I Only Like Your Made-up Persona

Chapter 2: The car rollover scene


Jiang Yin didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she showed an expression of understanding and smiled frankly, "My sixth sense has always been inaccurate."

Coincidentally, after the female host on the stage finished speaking, she handed the microphone to Zhou Ziheng, and the host asked him some questions about the movie.

"We just saw some clips in the sneak peek trailer. Ziheng, your breakthrough this time is really huge. I almost didn't recognize you the first time I saw you. We are all very curious. Do you have any memorable experiences or feelings while filming this drama?"

Zhou Ziheng held the microphone, thought for a moment, and replied, "If I were to say, I probably wouldn't want to eat fish or shrimp in the next six months."

The fans in the audience all laughed. This kind of serious and dry humor surprisingly suited him very well.

"The most impressive thing... Actually, the whole process of filming this drama left a deep impression on me. To be honest, this was the first time I tried this kind of subject matter, and Director Wang had an obsession with live shooting. Eighty percent of the shots were shot on the boat. At the beginning, I had a severe reaction to seasickness, and I couldn't get into the state for a long time. The whole crew was very tired and frustrated. When I thought about the fact that there really are such people in the world who are deprived of their human rights and become slaves, I felt very..." Zhou Ziheng considered the wording, "grieved, yes, it was probably this feeling that supported me to grit my teeth and finish filming this drama. I think the whole group of actors and staff felt the same way."

Xia Xiqing tilted his head slightly to look at him and listened carefully. To be honest, he always felt that Zhou Ziheng was not suitable for the entertainment industry. He was like a product of a sterile environment, with a heart of salvation for any dangerous and complex environment outside.

To put it bluntly, he is an idealist suffering from delusion of redemption.

This was the first time he had seen Zhou Ziheng so closely. Now he finally understood why those star-chasing girls were so crazy about seeing him in person. A good-looking star like this would only look even better in person.

Staring at Zhou Ziheng on the stage, Xia Xiqing felt that every angle of his figure was almost perfect, and could be used to replace those plasters lacking in texture as a tool for practicing portrait sketches. His occupational disease made him subconsciously scan and analyze every inch of Zhou Ziheng's skin and muscles through his body-covering clothes. Xia Xiqing, who had seen countless people, always believed that Zhou Ziheng's body was the most perfect he had ever seen.

I really want to create a sculpture based on him, Xia Xiqing sighed in his heart.

"Then let's start the Q&A session," the host handed the microphone to Zhou Ziheng, "Ziheng, you go first."

The fans started to scream desperately, and the atmosphere became very heated. Zhou Ziheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and this little action seemed very pleasing to Xia Xiqing.

On and off the stage, the two people's eyes met. Xia Xiqing's mouth corners slightly raised, and the corners of his eyes also slightly raised, habitually conveying information in his eyes.

"That's it."

Zhou Ziheng pointed in his direction.

"This girl in the floral dress." he added.

It turned out to be the girl behind him. Xia Xiqing smiled.

Boring straight guy.

He had half-struck his flirtatious glances when they were blocked by the other party's straight male wall. This setback did not make him feel frustrated, but instead aroused a fire in his belly. It was probably the same as a hunter chasing a deer. The more agile the target, the more suitable the gun in his hand is.

He didn't really listen to their questions and answers. He just observed the texture lines on his body with his eyes boldly and restrainedly, as if he was looking at a perfect sculpture in an art gallery, full of longing and imagination.

The press conference lasted for two hours. After it was over, Xia Xiqing went to the restroom. The venue was a high-end hotel with a complicated structure. Xia Xiqing looked around but couldn't find it. On the way, he met a staff member who smiled and said, "Hello, do you know where the restroom is?"

The staff member was a young girl. She felt a little embarrassed when she saw Xia Xiqing. "Turn right, oh no, turn left and there is a VIP restroom at the end..."

"Thank you." Xia Xiqing smiled and put his hands in his pockets and walked in the direction the staff pointed.

As soon as he walked in, his cell phone rang. Xia Xiqing took a look at the caller ID and his good mood disappeared.

I played all night and I don’t feel tired at all.

"If I remember correctly, we never even started." Xia Xiqing held the phone between his shoulders while washing his hands. "I don't think there's anything wrong with me... Really? You want to date me?"

