I Only Like Your Made-up Persona

Chapter 40: Who saves whom


Hearing Zhou Ziheng's tone, Xia Xiqing was overwhelmed with joy. If someone didn't know, they would think that he and Shang Sirui were having an affair. When the show airs, the fans of these two couples...

He really couldn't tell which of the two CP fans were happier.

Anyway, the fans of the [Xia, Shang and Zhou] CP will definitely be happy.

"No, I'll come back to see you in a while." Xia Xiqing felt like a heartless young man who frequented brothels, saying nice things here and then going to the other side to curry favor.

"Do you think I will wait for you?" Zhou Ziheng's tone did not soften. Xia Xiqing chuckled twice, walked to the radio, squatted down, and gently patted the radio twice, "I don't care, I will wait until you come."

After saying that, Xia Xiqing turned off the blue knob and turned on the red knob that had never been turned on. He was not sure whether Shang Sirui's signal was still connected to Ruan Xiao, nor was he sure about Shang Sirui's identity. But no matter whether he was a killer or not, he should understand the plot on the male protagonist's side at this time.

Xia Xiqing stood up, walked back to the table, picked up the puzzle piece he had found before, and placed it in the blank area behind the door. The raised part of the new puzzle piece fit perfectly with the recessed part of the original puzzle piece. Just as Zhou Ziheng had said before, if it was placed in the right position, it would be magnetically attracted, and this puzzle piece was also firmly sucked onto the door.

Now, half of the blank area has been filled, and there should only be two pieces of the puzzle left.

At this moment, Xia Xiqing suddenly heard a voice. He turned around and saw that the door of the closet opened by itself. A red laser appeared inside, pointing straight at the opposite wall.

"That scared me..." Xia Xiqing muttered to himself as he walked to the cabinet, "The props team for this episode really spent a lot of money..."

Seeing a laser makes one think of reflection, which is almost subconscious for frequent escape room players. He reached out and grabbed the door of the closet, adjusted the angle of the door, and found that the laser can automatically adjust the incident angle according to the change of angle.

But there was no mirror in this room. At this point, he could only try it out. Xia Xiqing held the wardrobe door and slowly adjusted the angle of the wardrobe, observing the direction of the laser. At first, no matter how he adjusted it, the light was straight, until a certain moment, the red light suddenly turned and hit the wall on the right side of the bed.

On the dark blue wallpaper, the red light gathered into a point, but there was no further change. Xia Xiqing waited for a while, but no other mechanism appeared.

It seems that the red dot is a location hint.

He walked to the bed, half-knelt on the single bed, touched the red spot with his hand, and actually found a bulge that seemed to be hidden under the wallpaper.

It turned out to be a prompt message.

Xia Xiqing tore a hole in the wallpaper, and the third puzzle piece fell out, along with some strange words. He put the puzzle away and looked at the words on the wall.

In fact, if you look closely, you can tell that the characters have been mirrored. But if it were just this difficult, the difficulty would not be too great and you could barely recognize them one by one. However, the program crew did not intend to set up such a simple level. This line of strange characters is actually the effect of two lines of mirrored characters overlapping each other.

Mirror processing and separation is a task that is a bit difficult for the human eye, but there is no mirror in the room.

"I can only use a stupid method..." Xia Xiqing took the diary that had been placed on the table, tore off a page, and prepared to copy the words on the wall.

He still didn't fully understand what the plot was about, let alone the criteria for being a killer. Xia Xiqing even suspected that the production team had given him the most difficult part.

At this time, a human voice finally appeared on the radio that had been emitting noisy electric noise.

"Xi Qing?"

Xia Xiqing pressed his hand against the wall, writing words while replying, "Yeah. You're finally here."

In the last episode, Xia Xiqing was tricked by Shang Sirui. He knew better than anyone how smart the person on the other end of the phone was. "How's it going on your end? Any clues?"

"You must know that our current identity is actually that of the owner of the room."

The trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in the previous episode was only effective once. This time, Shang Sirui did not hide it at all and got straight to the point, "I just talked to Ruan Xiao and found that there were very few clues in my room."

This sounds like Shang Sirui's usual style of [showing weakness in advance].

"How to say?"

