I Only Like Your Made-up Persona

Chapter 11: family games


After appreciating the appearance of the two people, Xia Xiqing looked around. This room was very different from theirs. It was obviously a bedroom. The furnishings inside were also very simple, with a black wooden wardrobe, a round table on the wool carpet, and a small bed.

Shang Sirui's strategy was different from theirs. He collected all the things that looked like clues and put them on the round table, and then analyzed them one by one.

"Ziheng, can you help me see if these things are useful?"

Zhou Ziheng responded and walked over to check the existing clues with him.

Xia Xiqing did not go over, but walked around the small space. This room was different from the previous study. There was almost nothing hanging on the wall. He touched the finely textured wallpaper and found a small camera on the wall facing the bed in the bedroom. But strangely, the camera's range was almost a blank wall.

Suddenly, he found two tiny nails on the wall, which blended in with the pattern on the wallpaper and were difficult to detect. Xia Xiqing stretched out his fingers and touched them, and felt that something was wrong.

Was there a painting hanging here

"Xiqing? Come and take a look at these clues. I just can't figure out anything," Shang Sirui called him and waved at him. Only then did Xia Xiqing come out of his thoughts and turned around to see Zhou Ziheng and Shang Sirui sitting around the round table. He nodded and walked over.

There weren't many clues on the table: a note, a memo, and a laptop.

Shang Sirui was explaining to Zhou Ziheng where he found these clues. Xia Xiqing moved the mouse, and the computer screen lit up, showing a web browsing page. There were three URLs on the tab bar. Xia Xiqing clicked on them one by one. The first one was information about an art exhibition, and the second one was a reservation page for a book. When he clicked on the third page, he suddenly felt something.

"Si Rui, have you touched this computer?"

Shang Sirui, who was talking to Zhou Ziheng, leaned over and said, "Ah? I don't have one. The computer is not connected to the Internet. These three pages were displayed when I came in."

Zhou Ziheng glanced over slightly sideways, the light from the screen shone on Xia Xiqing's face. His eyes blinked slowly, as if he was thinking about something.

"What did you find?"

Hearing Zhou Ziheng's voice, Xia Xiqing turned around and said, "Do you remember the note in our room? There was a message on the back of it."

Just as Xia Xiqing was about to continue speaking, Zhou Ziheng took out the note from his pocket. This surprised Xia Xiqing. He had experienced Zhou Ziheng's patience and carefulness, but this level was really beyond his imagination. "You actually brought it out."

"Did anyone say that carrying clues is against the rules?" Zhou Ziheng raised his eyebrows, turned the note over and placed it on the table, then pulled a chair over and sat down, reading the message on it, "See you at Sophia Restaurant at ten o'clock tonight."

"Sophia Restaurant?" Shang Sirui frowned and asked.

"Yes," Xia Xiqing moved the notebook in front of Zhou Ziheng and Shang Sirui, "The last page is the official website of Sophia Restaurant."

Shang Sirui squinted his eyes and looked at the screen, then scratched his hair in embarrassment, "It's all in English..."

You have some image baggage, don't you? Xia Xiqing shook his head in his heart. If this sentence is not edited out and broadcast directly, the haters will have another opportunity to attack him. Maybe they will even give him an illiterate personality. The competitor's team will buy a lot of press releases and start to lead the rhythm again.

"Rose Day?" Zhou Ziheng seemed to have caught a hint of interesting information from the official website.

Shang Sirui looked confused, and Xia Xiqing gave him a rough explanation, "It should be some kind of couples' dining event. They said that the restaurant will be decorated with thousands of roses that day, and the special menu will also include rose-made dishes and wines."

"What does this have to do with us escaping from this room?" Shang Sirui crouched down and looked up at Xia Xiqing. Although Xia Xiqing felt helpless, he still smiled at him gently, "I don't know either."

