I Never Thought I’d Make So Much Money

Chapter 99: Truth 1


When they came out of Zeng Jiulong's house, it started raining outside. The cold raindrops fell on their faces. Zeng Xiang opened his coat and wrapped Ye Zhao in his arms.

There was no driver following them today, so Qi Lianan ran in front and opened the car door for them.

After getting in the car, Zeng Xiang drove and Qi Lianan sat in the back seat. As an outsider, after listening to the whole story, he was shocked and did not dare to comment.

Ye Zhao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, leaned back quietly in his chair, meditated for a few minutes, then turned back and said to Qi Lianan, "Uncle Qi, send someone to keep an eye on Zeng Jiulong. Don't let him disappear. He will have to go back to testify when the time comes."

Qi Lian'an said hurriedly: "Okay, I'll arrange it now."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and assigned the task.

After the arrangements were made, he whispered to Ye Zhao, "Mr. Ye, I have an appointment with the seller of the land at Shoal Point tomorrow. Are you still going to meet him?"

Personal matters are personal matters, and work is work. She can't let these trivial matters affect her speed of making money. Ye Zhao said, "See you. How is the price?"

Qi Lian'an responded, "320 million shouldn't be a problem. If we can confirm it on the spot tomorrow, we can sign the contract right away and go through the formalities."

"Tomorrow's schedule remains unchanged. Thank you for your help, Uncle Qi."

"It's no trouble. I've received two salaries from you. This is what I should do."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "That's what you deserve."

With a capable assistant to help, you can get twice the result with half the effort. It's worth it to pay a high salary.

Back at Chiwuju, in the huge house, besides Ah Hui, there were only Ye Zhao and Zeng Xiang. After they took a shower, Ye Zhao dried his hair, rested his head on Zeng Xiang's thighs, and lay on the sofa in the master bedroom chatting with him.

Although this was not her life experience but the original owner's, once she put herself in the original owner's shoes, she felt sad for her and felt that it was not worth it.

Others are expected by their parents when they are born, but the original owner was not like that. From birth to growth, the original owner was the one who was delayed, let down, and abandoned.

Zeng Xiang was afraid that she would be upset, so he gently stroked the fine hair on her forehead and comforted her: "Many things are caused by mistakes, don't be sad."

Ye Zhao couldn't open her heart to Zeng Xiang either. She said softly, "Well, I have you and Aunt Qiao now. I'm not sad."

Zeng Xiang asked her: "What can I do? You give me the arrangements and I will carry them out."

Ye Zhao grabbed her brother Xiang's hand and said, "Let me think about it."

The two chatted until after twelve o'clock before going to bed.

The next day, Ye Zhao got up at around seven o'clock, had breakfast, went to Song Rongji for a meeting, and then went to meet with the seller of the Sham Point land. In the end, he won the Sham Point land for 310 million yuan.

After signing the agreement with the seller and handing over the remaining formalities to Qi Lian'an, Ye Zhao returned to Shenzhen.

It was still early when she came back, so she called Director Liu to discuss the work arrangements for the next few days.

In the evening, Su Yingmin, as expected, called Ye Zhao anxiously again to discuss the division of shares with her.

Ye Zhao made the excuse that he had to go to school and would not be free until Friday, so they finally made an appointment for 10:30 am on Friday.

When he was about to hang up the phone, Ye Zhao said, "Uncle Su, when the time comes, you can also ask Aunt He to come along."

"What do you want her to do?"

Ye Zhao made up an excuse: "I asked a lawyer, and he said that this is your joint property. When it is divided, she should also sign to avoid subsequent disputes. Brothers should settle accounts clearly. It is more appropriate to ask Aunt He to join us."

Su Yingmin smiled and said, "Oh, you are too cautious. Okay, okay, I got it. I'll call her when the time comes."

On Friday, at nine o'clock in the morning, Su Yingmin called Ye Zhao again to remind her not to forget today's appointment.

It can be seen that Su Yingmin is very anxious to completely cut ties with Ye Zhao and live a good life from now on.

After Ye Zhao put on a simple make-up and a simple set of clothes, he went to the large conference room of Irene Toy Factory on the third floor.

This large conference room was simply Ye Zhao's battlefield. The fights with Bai Yunlian, Bai Yunping, and Gao Yueyue all took place here. Fortunately, this battlefield was her blessed land, and she had never lost.

The large conference room was renovated at the end of last year, and professional conference room tables and chairs were replaced, which are much more high-end than in previous years.

