and asked, "Why did you come back today?"

"I thought you must be lonely and pitiful being alone at home, but when I came back you were not at home..."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I'm playing cards in Xiu Qun's room."

"I heard you." He rubbed her hair with his chin. It took more than three years since they last saw each other for a month. "I missed you."

Although Ye Zhao was extremely busy this month, she still called Brother Xiang almost every day. She was already satisfied as long as they could maintain spiritual communication. She was not so eager for him to be by her side.

But she didn't want to disappoint him, so she kissed his chin passionately, "I missed you, too."

His throat rolled, "Are you hot?"

"It's not hot." After saying that, Ye Zhao seemed to realize something. She laughed out loud, and she leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Do you really want to..."

Bking hugged her and said proudly, "No. I will keep our promise."

"That promise is not important."

Zeng Xiang's face turned red. He hugged her tightly, rubbing his chin against her hair, without saying a word.

She knew what he was thinking, so she said, "Next time you buy a condom, we can try it."

The two people hugged each other tighter.

In order to divert attention, he asked: "Have you started selling your Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperation shares?"

Ye Zhao said "hmm" softly: "I just finished communicating with the people from the securities company today, and will start selling after New Year's Day. I think I can get back more than 80 million yuan in funds."

Zeng Xiang said: "After the funds are recovered, what are you going to do?"

"Let's build the Zizhulin Commercial Street. However, this crude oil futures is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make money. I want to open a short position and make some money."

Ye Zhao wanted to open a short position to trade futures, but at that time there was no way for the mainland to trade foreign crude oil futures.

Zeng Xiang said: "Go to Gangcheng to open an account. Let Li Tong handle this matter."

"It's not difficult to open an account, the key is that I can't transfer the money out." Due to foreign exchange controls, it was very difficult for her to transfer money to Hong Kong City, and it was not a small amount.

Zeng Xiang thought for a moment and said, "There is money in Song Rongji's account."

"Can we do it this way?" Ye Zhao waited for Zeng Xiang to express his opinion.

"Sure. You can collect 100 million and transfer the funds to Song Rongji's mainland account, and then Song Rongji's Hong Kong City account will transfer the corresponding Hong Kong dollars to you. Take this money and let Li Tong open a short order for crude oil futures."

Ye Zhao nodded: "The money in Song Rongji's account is just lying there for nothing. Why don't I tell the finance department to use the remaining money to open a short position in crude oil in the name of the company? What do you think?"

Zeng Xiang stroked her smooth back and said, "If you are sure that the price of crude oil will fall, you can do it, but you still have to be cautious with the company's money and don't use leverage."

"Well, I don't leverage the company."

The two fell asleep while chatting.

The next day, Ye Zhao was awakened by the noise outside. She vaguely heard Aunt Qiao's voice.

Aunt Qiao is back from Hangzhou

She was startled and quickly got up and put on her clothes while whispering, "Brother Xiang, get up quickly, Aunt Qiao is back."

Before she had finished putting on her clothes, there was a knock on the door and Aunt Qiao called out from outside, "Xiangzai!"

The door was not locked. Zeng Xiang was afraid that his mother would rush in, so he quickly wrapped Ye Zhao in a blanket. He responded, "What's wrong?"

"I'm back. Where's Xiao Zhao? Did he go out? It's almost ten o'clock, hurry up and get up."

Ye Zhao was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. If Aunt Qiao rushed in, it would be the most embarrassing moment for her since she came into this world.

Fortunately, Aunt Qiao didn't come in. From the sound of footsteps, I could tell she was walking away.

Zeng Xiang put on his clothes and kissed her on the forehead, "I'll go get my mother out of here."

He came out of his room and saw his mother packing her luggage in her room, "Mom, why are you back so early?"

"I took a flight a day earlier than expected. I stayed in Guangcheng for one night. Where did Xiao Zhao go?"

Zeng Xiang lied: "I guess he went to the company. Mom, I want to drink Badao soup rice noodles."

Aunt Qiao: "Go buy it yourself."

Zeng Xiang: "I don't want to go downstairs. You can buy two servings. Ye Zhao will be back soon and they will be ready to eat."

Aunt Qiao had no choice but to pretend to be helpless and walked out with her wallet. Ye Zhao's shoes were still outside. The two kids wanted to trick her out, but she didn't expose them.

Young people in their twenties are full of vigor and vitality. It is understandable. Who hasn’t been young

On New Year’s Eve, Xu Guangrong’s family held a New Year’s party.

Zhong Limin, Qi Lian'an and a futures trader named George were drinking champagne by the swimming pool, looking at beautiful women and chatting about the war situation thousands of miles away.

Zhong Limin said: "I have the money ready, 200 million, it depends on whether the American soldiers know how to do it!"

