I Only Like Your Made-up Persona

Chapter 98: Extra 4 After the release of Tracking


The release time of "Tracking" in China coincides with the mid-to-late period of the Spring Festival, and it is also on the Valentine's Day. In addition to a pair of popular comedies in the Spring Festival, there are also several romantic films on Valentine's Day. This film won the Silver Bear Award, but in such a period when family fun is expected, films with realistic and sensitive themes will never have an advantage in the schedule.

The theaters only allocated 18% of the scheduled films on the first day of the premiere. Unexpectedly, less than 20% of the scheduled films were almost booked by fans. Even the theaters did not expect this situation. On the first day of the release, Fans were unable to buy tickets just one day. Many film review bloggers who were invited to attend the screening also published film reviews on the day of the premiere.

There are more and more hot discussions on Weibo. The reality-themed film "Tracking" suddenly has a surge in reputation, and the entry "I burst into tears when watching Tracking" also appeared on Weibo's hot search list.

[Whose little baby am I: Tracking is really beautiful! ! I originally went there for the Silver Bear Award, but I cried so much that my eyelashes and eyeliner were all stained! ]

[Are You Afraid of Being a Werewolf: Stalking the True Wife is so good. It’s the best movie I’ve seen recently. It has a profound concept and is very realistic. When I watched the first part, I thought it was a suspense movie. The atmosphere was so well rendered. , the narrative rhythm in the middle part is well adjusted, and the ending really made me cry to death. I was very tearful, but I wanted to cry as soon as Jiang Tong came out. Zhou Ziheng's acting skills are really amazing. The yandere at the beginning is completely different from the weak look at the end of the illness. They look like two people. Oh, I still want to cry when I think about it. ]

[rk: I didn’t really want to watch it at first. How can I put it, I don’t have a good impression of the two leading actors. It was the little sisters I was shopping with who had to drag me to watch it when they got tired of shopping. After reading it, I felt really good. How could Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing be so matched! ! ! I was blind and didn't get your pair of cps. I'll do it now! ! ! ]

[ic: I feel so sad after watching Stalking. Domestic violence is really unforgivable. Many people are not worthy of being parents! There is also AIDS. I admit that even I was a little prejudiced before. I hope that this society will be more tolerant and less discriminatory and prejudiced towards AIDS patients in the future. ]

[Broken Kite: Maybe it’s because I knew the reason why Zhou Ziheng won the award. What surprised me even more after entering the theater was Xia Xiqing. I originally thought his face was not suitable for the big screen. He was too beautiful and looked like he didn’t have a face. He is a child who has suffered a lot, but I was slapped in the face when he appeared on the stage. He is a completely pitiful little boy, pitiful and stubborn. The crying scene is so contagious. When he cries, I want to cry. Wow, oh, oh, mom. Love you. ]

[The number one alpha in the universe: To be honest, I was actually Zhou Ziheng’s only fan before. After he made his relationship public this time, I was actually half a fan. I really couldn’t accept it at first, but after the movie was released, I still couldn’t bear it. I stayed to watch it. After all, he had been filming for so long and suffered so much, and I still felt a little reluctant to let him go. I kept crying while watching it. Zi Heng is really great. He never competes for anything. He has been quietly filming until now he finally won the Best Actor Award. Maybe I can't get over this hurdle for the time being, but after watching this movie, I really feel relieved. No fans. ]

[An unusual movie blogger: When the screening came out at Lingdian, the girls on the left and right were crying. I won’t spoil the plot, but I want to talk about the two leading actors. Zhou Ziheng's performance actually made a big leap forward. I've talked about him before. He is a talented player and very hard-working, but there is always a gap between him and his character in emotional scenes. He and his character are often so different, but This time there was none. Whether it was the socialist brotherhood between Gao Kun and Lingling in the early stage or Jiang Tong in the later stage, they were all very real and touching, and they deserved the award. As for Xia Xiqing, he didn’t come from a professional background. I wasn’t optimistic at first, but after entering the scene, I found that he was a big surprise in this drama. There should be a gap between him and Jiang Tong, but you can’t find him at all in the theater. When you see the gap between the character and the actor, you will find that you can't separate Jiang Tong from him, he is Jiang Tong. Maybe he's also a talented player? Then I think the director’s casting is still very good. This film will definitely become a dark horse of this period. ]

