I Only Want You

Chapter 17: Turning point


I just want you green beans

I just want you green beans

I found you in the crowd

I hold you

our love


— Will Pan, “Turning Point”

Liao Weixin thought about it, if he pretended to stay by Bai Jiming's side, the stubborn lover would be angry. So he pretended to be exhausted and slowed down. Bai Jiming was laughing at Cheng Xiangyu and didn't notice that Liao Weixin had circled behind him. When he found him halfway up the mountain, he didn't pay much attention.

The stone steps along the way were all built, and the iron railings on both sides looked quite solid. Although Bai Jiming's fear of heights was not too serious, he still subconsciously held on to the railings tightly, and only stared at the stairs in front of him. If he wanted to look up, he had to stop and stand firmly, but he couldn't look down along the cliff.

Naturally, he missed a lot of the scenery on both sides, but Bai Jiming was satisfied that he could climb up. He smiled and watched Cheng Xiangyu and Du Zicheng rush to the top of the mountain in a few steps, shouting excitedly from the top.

The top of Tianhua Mountain is a huge flat slope. They stood at the top. Bai Jiming looked at the rocks under his feet, which kept sloping down, like a wide slide. It seemed that if he took one more step forward, he would slide into the abyss on the other side. He felt dizzy and dared not move forward. He felt that all the muscles in his body were tense. He had to sit down slowly and lean his upper body backward. His palms were sweaty, and he fumbled around, trying to find something firm to hold on to. After groping around, he held on to something broad and warm. It was Liao Weixin's palm.

Liao Weixin held Bai Jiming's hand, without looking at him, and moved forward a little, just in front of Bai Jiming. Bai Jiming felt more at ease, and just as he was about to let go, he saw Cheng Xiangyu and Du Zicheng running towards the slope, rushing straight to the bottom, crashing into the railing, and laughing at the steep wall under their feet.

Bai Jiming was terrified, thinking that the railing was so fragile that it seemed like it would break in the middle and the two people would fall off the cliff. He quickly closed his eyes, feeling dizzy and his heart beating very fast.

Liao Weixin looked back and saw that his face was pale. He knew that he was afraid, so he stood up immediately and said, "It's windy here, can we move back a little?"

Bai Jiming didn't dare to show off his strength anymore, and let Liao Weixin help him retreat behind the rock. There was a stone staircase there, and two huge stones just formed a small space. Bai Jiming leaned against the stone wall, and there were solid stones above, below, and in front of him. He felt safe, and he breathed a long sigh of relief, and found that his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Liao Weixin took out some water and handed it to him. Bai Jiming took it and drank a few sips. He felt much better and said softly, "Thank you." Liao Weixin asked softly, "Are you feeling better?" Bai Jiming nodded slightly and lowered his eyes to look at the stone steps under his feet. The two of them stopped talking and listened to the wind blowing from the top of the mountain, swirling behind the stone wall and blowing away. Then Cheng Xiangyu shouted, "Hey, are you guys taking pictures?"

As if being suddenly awakened from a dream, Bai Jiming stood up abruptly, took a step back, and answered in panic: "No, no need." After calming down, his tone became natural: "No need, let's go down the mountain early."

The way back was different from the way up. For people with acrophobia, going down the mountain was much more difficult than going up. The crooked and uneven stone steps were full of hidden traps, and it seemed that if you were not careful, you would fall down the mountain.