George smiled and said, "The U.S. military has already arrived in Saudi Arabia. Now we just have to wait for the outcome of the peace talks in Geneva in a few days. I see from Wall Street's predictions that the talks will most likely fail."

Qi Lian'an also said: "The possibility of the talks breaking down is very high. The people in the Middle East are very stubborn. If the United States asks them to increase oil production, they will definitely use the war as an excuse to reduce production instead of increasing it."

Zhong Limin: "But I heard that America's own oil traders will increase production. Will this affect prices?"

Qi Lianan: "I see that financial newspapers on Wall Street are not optimistic about the increase in production by US oil companies. They are not philanthropists. If they can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, why would they increase production to lower oil prices and reduce income?"

George: "Our company's analysts also believe that American oil traders will not increase production."

Xu Guangrong had come over after entertaining the other guests. After listening to what they said, he also said, "Those white pigs are so smart."

George: "If it is 200 million plus four times leverage, the total is 800 million. I suggest that you make the layout early. If it is too late, I am afraid that the oil price will rise in advance."

Xu Guangrong said: "I also suggest that you make arrangements in advance, and start with 100 million or 200 million. As soon as there is news, the remaining several hundred million should all be placed on long orders."

Zhong Limin asked Qi Lianan: "When will you follow up?"

Qi Lianan said with a smile: "I have already opened two long contracts. I am just doing a small business, which cannot be compared with your big business."

Xu Guangrong: "Today my brother-in-law invited a fortune teller to come and play. The fortune teller said that I will have good fortune in the near future. I have a strong feeling that we will make a lot of money this time. Mr. Zhong, I will call him over later and let him tell you a fortune."

Zhong Limin smoked a cigarette and said confidently: "I don't believe in fate, I believe in myself. I will definitely make money. If we make money this time, we have to thank that mainland girl. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have thought of this path."

Xu Guangrong picked up the champagne glass and said, "Come on, cheers for 1991!"

Zhong Limin smiled and said, "Cheers, thank you American soldiers in advance."

"You can, Xiao Qi!"

"People who are good at drinking can become close friends."

After New Year's Day, Ye Zhao went to a securities company in Hong Kong to open an account and arranged to borrow funds from Song Rongji. One hundred million yuan was equivalent to less than 90 million Hong Kong dollars. Zeng Xiang transferred more than 10 million to her, and the two of them raised a total of 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

All the funds were used to open short positions in crude oil with four times leverage, and all of Song Rongji's idle funds were also arranged to open short positions.

A week later, the negotiations between the United States and Iraq in Geneva failed. On the day the talks failed, Zhong Liming and Xu Guangrong invested all of their 800 million yuan in the crude oil futures market. Contrary to Ye Zhao's operation, they believed that oil prices would rise, so they opened long orders.

Another week later, the United States declared war on Iraq, launching the infamous Gulf War in history.

Zhong Liming got up early in the morning and after hearing the radio news, he immediately turned on the TV and tuned it to the financial channel.

The moment the United States declared war, oil prices soared.

He punched the air hard, this bet paid off!

The phone rang. It was Xu Guangrong calling. "Did you see the news?"

"See, crude oil futures rose nearly 5% today! How much did we earn? I calculated, almost 40 million a day!" Zhong Liming's voice was full of excitement.

Xu Guangrong was also very excited: "Let's celebrate tonight, to celebrate the US going to war, to celebrate us making a lot of money. Call Xiao Qi along."

In the evening, Xu Guangrong booked a private room at their usual gathering place. After Qi Lian'an arrived, Zhong Liming waved to him to come over.

"Have you heard? Song Rongji used all its idle funds to open short orders for crude oil futures. After today's wave, they lost at least 10 million. I've avenged you. I've already leaked the news to the financial reporter. When the news comes out tomorrow, you can expect Song Rongji's stock price to fall!"

After Qi Lianan sat down, he smiled and said, "The drop in Song Rongji's share price is not good for you. You are also shareholders."

Zhong Limin: "How much do we own? How much do Luo Shen and Ye Zhao own? Can we compare? For me, it may be just like being bitten by an ant, but for them, it is like being stabbed by a knife. Besides, after this wave of operations, other small shareholders will definitely have a lot of opinions about them. Maybe they will ask me to go back to be the chairman to stabilize people's hearts."

Xu Guangrong laughed and said, "They finally kicked you out, how could they let you go back as chairman? You're overthinking this."

"I just said that casually, don't take it seriously."

Xu Guangrong is a man with business acumen. He said, "However, Song Rongji's stock price has fallen. When we have money, we can buy some more in the market. Their two plots of land in Gangcheng and Shenzhen will still be very valuable in the future."

