I Only Want You

Chapter 10: escape


Time and again I only use excuses to escape

Why have you never given up on me

—David Tao, "Butterfly"

Bai Jiming was finally unable to bear the depression and torture of the whole day in the afternoon.

At that time, he was replying to emails from the participating teams in the office specially prepared for the Olympic teams in the hotel. Officials at all levels of the Sports Bureau either graduated from sports schools or were athletes. When it comes to arranging a game, analyzing a strategic situation, etc., they must be familiar with it. However, when it comes to highly systematic and knowledge-based work, their thinking becomes a little chaotic. Bai Jiming's advantages suddenly emerged. Tang Lin highly valued Bai Jiming and specially arranged him to be in charge of the office to coordinate internal and external planning.

Although Bai Jiming had never participated in administrative work, he had several years of experience as a class teacher, and he was careful and patient, methodical and methodical, so he was quite competent. But for someone who hadn't even passed the English Level 6 exam, he had to receive foreign mail and write back to explain the situation, which was really a headache and his mood dropped sharply.

At this moment, the phone rang. Bai Jiming let out a sigh of relief. Not taking out his anger or complaining on others was his motto. Even when he was extremely upset, he still spoke politely when he picked up the phone: "Hello, Olympic Team Reception Department."

As a result, that gentle answer almost made him jump up: "Jiming, what would you like to eat tonight?"

Liao Weixin!

Bai Jiming subconsciously turned his head to look at the wall clock. It was 3 o'clock. It was the time he called Liao Weixin every day during that month. Bai Jiming almost gritted his teeth and said, "Liao Weixin, what do you want?"

On the other end came Liao Weixin's slightly surprised voice: "What's wrong? You..." Bai Jiming didn't wait for him to finish, and hung up the phone. The restlessness of a day and a night completely broke out, and he rushed out the door quickly.

Liao Weixin was the person in charge of the hotel. His early work was to contact the Olympic team, so he moved his office to the same floor. This made it easy to communicate with the reception staff and, of course, to observe Bai Jiming.

Bai Jiming walked to Liao Weixin's office with a sullen face, and decided to talk to him thoroughly, cleanly, and absolutely, so as to avoid further entanglement. Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he found that it was not only Liao Weixin himself, but also Zhao Henan, Luo Na, Zhou Yang and others were there, and they were talking happily with Liao Weixin. When he saw Bai Jiming coming in, Zhao Henan smiled and said, "You are such a person that Brother Liao couldn't even call you, but you had to come here yourself. I just want to ask you what you want to eat tonight, Brother Liao will treat you."

Bai Jiming was about to say something but was blocked in his stomach. Liao Weixin was looking at him from behind his desk, smiling calmly. A feeling of being fooled instantly hit Bai Jiming's heart, and the blood in his body immediately cooled. He suddenly understood Liao Weixin's intention. Did he want to watch him lose control, make a fool of himself, and then feel proud of himself? Liao Weixin, you underestimate me!

Bai Jiming calmed down, walked slowly to the desk, and raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Liao always spends so much money, it's really too polite."

"How could that be? I'm just afraid that those beauties won't give me this opportunity." Liao Weixin didn't look at him, but turned to smile at the three women. Zhao Henan said, "Let's not go to a big restaurant, it's too restrictive. I think it would be nice to find a small restaurant and eat some skewers or something."