"Tracking" received a high box office of 220 million on that day, accounting for 34% of the box office, far exceeding the film schedule. As word of mouth continued to ferment, the theaters also quickly made adjustments to the film schedule, and 18% of the premiere was Increase it to 32%, and add more games nationwide.

The most discussed aspect of the entire film, apart from the two actors, is the ending.

The ending of "Tracking" is open-ended. When Jiang Tong and Gao Kun were sitting by the riverside in the middle of the movie, Jiang Tong once said that one of his dreams was to save some money to see the sea and paint a Japanese painting on the beach. out. At the end, Gao Kun's condition worsened and his life hung on a thread. There was no direct explanation of whether his illness was cured.

At the end, Jiang Tong, wearing a white shirt, sat alone on the beach, with a sketching board in front of him, and behind the drawing board were the sparkling sea and the bright sunrise. Suddenly, a tall figure with red hair and tattoos all over his arms came over from behind. Gao Kun sat quietly next to Jiang Tong, looking up at the sun on the sea level.

When the screen went black, Gao Kun's voice appeared, with only a simple sentence.

[Great, your dream has come true. ]

This ending has been variously analyzed and discussed by the audience after it was released, especially on some film review websites and Q&A websites. The point of debate is whether this ending is a be or a he.

[It’s Pipi Shrimp, not Pikachu: I stand! ! ! No matter what, I will stand here! My Gao Kun is healed, woo woo woo woo, let’s watch the sunrise together, and we will have a new life in the future. ]

[Nicole Nicole: I am an unwavering heist. When the sea came out at the end, my tears couldn’t stop falling. It’s so sad. My sons are so kind. I need a good one. Comfort yourself with the ending. ]

[Jade can be carved: Cover your ears and don’t listen. This is he. The two of you will be together forever without any illness or disaster and live a long life. Mom loves you! ]

[Kunlun Jun: To be honest, it should be be. First of all, Jiang Tong and Gao Kun did not enter the painting at the same time. This is very strange. Did Jiang Tong have been painting for so long before Gao Kun appeared? Secondly, everyone can carefully observe Gao Kun's condition. It is obvious that he is not seriously ill yet. He is dressed and dressed in the same state as he was at that time. He was already skinny and boneless during his serious illness. Third, Jiang Tong and Gao Kun did not communicate throughout the whole process, not even making eye contact. Finally, you may not have looked carefully at Jiang Tong’s last painting, which showed two people standing on the beach. If Gao Kun was by his side, he would at least Take a look at him before continuing to draw. So I think Gao Kun who appeared at the end should be the soul. ]

[Xiaoyouyouyouyou replied to Kunlun Jun: Damn it, are you a devil wearing a microscope? ? ? ]

[Tu Jinqi replied to Kunlun Jun: My heart is going to be poked with briquettes by you! I don’t want to hear that you are not human! ]

[A bottle of cola from heaven replied to Kunlun Jun: You say it! Are you a screenwriter's trumpet? ! ! ]

[Tiantian Tiantian: It must be be. There is a small ebony box next to Tongtong, which should be Gao Kun's urn. ]

[Golden Douzi Silver Douzi: The urn is oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, how could my little wolf dog Gao Kun just leave like this! I do not believe! That's not an urn, that's a paint box! ! ! ]

[Bai Yiyan: I’m a little reluctant to let that cute screenwriter brother come out to plan...]

