I Only Like Your Made-up Persona

Chapter 102: Extra 8 Happy Lantern Festival!


On the day of the Lantern Festival, at Xu Qichen's repeated invitation, Xia Xiqing took Zhou Ziheng to Xia Zhixu's house. When they arrived, Xu Qichen was making glutinous rice balls. Xia Xiqing put down the red wine she brought and started to complain, "Chenchen, you are such a good wife and mother. You even make the glutinous rice balls yourself."

"I don't think the food outside tastes good." Xu Qichen lowered his head and grabbed a piece of glutinous rice dough. "Actually, I just tried it out by looking at the recipe."

Zhou Ziheng sighed, "When can I eat the meal Xi Qing cooks for me?"

Xia Zhixu gave him a look and said, "As long as you are not afraid of being poisoned to death, you can do it anytime."

The two men high-fived Xia Xiqing behind his back.

"Who told me that using my hands to cook was a waste of God's gifts?" Xia Xiqing kicked Zhou Ziheng's leg. Zhou Ziheng smiled and tried to pull him away. Xia Xiqing said, "Go away," and walked to the restaurant and sat next to Xu Qichen, "Let me help you."

"I don't want to eat what you cook, put it aside." Xia Zhixu said, pulling Zhou Ziheng to the living room, "I recently developed a new game, do you want to try it? A VR game, a shooting game, Chenchen doesn't like it, and there's usually no one to play with me at home."

"Okay." Zhou Ziheng became interested when it came to shooting. Xia Zhixu took out two sets of equipment, gave one to Zhou Ziheng, and then said to someone, "0901, open the map."

"Who is 0901?" Zhou Ziheng put on a black vest equipped with a sensor. The moment he put on his glasses, the living room in front of him completely disappeared and turned into a battlefield filled with smoke.

After adjusting the headphones, he could no longer hear the voices of Xu Qichen and Xia Xiqing in the living room. All he could hear were the roars of guns and cannons, and a voice devoid of any emotion appeared.

"Hello Mr. Zhou, happy Lantern Festival. Nice to meet you. I am the artificial intelligence butler, number 0901. I will be your game management system and guide you through this game."

Zhou Ziheng's blood suddenly boiled, but he was also a little confused, "What about Zhixu's system?"

"I am also the administrator of the system. Don't worry, my parallel operation capacity can execute commands of up to 200 people at the same time."

"Very cool."

"Now I will help you connect to the administrator's signal. You will become teammates. I wish you good luck."

Sitting in the restaurant and watching the two guys who turned into high school students when playing games, Xu Qichen couldn't help but laugh, "Fortunately, the living room is big enough, otherwise there wouldn't be enough for them to play."

"It's over, it's over. Zhou Ziheng is really going to become an internet addict if Xia Zhixu leads him this way." Xia Xiqing imitated Xu Qichen and tried to close the glutinous rice dumpling in his hand, but the filling kept coming out no matter how hard he tried. He simply rolled it up in his palm and put it on the plate in self-abandonment. "No, I really don't have the talent for cooking."

Xu Qichen smiled and said, "You can make dumplings without fillings, and they are also delicious."

"Forget it." Xia Xiqing brought over the big bowl of peanut and red bean candy filling. "I'll help you roll the filling into small balls, and you can wrap them directly."

The two of them were wrapping their bags while chatting about recent events. As they were chatting, Xu Qichen suddenly said, "By the way, there's something I've always been curious about."

"What?" Xia Xiqing was carefully kneading the sugar filling.

"You and Zhou Ziheng..." Xu Qichen lowered his voice, "Who is number one?"

He was so nervous that the candy filling in his palm was suddenly crushed. Xia Xiqing turned to look at him, "Why are you asking this?"

Xu Qichen smiled shyly, "I'm just curious, didn't you only do 1 before..."

Xia Xiqing hesitated for a while, then felt that he was being too hypocritical. He sighed and admitted directly, "He's on top."

"Really?" Xu Qichen clenched his fist inexplicably and whispered, "Yes!"

"What are you so happy about?" Xia Xiqing reacted immediately, "Are you two making a bet with me?!"

Xu Qichen smiled guiltily, "We have been guessing for a long time. At first I also thought it was impossible for you to... do that."

