I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 110


Lu Tianjin didn't waste any time, and said directly: "I feel Xu Shengfei is moving, she is heading north, and she may be out of the city."

If Xu Shengfei really left the city, Lu Tianjin alone wouldn't be able to catch up. Without Wen Qingling's help, he couldn't even climb the wall by himself. As a zombie, he felt very shameless.

Wen Qingling: "Your tracking has opened my eyes, do you want to run and chase until the end of the world?"

Lu Tianjin: "..."

Seeing the disgust in Wen Qingling's eyes, Lu Tianjin defended himself, "It's very inconvenient for me to act like this."

Wen Qingling: "Do you also know that you have a great taste?"

Lu Tianjin: "..."

I'm a zombie, is it my fault that I smell

Lu Tianjin hesitated for a while before saying, "Qingling, can you..."

Wen Qingling: "No."

Lu Tianjin: "..."

Wen Qingling: "You have eaten people, even if they are not pure people, you have eaten them."

Lu Tianjin clenched his withered hands in his black robe slowly, "Those zombies you saved, since they haven't hibernated, they've tasted their flesh and blood. What's your criteria for saving them?"

Wen Qingling looked at it, "Do you think conscious hunting is the same as unconscious hunting?"

Lu Tianjin was silent.

Wen Qingling: "Don't say that I disregarded the brotherhood of those two years. If you knew Xu Shengfei harmed me and wanted to protect her, our brotherhood would no longer exist, and I don't owe you anything."

On the contrary, to say who owes whom, it must be that Lu Tianjin owes him more.

Wen Qingling didn't know whether Lu Tianjin remembered grace or not, but Luo Fengjue remembered it for him.

But it doesn't matter, be it kindness or hatred, Wen Qingling doesn't care anymore, what he wants to do, he will do it naturally, not bound by emotions, not restrained by strength, not restrained by the world, free, this feeling More comfortable for him than when he was human.

Lu Tianjin: "I said it was for the base, do you believe it?"

Wen Qingling: "No matter what you are for, I don't care anymore."

Lu Tianjin stood silently for a long time, "Let's go, I'll take you to Xu Shengfei."

This is the only thing he can do now, to put an end to his indecision, his whims, and his overflowing kindness, and to make a complete break with Xu Shengfei.

Wen Qingling glanced at it and didn't say much. She took it to avoid humans and approached the hidden city wall. The inside of the city was restricted, and the outside of the city was more suitable for Lu Tianjin's actions.

At the north gate of the central giant city, several military vehicles roared away from the giant city and drove towards Licheng in the distance.

In the spacious military vehicle, Xu Shengfei was wrapped in black robes, and there were people sitting on the left and right. She knew that even if she did more things for Yin Chengrui, Yin Chengrui would not completely trust her.

Her ability is the root of Yin Chengrui's fear of her.

These Xu Shengfei don't care. They cooperate and use each other. Xu Shengfei wants to use Yin Chengrui's power. Yin Chengrui also needs Xu Shengfei's ability. The most important thing is that they all have a common enemy - Wen Qingling.

Or on Yin Chengrui's side, add a Xiao Hen team.

There were five people in the military vehicle, except for Xu Shengfei, who were all Yin Chengrui's confidants and members of his team.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Yin Chengrui was still a little worried about this operation, "Are you sure this time is safe?"

Xu Shengfei's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, "Don't worry, they will guard against zombies and corpse beasts. They don't think about guarding against humans, especially their own people."

As long as Wen Qingling is not there, her corpse will not be afraid.

Yin Chengrui nodded, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as you succeed, your goals will be achieved, and you will also become a great hero of the Central Giant City."

Xiao Hen obstructed the previous several actions. Now Xiao Hen is in Lingcheng. If you don't believe it, you can still do bad things for him.

When I think of myself returning to the central giant city in a hurry, I want to secretly implement the corpse introduction plan, so that the corpse can be hidden in the major districts of the central giant city. It has completely become the private property of the Yin family.

At that time, Yin Chengrui firmly believed that no one in the central giant city knew about the corpse. Xu Shengfei acted very carefully. He had seen the corpse in person, and he was exactly the same as a human being. It was called perfect, but when he actually came back, he was completely stunned by the sudden blood test.

When he knew the purpose of the blood test from his grandfather, he almost fainted.

His plan was stillborn before it was implemented. Even if the first district guarded the north gate and could become a breakthrough for the corpse, then the other three gates would not be able to get in or out, as long as they found blood Abnormal, the existence of corpse will inevitably be exposed, such a good killer, Yin Chengrui does not want to give up no matter what.

It was the third district that put him in such a dilemma!

They are well-founded. The first district dares to refute the fact that the corpse does not exist, and the third district slaps the corpse's corpse in their face in minutes. The evidence is in front of them, and they cannot tolerate the seven major forces not believing.

No doubt, Xiao Hen must have come back. He brought news and sent back a corpse sample. Xiao Hen did all this in advance before he came back, and he was still planning the future complacently!