[I am Wangzai: Wow, oh, oh, oh, why is the screenwriter so cruel? Are you a be madman? ? ? ]

Under the spontaneous discussion among netizens, [tracking whether it is be or he] also became a hot search. Xu Qichen’s Weibo was full of comments from netizens. There were a lot of razor blades that he wanted to post but was reluctant to post. He really couldn’t laugh or cry, so he had to post Posted a Weibo to divert attention.

[Xu Qichen: You can interpret this ending however you want. Anyway, it would be fine if the reality is he. ]

The most precise thing is that the gap between reality and the movie is so big. As cruel as Jiang Tong and Gao Kun are in the movie, self-study in real life is just as sweet.

On the third day of the release of "Tracking", the crew and creative staff participated in the road show in Beijing. Originally, they did not expect that there would be too many people coming, and they only prepared a medium-sized venue. Unexpectedly, the number of people who showed up completely exceeded expectations. Many people came. There was no place for the audience to sit, so they had to sit on the floor in the aisle.

When Xia Xiqing followed Zhou Ziheng into the venue, he couldn't help but be surprised to see the crowd. When the fans saw them, their screams almost brought down the roof. They walked to the stage one by one, with Director Kun standing in the middle, next to Zhou Ziheng, and Xia Xiqing standing next to Zhou Ziheng, on the far left.

Director Kun was talking most of the entire road show, and Xia Xiqing didn't hold the microphone much. Many fans asked Zhou Ziheng questions about the Silver Bear Award and about transformation.

A girl stood up and said, "Ziheng, I remember you said when you were on a variety show last time that if the box office of "Tracking" exceeded one billion, you would agree to our request. Now "Tracking" is almost 8 One billion will be achieved soon, does the wish still count?”

Zhou Ziheng held the microphone and said, "It counts, but what do you want?"

Various voices immediately appeared in the audience.

"live streaming!!!"

"Vlog!!! I want to watch the vlog!!!"

"Work together again!"

"Go on a variety show!!"

“Shoot for a magazine!!”

"Show affection!!"

Everyone on the stage laughed. Director Kun was very good at making trouble. He grabbed Zhou Ziheng's wrist and said into the microphone, "How about this? Ziheng will make a vlog for you, and Xi Qing will draw for you live?"


"Director, I love you!!!"

"The director is a self-study boy!"

Xia Xiqing patted Kuncheng on the shoulder across Zhou Ziheng and said, "Director Kun, are you being too unjust?"

"Why is this so unjust?" Director Kun winked at the self-study girl in the audience, "It's what everyone expects, right?"

The audience was extremely excited, as if Zhou Ziheng would force her into prostitution if she didn't obey. There was no other way, Zhou Ziheng had no choice but to smile fondly, "Then let's do it. Vlog and live broadcast."


"Love the fairy crew!!!"

The atmosphere was very lively, and the fans in the audience asked one question after another. To be honest, seeing this scene, Xia Xiqing's mood on the stage was a little subtle. She vaguely felt that she was sitting in the first row, looking up at Zhou Ziheng who was standing on the stage.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn his face sideways, and the bright and transparent light shone brightly on Zhou Ziheng's face. His eyelashes flashed, touching the beautiful aperture that only appeared in dreams. Perhaps it was telepathy, but in such a noisy environment, Zhou Ziheng reacted in one second and turned to look at him.

The light focused on the back of his head.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Xia Xiqing shook his head slightly.

He just suddenly realized that fate is such a mysterious thing. Two people like them should have nothing to do with each other.

If the first encounter in childhood was a random event, then the second encounter at the "Seagull" press conference should no longer be defined as a coincidence.

If there had not been a second encounter, if he had never appeared at that press conference, he would always have been the prodigal son addicted to playing games in the world, and Zhou Ziheng would always miss that paper rose that disappeared in time.

Xia Xiqing couldn't believe that he was actually remembering.

When people begin to reminisce, there is often a cherished heart hidden behind them.

I never thought that this day would come to him.

