I Only Want You

Chapter 4: miss


When you hold the farewell in my hand

I heard the sound of love being quietly crushed

—Wang Leehom, "Tears in the Palm"

Although there is still nearly a year to go before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, all Chinese are excitedly looking forward to that day that will attract worldwide attention. S City is of great significance in the history of Chinese football. The only time that the Chinese men's football team went beyond Asia and into the world was here. Therefore, it is understandable to choose S City as the co-host city of the Beijing Olympic football competition. It can even be concluded that the Chinese men's football team will definitely participate in the Olympic group stage here first.

Although the Beijing Olympics made the Chinese nation excited, in fact, the application and hosting of the Olympics were not in the name of the country, but in the name of the city. The names of the five cute Fuwa together are "Beijing Welcomes You", not "China Welcomes You". As a co-hosting city, S City naturally participated in the event in the name of the city. Therefore, it is natural that the preparations fell on the shoulders of the S City Sports Bureau. The sports school where Bai Jiming is located is a direct unit of the S City Sports Bureau, so it is natural that it must contribute its own strength to this Olympic Games in China.

What about Liao Weixin? His five-star hotel, Kerry, happened to be designated by the Sports Bureau as the official hotel for receiving Olympic officials and athletes in S City. There was no doubt that Liao Weixin would personally participate in the entire event.

It was under the influence of this environment that our Bai Jiming met Liao Weixin again and continued their inexplicable fate.

After Bai Jiming disappeared, Liao Weixin did not use any manpower or material resources to look for him. He was not so impulsive. Liao Weixin was Liao Weixin. He also had his pride, although he felt a little disappointed and regretful. But a real man should be able to let go of what he could take. Since it was agreed to be a month, and the other party had broken up completely, it would be uncool for him to keep pestering her.

Liao Weixin still has a lot of things to do. The Olympics will be held next year. To be on the safe side, the government decided to start the Olympic venues of several co-host cities this year and hold a test match called "Good Luck Beijing" Women's Invitational. All Olympic event procedures will be rehearsed, including the reception services of the official hotels. Then, lessons learned will be summarized, problems will be found, and preparations will be made for the official competition next year.

Liao Weixin was busy with these things, such as signing official agreements with the government; accepting interviews with reporters to express his determination; convening meetings with all departments to go all out to support the Olympic test matches; and personally monitoring the front line of service to improve service awareness and service levels...

Before seeing Bai Jiming, Liao Weixin was sitting in the crowd listening to the staff of the Ministry of Health conducting food hygiene training. The multi-purpose hall with more than a thousand people was full. Most of them were volunteers selected by various colleges and sports schools, and some were service staff of the Kerry Hotel.

The staff member spoke in a very low voice and very fast, and his speech was boring, making everyone drowsy. Liao Weixin wanted to stand up and leave several times, but he forced himself to hold back. He just had to sit here, and it didn't matter whether he listened or not. The key was to show a gesture, a degree of importance. To show it to his employees and to the government officials of S City.