In the conference room, Su Yingmin, Ho Wai-king, Manager Chen, Director Liu, Director Liang, and Sister Hui were all there. After Ye Zhao sat down at the head of the group, he smiled and asked, "How do you want to divide it?"

Su Yingmin said, "Just as I told you before, I only want one production line of the shoe factory and the corresponding factory buildings and workers, and the rest is yours. I asked Manager Chen to calculate, I didn't take much advantage of you."

Ye Zhao looked at Manager Chen, who said, "According to the depreciation valuation of the production line, Mr. Su's request for one production line only accounts for about 5% of the value of the two factories."

Ye Zhao asked: "What is the value of 5%?"

Manager Chen replied: "About 800,000."

Ye Zhao asked back: "A production line, plus a factory building, is only valued at 800,000?"

Su Yingmin had told Manager Chen before that he had already discussed it with Ye Zhao, so Manager Chen only made an estimate. She hurriedly said, "The production line needs to be depreciated."

Ye Zhao didn't think so: "The production line of the shoe factory is almost brand new, and the shoe factory hasn't received many orders in total. How come it has depreciated so much?"

Manager Chen apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I thought you and Mr. Su had discussed it. Then we need to recalculate accurately."

Su Yingmin was obviously unhappy. "Didn't we agree on this last week? Why did you change your mind again?"

"You were the one who talked about it last week, but I didn't agree. Besides, you only own 5% of the shares. Why should you split up with me?" Ye Zhao said bluntly.

Su Yingmin's eyes widened immediately. He was furious. Ho Wai-king kicked him secretly. He suppressed his temper and said, "Why should I separate from you? Irene is the kingdom that your father and I fought for together! Ye Zhao, you are sitting here enjoying the fruits of others' labor, and you still dare to ask me with confidence why I should separate from you? I dare to say that without me, Su Yingmin, there would be no Irene today! But without you, Irene would still exist."

Ye Zhao smiled and said, "That's because I am Ye Dingguo's daughter. I inherited this factory. I am indeed upright and justified. Otherwise... you can be my father's son..."

"Ye Zhao! You are becoming more and more respectful to others." Su Yingmin was so angry that he interrupted Ye Zhao.

Obviously, Ye Zhao wanted to provoke him deliberately.

Ho Wai-king pulled her man and said, "Forget it, Lao Su. It's better to see clearly and leave as soon as possible. Ye Zhao, let's sit here and talk calmly. We own 5% of the shares. We don't want any of the most profitable toy factory. We only want a small production line. Is this request not too much? You can find someone to judge it."

Ye Zhao disagreed: "I think it's too much. With this little share of yours, you are not qualified to split the family business with me. I will not give you a single cent of Irene's fixed assets. You can leave, but it's not a split, it's a withdrawal of shares."

Su Yingmin thought that he had reached an agreement with Ye Zhao last time, and they could go their separate ways today after just going through the formalities. Who knew that this little girl would actually lie to him!

He was a little confused about Ye Zhao's mentality. Su Yingmin suppressed his anger, glanced at Ye Zhao, and said with a smile: "Tell me, how much do I have to pay for this production line before you are willing to give it to me. I was the one who negotiated for these three production lines. The total price was 2.97 million, which means that each production line cost 990,000 on average. After more than a year of use, one production line has depreciated by 190,000. In fact, I didn't get any advantage."

The package price of three production lines that was negotiated two years ago was 2.97 million, and prices have risen rapidly in the past two years. If we negotiate now, one production line will cost at least 1.5 million.

How could Ye Zhao not know Su Yingmin's wishful thinking

"Our production lines are all planned and have purposes. Uncle Su, if you want to work alone, that's fine. I told you that you can choose to withdraw your shares." Ye Zhao looked at Director Liu.

Director Liu took out a share withdrawal letter and handed it to Su Yingmin, "Boss Su, please take a look."

Su Yingmin took it and opened it. Ho Wai-king came over and glanced at it. Su Yingmin threw the withdrawal letter on the table and said, "You are wasting my time on purpose. Manager Chen, how long will it take you to calculate the assets?"

Manager Chen had already understood the situation. Without Ye Zhao's explicit instructions, she did not dare to give a specific time. "Boss Su, I can't answer you this question right away. We will estimate the time this afternoon and give you a reply."