The self-study girl brought her own microscope. When she saw the scene between the two looking at each other, she immediately burst out with the screams of a group of marmots. She ate sugar until she was delirious, and she did not notice that one of the main characters was in a daze.

"I want to ask a question about Xi Qing."

Xia Xiqing raised his head slightly when he heard his own voice coming from the stereo. Zhou Ziheng had already handed the microphone to him.

Xia Xiqing took the phone, glanced at the audience with half-squinted eyes, and saw a girl standing up.

"Hello." He smiled politely. The girl was a little excited and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose. "Hello, brother Xi Qing!" She reached out and patted her chest gently, trying to calm herself down. .

"I want to ask you a question, why are you willing to star in this movie?"

Xia Xiqing's eyes looked down, which was a small movement he would make when he was thinking, "Thank you for your question. Maybe in everyone's mind, I am a person full of controversy, whether it is my personality or my family background. , are not similar to Jiang Tong, but in fact, except for his material poverty, I have experienced all the experiences of Jiang Tong.”

He could say this very frankly, even with a smile on his face, "Filming this scene is a kind of self-analysis for me, allowing me to face my past self." After saying this, he looked at the people around him. The director and other actors, "Of course, everyone gave me a lot of help."

After speaking, his eyes stayed on Zhou Ziheng for a few seconds, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

This stop came with great significance.

The director also raised the microphone and said, "Xi Qing was able to star in this movie, and a large part of the credit goes to Zi Heng. He persuaded me for a long time before Xi Qing agreed to come and audition."

Hearing what the director said, the self-study girls in the audience were all excited. Xia Xiqing couldn't laugh or cry. The director was completely betraying them.

The host stood aside: "Does anyone else want to ask questions?"

A boy in the audience raised his hand crazily, and the director pointed at him, "This is the boy in the blue sweater."

As soon as the boy got the microphone, before everyone was ready, he shouted excitedly into the microphone, "Xia Xiqing, I love you!!"

Xia Xiqing was startled by him, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold Zhou Ziheng's shoulder next to him and laughed. Zhou Ziheng directly took the microphone from Xia Xiqing's hand and looked at the boy in the audience seriously, "I'm sorry I didn't hear clearly. Please tell me again." Once?"

The boy tilted his head arrogantly, "Xia Xiqing! I love you!!!"

How dare you say that...

The whole audience burst into laughter, including the director and other actors. Yang Bo held the microphone and smiled, "Hey! Security will come quickly!"

The boy below was frightened, but the next second Yang Bo said again, "Security, please hold Hengheng, don't let him rush down and beat people, hahahahaha."

The fans below went crazy and started mocking mode.

Zhou Ziheng was angry and laughing, feeling that his dignity had been greatly challenged. He worked hard to maintain his self-cultivation as a public figure, and kept saying silently in his heart, don't be angry, don't be angry, I don't get angry when others are angry, I just vent my anger. When you are sick, there is no one to take care of you, and you lose your temper over trivial matters...

"Xia! Xi! Qing! I-love-you!!!!!"

Zhou Ziheng: "Shut up."


"Zhou Ziheng is crazy hahahahahaha!!"

"Hahahahahaha Hengheng is so angry! This is the first time I see Zhou Ziheng angry hahaha!"

"Hahahahahahaha, is this a wedding scene??"

"Hahahahaha, I ended up being jealous of a fan, hahahaha!"

"Hengheng! Fuck him!!!"

Are you still not a CP fan? ?

Zhou Ziheng still wanted to say something, but a thin white hand reached over and took the microphone from his hand. Zhou Ziheng turned his head to look at Xia Xiqing with an unhappy expression, only to see him holding back a smile and saying to the boy in the audience, "Thank you, but I really don't think it's necessary."

The boy suddenly confessed like crazy, "Brother Xi Qing!! I can really do it! I can do it!!!"

Brother Xi Qing? ? ? ? Zhou Ziheng was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke.

The lighting engineer put a green light directly on my head, thank you.