I Only Want You

Chapter 7: How to express love


How can I not be sad

You advised me to put out the fire in my heart

What else can I say

It's wrong anyway.

—Zhao Chuan, "How to Say Love"

Bai Jiming didn't bother to look at the ecstasy in Liao Weixin's eyes. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door, got out of the car, turned around and walked out.

Liao Weixin chased after him and grabbed him: "Jiming..." Bai Jiming stopped, his heart beating wildly. This was beyond his imagination and he was a little caught off guard. He closed his eyes. After being a teacher for three years, he had already learned how to hide his emotions. The more panicked he was, the more he had to stay calm, at least on the surface.

Before he could speak, Liao Weixin's voice came to his ears: "Jiming, let's start over, okay?" Bai Jiming turned around, his face calm and distant: "Boss Liao, I'm a little drunk, don't take it to heart. You take a rest, I'm leaving."

"It's clear now." Liao Weixin called him, with a bitter smile on his face, "Don't you want to consider it? I think I've fallen in love with you."

"Love me?" Bai Jiming said sarcastically, "Mr. Liao, do you think you are filming a TV series? A night of passion, the bed partner disappears, and then a sparrow turns into a phoenix? It's a pity that I'm not Cinderella, and Mr. Liao doesn't have glass shoes. Let's stop here, it won't be fun if we continue."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious."

"That's your business. You only fell in love with Bai Jiming during that month. You must have seen me when I was toasting just now. I have been lying to you all along and never told you the truth. That Bai Jiming was not me. I was just pretending. I am exhausted after acting for a month. I don't want to continue."

Liao Weixin saw the mockery in his eyes, sighed, and said slowly: "I am not a child. I can clearly tell the difference between falling in love with a real person and an imaginary phantom. Can you please stop being like this? Let's go upstairs and talk calmly."

Bai Jiming shook his head and said seriously, "Boss Liao, you are rich and powerful. If I am not here, there will be others. Why bother? I am just an ordinary citizen who just wants to live an ordinary life. I cannot bear your love. Let's part ways in peace. We will never see each other again after the Olympics. Isn't it good to leave some good memories?"

Liao Weixin stopped talking, his eyes were burning and sharp, staring at Bai Jiming's eyes. Bai Jiming could still look back at him at first, but gradually he couldn't stand it anymore and turned his head away.

"Is this what you want? Perfect memories, and then follow the rules?" Liao Weixin is worthy of being Liao Weixin. He immediately understood everything after making a connection. "Bai Jiming, as long as you say that you have never fallen in love with me, I will leave immediately and never bother you again. How about it?"

Bai Jiming tightly grasped the strap of his backpack, wanting to speak, but he didn't. He lowered his eyelids and pursed his lips stubbornly, but his whole body was so fragile that it made people feel distressed. Liao Weixin couldn't bear it, so he softened his voice and said softly: "Jiming, can you be honest? Is it difficult to admit that you love me?"

Bai Jiming raised his head suddenly and said coldly, "It's not difficult! Yes, I fell in love with you, so what? There are many kinds of love. If I have to face other people's prejudice and disgust, or my family's disappointment and distress just to love you, then I would rather not love. Liao Weixin, we are not living alone on a deserted island. No one can escape from this society. I don't have the courage or the ability to withstand the endless pressure of reality and keep love as bright as before. Rather than watching it gradually deteriorate and cause each other pain, it is better to make up our minds to break up from the beginning."