"I sorted out almost all the plot lines I could find in my room, but there was only one. When I talked to Ruan Xiao for the first time, we found that our plot lines were completely different. At that time, I guessed, could it be the setting of real girlfriend and fake girlfriend? Later, we talked again, and Ruan Xiao told me that she had a new plot line, but I still only had one. And the most annoying thing is that her new clues don’t match mine."

Xia Xiqing recalled the first time he spoke with Ruan Xiao. Ruan Xiao was hesitant to speak, probably because their storylines were different. And Xia Xiqing also had the "multiple storylines" that Shang Sirui mentioned. He had already found two of them.

He remembered the numerical symbols on the clues he found, so he tried to ask Shang Sirui, "Are there any marks on your clues? Like letters and numbers or something like that."

"You have one too." Shang Sirui pointed it out directly. This was completely different from the style of his previous show, but he immediately revealed his cards the next second, "My clues are indeed marked. Every plot clue I found has a number on it, whether it's a memo or an email."

He deliberately avoided the question of what the number was. Xia Xiqing didn't want to ask directly because Shang Sirui obviously hadn't dispelled his suspicion of him. Asking directly would make him more wary of him and he might even lie.

It is better to have no clues than to get false clues, so as not to disrupt your thinking.

"I also have numbers, but to be honest, I'm the same as Ruan Xiao. I have two plot lines so far, but they are not much different."

"What's the difference?" Shang Sirui asked again.

Xia Xiqing hesitated for a moment, and felt that the information he had was not that crucial, so he said frankly, "The timelines of these two sets of clues are different. The later one says 13:00, and at that time the boyfriend already knew that his girlfriend had died of a sudden heart attack. The time of the other set is earlier, and the male protagonist just turned off the phone, and it doesn't say whether the female protagonist is dead or not."

He further explained, "That is to say, in the second plot, the hero does not know the heroine's ending."

Shang Sirui was silent for a while, "So, the beginning and the process of your two plots are the same?"

"Yes, the hero and the heroine quarreled, the heroine took a train back to her parents' city, and the hero turned off his phone in anger. It's the same until here." Xia Xiqing wrote down the last part, got off the bed, walked to the small round table and sat down.

Shang Sirui's tone changed, and he sighed, "Then ours are really completely different. Your plot is consistent with the one in Ruan Xiao's hand."

Sure enough. Ruan Xiao really had clues that matched his own plot, which made Xia Xiqing breathe a sigh of relief. This at least meant that a certain plot in his hand could be completely restored.

But immediately, Xia Xiqing discovered a problem, "Wait a minute, how come you are completely different from Ruan Xiao? If you are playing the same role, there should at least be a connection in terms of timing. This is the case with my room and Zhou Ziheng's room. Many times I have to move things in the house first before the props on his side can work. This means that there is a connection between the two rooms of the same character."

"What if you are not in the same time and space right now?"

Shang Sirui's sudden question gave Xia Xiqing an epiphany. That's right, if he and Zhou Ziheng were in the same time and space, there must be a connection in time sequence, otherwise they would be parallel.

He continued, "To be honest, when I first entered the room, the first signal I wanted to connect to was Ziheng, but Ziheng's signal was always unreachable. By the time I went to find Ruan Xiao later, we already had numbered clues.

Xia Xiqing understood what Shang Sirui meant. If no one found any numbered clues after entering the room, it meant that they had not entered the time and space, or were in the default time and space.

"So what you mean is that you and Ruan Xiao have never been able to form a connection because she has never found a clue with the same number as the one you have."

Getting new clues means switching time and space.

"That's right. We missed the opportunity to communicate during the initialization because I was waiting for Ziheng, but he kept chatting with you, and he chatted for almost half an hour!"

These two people are more childish than each other.

Xia Xiqing suddenly thought of the changing time on the notebook. In fact, time is not important at all. What is important is that it represents that he has entered a new time and space.

From the time and space of the diary 1, to the time and space of the notebook 2.

So, the time and space that Ruan Xiao didn’t find is the time and space where Shang Sirui is

Xia Xiqing, who had sorted out his thoughts, spoke again, "So, what exactly is the plot line you got? Did the heroine die of a sudden heart attack in the end?"

"The only thing that's the same in our plots is probably the ending." Shang Sirui laughed self-deprecatingly, "but other than that, there are no similarities. In my plot line, I'm the one who wants to save people. It's the heroine who wants to save the hero who locked himself in his house and turned on the gas to commit suicide. Do you understand?"