Xia Xiqing put down the candy filling in his hand, spread his hands and lay on the table, sighing deeply, "I never thought that I would have this day."

Xu Qichen held back his laughter, "No, I just think it's a pity that there is one less 1 in the world." He quickly said seriously, "How could you agree to this? And I think it's okay for you two to take turns doing that."

“Forget it.” A strand of hair on the back of Xia Xiqing’s head stood up. He didn’t notice it, but it moved when he spoke. He lowered his voice and his expression was funny. “It hurt so much. The first time, I almost couldn’t get out of bed. My legs were shaking and I couldn’t even sit.”

"I am someone who is so tough and resistant to blows, but I am in so much pain. Just imagine." Xia Xiqing shook his head. "Forget it, let me do it. Zhou Ziheng probably can't bear it."

Xu Qichen was a little surprised, "So you are willing to be down there because you feel sorry for him?" This wasn't just a little surprised, it was a complete shock, "Oh my God..."

"It's okay, actually. You'll get used to it. I thought since I'm used to it, there's no need for him to try again. It doesn't matter who's on top or who's on the bottom."

Xia Xiqing would never have said such words in the past. Xu Qichen knew better than anyone what a proud person Xia Xiqing was.

He sighed quietly, "It turns out there are people in the world who do nothing for love..."

Xia Xiqing sat up straight, "Don't tell Xia Zhixu." He added, "And Zhou Ziheng." He washed his hands, took out his phone and started to browse Weibo. Xia Xiqing habitually clicked on her homepage when he saw an interesting fan comment, and sometimes clicked on other people's Weibo from his homepage, and kept scrolling like this, sometimes he could read all night.

Xu Qichen was about to talk to him when he saw Xia Xiqing's expression was a little distorted, so he came over curiously and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Xia Xiqing looked at him with confusion, "What is clay sculpture?"

"Clay sculpture?" Xu Qichen shook his head. "Shouldn't you know more about it than me?"

"But I feel like this is..." Xia Xiqing's expression became even stranger, "It's not the clay sculpture I understand."

"What?" Xu Qichen leaned over to look at his phone screen. It was a Weibo post. He read out the caption, "The heart of a stunning beauty must be cold, along with her snow-white skin, eyes covered by lace, and slender, delicate fingers. But her lips are as fresh as a rose, so fragile and delicate that one can't help but..."

He coughed and couldn't read any more. The picture below was the inside page picture of Xia Xiqing lying in a rose bathtub when she and Zhou Ziheng took a double magazine photo together last time. Xu Qichen raised his head awkwardly and looked into Xia Xiqing's eyes with a question mark on his face, "Is this... a pornographic book?"

"How should I know?" Xia Xiqing exited Weibo, frowned, and thought about the description of the Weibo post just now. Goose bumps appeared all over his body. "What's wrong with young girls nowadays..."

Xu Qichen had always known that Xia Xiqing didn't like people putting him together with any feminine descriptions because he was so handsome and had been talked about since he was a child.

Although he didn't mind, Xia Xiqing still couldn't understand why someone would post a Weibo like that and why so many people would repost and comment on it.

[Xia Xiqing, the only husband on the Internet: Only someone with this kind of appearance is qualified to be a clay sculpture, okay, kiss my beauty.]

There are countless comments like this, and some are even more exaggerated. He was curious and looked up what clay sculpture is, and found out that clay sculpture fans are also a kind of fans, which is homophonic to "Ni Su" and likes to change the gender of their idols.

"I am a..." Xia Xiqing changed his words halfway through, "I am a man who has been a man for 25 years, how can I have so many anti-Su fans? This doesn't make sense!"

Xu Qichen couldn't help but laugh, "Go find a mirror and see if it makes sense."

Xia Xiqing curled his lips and made a disgusted sound.

"I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart," Xu Qichen added fuel to the fire fearlessly, "The photo of the little girl in the white dress last time was really pretty." He tried hard to hold back his laughter, "She looked fairy-like."

"What the hell!" Xia Xiqing was speechless, "Don't mention my dark history."

"Hey, Zhixu's mother also brought that skirt with the pile of junk last time. She said that you were the only one who wore it, and it's just sitting there and no one wears it anymore. Why don't you..."

"Shut up."

