I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 106


On the streets of the fourth district, a human-shaped seaweed appeared.

Luo Fengjue was so excited that he lost control. He always thought that he had no relatives, but his father was still alive and well. Now he is in Wen Qingling's affiliated base. How can this not make him excited

Several times I wanted to hug Wen Qingling and go around in circles three hundred and six degrees, but they were all slapped away by Wen Qingling with great disgust.

Wen Qingling forced in a low voice, "Let's throw him away, people are crazy."

Seeing that Luo Fengjue was so excited, Mi Yan also followed silly.

Xiao Hen: "Let him twist for a while."

A gorgeous pink sports car came roaring, a girl with sunglasses on the car, long hair fluttering, delicate makeup, fragrant wind, followed by two military vehicles, with great pomp, pedestrians avoided one after another, and there was a lot of discussion.

Wen Qingling listened and knew that the person on the pink sports car was Hua Jiang's youngest daughter, Hua Feiyan. She was famous for her unruly personality. No one dared to provoke her in the fourth district. She had to walk around when she saw her. Well, forget it, the key is that she still has strength. Anyone who looks at her will be beaten to death. If you don't look at her, you will be beaten if you don't know how to appreciate her beauty. The best way to get beaten is to run away from her when you see her.

Wen Qingling and the others stood on the sidewalk, watching the pink sports car roaring past, and then roaring back again, before anyone could react, a jet of water flew towards Dabai on the side of the road, and the water jet wrapped around Dabai's neck. Tangled like a viper.

"This cat belongs to me, bring it to me!"

Da Bai was dragged out with only a "meow" sound, and the pink sports car roared, actually trying to drag Da Bai away like that.

Wen Qingling's eyes turned cold, Xiao Hen had already shot, the invisible and colorless space blade popped out, cutting off the water column wrapped around Dabai's neck, Hua Feiyan in the car screamed, the gorgeous pink sports car had been pierced by two thick of wood pierced in the air.

She grabbed the door in a panic, so she didn't fall out of the car, but the next moment, the body weightless, the giant wooden thorn disappeared, the pink sports car slammed down with a bang, Hua Feiyan fell to the ground with a bang, and lay on the ground. There was no response for a long time.

The two military vehicles that accompanied her to protect her stopped one after another. The soldier got out of the car and quickly walked over to help her. Hua Feiyan was stunned for a long time before screaming, throwing away the soldier, and got up from the ground by herself. People are on the verge of rampage.

When the nearby pedestrians saw the situation, they all left the scene as quickly as possible to find a place to hide.

"Do you know who this young lady is? You dare to take action against this young lady, you should be damned! You should all be damned!!!"

Wen Qingling seemed to be unaware, he was untethering Mi Yan, because he was forcibly cut off because of dragging, Da Bai rolled on the ground twice, and Mi Yan, who was tied to Da Bai's back, suffered a disaster, fell to the ground and suffered multiple bruises. .

The water blade failed to get close to Wen Qingling, it had been chopped up by the invisible blade of space, and shattered into a pool of water mist behind Wen Qingling.

Hua Feiyan couldn't believe it, she didn't see anyone take action, but her water blade was so resolved.

Hua Feiyan screamed violently, "Give me death!!!"

The densely packed water droplets were suspended beside Hua Feiyan and changed their shape. Each droplet turned into an arrowhead. No matter how big the area was, she didn't think about whether it would hurt or not. innocent.

Pedestrians nearby screamed and fled. Several people who were closer were shot by water arrows and fell to the ground on the spot. The water drop arrowheads wrapped with supernatural abilities were as sharp as swords. The few people who were accidentally injured were either pierced in their thighs, or The forearm was bruised and bleeding...


Hua Feiyan, who was showing her power, only felt that something was slapped on her face. It was hot at first, then severe pain, and finally half of her face was numb. She felt something dripping down from her face, all her water arrows. Turned into water droplets, one after another fell to the ground.

Hua Feiyan saw everyone looking at her in horror, she raised her hand, touched her numb face, and touched the blood on her hand.

Hua Feiyan: "..."

Hua Feiyan: "Aah!!!!"

The scream pierced the entire fourth district!

Brother Bing came back to his senses from his stunned stupor, and raised wooden warehouses to take aim. Hua Feiyan screamed, "Kill them for me! Kill them!!!"

Wen Qingling waved his hand, and all the wooden warehouse entrances aimed at them were instantly raised to the sky, and the sound of banging continued for a while.

Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen looked at each other and both understood what the other was thinking, Xiao Hen had already rushed out, bent over and got into a military vehicle.


Wen Qingling grabbed Mi Yan and rushed towards the military vehicle, the three of them sat firmly, and Xiao Hen swerved and rushed out.

Da Bai followed and ran a few steps, jumped onto the roof of the car, clawed the roof as a cat cake, and ran away.

Hua Feiyan was left alone screaming and jumping on the spot, and the people who hid and watched the whole process felt very happy.

Hua Feiyan threw away the soldier, and drove home in a military vehicle to complain.

The most important thing for a girl is her face, and now her face is covered in blood and looks very scary.

When Hua Feiyan got home, she almost fainted from crying.

In the car, Wen Qingling's nose is not a nose, and his eyes are not eyes, "Who said you wouldn't let me hold it?"

Mi Yan had multiple scratches on his face, his forehead was broken, his nose was bleeding, and he looked very miserable. He said very spinelessly: "It's definitely not me, you ask Luo Ge."