Shang Sirui looked at Zhou Ziheng with a confused look on his face. Zhou Ziheng supported his chin with his left hand and gently tapped the note with his right index finger. "Since there are two clues pointing to this restaurant, it is definitely not meaningless."

He was right. If there was only one clue, then it might be a coincidence. But if both clues pointed to this restaurant and the clues progressed step by step, it must have been deliberate.

Seeing Shang Sirui's confused look, Xia Xiqing, who was in charge of the angel character, was afraid that he would be embarrassed and that the show would not be very good, so he took the initiative to divert attention from the restaurant where the complete clue chain could not be obtained for the time being, and asked, "Did you discuss anything from the other clues just now?" After saying that, he picked up a piece of paper from the table. There was a line of words written on the front. The strokes were neat and childish, probably written by a teenager.

[Dad, the teacher gave me a problem today, but I can’t figure it out. Can you help me figure it out?]

Xia Xiqing turned to the back and saw a four-digit number and two empty brackets written on it.

1634 ( ) ( )

A sequence of numbers

This is too few conditions.

Based on the experience of the first room, the program team would not make it so difficult for the guests. If it was a puzzle similar to a number series, at least three numbers would be given. But now there is only one, and it is a four-digit number. It is really a headache.

Xia Xiqing looked at Shang Sirui, "Sirui, where did you find this note?"

Shang Sirui pointed to the bedside table, "It's right there, but there's only this note on it."

Xia Xiqing nodded. Although he believed Shang Sirui's words, he always felt that this kid was unreliable, so he walked over and checked carefully. Indeed, there was nothing else on the bedside table, but he always felt that something was wrong. The production team must have hidden something else. He looked around the bedside table and found an inconspicuous wastebasket between it and the edge of the bed. Xia Xiqing stretched out his arm to take out the wastebasket and dumped everything inside on the floor.

"Oh my god, I didn't even notice it." Shang Sirui immediately stood up and ran to squat in front of Xia Xiqing, imitating him and unfolding the crumpled waste paper one by one and placing it on the floor, "What's in here?"

"I'm not sure either, but the program crew deliberately 'produced' so much garbage, there must be a purpose." Xia Xiqing responded to Shang Sirui while flipping through the pages until he unfolded a piece of waste paper with a few lines of calculation formulas written on it.

He looked carefully and found that only half of the calculation process was completed.

"Found it." Xia Xiqing stood up with the paper and walked to the round table. Zhou Ziheng was looking at the hotel's Rose Day promotion page on the computer with a meaningful expression on his face. When he saw Xia Xiqing and Shang Sirui coming over, he returned to his previous expression, "What did you find?"

"Calculation process, look, does this word look familiar to you?" Xia Xiqing handed the waste paper in his hand to Zhou Ziheng. Zhou Ziheng took it and looked at it, then put the paper on the table with a slight smile on his face.

This expression was too handsome. Xia Xiqing was shaken and lost for a moment.

Zhou Ziheng's looks were just what he wanted.

Beauty can mislead people, beauty can mislead people.

"The handwriting of the problem-solving process and the handwriting of the bookmark in the study room are from the same person. Sure enough, the handwriting on the note is a woman's handwriting." Zhou Ziheng put the waste paper back on the round table. "It seems that we can confirm the identity of this protagonist. He is a married man with children."

"Maybe there's an extramarital affair." Xia Xiqing sneered.

Shang Sirui was completely confused and asked in bewilderment, "How did you know?"

Xia Xiqing blinked and said, "It's just a blind guess."

Shang Sirui said "oh" and then smiled cutely, "I feel like you and I are not in the same dimension. You two have such a good understanding of each other that you can understand each other right away."

This is not tacit understanding, it's just a good brain, Xia Xiqing thought.

He took a pen and bent down to underline the calculation process on the paper. "Anyway, take a look at this first."

The only number given in the question was 1634, and there was only one line written on this discarded manuscript paper.

1x1x1x1 plus 6x6x6x6 plus 3x3x3x3 plus 4x4x4x4=