I Only Want You

Chapter 34: As long as you are here


42. As long as you are here

If I could give up the whole world

At least you are worth cherishing

And you are here

It's the miracle of life

—Sandy Lam, "At Least I Have You"

Liao's mother is a very gentle woman, with a temperament like the rain in the south of the Yangtze River. UC Novel Network: She was a nurse in the hospital before she retired, so she always spoke softly and slowly, very softly, and she didn't speak much, just smiled, looked at her son, and then looked at Bai Jiming.

Mr. Liao has a cheerful personality, and is quite a bit like a northerner. He speaks and laughs loudly, is humorous, and has a keen eye for problems. His every move exudes the confidence and competence that only a mature man can have.

It can be seen that Liao Weixin's parents have a profound influence on him, but they are not completely imitating him. Liao Weixin has his mother's gentleness, thoughtfulness and understanding, as well as his father's calmness, solemnity, cheerfulness and tolerance.

The relationship between Liao's father and Liao Weixin is more like that of friends than that of father and son. They share things with each other without any scruples. Sometimes they agree with each other, but sometimes they also openly explain their own views. This is something Bai Jiming has never experienced. He has never communicated with his parents since he was a child, and everything is buried in his heart. At this time, he watched the Liao father and son joking, and felt surprised and funny.

The meal lasted nearly two hours, but they were still not finished. Fortunately, they were eating hot pot—Liao Weixin had arranged this long ago because Bai Jiming liked it—so they didn't have to worry about the food getting cold. Only the nanny, Sister Zhang, would get up from time to time, busy herself in the kitchen for a while, and then bring a few vegetables and meat dishes to the table.

Bai Jiming listened to Liao Weixin and didn't dare to drink anymore, only drinking some fresh fruit juice. The other three also only drank some red wine, but the atmosphere at the dinner table was warm and pleasant. Bai Jiming stared as Liao's father revealed Liao Weixin's childhood embarrassments: the first time he learned to ride a bicycle, he rushed directly into the goal and made a "shot"; the first time he learned to ski, he couldn't control himself and rushed straight to the tree, shouting "big tree!" and then crashed into the tree trunk; when he was less than two years old, he pressed the bed for the bride and groom (that is, rolling around in the bridal chamber on the first day of marriage, usually for beautiful and cute children, and only when the family is happy can they take on such an important task), but he was too tired to play and fell asleep, and ended up peeing on the bed; and when he was at his grandmother's house in the countryside, he went swimming in the river and was chased by a goose with his bare butt...

Bai Jiming was laughing as he listened, and he was out of breath and couldn't even straighten his back. But Liao's father was very eloquent and described it vividly, as if it happened right in front of him.

Liao Weixin's face turned red and white, and he said with a smile: "Okay, Dad! How come you remember my glorious history so clearly?"

"Of course I have to remember it." Father Liao laughed, "I'm just waiting for the day when you don't obey me, so I can teach you a lesson."

"You are not teaching me a lesson, you are obviously supporting Jiming."

Bai Jiming didn't understand and looked at Liao Weixin in surprise. Liao Weixin laughed and said, "Jiming knows all about my embarrassing things. The glorious image in his mind has been greatly reduced. No matter how I take charge of the family in the future, I won't be able to suppress him."

He was talking nonsense without restraint, Bai Jiming was angry and embarrassed, and raised his leg to step on his foot. Unexpectedly, the Liao family had floor heating, and neither of them wore shoes, so this step was not powerful at all, but just like a spoiled child.

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