I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 100


Xiao Hen ignored the hand, "We have something to ask your organization for help."

Sister Yuan's eyes wandered, and she seemed to have seen the unusual atmosphere between the two. Her eyes were full of tenderness, "It's our honor."

Wen Qingling was puzzled, "Are you the boss of this organization? How powerful is your power? I want to find someone, can I do it in the shortest time?"

Sister Yuan smiled charmingly, "If it's about the antidote, I may not be the master. If I just find someone, I might be able to help."

Wen Qingling heard the meaning, "I'm looking for a guy named Hui, he should have some power in Jucheng."

Sister Yuan asked the two to sit down and talk slowly, "It's hard to find someone based on this news alone. Are there any other clues?"

Wen Qingling thought for a while, "He should have an assembled energy wooden warehouse flowing out, is this clue enough?"

Luo Fengjue was locked in the basement, and it was impossible to get those parts and crystal cores, unless someone specially gave it to him and asked him to modify it, which happened to be Luo Fengjue's strength.

Sister Yuan's expression became solemn. Nowadays, the energy wooden warehouse is not yet popular, and it is only used for military equipment. It is difficult for ordinary people to obtain the standard energy wooden warehouse. Standard weapons from the hospital.

Sister Yuan nodded solemnly, "This is indeed a useful clue, and I will have someone look into it immediately."

"Also," Wen Qingling said again, "he should still be a pervert who likes to chop people's hands."

Sister Yuan: "..."

Sister Yuan: "Okay, I'll make people pay attention."

Wen Qingling: "How long will it take?"

Sister Yuan: "At least one day."

Wen Qingling: "It's been too long."

Sister Yuan: "..."

a day long? To find a person among more than 100 million people is a huge project, and it will definitely take time.

Wen Qingling: "I want to see your big boss."

Sister Yuan: "..."

Wen Qingling: "By the way, let's talk about the antidote."

Sister Yuan's expression softened, "Wait a minute, please allow me to make a call first."

Sister Yuan left the box and went out to make a phone call.

Wen Qingling was attracted by the word "telephone". Is the Central Giant City so advanced? It has been three years since the end of the world, and there is still a phone

Wen Qingling whispered: "What do you think, how about tying the communication talents back here?"

"I don't think so." Xiao Hen ruthlessly refused.

After tying the big living people, can they still leave here smoothly? Could it be that they want to make a splash in the whole city? If it's just the two of them that might succeed, it's almost impossible to bring the others.

Sister Yuan came back soon, with the same smile on her face, and even the curvature of the corners of her mouth was the same as when she left, and she couldn't see any change, "Suddenly I remembered that the guest is definitely looking for a change who likes to chop people's hands... instead of collecting people's hands?" "

Wen Qingling "saw" that Mi Yan had his hands chopped off. As for where the hands went, he didn't know. Who knew if they were chopped and thrown away or stored? If it is a collection, it is really perverted.

Wen Qingling recalled the details carefully, and the two strong men said, "Don't let him die"... "Brother Hui's energy bank"... The dark blood on the two-seat sofa should be Mi Yan's blood, Luo Fengjue is skilled The dressing method of Mi Yan, and Mi Yan's "can't hold it", all show that it is not the first time that Mi Yan has been injured. He has been hurt all the time.

So, what does "energy pool" mean

Can one person be another person's energy reservoir? Unheard of, unseen, could it be that Miyan has some special ability

In line with not letting go of any possibility, Wen Qingling asked, "What does it mean to collect people's hands?"

Sister Yuan should know something from the big boss, otherwise she would not have said it before.

"Some time ago, an auction was held in the sixth district, and there was a special lot. It was a hand as beautiful as a crystal. It was different from any kind of crystal nucleus, but it also had energy, it was pure The energy is crystallized, and the energy inside is very soft and can be directly absorbed by the power user."

Sister Yuan sat back on the sofa, her beautiful red nails were as bright as blood, "One hand sold for a sky-high price."

Wen Qingling's eyes froze, and when Sister Yuan said these words, he had a strong premonition that this hand was related to Mi Yan!

Just like when he heard that the Central Giant City had developed an energy weapon, he had a hunch that it was not a good thing and would bring greater disasters to the world. Now it has been fulfilled, and he saw that even greater disasters are happening.

Wen Qingling said coldly, "I want to know who sent the hand to pat."

"I thought you wanted to know who took the hand away." Sister Yuan said: "The information of the person who sent the photo is kept secret, but many people know the person who took the photo."

Wen Qingling's dark and clear eyes stared at Sister Yuan, "I want to know who sent the shot."

Sister Yuan smiled charmingly, "Aren't you looking for Brother Hui?"

"The one who sent the shot is Brother Hui." Wen Qingling was very sure of this. This was his extremely accurate intuition.

Sister Yuan had a smile on her face, but she didn't mean to speak.

Wen Qingling understood, she was waiting for a price, what price to give, what work to do, it was about Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan, Wen Qingling didn't have time to bargain, he took out the light red potion and placed it in the on the coffee table.

"An antidote for zombie virus, find out who and where the shooter is within an hour, this antidote belongs to you."

If the antidote is real, an antidote is a life, and its value is not measured by the core energy.

