I Only Want You

Chapter 22: dull


I just want you to be calm

Reality is more touching than movies

One-on-six points exceeded the full score

—Charlene Choi, "60 Minutes"

Which would you choose, a passionate love that is like a storm or a long-lasting relationship? Both Liao Weixin and Bai Jiming hope for the latter, and leave the former to the family to exaggerate. When the two people calm down and live ordinary days, they discover the differences between them.

For example, Bai Jiming never cared about food, and a bowl of rice soaked in soy sauce was enough for a meal. But Liao Weixin was different. He paid attention to the nutrition and taste of the food. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not drink or socialize outside, and would go home for dinner.

For example, Bai Jiming is not very sensitive to material possessions, but Liao Weixin pays attention to the comfort and quality of clothes. He doesn't often buy luxury goods, but he likes branded items because the quality and workmanship of such goods are usually first-class. Bai Jiming doesn't quite understand those foreign trademarks, he just puts them on, and then when he goes to school, he causes a lot of surprise among the female classmates: "Oh my God, Xiaobai, you won 1 million?" Bai Jiming smiled without changing his expression: "It's from Wuai Market." No one would doubt that in this remote elementary school, even if you are wearing a real Rolex, they will definitely think it is from Wuai Market. No wonder, the Rolex there, no matter the packaging or appearance, is exactly the same as the real one.

Liao Weixin likes to stay up late. He sleeps very little, and five or six hours a day is enough. Bai Jiming must go to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening, and fall asleep after reading for a while. Liao Weixin finished reading the documents, took a shower, and felt that he had just woken up, but Bai Jiming had fallen asleep early, so he looked depressed.

Liao Weixin loves to be lively and used to invite friends to his home for gatherings. But Bai Jiming likes quietness and hates noise. Therefore, since the two of them lived together, Liao Weixin never brought friends over and instead went outside.

The two people have different living backgrounds, different living habits, and different personalities, so of course they will encounter conflicts and problems of one kind or another. The mature and steady Liao Weixin can also get angry and lock himself in the study to smoke; the calm and rational Bai Jiming can also be impulsive and slam the door and go out to drink. In the constant conflicts and even quarrels, in the mutual concessions and tolerance, the two people influence each other little by little, and find the most appropriate way to get along little by little.

As long as there is love, what can't be forgiven? What can't be accepted? When everything is calm, you see the apology and regret in your lover's eyes, smile at each other, and then hug and caress each other passionately or lingeringly. When you look back at the quarrel, you feel bored and interesting. The anger and accusations have evolved into small complaints or even coquettishness. Suddenly, you find that the two hearts are one step closer.

It turns out that quarrels are sweet.

However, considering that Bai Jiming always makes sudden decisions, Liao Weixin has a request that Bai Jiming must fulfill. No matter what happens in the future, he is not allowed to make his own decisions, and the two of them must discuss it together. There is another thing that Liao Weixin doesn't care about, which is Bai Jiming's "laziness".

Bai Jiming is definitely not lazy when it comes to housework. Being a teacher in a sports school does not have the same pressure as teachers in ordinary schools. It can be said that it is very easy. I even heard that the school will be changed to a half-day class next year. Bai Jiming likes to do housework very much. He has a mild obsession with cleanliness. He doesn't even want to hire a nanny. He must clean the room by himself.