Xia Xiqing directly covered Xu Qichen's mouth with her hand, and the restaurant suddenly became silent, but the living room was noisy.

"Left, left! Damn, I'm running out of bullets, give me some!!"

"Oh my god, this game is so real. It hurts so much where I got shot!"

"Here, gauze!"

Xia Xiqing, who desperately needed a reason to escape from Xu Qichen, the hint maniac, stood up and said, "I'll go take a look. You're making me want to play."

Just walked to Zhou Ziheng's side.

"Get down!" Zhou Ziheng, who was wearing glasses, suddenly lay down on the ground, and Xia Zhixu beside him did the same, which scared Xia Xiqing.

"What's going on..." Xia Xiqing sat on the sofa that had been moved away, crossed his arms over his chest, and stared motionlessly at Zhou Ziheng who was busy as hell. The more he watched, the more he found him interesting, like a child.

After more than ten minutes, the game seemed to be over. The two of them took off their glasses panting. Zhou Ziheng turned his head and found Xia Xiqing sitting on the sofa. He was so tired that he fell on him, hitting Xia Xiqing so hard that he couldn't breathe. "Fuck... You crushed me to death."

Zhou Ziheng chuckled twice, hugged Xia Xiqing's head and kissed him twice very loudly, "I win!"

"I win, I win." Xia Xiqingsheng said perfunctorily, "Get out of my way."

"Tsk." Xia Zhixu glanced at both of them with disdain. He was about to say that there is no love in e-sports, but he forgot about it when he saw Xu Qichen sitting in the restaurant and wrapping dumplings obediently. He took off his vest and ran to find him.

Zhou Ziheng turned over and lay next to Xia Xiqing, panting, "That vest can simulate pain. I was shot just now. It hurts so much!"

Xia Xiqing glanced at him and asked, "Where was the bullet?"

"Here." Zhou Ziheng grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest, "It hurts here."

Xia Xiqing lay down next to Zhou Ziheng, "Then why didn't you die?"

"I almost died." Zhou Ziheng started to make up stories, "Then I felt a strong sense of belief, which supported me to win."

Xia Xiqing snorted coldly, "Are you childish?"

Zhou Ziheng turned his head and looked at his face, "Why don't you ask me what my beliefs are?"

Xia Xiqing was at a loss, "What belief?"

"Love!" After saying that, Zhou Ziheng hugged him and kissed him madly, until Xia Xiqing couldn't open his eyes. He pretended to push him away, but in fact he didn't use any strength at all. He was just pretending to accompany him in his childish way.

"Let's play a round."

"Okay." Xia Xiqing wiped his face and gave him a look, "I'll beat you."

After dinner, the two prepared to go home. Xia Zhixu wanted to give Zhou Ziheng a set of gaming equipment, but was rejected by Xia Xiqing. What would he do if he really got addicted? Xu Qichen also took out a bag and said, "Here are the small bread and biscuits I baked yesterday, and the lotus root balls fried by Zhixu's mother. I packed them all. You can take them home and eat them."

Xia Xiqing took the food, and fearing that Xia Zhixu would sell Amway again, he grabbed Zhou Ziheng and ran away.

The two drove back home. When they were in the elevator, Zhou Ziheng smiled and said, "All the dumplings I ate had the fillings exposed."

"Who told you to eat it?"

"I love to eat it. The ones with the fillings exposed are the sweetest."

"Go away."

After returning home, Xia Xiqing went straight into the bathroom. It was freezing outside, so he wanted to take a hot bath to warm himself up. Zhou Ziheng sat on the sofa for a while, wondering if he should put the food Xu Qichen gave him in the refrigerator, so he took the bag and went into the kitchen.

When Xia Xi came out of the shower, he found no one in the living room. He called Zhou Ziheng, but no one answered. He had to go upstairs to see if he was in the bathroom in the bedroom.

As soon as he opened the bedroom door, Xia Xiqing was dragged in. Before he could even catch his breath, Zhou Ziheng pressed him down on the bed. He had also taken a shower, so his hair was still wet. Xia Xiqing looked puzzled, "What are you doing? You press me down several times a day."

"I'd like to press you several times a day."

The dialogue suddenly fell into some kind of philosophical misunderstanding.