Yin Chengrui had never hated Xiao Hen so much.

Yin Chengrui closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes were full of sinister and viciousness. If he can't kill Xiao Hen, he will kill his father first, cut off his back road, and see what he can do!

Xiao Hen went all the way to the third district headquarters and was stopped downstairs.

Xiao Hen pulled down his mask, "It's me."

The guard was shocked. When Xiao Hen fled from the headquarters, he almost used the entire headquarters to chase him, but naturally he didn't catch up. If it wasn't for the evolution of the human body after the end of the world, General Xiao and Lao Xue would have been angry by now. Brain hemorrhage.

The news they knew was that General Xiao would not allow Colonel Xiao to go to Lingcheng. Colonel Xiao ran away in disobedience against the military order.

The guard did not expect to see Xiao Hen suddenly, and immediately shouted: "Colonel!"

Xiao Hen: "…"

He immediately pulled on his mask and looked around like a thief, "Is General Xiao there?"

The guard stood up straight. If someone asked, he would definitely not reveal the whereabouts of General Xiao, but the person who could ask was Xiao Hen, the only son of General Xiao, and he could still reveal some.

Guard: "General Xiao is not here."

Xiao Hen was stunned, how could this person who has always only stayed at the headquarters suddenly left the headquarters

Xiao Hen wanted to ask where Xiao Jiang was, but when he thought of the guard's responsibilities, he didn't embarrass him.

Xiao Hen didn't find General Xiao, so he went to find Lao Xue, but Lao Xue was not there either.

Xiao Hen suddenly had a bad premonition—since he was transformed by Wen Qingling, his premonition has always been accurate.

Without saying a word, he snatched a military vehicle and was almost shot into a sieve. He had to brush his face to avoid suffering. He galloped all the way to the east gate and kept honking the horn. The sound of the horn was his eagerness.

Xiao Hen leaned on the window and asked the guard at the gate, "Are there any troops leaving the city?"

There were no soldiers under General Xiao who did not know Xiao Hen. When he saw that it was him, he immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Go back to Colonel, yes!"

Xiao Hen: "When did you leave?"

Guard: "It's been almost two hours."

Xiao Hen slammed the steering wheel, and no longer delayed, the overtaking car brushed past the wall, and one of the car's ears was wiped away, causing the people waiting in line to scream again and again.

In Shuangfeng City, a new wave of cleaning is underway.

General Xiao sat in the car with a stern face, commanding on the spot, with Lao Xue by his side, the longer the cleaning time, the darker General Xiao's face became.

General Xiao: "Are you sure this will happen?"

The general in charge of cleaning the city was a little nervous. He didn't expect Xiao Jiang and Xue Jiang to come over. "It was like this yesterday. Maybe it was too much movement to clean up the zombies that attracted that thing..."

Before the sound fell, there was a loud bang, and a building in front of it collapsed in half in an instant. Between the smoke and dust, a huge black shadow slowly emerged from the smoke and dust. When the smoke and dust cleared, Xiao Jiang and Lao Xue finally saw this with their own eyes. Only a white monster.

Both of them were shocked. They were very sure that such a giant monster with a white flower like a pile of fat had never appeared before.

This monster no longer belongs to the category of mutant animals and corpse beasts. No matter how they can see their original appearance, they can guess the original species, but this one is obviously nothing. They are very sure that before this, There is no such monster on earth!

At this time, the sound of the wooden warehouse was already loud outside, and countless energy was ejected on the huge white monster, causing no damage. On the contrary, there were too many energy bombs, and a layer of white light was cast on the surface of the white monster's body. Such a scene was very strange. Xiao Jiang and Lao Xue couldn't help frowning.

Bai Huahua's giant Roshan slowly wriggled, ignoring all attacks, the advancing white Roshan slightly raised its front... Such a familiar action!

The on-site commander hurriedly picked up the car megaphone, "Retreat! It's going to spray venom!"

The soldiers who were attacking immediately stopped, turned around and ran.

"Pfft!" A pile of mucus sprayed out, with a long range and enough volume. The two soldiers who ran at the end were smeared on the ground by the turbid and transparent mucus, and the other soldiers hurried over to help.

White Roshan moves slowly, and when it creeps over, the soldiers have time to rescue their comrades, but these mucus are very troublesome, highly corrosive and poisonous, thick and sticky, and a lot of them cover the body, which is even worse than being pressed on the bottom of the water. People suffocate.

After yesterday's experience, a group of people wore several layers of gloves, corroded one layer and several layers, and began to tear and pull the sticky venom desperately to save their comrades.

At this time, daggers and long knives are completely useless. It takes a long time to stab in and pull out, and it is not as fast as hands.

When the two of them were finally pulled out of the mucus, the people had been corroded and there was no human form, and the rescue failed.

The measures they thought of today obviously didn't work. They could only retreat farther. Even if they saw the venom of White Roshan yesterday, and they encountered it again today, people would still die.