I Only Like Your Made-up Persona

Chapter 10: Under the fence


Zhou Ziheng clearly felt the change in Xia Xiqing. He had been lazy and seemed to be staying out of the game before, but when he heard that a player had broken through the room, he immediately immersed himself in the game.

However, he also knew that Xia Xiqing did this not because he had a flaming desire to win, but because he just wanted to leave here to watch the fun.

His real purpose is probably to make the muddy water even more chaotic.

"Don't you think this poem is strange?" Xia Xiqing took out a pen from somewhere and underlined the last few lines of the poem.

[Only by re-disassembling,

Give you back to me and give me back to you.

From top to bottom, connected to each other.

Everything will have meaning again.]

He took out the note that Zhou Ziheng had put together at the beginning, with a string of garbled characters written on the front. "I think this poem is hinting at the method of deciphering this code."

Zhou Ziheng nodded in agreement and read the poem carefully in his mind.

[We were once one.

Fate tore you from my body, from my bones, my flesh, and my heart, and crudely put these meaningless organs together.

I was buried together with you, who was torn apart and reconstructed together.

Buried beneath this fence where lush roses grow.

Only by disassembling it again,

Give you back to me and give me back to you.

From top to bottom, connected to each other.

Everything will have meaning again.]

Once one, separated, pieced together, buried together one after the other...

He could not help but recite in a deep voice: "Buried under this fence where lush roses grow..."

Fences, fences…


Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to my mind.

"rail fence cipher."

They both blurted out the words at the same time, and then looked at each other in surprise.

Xia Xiqing laughed first, "It seems that I really am a fan who follows my idol. We have a perfect rapport."

Zhou Ziheng sneered in his heart. Sorry, he didn't want to be followed by such a person at all.

Even so, Xia Xiqing's reaction speed still surprised him. "How do you know the fence password?" Zhou Ziheng asked.

Xia Xiqing answered casually, "My nephew is an IT guy, and I studied some cryptography with him for a while..."

Your nephew... ? Zhou Ziheng frowned and looked at Xia Xiqing.

Where did you come from, old witch

He didn't say it, and didn't really believe what Xia Xiqing said. He leaned over and took the pen he had just found to decode the code. Xia Xiqing turned the poem to the other side and saw the word [2 you] written on it. He smiled and said, "In fact, the clue provided by the program team is really obvious. The 2 here is not to, but refers to the original state of this code being divided into 2 columns, right?"

"Hmm." Zhou Ziheng counted the digits of the long string of garbled characters with his fingers, found the one in the middle, drew a vertical line, and disassembled them. Although he knew that Xia Xiqing understood the decoding process, in order to ensure that the audience of the program could also understand the process, Zhou Ziheng explained, "The first half of this poem is the encryption process, and the beginning of the decoding process is the hint of 'only re-disassembly'. According to the 2 written on the back, divide the garbled characters into two groups, each with seven letters."

pgoeude anhnrd

"'Return you to me and return me to you' should mean to disassemble and restore the letters in the group." As he spoke, Zhou Ziheng rewrote the two separated groups, aligning the two lines.



Zhou Ziheng lowered his head and recited the penultimate line of the poem, "From top to bottom, connected to each other." He started from the letter p in the first row and drew a line with a pen, first pointing to the letter a in the second row, and then turning the pen tip, the line circled back to g, and so on, until this winding, wavy line penetrated every letter and reached the last letter d.

"Write it down in the order of the lines..." Zhou Ziheng half-bent over and carefully copied the final answer.


page one hundred.

"Page 100." Xia Xiqing picked up the incredibly thick book next to him and turned to page 100.

The entire page was printed with words as densely packed as ants, and he saw four numbers on the 42nd line.

[I live only because of my desire, for this blazing cliff. If possible, at the moment when my desire burns out, I want to be the 1414th rose in the sea of roses in your heart, no more, no less, just that one.]

"1414." Xia Xiqing put down the book, walked to the front of the study, and entered these four numbers in the password lock screen on the door.

The combination lock emitted a blue light and flashed three times, and finally a green prompt message appeared on the screen.

[Password is correct!]

Xia Xiqing tried to push the door, and heard a click. The door lock was unlocked. Xia Xiqing, who had originally wanted to slip away by himself, noticed the close-up shot on the door lock, so he turned around and said to Zhou Ziheng with a smile: "We can go out now, let's go."

Zhou Ziheng, who was leaning against the desk, looked at him meaningfully, and finally walked towards him with his hands in his coat pockets.

A new prompt tone came from the speaker.

[Note that two players have now escaped from the original room and entered the other player's room.]

"Is the alliance still established?" Zhou Ziheng suddenly asked.

Xia Xiqing smiled and opened the door. "Of course, if my usefulness has not been exhausted."

The word "squeeze dry" was used in a very subtle way, so subtle that Zhou Ziheng didn't even realize that he was being teased by Xia Xiqing. He followed him out of the original room unconsciously.

The structure of this house is very strange. There is no partition like a corridor between the rooms. Open the door of your room and go directly into the new room. The person in the room was busy doing something. He heard the wall behind him, or at least he thought it was the door of the wall, suddenly opened. He was startled and his back trembled.

Adhering to the original intention of shaping the character, Xia Xiqing took the initiative to greet the original owner of the room with a smile, "Hi, we are the players who just escaped from our room. You should have received the news from the program team."

The man was wearing a cream-colored wide sweater, and his light brown hair looked very fluffy. He turned around when he heard the voice, and his handsome face suddenly showed a relieved expression when he saw Zhou Ziheng, "Ah Ziheng, it's great that it's you." He smiled at Xia Xiqing again, "Hello, hello... gAren't you the one recently? The one on Weibo a few days ago..."

Xia Xiqing introduced himself considerately, "Xia Xiqing." The other party looked like he was about to introduce himself, but Xia Xiqing immediately spoke for him, "Shang Sirui, I really like your group's songs."

Shang Sirui is the face of the popular group High Five. He had worked with him in a play before, but it was just a guest role. Although Xia Xiqing said all polite words and he didn't like to listen to the songs of this kind of idol boy group, their popularity is still good in the circle of young people, especially Shang Sirui, who has become the most popular member of the group with his handsome face and confused personality.

"Really?" Shang Sirui laughed twice. "Hey, you guys are so amazing. You escaped so quickly. I've been messing around here for a long time but haven't come up with anything useful. I'm just wondering why my agent gave me such a difficult notice."

Xia Xiqing almost laughed out loud. He is an idol after all, and his voice sounded like a crosstalk when he opened his mouth. No wonder netizens complained that his voice was too crisp.

"It's always faster when there are two of us." Zhou Ziheng walked to Shang Sirui to check his current progress.

If you don't compare, you won't notice it. When the two of them stood together, Xia Xiqing realized that Zhou Ziheng was really tall, and his shoulders were wider than Shang Sirui's, which made Shang Sirui, who was originally above the standard height of a boy band, look petite. If he remembered correctly, these two people seemed to be a couple.

The entertainment industry’s top attacker’s persona is never deceiving me.

Although Shang Sirui and Zhou Ziheng both have countless fans who love their looks, they have two completely different styles of looks. Shang Sirui's facial features are relatively light and youthful, and he looks like a high school boy, while Zhou Ziheng's facial features are very dark, and his deep facial features were once mistaken for being mixed-race.

For Xia Xiqing, the latter is of course more exciting.