If the subsequent financial affairs take time, Su Yingmin has no way to deal with it. Since the hard approach doesn't work, he will use both hard and soft tactics. He said, "Xiao Zhao, how has Uncle Su treated you all along? When you came to Shencheng, who found a school for you? Who gave you pocket money? When Bai Yunlian was looking for trouble with you, who backed you up? When Bai Yunlian and Gao Yueyue wanted to seize your inheritance, who stood by you and fought for you?! What are you doing now? Pulling the plank out after crossing the bridge! What's the difference between that and Liu Bang killing his meritorious official Han Xin?"

Ye Zhao laughed when he heard this. "Uncle Su, I really thought you were being nice to me from the bottom of your hearts, but... I was too naive."

"How have I treated you badly? When you were in Wancheng, I reminded your father every month to send money home and not to treat you badly. Your mother didn't want to recognize you, and I tried my best to persuade her over the phone. After your father left, I bought a new house and reserved a room for you. As a friend of your parents, I have done my best for you. You can't just wipe out all of this just because I want to separate from you, right?" Su Yingmin spoke with saliva flying. No matter whether others believed his words or not, at least he believed them himself.

Ye Zhao nodded and said coldly: "Su Yingmin, have you been wearing the mask for so long that you believe it yourself?"

Su Yingmin didn't expect Ye Zhao to call him by his full name. He wondered if Ye Zhao already knew something.


He has been supporting Zeng Laojiu's family for a long time. He believes that Zeng Laojiu will not let go of this cash cow of his easily and will not betray him. Moreover, the matter of Qiansui Island has nothing to do with Ye Zhao, so she is unlikely to hold a grudge against him because of what happened on Qiansui Island.

So, it was because of money, because you were not satisfied with him and wanted to split up and work on your own? !

Su Yingmin and Ho Wai-king looked at each other. Ho Wai-king played the role of a good person and eased the situation, saying, "Xiao Zhao, you can't call your uncle Su by his name like that. We can't have an unpleasant quarrel over money. In fact, 5% of Irene's shares is a small amount for you. If you loosen your fingers a little, everyone will be better off, right? There's no need to make such an ugly quarrel."

After Ho Wai-king finished playing the bad cop, Su Ying-min continued to play the bad cop. He looked at Ye Zhao and said, "I'm nice to you, but you think I'm just wearing a mask. You just want to say I'm hypocritical, right? Your father and I are brothers who have been through thick and thin together! If your father were still alive, he would never let you go if he knew you treated his brother like this. Ye Zhao!"

Ye Zhao slowed down his speech and asked, "My father is your good brother who has been through thick and thin with you?"

"Why not? Your father and I came here from Wancheng to work in the countryside. We started a business together and built up Irene's empire together. Everything Irene has is the result of our hard work. I really regret it... I regret..." Su Yingmin gestured with his fingers, but he didn't say what he regretted.

Ye Zhao stared at Su Yingmin without blinking, "What do you regret?"

Su Yingmin: “…”

"You regret not saving my dad when he had a heart attack, right?"

Ye Zhao’s words were like a bolt from the blue!

Everyone at the scene, except Director Liu who knew the truth, stared with their eyes wide open and their mouths open, not daring to make a sound.

Ye Zhao ignored He Huiqiong and continued, "Do you regret not saving my dad at that time? At least my dad is easier to fool than me. He foolishly treated a scum like you as a brother."

Su Yingmin was still in shock. He didn't expect Ye Zhao to know about this.

Only he and Ho Wai-king knew the truth. How did Ye Zhao know the inside story? Who told her

Ho Wai-king said softly, "Xiao Zhao, has anyone been trying to sow discord and spread nonsense in front of you? Your father died of a heart attack in front of our house, and we didn't know it at the time. If we knew, how could we watch your father die without helping him? What good would it do us? If your father is gone, we can't inherit the estate, right?"

Ye Zhao snorted coldly: "He Huiqiong, you don't have to pretend. My father died in your house, and you were there at the time. You two deliberately waited until my father died before sending him to the hospital!"

Su Yingmin finally reacted, and he shouted angrily: "How can you say that? Ye Zhao! I really made an enemy out of helping others!"

Ho Wai-king defended herself, "What's the difference between watching someone die and killing someone? How could we possibly do that to your father?"

Ye Zhao said: "Su Yingmin, you sent my dad to the hospital, but when the doctor tried to save him, he still had weak vital signs. You still regretted sending my dad to the hospital too early, right?"

Su Yingmin was surprised. He didn't know where Ye Zhao got the information from.