This new plot came too suddenly, and Xia Xiqing was a little confused for a while, but he immediately thought of the last sentence in the diary before, that the male protagonist did have the idea of dying after knowing the female protagonist's death. But he didn't think about it at all at that time.

"Wait a minute, this plot is so different from mine. Then what? The heroine goes to save the hero?"

"In this plot line, the heroine was already at the bus stop near the train station at the beginning. She knew that the hero would commit suicide in an hour, so she went to the opposite side and took the No. 420 bus in the opposite direction."

"But on the way to the hero's house, there was a traffic accident and the bus was stuck on the road, so she got off the bus in the end. She couldn't stop a car halfway and had to run out of the blocked road and get a taxi at the next intersection. But because of the intense exercise, her heart was overloaded, and she had a seizure before she could stop a car."

This plot completely subverts all of Xia Xiqing's previous plots.

He seemed to understand something. "Isn't the number of all your clues 3?"

"That's right."

Therefore, there are three parallel universes in this story. Xia Xiqing looked at the knobs on the radio. Only Ruan Xiao had a 0 written under his knob. Neither Zhou Ziheng nor Shang Sirui had a 0.

What does this 0 represent? If it is just for differentiation, there are so many ways, why use 0? And the other one has nothing, and there is no number other than 0.

"Do you have any clues about the number 3?" Shang Sirui asked.

"No, not yet."

"Really?" Shang Sirui's tone was full of doubt. "There is another point that I find very suspicious. Why are your two clues so similar? Even Ruan Xiao has changes, and yours are almost the same."

Xia Xiqing laughed twice, "To be honest, I'm also confused. It's the same butterfly effect, why is Ruan Xiao affected so much?"

Xia Xiqing couldn't guess whether Shang Sirui could accept such words, but he took the initiative to give Shang Sirui an idea, "You have too few plot lines. Let's talk about it. If you are not the killer, you have two choices now. Either escape from your room first and put the plot aside and forget about it."

"Or you can connect to Zhou Ziheng's signal and get more plot lines from him that Ruan Xiao and I don't have. Neither you nor he has numbers on the radio, which means that one of your plot lines will always be compatible."

Shang Sirui was silent for a moment, then he groaned at the radio with a headache, and as if he had given up on himself, he told the truth, "I'll tell you the truth, I've unlocked my door."

"But this production team is too perverted. The clues they gave me after I escaped from the room were incomplete. They also told me that the final door decryption required the combination of clues from two rooms to get the final password. So I have to cooperate with others no matter what. The key is that I don't know who my partner is."

After hearing Shang Sirui say this, Xia Xiqing was half-believing and half-doubting. Shang Sirui's tactics were too similar. This seemingly transparent method was the fastest way to gain trust. Even if the other party didn't believe it, it would confuse them.

"So you're hiding in your room now?"

"Yeah." Shang Sirui let out a long sigh. He seemed to feel that he had said too much. "I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to try the second way you mentioned. I'll be fine for a while."

Xia Xiqing laughed, "Look at what you said, as if he is a killer."

Shang Sirui used his usual cute tone to counter Xia Xiqing's words, "Why do I feel that you are not very vigilant against him this time?"


After hearing this, Xia Xiqing's first reaction was to feel a little guilty. He concealed his emotions and asked, "What do you mean? So you think I should doubt him?"

Shang Sirui laughed, "You are so smart, shouldn't you be suspicious of everyone?"

The ending of his tone was full of suggestion. Xia Xiqing guessed that Shang Sirui had discovered the ambiguous relationship between him and Zhou Ziheng, so he made such a joke using the killer incident.

"Okay, go find him. If you find out he's a killer, come back and tell me."

"No, no, no, I've changed. I seriously suspect you are the one now. I'm going to tell him." Shang Sirui said in a smooth talk. Xia Xiqing said harshly but had a gentle smile on his face. "Do you believe I will kill you right now to silence you?"

"Tsk. I really don't believe it."

After saying this, Shang Sirui disconnected the signal. Xia Xiqing knew that Shang Sirui did not sense his suspicion of Zhou Ziheng in his words, but to be honest, Xia Xiqing was most suspicious of Zhou Ziheng, but he really had no evidence.