Sister Yuan looked at the light red potion with dark eyes. When Brother Yu told her, she was still full of doubts. She didn't expect such a thing to exist.

Wen Qingling: "Don't doubt the authenticity of this medicine. You can take it to someone to test it now, but I will start the timer from now on. The timer has already started. You can think about it slowly."

Sister Yuan glanced at Xiao Hen who had been silent, grabbed the antidote, got up and left.

If it is a real antidote, just find someone to test the medicine, but a chance to survive is wasted.

Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen didn't leave. After Sister Yuan went out, she never came back. Wen Qingling was not afraid that she would take the antidote and do nothing. If she really dared to do this, Wen Qingling would dare to destroy the Mud Rat Organization.

Forty minutes later, Sister Yuan came back and brought back the news that Wen Qingling wanted.

The shooter who can only measure the crystal hand is named Yu Jinhui. He has a lot of industries, and there are many teams of power users who rely on him for protection. He is also considered a figure in the sixth district.

Wen Qingling: "Where is he now?"

Sister Yuan did not answer directly, but glanced at Xiao Hen, "Yu Jinhui is very hard backstage, can I ask you why you are looking for him?"

Sister Yuan clearly meant something, and Wen Qingling's murderous aura almost condensed into substance, "It will kill him."

Sister Yuan paused and looked at Xiao Hen again, "Colonel Xiao, our mud rat's information is absolutely accurate, Yu Jinhui is the brother-in-law of General Nie's only son, Nie Tianling. If you kill Yu Jinhui, the Nie family will definitely not stand idly by.”

Wen Qingling looks a little small and can't figure out the twists and turns. Sister Yuan doesn't think Xiao Hen can't figure it out either. The third district is adjacent to the first and sixth districts, and the first district and the third district are adjacent to each other. The friction between the three major districts has already been brought to light. If there is another conflict with the sixth district, it will inevitably be attacked from the left and right, and the situation in the third district will be worrying.

Xiao Hen didn't make a sound, his eyes were heavy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Sister Yuan smiled and said, "It's me who talks too much."

"Yu Jinhui is on his way to Jinyang Animal Farm." Jinyang Animal Farm is a live mutant beast trading market, "I heard that there is a mutant cat there, Nie Hao is pursuing Miss Hua Er, and I heard that Hua The second lady likes cats very much, in order to make this unrelated nephew happy, Yu Jinhui has been looking for cats for him."

Xiao Hen's eyes under the cap were even deeper. These news were outside the transaction. Xiao Hen didn't think Sister Yuan would be so enthusiastic about telling him this, "Who is your boss?"

Sister Yuan smiled politely, "The time is right, you will meet."

"Where is Jinyang Animal Farm?" Wen Qingling couldn't wait.

Xiao Hen took Wen Qingling's hand and led him away quickly.

He really didn't know who had the right wife, step-wife, brother-in-law, etc. He still knew where the "Jinyang Animal Farm" was.

As soon as the two got downstairs, they saw Brother Yu who was waiting.

Brother Yu was respectful and handed over the car keys with both hands, "Sister Yuan thought that the two of you might need a car, so she ordered me to prepare it."

Xiao Hen was not polite to him, picked up the car key and got into the car, and took Wen Qingling all the way to Jinyang Animal Farm.

Jinyang Animal Farm is located at the junction of the third, fourth and sixth districts, close to the center of the giant city, and far from their current position. Xiao Hen drove all the way.

They didn't know what Yu Jinhui looked like, but they knew that the mutant puppet cat should be quite rare. If they found the mutant puppet cat, they should be able to find Yu Jinhui.

"The powerful spiritual powers are all in important positions in the giant city, and it is unlikely that they will go to the Jinyang animal farm." Xiao Hen reminded.

Wen Qingling understood, his mental power was released, and the entire Jinyang Animal Farm was shrouded in his mental power. He soon discovered the creature suspected of mutated puppet cat, and the two drove to it.

As for why you say "suspected", it's really because the mutant ragdoll cat is too big. If it weren't for the appearance of the ragdoll cat, Wen Qingling would have thought it was a big tortoiseshell lion. Being a beast is almost the same as being a pet.

Of course, it is not ruled out that people buy it back to look after the home.

Before the end of the world, cats were the top predators. Don’t take pet cats as cats, especially after the body swelled, the feline attributes of pet cats were improved in all directions, not to mention the speed, only the fangs and sharp claws stretched Come out, longer than a real beast.

A car overtook from the side and obliquely blocked in front of Xiao Hen's car. Xiao Hen slammed on the brakes and narrowly missed it.

A few strong men got out of the car, surrounded by a man who walked towards the mutant puppet cat without turning his head. There had been several circles of people there, obviously all of them were attracted by the mutant puppet cat that was captured alive.

Even if it is locked in a cage, the mutant puppet cat does not lose its nobility and elegance. The sapphire-like cat eyes are half-squinted, and they are dismissive of this group of fish-lipped humans.

"Let it go! Brother Hui is here, we want this mutant puppet cat!" The brawny man who opened the way pushed away the crowd and told everyone loudly that the mutant puppet cat had an owner.

Wen Qingling: "..."

This is really effortless.