Ye Zhao continued, "Bai Yunlian was right. When she called my dad, he said he was in your study room... In your study room, you made him so angry that he had a heart attack, and then you deliberately delayed the time and waited until my dad died before sending him to the hospital. Su Yingmin sent him there, and you, He Huiqiong, cleaned up the house and wiped away any fingerprints that my dad might have left. That's why you, Su Yingmin, dared to yell at Bai Yunlian and asked her to call the police and go to your house to see if there were any fingerprints of my dad. You wiped them all away, so where did the fingerprints come from?"

Everything Ye Zhao said was true, as if she was there.

He Huiqiong wanted to continue fooling Ye Zhao: "Xiao Zhao, there is no such thing, this is all your imagination, it's not like that."

Ye Zhao said calmly: "I have a witness. Of course I won't tell you who the witness is or how he discovered your evil deeds. Let's meet in court."

At this time, the witness, Director Liu, was just like everyone else, eating melon silently without saying a word.

Ho Wai-king felt guilty. She looked at Su Ying-min. Su Ying-min knew a little bit about the law. He knew that witnesses alone were not enough. As long as they didn't admit it, the police couldn't do anything to them. He shook his head and said, "This is a trumped-up charge! For the sake of this 5% profit, you are accusing me and your Aunt He of such a serious crime. Is it worth it?"

Ye Zhao: "Why not? That was revenge for my father's murder! No matter how bad Ye Dingguo is, he is still my biological father. You still want to take back 5% of the shares? I will collect all the evidence and see how the judge decides. You will have to pay financial compensation, and I don't know if your 5% is enough!"

Ho Wai-king said angrily: "In the end, it's all about money."

Who cares about your little money! Ye Zhao said stubbornly: "No matter how much money your family pays, I will donate double it! But you have to be responsible for your actions!"

Doubling the donation is really impressive!

"You said you have a witness. Do you have evidence? Where is your evidence? You are not recording here again, trying to secretly force me to confess, and then hand the tape to the police? This trick may work on other people, but not on me." Su Yingmin would not be so stupid as to admit that he did not help Ye Dingguo.

Su Yingmin looked around the conference room. After the renovation, there were too many decorations, so he couldn't notice the recording.

Ye Zhao ignored him and changed the subject, "Why did my dad go to see you that day?"

"How should I know? I didn't meet him, and he died of a heart attack right in front of our house." Su Yingmin was always alert to the language trap that Ye Zhao might set for him, and did not dare to speak carelessly.

Ye Zhao continued, "I told you before that my dad read a Hong Kong magazine and found my mom's information in it. After he found my mom's information, the first thing he did was to call you, and then he immediately went to your house and died there."

Su Yingmin didn't expect Ye Zhao to investigate so thoroughly. He didn't know what evidence Ye Zhao had. In order to avoid being caught by her, he sat there in silence.

He Huiqiang was about to speak when he stopped her.

It was time to enter the second half. Ye Zhao glanced at the people present and said, "You guys go out first. I need to settle accounts with President Su."

Everyone looked at each other. Sister Hui was worried that Ye Zhao couldn't handle it alone and wanted to stay, but was called out by Director Liu.

After everyone left, Ye Zhaocai asked, "Did you lie to my dad all these years that my mom, Guo Xuyan, was dead?"

Su Yingmin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Guo Xuyan was not dead, so he was not responsible for this matter. He could not help but reply, "That was a white lie."

Ye Zhao asked: "How is the goodwill method?"

Su Yingmin: "Your mother wanted to get rid of your father completely, but your father insisted on pestering her, so I had no choice but to tell him that Guo Xuyan died in an accident when he fled to Hong Kong."

"So, who was my dad worshipping on Chitose Island?"

Su Yingmin was stunned. She didn't expect that Ye Zhao had even investigated this clearly.

Seeing that Su Yingmin didn't say anything, Ho Wai-king quickly responded, "A cenotaph. Some of your mother's old things are buried in it."

Ye Zhao asked again: "Whose grave is next to Guo Xuyan's tomb?"

Su Yingmin was nervous. He swallowed and pretended to be stupid: "What cemetery?"

Ye Zhao took out a photo from the folder and asked, "Who is the tree on the right that you worship every year?"

Su Yingmin: "Mountain God! Not the cemetery, but the mountain god!"

Ye Zhao said: "Then let's call the police and have them dig it up to see if this is a cemetery."