Qi Lian'an sighed: "The two CEOs are still thinking far ahead."

Zhong Limin patted Qi Lian'an on the shoulder and said, "We can make money this time because of your contribution. You reminded us to invest in crude oil futures. Mr. Xu and I will not abandon the donkey after it has done its work. As long as we make money and take over the land in Qiantanjiao, we may not give you all the compensation we promised you before, but at least we will give you half. Am I being nice enough, boss?"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong."

Qi Lianan is an old member of the Luo family. Using Qi Lianan is equivalent to offending the Luo family. The Xu family will never use him. Xu Guangrong smiled and said, "Xiao Qi, you are a talent. Follow Mr. Zhong and work hard."

Zhong Limin had just said that he wanted Qi Lian'an to work with him out of loyalty. When he calmed down, he didn't want to have a big rift with the Luo family because of Qi Lian'an. He changed the subject and said with a smile, "What do you want to eat? Order it quickly. I'll order you a busty girl tonight."

Qi Lian An smiled and said, "My wife is very strict, so I'll just order some food."

Zhong Limin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Are you stupid? You told your wife that you were having sex with other women?"

Qi Lian'an looked weak and pitiful. He smiled innocently and said, "Honest man, I really don't dare. The tigress at home is very powerful."

Zhong Limin sighed and shook his head repeatedly: "You have become stupid in the Luo family."

Xu Guangrong: "Fools have their own luck, there's nothing wrong with that."

These two people didn’t think Qi Lian An was stupid, but given the current situation, they could only say that he was stupid.

A few people ordered food and chatted while eating. Zhong Limin asked someone to turn on the radio broadcasting financial news. At nine o'clock in the evening, the night trading began and everyone listened with bated breath.

Crude oil futures opened nearly 2% higher again. Zhong Limin heard this and happily high-fived Xu Guangrong. "He is so ignorant. My palms are sweating just now. I am afraid it will turn downward."

Qi Lian'an reassured them: "Once a trend is established, it will not be easily reversed."

Zhong Limin nodded heavily: "That's right, it won't be easily reversed! Just think about Ye Zhao, that mainland girl, falling flat on her face. She'll be happier than me making money."

Xu Guangrong did not have as much hatred towards Ye Zhao as Zhong Limin did. He smiled and said, "You are exaggerating. It is better to make money yourself."

"Come on, let them open the wine. We won't go home until we are drunk tonight."

After almost all of Shenzhen Agricultural Cooperative's shares were sold out, Ye Zhao asked the finance department to transfer the money to Song Rongji's mainland account.

After the outbreak of the Gulf War, oil prices rose for two consecutive days. Ye Zhao did not bring his mobile phone to school, and when he returned to the dormitory, he received a call from Mr. Liao.

From the sound of his voice, I knew Mr. Liao was very anxious: "Mr. Ye, I don't know who leaked the news about our investment in crude oil futures to the media. The media broke the news today and our stock price fell by 20% in one morning. Many shareholders called the company to curse us, and some even asked the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to check our accounts."

Ye Zhao had expected this. She pulled out a chair and sat down, saying calmly, "There's no problem with our finances. Let them check."

Mr. Liao said worriedly, "Crude oil has been rising for two consecutive days, almost 8%. We have lost a lot of money. Mr. Ye, do you want to close the position and make delivery early?"

"Aren't we losing money if we deliver now?"

“But I’m afraid that if the price continues to rise, we will lose more and more money.”

Ye Zhao comforted him: "It's okay, there is no leverage, it won't explode."

Seeing that he could not persuade him, Mr. Liao had no choice but to say helplessly: "Okay... you are the boss..." You have the final say.

Just after hanging up the phone with Mr. Liao, the mobile phone rang again. It was Zhong Liming calling. Ye Zhao was surprised. Why would Zhong Liming call her at this time

"Boss Zhong, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Zhong Limin was obviously in high spirits: "Song Rongji's stock price fell sharply today! Did you know about this?"

Ye Zhao said: "I heard about it."

Zhong Limin snorted coldly: "You heard it, why are you still so calm? It dropped 20% in one morning! The company's market value evaporated 100 million or 200 million."

Ye Zhao asked sarcastically, "Why do you seem so happy, Mr. Zhong?"

Zhong Limin on the other end of the phone was guessed by Ye Zhao, and he hurriedly defended himself, "Why should I be happy? You lost my money, and I'm here to hold you accountable! Do you know what crude oil futures are? When the war is going on, you buy short orders. Isn't that the same as throwing the company's money into the salt water sea? I know you want to see me in trouble, but I'll tell you a piece of news you may not like to hear. I bought a long order of 200 million with a leverage of 4 times, and I made 60 to 70 million in the past two days. You are a mainland girl who knows nothing, and you have walked less roads than I have crossed bridges. You come to tell us about the country and lose our shareholders' money. Thank you so much!"