The water droplets from Zhou Ziheng's hair dripped onto Xia Xiqing's face, causing him to start lecturing, "Your hair is so wet, go blow dry it."

"No." Zhou Ziheng shook his body left and right, and water droplets were everywhere, like a puppy that had just taken a bath.

"I'm so annoyed with you." Xia Xiqing said this, but his expression was trying not to laugh. He pushed Zhou Ziheng and said, "Get up, you really want to crush me to death."

"I can get up, but you have to agree to one thing."

Xia Xiqing raised an eyebrow, "What request?"

"You agree first."

"You speak first."

The two of them were in a stalemate for a long time, which made Xia Xiqing feel numb on one side of his body. He thought, who cares? What else can he ask for? It's just the same thing. So he made up his mind and let it go, "Okay, okay, you get out of the way first."

"Really! You are not allowed to regret it." Zhou Ziheng took out a piece of clothing from the pillow.


Fuck fuck fuck.

After seeing clearly what it was, Xia Xiqing wanted to faint on the spot.

Isn’t this the white dress that Xia Zhixu and Chen Fang forced him to wear before? ! ! It actually fell into Zhou Ziheng’s hands! ! What the hell is this? !

"I want to break up with Xu Qichen, right now, immediately!"

"Be good, put it on before we break up."

Xia Xiqing, whose half body was numb, was dragged and half-forced by Zhou Ziheng to strip naked. To be honest, Xia Xiqing liked Zhou Ziheng's face. Although he had never expected that his personality and appearance would be so different, he was still a little excited to see him do something worse than a beast, such as forcibly stripping her clothes.

He suddenly felt as if he had awakened some strange attributes.

But Zhou Ziheng was so fucking sexy that Xia Xiqing sighed every time he looked at him while lying on the bed.

How could my taste be so good? How could such a perfect little wolfdog be hooked up by him? With this face and this figure, who wouldn't be aroused

It's fun to be in aroused for a while, and it's fun to be in aroused all the time.

Xia Xiqing, who was mentally satisfied, suddenly forgot the fact that he was being forced by Zhou Ziheng to wear women's clothes. In addition, Zhou Ziheng was kissing him while taking off his clothes, which made him dizzy. He then put his arms around Zhou Ziheng's neck and sat up.

Although Xia Xiqing was not sober, Zhou Ziheng was so sober that he was very excited. He tentatively took the skirt over Xia Xiqing's head and prepared to put it on. It was a sleeveless round-neck suspender skirt with a long and large skirt. The fabric was not cotton and was a bit slippery.

When Zhou Ziheng tried to force her to wear the sleeveless skirt, Xia Xiqing suddenly regretted it and kept resisting, "I won't wear it..."

But the more he resisted, the more excited Zhou Ziheng became. He just wanted him to wear it, "Please wear it once, just once." He looked into Xia Xiqing's eyes, kissed his pursed lips again and again, and showed a pleading expression, "Just once."

After a long stalemate, Xia Xiqing finally compromised. He really couldn't do anything about Zhou Ziheng.

After getting his approval, Zhou Ziheng was so happy that he almost flew. Even though Xia Xiqing looked unhappy, he still put the white dress on him like he was putting clothes on a child.

"It's a bit tight." Zhou Ziheng hugged Xia Xiqing and reached behind him to help him zip up, but it didn't go smoothly. Xia Xiqing, who was already extremely embarrassed, lowered his head and lay on his shoulder, muffled and said, "You are talking nonsense, I am a man."

Although Xia Xiqing is tall, she does not have a big frame like Zhou Ziheng. She is thin and lean, so it is not a big problem for her to put on the skirt. However, the zipper cannot be pulled up to the end.

"That's it." Xia Xiqing raised his head, his expression somewhat embarrassed, his ears red, "Stop pulling..."

This pitiful look immediately touched Zhou Ziheng's heart. The young lady in the white dress that he had been thinking about for so many years seemed to have returned, right in front of him, ready for him to do whatever he wanted.

Perhaps Xia Xiqing really didn't like being the passive party, or perhaps he wanted to quickly use other emotions to cover up the shame of being forced to wear women's clothes. He directly hugged Zhou Ziheng's neck and kissed his lips.

"Come on... stop talking nonsense."

The author has something to say: Please go to wb and eat Tangyuan seriously