He Huiqiong hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Hey, Ye Zhao, please stop being unreasonable. If you think we are responsible for your father's death, then let's discuss how much compensation you want, okay?"

Ye Zhao seized on He Huiqiong's words and said, "What responsibility do you have for my father's death? Aunt He, are you admitting that you didn't help my father?"

Ho Wai-king: “…”

Su Yingmin rolled his eyes at Ho Wai-king, then said, "It's not that we think we have a responsibility, but that you think we have a responsibility. Don't be unreasonable..."

Ye Zhao sneered, "Who is making trouble? You guys wanted to change the subject, so let's get back to the topic."

Ho Wai King frowned, sighed heavily, and tried to change the subject: "You can only blame me for coming home too late that day and not finding your father collapsed at my doorstep in time. I am responsible."

Ye Zhao ignored her: "I remember Uncle Su once said to my dad, 'You are also responsible for her death.' Who is this "she"? Uncle Su later explained to me that she was my twin sister, but Guo Xuyan admitted to me that she only gave birth to me. So, who is this "she" who died?"

Su Yingmin drummed his fingers on the table in panic. Ho Wai-king still hoped to fool him: "There is no such person. It must be a slip of the tongue."

"Jin Jingzhi, right?" Ye Zhao stared at them and said word by word, "Jin Jingzhi did not immigrate abroad, but was lying under the tree on Qiansui Island, right?"

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

Ye Zhao stared at them. Su Yingmin and He Huiqiong were too nervous to say anything for a while.

Su Yingmin knew he couldn't hide it any longer, so he sighed and admitted, "Yes, Jin Jingzhi was indeed buried on the island."

"How did she die?!"

"He hanged himself."

Ye Zhao asked, "Then why did you say that my father was responsible for her death?!"

"Because..." Su Yingmin sighed again, "I don't know how to tell you. This involves personal privacy, so it's not convenient to tell you more."

Ye Zhao pursed his lips and nodded, "Okay, it's inconvenient to tell me, right? Then you can tell the police. You said Jin Jingzhi committed suicide. If she really committed suicide, why did you bury her privately? Not calling the police, not notifying her family, what you did is neither reasonable nor legal."

Ho Wai King said: "It's because your father is afraid of taking responsibility!"

"So, Jin Jingzhi's death has something to do with my dad?"

Ho Wai King: "I can't hide it any longer. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. All of this is caused by your mother, a disgusting witch who deserves to die a thousand times."

"My mother is a vixen? What does Jin Jingzhi's death have to do with my mother?"

He Huiqiong picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then said, "Your mother is abnormal. She likes women, and she likes Jin Jingzhi. But Jin Jingzhi liked your father at first and only treated her as a sister. And your father likes your mother. Your mother was so good that she directly seduced Ye Dingguo away, and then got pregnant with you. After she got pregnant, she wanted to take abortion pills. Your father was also a bad guy. In order to keep her, your father gave her pregnancy-preserving pills and lied to her that they were for abortion. She took them several times, but the pregnancy was too advanced and she couldn't get an abortion."

"Then what?"

He Huiqiong smiled and said, "Then, I don't know how charming your mother is. She was pregnant and finally got together with her sweetheart Jin Jingzhi. It was a sudden love affair. That was..."

Su Yingmin interrupted: "Okay, stop talking."

"Why didn't I say anything? Guo Xuyan was kissing and touching Jin Jingzhi behind Ye Dingguo's back, even though he was pregnant. He was so shameless that he was caught by Ye Dingguo. Ye Dingguo was so angry that he beat Jin Jingzhi and said he would report her to the brigade to ruin her reputation. Your mother went to protect Jin Jingzhi, but she got hurt and gave birth to you prematurely. That afternoon, when you were born, Jin Jingzhi hanged herself." He Huiqiong shook her head slightly after she finished speaking. "No matter how strange it is, you should blame Guo Xuyan. He is a vixen who harms people."

Or maybe this is the so-called truth that Ye Dingguo knows, which is a mixture of truth and falsehood.

But Zeng Laojiu told Ye Zhao a different version of the story.

Ye Zhao remained calm after hearing this. She asked, "So what role did you play in this matter?"

At this time, in Ye Zhao's office, Zeng Xiang, Guo Xuyan, Guo's father and mother were sitting around a small loudspeaker. Guo Xuyan's face was ashen, and Guo's father's face became uglier as he listened. Guo's mother grabbed his hand, signaling him not to be angry and to listen first.

(End of this chapter)