I Only Want You

Chapter 19: Crazy on


22. Crazy (Part 1)

Why is it always like this, I keep you deep in my heart

I promised not to be sad for you, but how can I be happy

If love is so sad, why don't you let me share it

You don't ask, you don't answer, how come you become like this

I want to ask if you dare to love me like you said

I want to ask if you dare to be as crazy about love as I am

I want to ask if you dare to love me like you said

I'm crazy about love, what do you think

—Rene Liu, "Crazy for Love"

Bai Jiming's injury healed and he returned to school, and the one-week vacation was over. UC Novel Network: It was already late November, and when the substitute teacher saw him coming back to work, he let out a long sigh and lay down on the chair without moving.

Bai Jiming smiled. This is how it is in sports schools. Students listen to their coaches or class teachers. Sometimes even the principal is useless. Therefore, I am most afraid of teaching someone else's class. It is very stressful. Bai Jiming simply said thank you and walked into the classroom with the roll call book and lesson plan textbook.

After not seeing each other for two or three months, the students were still the same. They had heard that Teacher Bai was back, so they sat in their seats properly. As soon as Bai Jiming entered the classroom, warm applause broke out, and some even whistled desperately.

A bunch of little devils.

Bai Jiming could tell whether all students were present or not by just glancing at the classroom. Skipping classes was common in this school, but logically, the head teacher's class should still be given some respect.

There is still one person missing—Luo Yilin.

Bai Jiming remained calm, calmed the students down first, and then began to teach. Technical secondary school mathematics was like a mystery to these students. With 30 or 40 students in a class, it was good enough if 3 or 5 of them could listen to the lecture.

After a hasty class, Bai Jiming went to the substitute teacher to ask about Luo Yilin's situation. The answer shocked him. Luo Yilin had just been expelled yesterday because he sexually harassed his roommates in the dormitory. He was probably packing up his things in his room at this time. Bai Jiming thought about it for a while, changed classes with another teacher, and hurried to the boys' dormitory to find Luo Yilin.

To call it sexual harassment is actually quite polite. Luo Yilin was clearly taking advantage of the fact that others were out training and dragging that little boy to have sex. The on-duty teacher who was patrolling accidentally discovered it and stepped forward to stop it.

The boy had just been in school for less than two months, and was terrified when he saw this. He pointed at Luo Yilin and said he was a slut. Luo Yilin looked coldly at the boy who was pestering him every day, and even knelt down to slut him when he touched his buttocks in the middle of the night a few days ago, and a contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This matter could be big or small, and the teacher on duty could not make decisions on his own, so he had to report it to the school.

The strangest thing was Luo Yilin's attitude. He didn't defend himself, admit, or deny. In the end, he just said, "I'm dropping out of school." Then he turned and left. In this case, at least the parents should be invited to discuss countermeasures with the school. However, the coach couldn't get through to the parents' phone number, and Luo Yilin refused to disclose his home address and other contact information, leaving the school helpless. While they were busy thinking of a solution, Luo Yilin had already packed up and prepared to go home.

When Bai Jiming arrived at the boys' dormitory, he saw a large group of students gathered in front of Luo Yilin's dormitory, pointing and talking inside. He steadied his steps, walked over, and said loudly: "Why are you not going to class this morning? Tell me your name and class, are you skipping class?!"