He chuckled, shook off the water droplets on his hands, took a few tissues from the tissue box beside him, and wiped his fingers carefully. "I remember when we first met, I said I didn't want to fall in love, but you look like me, and we had nothing to do, so we came out for a drink. Everyone in that kind of place has the same idea, but they didn't say it out loud, and I just said it out loud. But who knew that after just a few words, I found out that you..."

He dragged out the last syllable of his words, as if he was hesitating in his wording.

After hesitating for too long, his tone became completely cold, and he said slowly, word by word: "Useless."

The other party kept talking on the other end of the phone, and Xia Xiqing was fed up with it. "Are you serious? Don't be ridiculous. I'm most afraid of hearing someone tell me that I'm serious. It's all bullshit. Do you think you're the heroine of a melodrama?"

She was flirting with someone in the bar yesterday, and was so frivolous that she almost did it with him right there, which made him lose face. If he hadn't said anything, everyone would have thought he was really cheated on. Now she has the nerve to come here and express her true feelings.

"We're all adults now. If you eat in a nicer manner, maybe we can sit down and have a drink together next time we meet. We're all very demanding. If we have time, we'd better hook up with someone new and fresh. Why are you wasting our time here with me? Besides, I saw you having fun with others yesterday. Are you not picky about food?" He shook his hand, and the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became much louder, making his ears hurt. He frowned and took the phone with his hand, without a trace of smile on his face.

Even the voice has changed.

"I'm warning you, stay away."

He balled up the paper he had used to wipe his hands and threw it into the trash can. "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll get someone to destroy that thing down there. You're lying on the bed getting fucked anyway, so there's no point in keeping it."

The person on the phone suddenly fell silent.

Xia Xiqing laughed, looked at herself in the mirror, adjusted her expression, and smiled softly.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just kidding. How could I bear to do that?" His voice became extremely gentle again, and he leaned against the wall of the bathroom, as if he was comforting his intimate lover, "So you be good and disappear from my sight, okay?"

After hanging up the phone, Xia Xiqing was about to go to the bathroom, but unexpectedly, someone came out from inside.

The man in the gray-blue shirt and with a tall stature is the leading actor Zhou Ziheng who was shining on the stage before.

Shit, the car flipped over.

Xia Xiqing did not panic after his true identity was revealed. He remained calm and even smiled gracefully at Zhou Ziheng.


Zhou Ziheng frowned slightly, looking at Xia Xiqing with an expression of disgust that he couldn't hide. No, it's not that he couldn't hide it. Actors are best at concealing their emotions.

He didn't even bother to hide his disgust.

Zhou Ziheng glanced down and saw the silver badge on Xia Xiqing's chest, which symbolized his fan status. Xia Xiqing noticed this look, took a look himself, reached out and touched the badge, and smiled: "Well... You are not mistaken, I am your fan."

Zhou Ziheng walked around him indifferently and went to the sink to turn on the faucet.

Xia Xiqing shrugged, entered the cubicle, and closed the door with his foot.

Being hated by my idol, what a mistake, what a mistake.

Under normal circumstances, he would never reveal his true colors when they first met. It was easy for him to pretend to be friendly and approachable. After all, the so-called little angel character is more approachable, because people always give their trust to seemingly kind people. This time, he was really unlucky. Xia Xiqing disgustedly put the harassing guy on the blacklist.

Never mind, I’m not a serious fan anyway, I just treat him as an object of sexual fantasy.

Being hated by one's idol is a special favor. Xia Xiqing thought to himself, slammed the door shut, and walked to the huge mirror to look at himself. The person in the mirror who looked gentle and kind was not him at all. After coming out of the bathroom, he left the venue directly.

Who would have thought that the next day, Xia Xiqing, who had stayed in the bar until 3:30 in the morning, received another call from Xu Qichen.

"Xi Qing, you are on the trending search."

The music in the bar was blaring. Xia Xiqing walked out with a frown on his face. He squatted on the side of the road in a daze. His tongue was numb from drinking so much. "What did you say?"

"You're on Weibo's hot search list. It seems someone uploaded a video of the press conference, and you appeared in it."

Xu Qichen spoke calmly, but Xia Xiqing knew that he was such a calm person. After a few simple words to Xu Qichen, he sat down on the curb. The cold wind in the early morning blew on his face, and he became a little more sober. Xia Xiqing frowned and opened Weibo and found the hot search page.

