I Only Want You

Chapter 26: resistance


All I need to resist me is you Qingdou

no one can resist

i love your strength

— "The Power of Loving You" by Feier Band

The ticket was bought the day after tomorrow, which meant that Liao Weixin had one day left to prepare the gift. Although Bai Jiming emphasized over and over again that there was no need to buy anything, his parents were not picky people. But Liao Weixin knew very well that Bai Jiming lived in a very small circle, hated socializing, and didn't understand the world at all. He doesn't care, he has to care. Liao Weixin thought about it for a long time. The courtesy should not be too heavy, as it would seem to show something; but it should not be too light, as too light would make people feel that it is not taken seriously enough.

He called his parents and asked his elders for advice. Finally, he followed the way ordinary people do and bought two bottles of Zhonghua and two bottles of Maotai. But both Zhonghua and Moutai are from Tegon, which are not available on the market at all, and it is not easy to get them. Then I went to the sixth floor of Zhongxing and bought a cashmere shawl for Bai Mu.

In this way, on the surface, it doesn't look much different from ordinary gifts. It's not ostentatious, but it's actually quite expensive.

Bai Jiming didn't care about this. He only called his parents the day before to tell his parents that he and Liao Weixin were going back together. Before Bai Mu could wake up from the shock, she had already hung up the phone.

It takes more than three hours to drive from City S to City H. H City is an important military center in the Northeast. Although the place is not big and not famous, it is the choke point to the Northeast and a battleground for military strategists. It was here that Yuan Chonghuan's army resisted the Qing troops and defeated Nurhachi; it was here that Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui fought in the "Battle of a Stone" and Dorgon sat on the mountain to watch the tigers fight; the Northeast Field Army led by Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan started the Liaoshen Campaign. Also here.

H City, Linhai, was originally one of the cities to be developed, but because it is a strategic missile submarine construction and deployment base, the central government does not allow development, so the economy is relatively backward and relatively closed.

The two of them took the afternoon train and arrived in City H at around 7 o'clock in the evening. They took a taxi and headed to the new district. It’s not popular to use the meter here. When you go somewhere, you give the driver ten yuan and it counts as the fare.

After entering the building, Liao Weixin let out a breath. Bai Jiming smiled: "Why are you nervous?" Liao Weixin shrugged: "An ugly daughter-in-law always has to see her parents-in-law, so there is no point in being nervous." Bai Jiming smiled and touched his head: "Be good, my husband will protect you." Liao Weixin said: As long as you don't be willful and don't think about what comes out, I will thank God.

Bai Jiming's parents were stunned when they saw Liao Weixin - this man was beyond their expectations. Especially Bai Mu, she never regarded Liao Weixin as a good person. He might have dyed hair, pierced ears, strange clothes, a hat on one side, or he might have long hair and act carelessly. She never admitted that her son was gay. That term was associated with perversion and depravity. Her excellent son must have been tempted and temporarily confused, which led to this situation. And what she wants to do this time is undoubtedly to make the culprit retreat.


Speaking of which, this matter is a bit obvious. He never told his parents what happened between him and Liao Weixin, nor did he let his elders see their photos, nor did he explain Liao Weixin’s family background, education and career—in fact, these things that are very important to others, It's not worth mentioning in Bai Jiming's eyes. He didn't even go out of his way to introduce Liao Weixin to his parents. The first thing he said after opening the door was: "Mom, is the food ready? I'm starving."