Listening to Zhong Limin constantly referring to Mainland Girl, Ye Zhao was very calm: "Who made you a small shareholder of Mainland Girl? If you don't want your assets to be controlled by Mainland Girl, you can sell Song Rongji shares."

Zhong Limin: "Now that Song Rongji's share price has fallen so much, how can I sell it? Who should I sell it to? If Song Rongji's share price drops further, don't blame me for being rude and complain to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that you abused your power."

Ye Zhao could tell that Zhong Liming made this call just to humiliate her.

"Mr. Zhong, why are you so anxious? It's still uncertain who will have the last laugh. Wait a week and we will see the outcome."

"Arrogant!" After saying that, Zhong Liming hung up the phone.

For the next two days, oil prices rose steadily. The more the oil price rose, the more Song Rongji’s stock price fell.

Zhong Liming has already made a plan. After making money from futures, he will immediately increase his holdings in Song Rongji. He will not give up Song Rongji. He wants to see how long this Ye man can fight with him.

After a weekend, Zhong Liming, who rarely went to bed early, was awakened by a phone call in the middle of the night. George called him and told him that oil prices suddenly collapsed, falling by nearly 15%.

Zhong Limin picked up his gold-rimmed glasses from the bedside table and put them on. He was still confused, "What did you say?"

George repeated it again, but Zhong Limin still couldn't believe it. "How could this happen?"

"U.S. oil producers announce increased oil production."

"What about other major oil-producing countries? Will they increase production as well?" Zhong Limin has read many analyses, and they all believe that only if other major oil-producing countries work together to increase production can oil prices be completely lowered.

“Other countries have not yet followed suit.”

Zhong Limin breathed a sigh of relief, "How much did you lose?"

"We lost more than 30 million. Should we close the position?"

"Have you asked Mr. Xu for his opinion?"

"Mr. Xu said to wait and see for another day."

"Then wait and see for another day."

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Liming couldn't sleep. He and his wife had been separated for many years. He was alone in the room. He sat on the sofa, smoking and listening to the radio until dawn.

The next day, oil prices stopped falling and rose slightly. Zhong Liming and Xu Guangrong saw hope again.

As a result, two days later, several major oil-producing countries in the Middle East followed the US strategy and agreed to increase production. Oil prices suddenly rebounded in the middle of the night, falling 16% at one time.

In one breath, their original capital of 200 million was reduced to just over 10 million.

The liquidation line is approaching. If the margin is supplemented and the stock price drops even more, the loss may be more than 200 million.

But if they choose not to pay the additional deposit, their 200 million will basically be wasted.

The 200 million yuan was originally borrowed money and they couldn't afford to lose it.

Zhong Limin was so overwhelmed by the loss that he could no longer analyze the situation rationally: "After two rounds of heavy losses, I don't think the price of oil can fall any further."

Xu Guangrong asked: "Where is Qi Lianan?"

"He said he was in the hospital because he was feeling unwell. He said the market was overly panicked and he also believed that oil prices could not fall any further."

Xu Guangrong gritted his teeth and said, "We can each find a way to borrow another 50 million yuan to make up the deposit first."

Zhong Liming could only find someone to pledge Song Rongji’s shares while going to his sister Zhong Lini for help.

Zhong Lini refused to lend it to him. Zhong Limin hadn't washed his hair for a few days, so it was greasy and stuck to his forehead. He had dark circles under his eyes because he didn't sleep well. He said dejectedly, "If you don't help your brother, then I'm going to die."

Zhong Lini was afraid that the servants would hear her, so she whispered, "How can I have so much money?"

Zhong Limin said angrily: "You are Mrs. Luo, and you don't even have 50 million? 50 million to buy your brother's life!"

Zhong Lini: "Brother, tell me honestly, how much money do you owe outside?"

Zhong Limin smoked a cigarette and said, "The company's capital chain is broken. We owe the bank several hundred million yuan, and other foreign debts are almost 100 million yuan. This is the only chance for our Zhong family to turn things around."

"You owe so much money to others?" Doesn't that mean her Zhong family is on the verge of bankruptcy

"As long as I can keep this momentum going, all the debts won't be a problem once I develop Shoal Point."

Zhong Lini couldn't bear to see the Zhong family really go bankrupt, so she had to stand behind her no matter how broken the door frame was, otherwise she would have no place to stand in this family.

She sighed helplessly and said, "Alright. Fifty million is all my savings. Big brother, you must remember to pay me back."

"I will definitely return it to you!"

(End of this chapter)