But he has not killed himself, which is very suspicious. According to common sense, if Zhou Ziheng is really a killer, he will kill himself before the first vote, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

It's too messy. Xia Xiqing was too lazy to think about it. He first took the puzzle he found in the wallpaper to the back of the door and sucked the puzzle up with the magnet, but there was no reaction. Unlike before, it directly triggered the mechanism of the wardrobe in the room.

Is it possible that this puzzle has no mechanism to trigger it

Xia Xiqing stared at the butterfly pattern on the puzzle that was about to be restored, and thought of the butterfly effect in the book. If this was the theme of this episode, why were his two plot lines so similar, with almost no changes

Just when he was puzzled, the laptop on the desk suddenly made a beep, and he received an email.

[What does the “0” on the red and blue knobs mean? Please reply to the email if you have the answer.]

"If only I knew..." Xia Xiqing, whose thoughts were not yet sorted out, licked the corner of his mouth in annoyance. He ignored the reminder and walked back to the round table, turned over the small piece of paper, and held it up to the ceiling light.

Under the light, the paper became translucent, and the traces left by the black signing pen were mapped into the correct handwriting, except that two lines overlapped, but the words could be barely recognized.

"When you... shut off all news from the outside world..." Xia Xiqing read out each word one by one, and whispered, "Another you appeared, trying to save everything."

another me

After finishing the first line, his gaze returned to the beginning again.

"You are... the originator of your time and space... not the savior... whether it is 1, 2 or 3."

Xia Xiqing slowly put down the hand holding the note and fell into deep thought.

I am the initiator, not the savior. No matter which of the three time and space.

He suddenly thought of the question that Ruan Xiao asked him at the beginning.

[Have you ever been out of the house?]

Xia Xiqing finally understood that he was the male protagonist initialized in every parallel time and space. He had been doing the same thing, and time travel had never happened to him. He always turned off his mobile phone and stayed at home alone as written in the diary of Time and Space 1, so the butterfly effect in many processes did not affect him.

Then Ruan Xiao, who matches him, should be the original heroine in the three time and space. She did not travel through time, but she was affected by the butterfly effect of the time traveler, so she has different plot copies.

His thoughts suddenly became clear, and Xia Xiqing finally understood why there was a 0 on his and Ruan Xiao's knobs. This number did not represent a simple distinction, but told them that the number of times he and Ruan Xiao had traveled through time was 0, and they were the male and female protagonists who originally existed in each time and space!

He stood up quickly, walked to the desk and clicked on the reply email.

[Number of crossings is 0]

Soon, Xia Xiqing received a reply.

[Congratulations, the answer is correct. Here is a small reward for you.]

The next moment, the bed, which Xia Xiqing had checked countless times without finding any clues, suddenly had a hidden drawer automatically pushed out from the side.

Xia Xiqing walked over and took something out of the drawer. It was a fax machine with a number on it - 3.

The plot line in Shang Sirui's hands!

There were many cameras on the desk. To facilitate the recording of the program, Xia Xiqing put a fax machine on the desk. This fax machine was different from the antiques he had seen before. It did not have a numeric keypad for dialing, but a small LED screen. Xia Xiqing touched it and found that the screen was a touch screen.

How do I get the fax machine to work

At this time, a sentence appeared on the screen.

[Excuse me, how many times has your girlfriend, who is also a beginner, experienced death? You only have one chance, so please make sure to confirm your answer.]

"I'm afraid only Ruan Xiao, who has collected all the plot copies, can answer you this question..."

Xia Xiqing walked to the radio and turned the red knob that belonged to Ruan Xiao.

At this time, the familiar voice of the program crew appeared again.

"Players, please note that the first vote will begin in five minutes."

The author has something to say: Zhou Ziheng: It’s Chapter 40 now, I hope everyone can write my name correctly.

Xia Xiqing: What is it like to name your child with an uncommon character

There are only two chapters left (at most) for the reality show. I will not write about reality shows anymore. I will start the drama within the drama. I am going crazy after reading the comments every day.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand reality shows. When you watch Conan, you should also (at least I do) be immersed in the atmosphere of unraveling the mystery but still be confused. It’s impossible to know everything from a God’s perspective right at the beginning. That means the script is a failure, right? It’s also nice to suddenly understand when the mystery is about to be solved.

I will write an analysis after the reality show ends. This is actually a very complete plot that can even be used to write a short story.