Luo Fengjue: "..."

Luo Fengjue: "You can leave it to me next time."

Wen Qingling took out some food and water and handed it to Mi Yan, "Next time I'll give it to him with his own legs, he has bald hands, not legs."

Mi Yan hugged the meat with two bald balds, and he didn't know how to open his mouth. He couldn't even open the bag. How would he eat it

Mi Yan looked at Wen Qingling pitifully, Wen Qingling was very cold and ruthless, just didn't look at him.

Luo Fengjue couldn't see it, he took the pieces of meat, tore them into pieces and fed them to Mi Yan, eating a few mouthfuls of meat and feeding them a mouthful of water.

Xiao Hen looked at it from the indoor mirror and was very relieved that his rival in love finally lost one.

"How to go?" Xiao Hen asked.

Luo Fengjue and Mi Yan shook their heads at the same time. They have been locked up for so long, how do they know where Bei Ya and Jiang Xin are

Wen Qingling didn't count on them, "Go back to the sixth district first."

Xiao Hen drove a military vehicle through the fourth area. When he encountered a checkpoint, he did not need to stop. He went straight through. When the guard was notified to intercept the military vehicle, Xiao Hen and the others had already left the fourth area.

As soon as he arrived at the sixth district, he ran into the sixth district patrol head-on, Xiao Hen turned and galloped in one direction.

The patrol immediately pursued.

The military vehicles in the fourth district actually drove to the sixth district openly. What is the fourth district doing? Bully them in the sixth district with few people and small land

Xiao Hen galloped all the way and kept avoiding the patrol.

Wen Qingling: "These patrols are looking for us?"

Xiao Hen: "No doubt."

Seeing this all-out patrol team, it's hard to tell if it's not looking for them.

Wen Qingling expressed doubts, "Yu Jinhui is so important to the Nie family?"

Xiao Hen also found it strange. When they escaped, if there were so many patrols blocking them, they would definitely not be able to escape so easily. Is there something that happened in the sixth district that they didn't know

The military vehicles in the sixth district rushed out one after another, blocking the way, and the soldier held a wooden warehouse and ordered them to stop.

The vine hell started, and all the military vehicles were overturned.

When the vehicle passed by, the shocked soldier came back to his senses. They originally thought that they were chasing people from the fourth district, but they did not expect that it was the person who had issued a death order to be arrested!

Mr. Nie waited anxiously at the headquarters.

Nie Tianling expressed his disapproval of his father's behavior, "They have already left the sixth district, and they won't be so stupid to come back.

There is no need for Nie Tianling to remind him. Mr. Nie has already sent someone to inquire about the fourth district secretly. It is about Wen Qingling. Even if he offends the fourth district, he will not give up. Once the sixth district has mastered the zombie virus vaccine, their The right to speak will overwhelm other regions.

"They will come back. With the character of Wen Qing Ling's will to report, he will not let the murderer go."

Mr. Nie is also gambling, betting on the viciousness of Qingling, he can kill Yu Jinhui for the sake of his friends, and will he return for revenge for the sake of his friends

The real murderer is still in the sixth district.

The adjutant hurried to report and found Wen Qingling.

Old Man Nie's face was flushed, and he was very excited, "Very good! It is said that the person who gave Yu Jinhui the gift was arrested by the military. I want to see if they dare to come and take revenge!"

The adjutant took orders and arranged.

Jiang Xin and Bei Ya have been waiting for Wen Qingling to be unlucky, but they didn't expect that they would be unlucky first. It is not difficult for the Nie family to find out who sent Mi Yan to Yu Jinhui. They are in the sixth district, and the Nie family wants to If you catch them, they won't even have a place to flee, unless they also have the strength of Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen, they obviously don't.

Mr. Nie used their classmate relationship and hatred to attract Wen Qingling to take revenge. As long as Wen Qingling dared to come, Mr. Nie would have the confidence to catch him.

Mr. Nie had no doubt that they would not be able to catch a single person.

Wen Qingling released a trace of spiritual power and asked Xiao Hen, "Are there any spiritual abilities in the sixth district?"

Xiao Hen: "There are psychic power users in all regions. As far as I know, the level of spiritual power users in the sixth region should be D-level."

It is difficult to upgrade the power level. Even if there is enough supply of crystal cores, it is very difficult to break through the level barrier. Xiao Hen's talent is already very high, and he was trapped in D-level for a long time. Only broke through the C-level barrier.

The D-level ability is still in the growth stage, and it has not reached the point where it can be used freely, which is incomparable to Wen Qingling's spiritual power.

Even if it is discovered, the other party can't stop it, and it is impossible to determine Wen Qingling's location. If you are a little careful, Wen Qingling may be able to avoid the coverage of the other party's mental power in advance.

As soon as Wen Qingling's spiritual power was released, he heard discussions before it covered much distance.

"Have you heard? Has the murderer of Brother Hui been caught?"

"Your information is inaccurate. The real murderer has not been caught, but the person who gave gifts to Brother Hui has been caught. I heard that they used to be college classmates and sold their classmates for their own benefit. Brother Hui has been kept in the dark. Injured disaster."

"Mrs. Yu only has such a younger brother, and she will definitely not let them go."

"Of course, those two people have been detained in the military headquarters, and General Nie will not spare them lightly."