The first item on the hot search list had a few big words written on it.

[Young man in white shirt at the press conference of “Seagull”]

White shirt? Xia Xiqing tried hard to recall what he had worn last night.

He seemed to be wearing a white shirt... He clicked on the entry and took a look. The most forwarded video was the Q&A session between Zhou Ziheng and fans at the press conference. The camera switched from Zhou Ziheng on the stage to the lucky fan in the audience, that is, the girl behind Xia Xiqing. During this process, the camera stayed on Xia Xiqing's face for a few seconds. Just these few short seconds made Xia Xiqing directly become a hot topic.

He suddenly remembered that he was too careless and did not put the mask back on after taking it off.

This video has nearly 10,000 comments.

[It's a watermelon, not a winter melon]: I want to get all the information about this little brother within ten minutes.

[vikiviki]: Mom, I saw an angel and my eyes were filled with tears.jpg

[Lovers who love looks have no human rights]: Damn, how can a man not debut with this kind of looks??? She is so pretty, and her long hair looks so good too, she is like a fairy.

[33 is my wife]: I am just a passerby. This shot is simply stunning. When she smiles, she looks like an angel. She is prettier than many young handsome guys...

[我揩是总攻]: The little brother is really handsome, but if I am not mistaken, isn't the badge on his chest Heng's support badge? Attached screenshot

[First Lady Zhou Ziheng]: It's the support item of the Heng family! Damn, this little brother is a fan of my Heng, I'm sorry I lowered the average appearance of Heng fans

[The most awesome Zhou Ziheng in the universe]: Damn, my Heng family really follows their idols. This kind of face is killing many idols nowadays. I really brought shame to the Heng family and burst into tears

[Eating Melon Xiao Ming]: Nowadays, people who are not good-looking are embarrassed to chase stars.

As he was flipping through the comments, a man stood in front of him, his shadow looming over Xia Xiqing. He raised his head lazily. He was a good-looking man.

The other person smiled and lit a cigarette, "No one?"

Xia Xiqing blinked slowly. For some reason, he was not in the mood at all. He raised one eyebrow and said coldly, "Do you think I look like a single person?" Then he stood up and prepared to leave. The man was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this handsome man would stand so tall. But he still reached out and pulled him, smiling, "Hey, hey, hey, don't be in a hurry to leave. It's not awkward at this time. I'll buy you a drink. It just so happens that I don't have a partner either. Let's have some fun together."

The other person's face was full of the look of an old hand, and the hand that had grabbed his arm now grabbed his wrist, clearly not giving up until he got what he wanted. Xia Xiqing glanced at him, then raised the corners of his mouth, changed his expression, and showed a teasing gesture, with his fingers on the man's shoulder, "Drinking is so boring... Handsome guy, I charge 20,000 per hour, so since you are a new customer, I will give you a discount, how about 16,000?"

The man's expression changed and he frowned, "Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick." Xia Xiqing said innocently, "I'm clean. Do you want to see the medical examination report?"

"Twenty thousand? You're so bold." The man looked him up and down, "Do you have a gold butt or something?"

Seeing him like this, Xia Xiqing's eyes immediately turned cold. He uttered a few words that were extremely inconsistent with his appearance in a bland tone, and even his voice became low, "My penis is inlaid with diamonds." He lit a cigarette for himself, and the expression on his face instantly changed from flirting to a rogue look. He raised his eyes through the gray-white smoke and glanced at the other party, "You have no money? If you have no money, why are you flirting? For a piece of trash like you, you take off all your clothes and lie on the bed and pay me to have sex with you, I have to think about it."

"You..." The other person showed displeasure on his face, his eyes darted back and forth, repeatedly looking at Xia Xiqing's face, "What the hell are you talking about? With someone like you..." After saying that, he sneered disdainfully. This was clearly a zero, and he was pretending to be one with him, "Do you think we are not suitable? It's okay, my brother's skills are very good, you will know if you try it."

Xia Xiqing frowned, looking impatient.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" He lowered his head, took a puff of cigarette, and blew out a smoke ring. "I only make the one above, and," he said, looking the man in front of him from top to bottom, and smiled contemptuously, "I don't sell inferior products."

Looking at the greasy man who was still standing still, Xia Xiqing raised his eyebrows.

"Still not leaving?"