I Only Want You

Chapter 3: First encounter


Freeze that time, freeze the day we first met

Freeze that love, freeze the moment I kissed you

—JJ Lin, “Frozen”

As soon as Bai Jiming walked out of the corridor, he heard a commotion in his class. The bell had rung, and many students were staggering back to their classes. It was the first day of the new semester, and they were a little too excited to be back after the holiday. Bai Jiming did not speed up his pace, but walked slowly to the classroom door as usual.

He had taught this group of students from the first year of technical secondary school to the third year of technical secondary school now. They were so familiar with each other's temperaments that they couldn't be more familiar. Fortunately, most of the students sat obediently in their seats. The few who were still standing quickly slipped back to their seats after seeing Bai Jiming. Only the few freshmen were left in the front of the classroom, sitting on the desks, leaning on the desks, talking and laughing loudly, looking down on everyone.

Bai Jiming didn't say anything, or even move. He stood quietly at the door, looking at the five or six freshmen. They soon noticed something strange around them, and turned around at the same time. When they saw Bai Jiming, they ignored him and continued to laugh.

Bai Jiming has seen too many students like this. Young people always have the capital to rebel. It seems that if they rebel against authority and violate order, they will be the greatest in the world. Bai Jiming did not speak and had no expression on his face. The other students, seeing that the situation was not good, had already quieted down. As time passed, the students became more and more boring and gradually shut up. One of them pretended to have just seen Bai Jiming and shouted, "Hey, isn't this the teacher? When did you get here? Damn, are you blind? Hurry up and say hello to the teacher."

The students giggled and said in a strange voice, "Hello, teacher—" and then there was another burst of laughter.

It was a pity that no one showed up to show their support. The students below were too familiar with Bai Jiming and didn't make any move.

Bai Jiming walked forward, not angry at all, and smiled faintly, saying, "I heard from other teachers that there are a few new students in my class, and they are quite good. Sure enough, they performed monkey tricks right away, they are really versatile."

The students below laughed in low voices. A few students were embarrassed and stepped forward to glare at him: "What the hell did you say?" Bai Jiming glanced at him and said: "It's not important what I say, what's important is what you say. Write your words on paper and read them fifty times in front of your mother, then you will know what to say."

The student was choked and couldn't say a word. His face turned red and white. The others looked at each other and dared not say anything. Bai Jiming's face darkened and he walked slowly to the desk. The calmer he was, the more unbearable those students were. They left the desk involuntarily and stood on the ground.

Bai Jiming saw that they were looking at a boy in the corner, and he immediately understood that there was a reason. He walked up to the podium calmly, looking down at them: "These are new students, sit in the back first, and ask questions later." The students looked at the boy again, and he nodded slightly, walked to the seat at the back of the classroom and sat down first, followed by several others.

Bai Jiming took out the list and called out the names one by one. This time no one made trouble and answered quietly. When he called out "Luo Yilin", the boy stood up and said "Here".

Bai Jiming did not dwell on the previous question. He opened the lesson plan and started teaching. He noticed that Luo Yilin's eyes were fixed on him. Bai Jiming ignored him. For such a "troublemaker", either leave him alone or find a reason to make him submit. If there is no effect after taking care of him, it is better not to take care of him - being a teacher also requires strategy.